Lead in Corals Data --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOAA Paleoclimatology Program and World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: Lead in Corals Data LAST UPDATE: 11/2004 (Original Receipt by WDC Paleo) CONTRIBUTOR: Glen Shen, University of Washington IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2004-096 SUGGESTED DATA CITATION: Shen, G.T. and E.A. Boyle. 2004. Lead in Corals Data. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series #2004-096. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Shen, G.T. and E.A. Boyle. 1987. Lead in corals: reconstruction of historical industrial fluxes to the surface ocean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 82: 289-304. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans PERIOD OF RECORD: 1698-1983 AD DESCRIPTION: Lead concentration data from annually-banded scleractinian corals, illustrating anthropogenic Pb increases in the surface ocean. Sites: North Atlantic Ocean: Bermuda, North Rock 32 deg. 29'N, 64 deg. 48'W 10 m. depth Diploria strigosa Bermuda, Southern Preserve 32 deg. 19'N, 64 deg. 41'W 9 m. depth Diploria strigosa Florida, Hens & Chickens Reef 24 deg. 57'N, 80 deg. 33'W 4 m. depth Montastrea annularis Pacific Ocean: Galapagos, San Cristobal Island 0 deg. 45'S, 89 deg. 36'W 15 m. depth Pavona clavus Tutuila, Aunuu 14 deg. 20'S, 170 deg. 40'W 5 m. depth Hydnophora microconos Fiji, Suva 18 deg. 07'S, 178 deg. 27'E 5 m. depth Platgyra rustica Indian Ocean: Mauritius 20 deg. 0'S, 57 deg. 30'E ?? m. depth Platgyra rustica DATA: Galapagos, San Cristobal Island, P. clavus Pb/Ca Column 1: Year Column 2: [Pb]/[Ca] x 10e-9 Column 3: n, number of samples Column 4: standard deviation among multiple measurements Year Pb/Ca n std.dev 1963 10.1 3 1.1 1964 9.4 3 0.5 1965 9.9 2 1.5 1966 10.4 3 0.4 1967 11.7 3 0.9 1968 11.1 3 1.4 1969 19.3 6 4.4 1970 17.0 3 2.8 1971 9.5 2 0.2 1972 8.5 3 0.3 1973 9.4 3 0.6 1974 9.9 3 0.9 1975 10.0 3 0.7 1976 10.9 3 0.5 1977 10.2 3 0.7 1978 10.5 6 1.0 1979 12.1 3 0.8 1980 10.8 3 0.6 1981 11.9 3 1.1 1982 14.7 3 0.5