# Hawaiian Gold Coral Bulk and Compound Specific Nitrogen Isotope Data for the Last Millennium #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Online_Resource: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/ # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/coral/east_pacific/sherwood2014/sherwood2014-maka.txt # # Original_Source_URL: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v505/n7481/full/nature12784.html # # Archive: Corals and Sclerosponges #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2014-11-14 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Hawaiian Gold Coral Bulk and Compound Specific Nitrogen Isotope Data for the Last Millennium #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Sherwood, Owen; Guilderson, Thomas; Batista, Fabian; Schiff, John; McCarthy, Matthew #--------------------------------------- # Description and Notes # Description: Colonies of Hawaiian gold coral (K. haumeaae) were collected from approx. 450 m water depth from 3 sites in the Hawaiian archipelago (Makapuu, Cross Seamount, and French Frigate Shoals) with the HURL/NOAA Pisces V submersible between 1997 and 2004. Air-dried colonies were sectioned near the skeletal base, polished and photographed under a binocular microscope. A computerized Merchantek micromill was used to mill samples, parallel to growth banding, at increments of 0.1 mm, along radial transects from the outer edge to the center of each section. Each sample represents from 1 to 20 (average 5) years of growth, depending on growth rate. Radiocarbon dating of sample aliquots was used for age modeling. # Bulk nitrogen isotope ratios were measured using a Carlo Erba 1108 elemental analyzer interfaced to a ThermoFinningan Delta Plus XP isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS). Values are reported in per mille units relative to atmospheric N2. Amino acid specific nitrogen isotope atios were measured on 15-20 mg sample composites (combining 3-10 separate samples). Composites were hydrolysed in 6 N HCl (100 ml, 20 h), spiked with a norleucine internal standard followed by formation of trifluoroacetyl/isopropyl ester (TFA) derivatives. Derivatives were analyzed on a Thermo Trace Ultra GC, fitted with a SGE BPX5 capillary column (60m x 0.32mm ID, 1 micrometer), in line with oxidation and reduction furnaces, and linked to a ThermoFinnigan Delta Plus XP IRMS. Samples were analysed in quadruplicate. Analytical accuracy was monitored by analysis of the norleucine internal standard and co-derivatized AA external standards for which authentic d15N values of each AA were determined offline. Reproducibility for individual AA values was typically better than 1 per mille. # #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Sherwood, O., T. Guilderson, F. Batista, J. Schiff, and M. McCarthy # Published_Date_or_Year: 2014 # Published_Title: Increasing subtropical North Pacific Ocean nitrogen fixation since the Little Ice Age # Journal_Name: Nature # Volume: 505 # Issue: 78-81 # Pages: # Report Number: # DOI: 10.1038/nature12784 # Abstract: The North Pacific subtropical gyre (NPSG) plays a major part in the export of carbon and other nutrients to the deep ocean. Primary production in the NPSG has increased in recent decades despite a reduction in nutrient supply to surface waters. It is thought that this apparent paradox can be explained by a shift in plankton community structure from mostly eukaryotes to mostly nitrogen-fixing prokaryotes. It remains uncertain, however, whether the plankton community domain shift can be linked to cyclical climate variability or a long-term global warming trend. Here we analyse records of bulk and amino-acid-specific 15N/14N isotopic ratios (d15N) preserved in the skeletons of long-lived deep-sea proteinaceous corals collected from the Hawaiian archipelago; these isotopic records serve as a proxy for the source of nitrogen-supported export production through time. We find that the recent increase in nitrogen fixation is the continuation of a much larger, centennial-scale trend. After a millennium of relatively minor fluctuation, d15N decreases between 1850 and the present. The total shift in d15N of 2 per mil over this period is comparable to the total change in global mean sedimentary d15N across the Pleistocene-Holocene transition, but it is happening an order of magnitude faster. We use a steady-state model and find that the isotopic mass balance between nitrate and nitrogen fixation implies a 17 to 27 percent increase in nitrogen fixation over this time period. A comparison with independent records suggests that the increase in nitrogen fixation might be linked to Northern Hemisphere climate change since the end of the Little Ice Age. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Science Foundation # Grant: OCE 1061689 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration/National Undersea Research Program # Grant: 7717-04 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: United States Department of Energy # Grant: DE-AC52-07NA27344 #--------------------------------------- # Site Information # Site_Name: Makapuu # Location: Hawaii # Country: USA # Northernmost_Latitude: 21.29 # Southernmost_Latitude: 21.29 # Easternmost_Longitude: -157.54 # Westernmost_Longitude: -157.54 # Elevation: -450 #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Makapuu Bulk d15N Sherwood14 # First_Year: 1149 # Last_Year: 1979 # Time_Unit: AD # Core_Length: # Notes: d15N analytical error <0.15 per mille. Site water depth is approximately 450m #--------------------------------------- # Species # Species_Name: Kulamanamana haumeaae, Sinniger et al., 2013 # Common_Name: Hawaiian Gold Coral #--------------------------------------- # Chronology: # # Labcode Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (CAMS) sample identification # Site site name # Specimen ID specimen identification # Material material dated # Sample # sample number # Distance distance from outer margin of coral section # delta13C bulk stable carbon isotope value # Fmod fraction modern # Fmod.err fraction modern error # D14C Delta 14 C # D14C.err Delta 14 C error # 14Cage conventional radiocarbon age, years before 1950AD # 14Cage.err radiocarbon age, standard error # DateMeth dating method # DeltaR deviation from global mean reservoir correction # DeltaR.err deviation from global mean reservoir correction error # Curve calibration curve # Calib.14C calibrated age in years AD # Calib.14C_2sig_lo calibrated age, 2-sigma lower confidence bound # Calib.14C_2sig_up calibrated age, 2-sigma upper confidence bound # Calib_method calibration method # Rejected rejected sample (yes/no) # Notes notes # # Labcode Site Specimen ID Material Sample # Distance delta13C Fmod Fmod.err D14C D14C.err 14Cage 14Cage.err DateMeth DeltaR DeltaR.err Curve Calib.14C Calib.14C_2sig_lo Calib.14C_2sig_up Rejected Notes # 156055 Makapuu Ger9701 Kulamanamana haumeaae 1 0.1 -16.9 1.1138 0.0042 113.8 4.2 > modern -999 14C AMS -999 -999 Druffel et al., 2001 -17 -18 -15 no - # 156056 Makapuu Ger9701 Kulamanamana haumeaae 20 2.12 -15.7 0.9482 0.0029 -51.8 2.9 425 25 14C AMS -34 13 Marine09 119 95 143 no - # 156057 Makapuu Ger9701 Kulamanamana haumeaae 41 4.24 -15.6 0.9339 0.0035 -66.1 3.5 550 30 14C AMS -34 13 Marine09 209 131 288 no - # 156058 Makapuu Ger9701 Kulamanamana haumeaae 52 5.47 -15.7 0.9321 0.0028 -67.9 2.8 565 25 14C AMS -34 13 Marine09 219 145 293 no - # 156059 Makapuu Ger9701 Kulamanamana haumeaae 81 8.72 -16 0.9147 0.0046 -85.3 4.6 715 45 14C AMS -34 13 Marine09 385 296 474 no - # 156060 Makapuu Ger9701 Kulamanamana haumeaae 108 11.84 -16.1 0.8884 0.0028 -111.6 2.8 950 25 14C AMS -34 13 Marine09 574 520 628 no - # 156061 Makapuu Ger9701 Kulamanamana haumeaae 121 13.17 -16.4 0.8816 0.0029 -118.4 2.9 1015 30 14C AMS -34 13 Marine09 608 549 667 no - # 156062 Makapuu Ger9701 Kulamanamana haumeaae 141 15.43 -16.3 0.8684 0.0029 -131.6 2.9 1135 30 14C AMS -34 13 Marine09 715 655 776 no - # # 153722 Makapuu Ger9702 Kulamanamana haumeaae 4z 0.04 -15.7 0.9414 0.0039 -58.6 3.9 485 35 14C AMS -34 13 Marine09 127 0 254 no - # 153723 Makapuu Ger9702 Kulamanamana haumeaae 40 3.35 -15.6 0.9334 0.0034 -66.6 3.4 555 30 14C AMS -34 13 Marine09 212 134 291 no - # 156064 Makapuu Ger9702 Kulamanamana haumeaae 64 6.12 -15.6 0.917 0.003 -83 3 695 30 14C AMS -34 13 Marine09 371 296 446 no - # 153724 Makapuu Ger9702 Kulamanamana haumeaae 80 7.78 -16.1 0.9204 0.003 -79.6 3 665 30 14C AMS -34 13 Marine09 350 279 421 no - # 156065 Makapuu Ger9702 Kulamanamana haumeaae 102 10.02 -16.4 0.9006 0.0026 -99.4 2.6 840 25 14C AMS -34 13 Marine09 493 454 532 no - # 153725 Makapuu Ger9702 Kulamanamana haumeaae 120 11.82 -16.2 0.878 0.0037 -122 3.7 1045 35 14C AMS -34 13 Marine09 629 558 701 no - # 156066 Makapuu Ger9702 Kulamanamana haumeaae 138 13.67 -16.4 0.8711 0.0029 -128.9 2.9 1110 30 14C AMS -34 13 Marine09 698 642 754 no - # 153726 Makapuu Ger9702 Kulamanamana haumeaae 160 16.21 -16.8 0.8583 0.0037 -141.7 3.7 1225 35 14C AMS -34 13 Marine09 807 719 896 no - # #--------------------------------------- # Variables # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) ## SpecimenID specimen identification,,,,,,,,C ## Sample#-Cor sample number,,,,,,,,N ## Dist-margin distance from outer margin of coral section,,,mm,,Corals and Sclerosponges,,,N ## age_AD-mean age from 14C model mean,,,years AD,,Corals and Sclerosponges,,,N ## age_AD-mean_min95 age 14C model minimum 95% confidence interval,,,years AD,,Corals and Sclerosponges,,,N ## age_AD-mean_max95 age 14C model maximum 95% confidence interval,,,years AD,,Corals and Sclerosponges,,,N ## d15N-K.haum delta 15N,Kulamanamana haumeaae,,per mil AIR,,Corals and Sclerosponges,,analytical technique: Elemental Analyzer - Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry, # Data # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Value: -999 SpecimenID Sample#-Cor Dist-margin age_AD-mean age_AD-mean_min95 age_AD-mean_max95 d15N-K.haum Ger9701 1 0.10 1979 1966 1999 8.1 Ger9701 2 0.20 1974 1961 1996 8.14 Ger9701 3 0.30 1969 1955 1993 8.26 Ger9701 4 0.40 1963 1947 1988 8.36 Ger9701 5 0.50 1958 1942 1985 -999 Ger9701 6 0.60 1953 1936 1982 8.5 Ger9701 7 0.70 1947 1928 1976 8.44 Ger9701 8 0.80 1942 1922 1973 8.52 Ger9701 9 0.90 1937 1916 1970 8.5 Ger9701 10 1.00 1931 1908 1965 8.41 Ger9701 11 1.19 1921 1896 1957 8.69 Ger9701 12 1.29 1916 1890 1954 8.4 Ger9701 13 1.39 1910 1882 1948 8.36 Ger9701 14 1.49 1905 1876 1945 8.45 Ger9701 15 1.59 1900 1870 1941 8.74 Ger9701 16 1.69 1894 1862 1935 8.8 Ger9701 17 1.79 1889 1856 1932 8.78 Ger9701 18 1.89 1884 1851 1928 8.91 Ger9701 19 1.99 1878 1843 1922 8.82 Ger9701 20 2.12 1872 1836 1917 8.89 Ger9701 21 2.22 1866 1828 1911 9.14 Ger9701 22 2.32 1861 1823 1906 9.15 Ger9701 23 2.42 1856 1817 1902 9.27 Ger9701 24 2.52 1850 1809 1895 9.22 Ger9701 25 2.62 1845 1804 1891 9.42 Ger9701 26 2.72 1840 1798 1887 9.66 Ger9701 27 2.82 1834 1791 1880 9.75 Ger9701 28 2.92 1829 1785 1875 9.75 Ger9701 29 3.02 1824 1780 1870 9.79 Ger9701 30 3.12 1819 1774 1865 9.66 Ger9701 31 3.22 1814 1768 1860 9.61 Ger9701 32 3.32 1808 1761 1854 9.63 Ger9701 33 3.42 1803 1755 1849 10.08 Ger9701 34 3.52 1798 1750 1844 10.09 Ger9701 35 3.62 1793 1744 1839 10.07 Ger9701 37 3.82 1783 1733 1829 10.11 Ger9701 38 3.92 1778 1728 1824 9.83 Ger9701 39 4.02 1773 1722 1819 9.77 Ger9701 40 4.12 1768 1717 1814 9.59 Ger9701 41 4.24 1762 1710 1807 9.52 Ger9701 42 4.34 1757 1704 1802 9.54 Ger9701 43 4.43 1752 1699 1797 9.66 Ger9701 44 4.52 1748 1695 1794 9.67 Ger9701 45 4.62 1743 1690 1788 9.89 Ger9701 46 4.72 1738 1684 1783 10.05 Ger9701 47 4.82 1733 1679 1778 9.94 Ger9701 48 4.92 1729 1675 1774 10.09 Ger9701 49 5.02 1724 1670 1769 10.15 Ger9701 50 5.17 1717 1662 1762 10.27 Ger9701 51 5.27 1712 1657 1757 10.34 Ger9701 52 5.47 1703 1648 1749 10.58 Ger9701 53 5.57 1698 1643 1744 10.49 Ger9701 54 5.67 1693 1638 1739 10.31 Ger9701 55 5.82 1686 1630 1732 10.33 Ger9701 56 5.89 1683 1628 1729 10.16 Ger9701 57 5.97 1679 1623 1725 10 Ger9701 58 6.05 1676 1621 1723 9.99 Ger9701 59 6.12 1672 1617 1718 10.06 Ger9701 60 6.20 1669 1614 1716 10.04 Ger9701 61 6.27 1665 1610 1712 10.31 Ger9701 62 6.37 1660 1604 1707 10.18 Ger9701 63 6.47 1656 1601 1704 10.77 Ger9701 64 6.58 1651 1596 1699 10.39 Ger9701 65 6.71 1645 1590 1693 10.27 Ger9701 66 6.83 1639 1584 1687 10.51 Ger9701 67 6.98 1632 1577 1681 10.01 Ger9701 68 7.13 1625 1570 1674 10.16 Ger9701 69 7.28 1618 1563 1668 10.05 Ger9701 70 7.44 1610 1555 1660 9.78 Ger9701 71 7.60 1603 1548 1654 9.86 Ger9701 72 7.76 1595 1540 1646 10.12 Ger9701 73 7.90 1588 1533 1639 10.38 Ger9701 74 8.00 1584 1529 1636 10.4 Ger9701 75 8.13 1577 1522 1629 10.39 Ger9701 76 8.23 1573 1519 1626 10.31 Ger9701 77 8.36 1566 1511 1618 10.28 Ger9701 78 8.47 1561 1507 1613 10.2 Ger9701 79 8.57 1556 1502 1608 10.13 Ger9701 80 8.62 1554 1500 1606 10.26 Ger9701 81 8.72 1549 1495 1601 9.99 Ger9701 82 8.84 1543 1489 1595 10.1 Ger9701 83 8.95 1538 1485 1590 9.78 Ger9701 84 9.07 1532 1480 1584 -999 Ger9701 85 9.23 1523 1471 1574 9.93 Ger9701 86 9.33 1518 1466 1569 9.79 Ger9701 87 9.43 1513 1462 1564 9.99 Ger9701 88 9.53 1508 1457 1558 9.94 Ger9701 89 9.63 1503 1453 1553 10.12 Ger9701 90 9.73 1498 1449 1548 10.14 Ger9701 91 9.83 1493 1444 1542 10.25 Ger9701 92 9.98 1486 1438 1535 10.17 Ger9701 93 10.08 1481 1434 1529 10.32 Ger9701 94 10.18 1476 1429 1524 10.44 Ger9701 95 10.32 1469 1423 1516 10.44 Ger9701 96 10.42 1463 1417 1508 10.31 Ger9701 97 10.52 1458 1412 1502 10.56 Ger9701 98 10.62 1453 1408 1497 10.36 Ger9701 99 10.81 1444 1400 1487 10.63 Ger9701 100 10.92 1438 1394 1480 10.48 Ger9701 101 11.04 1433 1391 1475 10.57 Ger9701 102 11.15 1427 1385 1468 10.62 Ger9701 103 11.25 1422 1381 1462 10.49 Ger9701 104 11.35 1417 1376 1456 10.39 Ger9701 105 11.45 1412 1371 1451 10.35 Ger9701 106 11.64 1403 1364 1441 10.38 Ger9701 107 11.73 1399 1361 1437 10.3 Ger9701 108 11.84 1394 1357 1431 10.41 Ger9701 109 11.94 1389 1352 1426 10.37 Ger9701 110 12.04 1384 1347 1420 10.69 Ger9701 111 12.14 1379 1342 1414 10.62 Ger9701 112 12.24 1375 1339 1411 10.67 Ger9701 113 12.34 1370 1333 1405 10.11 Ger9701 114 12.44 1366 1331 1401 10.64 Ger9701 115 12.54 1361 1325 1396 10.7 Ger9701 116 12.64 1356 1320 1390 10.83 Ger9701 117 12.69 1354 1319 1388 -999 Ger9701 118 12.87 1346 1311 1380 -999 Ger9701 119 12.97 1341 1305 1374 10.38 Ger9701 120 13.07 1337 1302 1371 10.85 Ger9701 121 13.17 1332 1297 1366 10.39 Ger9701 122 13.27 1328 1293 1362 9.5 Ger9701 123 13.37 1323 1287 1357 -999 Ger9701 124 13.48 1318 1282 1353 9.92 Ger9701 125 13.63 1312 1276 1348 9.81 Ger9701 126 13.61 1312 1276 1347 9.81 Ger9701 127 13.61 1313 1277 1349 9.87 Ger9701 128 13.93 1298 1261 1336 10 Ger9701 129 13.99 1295 1257 1334 9.63 Ger9701 130 14.14 1289 1251 1330 9.67 Ger9701 131 14.31 1282 1244 1325 9.93 Ger9701 132 14.41 1277 1238 1320 9.47 Ger9701 133 14.46 1275 1236 1319 9.65 Ger9701 134 14.56 1271 1232 1316 9.38 Ger9701 135 14.68 1265 1224 1312 9.78 Ger9701 136 14.80 1260 1219 1309 9.54 Ger9701 137 14.97 1253 1210 1305 9.79 Ger9701 138 15.08 1248 1204 1301 9.99 Ger9701 139 15.19 1243 1197 1298 10.09 Ger9701 140 15.31 1238 1191 1295 10.01 Ger9701 141 15.43 1233 1184 1291 10.08 Ger9701 142 15.54 1228 1178 1289 9.95 Ger9702 1 0.10 1841 1756 1900 -999.00 Ger9702 2 0.20 1837 1753 1895 -999.00 Ger9702 3 0.30 1833 1750 1890 -999.00 Ger9702 4 0.40 1829 1746 1886 9.94 Ger9702 5 0.50 1825 1743 1881 9.86 Ger9702 6 0.60 1821 1740 1876 9.79 Ger9702 7 0.85 1812 1734 1866 9.44 Ger9702 8 0.91 1809 1731 1862 9.33 Ger9702 9 0.97 1807 1730 1860 9.37 Ger9702 10 1.03 1805 1729 1858 9.41 Ger9702 11 1.09 1802 1726 1854 9.72 Ger9702 12 1.15 1800 1725 1852 10.18 Ger9702 13 1.21 1798 1724 1850 9.83 Ger9702 14 1.27 1795 1720 1846 9.76 Ger9702 15 1.33 1793 1719 1844 11.07 Ger9702 16 1.40 1790 1717 1840 9.97 Ger9702 17 1.46 1788 1716 1838 10.11 Ger9702 18 1.52 1786 1714 1836 9.89 Ger9702 19 1.58 1783 1711 1832 9.74 Ger9702 20 1.64 1781 1710 1830 9.60 Ger9702 22 1.76 1776 1706 1824 9.56 Ger9702 23 1.82 1774 1705 1822 9.53 Ger9702 24 1.88 1772 1703 1820 9.55 Ger9702 25 1.94 1769 1700 1816 9.50 Ger9702 26 2.00 1767 1699 1814 9.51 Ger9702 27 2.06 1765 1698 1812 9.64 Ger9702 28 2.12 1762 1695 1808 9.57 Ger9702 29 2.19 1760 1694 1806 9.67 Ger9702 30 2.25 1757 1691 1802 9.57 Ger9702 31 2.40 1752 1688 1797 9.46 Ger9702 32 2.55 1746 1683 1790 9.57 Ger9702 33 2.65 1742 1680 1786 9.53 Ger9702 34 2.75 1738 1677 1781 9.64 Ger9702 35 2.85 1734 1674 1777 9.68 Ger9702 36 2.95 1730 1671 1772 9.85 Ger9702 37 3.05 1726 1667 1767 9.99 Ger9702 38 3.15 1722 1664 1763 10.14 Ger9702 39 3.25 1718 1661 1758 10.02 Ger9702 40 3.35 1714 1658 1754 10.01 Ger9702 41 3.45 1710 1655 1749 10.45 Ger9702 42 3.55 1706 1652 1745 10.33 Ger9702 43 3.65 1703 1651 1742 10.10 Ger9702 44 4.12 1684 1635 1721 9.97 Ger9702 45 4.22 1680 1632 1716 11.08 Ger9702 46 4.32 1676 1629 1712 10.46 Ger9702 47 4.42 1672 1626 1708 10.48 Ger9702 48 4.52 1668 1622 1703 10.41 Ger9702 49 4.62 1664 1619 1699 10.49 Ger9702 50 4.72 1660 1616 1694 10.18 Ger9702 51 4.82 1656 1613 1690 10.34 Ger9702 52 4.92 1652 1609 1686 10.18 Ger9702 53 5.02 1648 1606 1681 10.04 Ger9702 54 5.12 1644 1603 1677 10.11 Ger9702 55 5.22 1640 1599 1673 10.43 Ger9702 56 5.32 1636 1596 1668 9.90 Ger9702 57 5.42 1632 1593 1664 9.70 Ger9702 58 5.52 1627 1588 1658 9.88 Ger9702 60 5.72 1619 1581 1649 9.90 Ger9702 61 5.82 1615 1578 1645 9.87 Ger9702 62 5.92 1611 1575 1641 9.62 Ger9702 63 6.02 1607 1572 1637 9.76 Ger9702 64 6.12 1603 1568 1633 9.77 Ger9702 65 6.24 1598 1564 1628 10.01 Ger9702 66 6.34 1594 1561 1623 10.08 Ger9702 67 6.44 1590 1557 1619 10.04 Ger9702 68 6.54 1585 1552 1613 10.13 Ger9702 69 6.64 1581 1549 1609 10.04 Ger9702 70 6.74 1577 1545 1605 9.99 Ger9702 71 6.86 1572 1541 1600 10.02 Ger9702 72 6.96 1568 1537 1596 10.17 Ger9702 73 7.06 1564 1534 1592 10.13 Ger9702 74 7.16 1560 1530 1588 10.14 Ger9702 75 7.26 1555 1525 1582 10.24 Ger9702 76 7.36 1551 1522 1578 9.92 Ger9702 77 7.46 1547 1518 1574 9.89 Ger9702 78 7.56 1543 1515 1570 10.08 Ger9702 79 7.66 1538 1510 1564 9.93 Ger9702 80 7.78 1533 1505 1559 9.87 Ger9702 81 7.88 1529 1502 1555 9.97 Ger9702 82 7.98 1525 1498 1551 10.03 Ger9702 83 8.08 1520 1493 1545 10.19 Ger9702 84 8.18 1516 1490 1541 10.29 Ger9702 85 8.28 1512 1487 1538 10.11 Ger9702 86 8.38 1507 1481 1532 9.95 Ger9702 87 8.48 1503 1478 1528 9.74 Ger9702 88 8.58 1498 1473 1522 9.90 Ger9702 89 8.68 1494 1469 1518 9.58 Ger9702 90 8.78 1490 1466 1515 9.42 Ger9702 91 8.88 1485 1460 1509 9.35 Ger9702 92 8.98 1481 1457 1505 9.54 Ger9702 93 9.08 1476 1451 1500 9.67 Ger9702 94 9.18 1472 1448 1496 9.85 Ger9702 95 9.28 1468 1444 1492 9.88 Ger9702 96 9.42 1461 1436 1484 9.87 Ger9702 97 9.48 1459 1435 1483 10.19 Ger9702 98 9.62 1452 1428 1475 10.24 Ger9702 99 9.72 1448 1424 1471 10.15 Ger9702 100 9.82 1443 1419 1465 10.13 Ger9702 101 9.92 1439 1415 1462 10.23 Ger9702 102 10.02 1434 1410 1456 10.24 Ger9702 103 10.12 1430 1406 1453 10.36 Ger9702 104 10.22 1425 1401 1447 10.27 Ger9702 105 10.32 1421 1397 1444 10.31 Ger9702 106 10.42 1416 1392 1438 10.52 Ger9702 107 10.52 1412 1388 1435 10.54 Ger9702 108 10.62 1407 1383 1429 10.41 Ger9702 109 10.72 1403 1379 1426 10.38 Ger9702 110 10.82 1398 1374 1421 10.30 Ger9702 111 10.92 1393 1368 1415 10.30 Ger9702 112 11.02 1389 1365 1412 10.36 Ger9702 113 11.12 1384 1359 1407 10.30 Ger9702 114 11.22 1380 1356 1403 10.16 Ger9702 115 11.32 1375 1350 1398 10.27 Ger9702 116 11.42 1370 1345 1393 10.30 Ger9702 117 11.52 1366 1341 1390 10.30 Ger9702 118 11.62 1361 1336 1384 10.45 Ger9702 119 11.72 1357 1332 1381 10.66 Ger9702 120 11.82 1352 1326 1376 10.76 Ger9702 121 11.92 1347 1321 1370 10.40 Ger9702 122 12.02 1343 1317 1367 10.57 Ger9702 123 12.19 1335 1309 1360 10.05 Ger9702 124 12.29 1330 1303 1354 10.16 Ger9702 125 12.39 1326 1300 1351 9.90 Ger9702 126 12.49 1321 1294 1346 9.93 Ger9702 127 12.59 1317 1291 1343 9.85 Ger9702 128 12.69 1312 1285 1338 9.76 Ger9702 129 12.75 1309 1281 1335 9.90 Ger9702 130 12.85 1305 1278 1332 9.78 Ger9702 131 12.95 1300 1272 1327 9.93 Ger9702 132 13.05 1295 1266 1322 9.83 Ger9702 133 13.15 1291 1263 1318 9.85 Ger9702 134 13.26 1286 1258 1314 9.80 Ger9702 135 13.35 1281 1251 1308 9.83 Ger9702 136 13.45 1277 1248 1305 9.72 Ger9702 137 13.55 1272 1242 1300 9.73 Ger9702 138 13.67 1267 1237 1296 9.83 Ger9702 139 13.76 1262 1231 1291 9.27 Ger9702 140 13.86 1258 1227 1288 9.73 Ger9702 141 13.95 1254 1223 1284 9.69 Ger9702 142 14.06 1249 1218 1280 9.70 Ger9702 143 14.15 1244 1211 1274 9.75 Ger9702 144 14.25 1240 1208 1272 9.75 Ger9702 145 14.35 1235 1202 1267 9.61 Ger9702 146 14.45 1231 1198 1264 9.72 Ger9702 147 14.55 1226 1192 1259 9.85 Ger9702 148 14.65 1221 1187 1254 9.68 Ger9702 149 14.74 1217 1182 1250 9.7 Ger9702 150 14.86 1212 1178 1246 9.82 Ger9702 151 15.03 1204 1169 1239 9.74 Ger9702 152 15.17 1197 1161 1232 9.73 Ger9702 153 15.35 1189 1153 1226 -999 Ger9702 154 15.48 1183 1146 1220 9.97 Ger9702 155 15.64 1175 1137 1213 9.71 Ger9702 156 15.79 1168 1129 1206 9.61 Ger9702 157 15.92 1162 1122 1201 9.7 Ger9702 158 16.04 1157 1117 1197 9.74 Ger9702 159 16.16 1151 1110 1191 9.67 Ger9702 160 16.21 1149 1109 1190 9.59