# Galapagos Fossil and Modern Coral Geochemical and Density Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/33733 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/coral/east_pacific/reed2021/reed2021wfl04ann.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Data_Type: Corals and Sclerosponges # # Dataset_DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: trace metals, physical properties, chemistry #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2021-07-06 #--------------------------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2021-07-06 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Galapagos Fossil and Modern Coral Geochemical and Density Data #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Reed, E.V.; Thompson, D.M.; Cole, J.E.; Lough, J.M.; Cantin, N.E.; Cheung, A.H.; Tudhope, A.; Vetter, L.; Jimenez, G.; Edwards, R.L. #--------------------------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Coral trace metal (Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca, and Ba/Ca) and skeletal density data from living and fossil samples collected near Wolf Island, Galapagos. #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: E. V. Reed, D. M. Thompson, J. E. Cole, J. M. Lough, N. E. Cantin, A. H. Cheung, Alexander Tudhope, Lael Vetter, Gloria Jimenez, and R. Lawrence Edwards # Published_Date_or_Year: 2021 # Published_Title: Impacts of coral growth on geochemistry: Lessons from the Galapagos Islands # Journal_Name: Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology # Volume: 36 # Edition: # Issue: 4 # Pages: e2020PA004051 # Report_Number: # DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2020PA004051 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Coral geochemical climate reconstructions can extend our knowledge of global climate variability and trends over timescales longer than those of instrumental data. However, such reconstructions can be biased by coral growth and skeletal architecture, such as growth troughs, off-axis corallite orientation, and changing growth direction. This study quantifies the impact of skeletal architecture and growth on geochemistry using measurements of coral skeletal density, extension rate, and calcification rate, and uses these metrics to improve paleoclimate reconstructions. We present paired geochemistry-density records at Wolf Island, Galápagos, from three Porites lobata corals: two new paired density and geochemistry records from one fossil coral, and new density data from two previously published modern geochemistry records. We categorize each sampling transect used in this record by the quality of its orientation with respect to skeletal architecture. We observe relationships between geochemistry and density that are not detected using extension or calcification rate alone. These density-geochemistry relationships likely reflect both the response of coral growth to environmental conditions and the non-climatic impact of skeletal architecture on geochemistry in sub-optimal sampling transects. Correlations of density with Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca, and Mg/Ca are consistent with the Rayleigh fractionation model of trace element incorporation into coral skeletons. Removing transects with sub-optimal skeletal architecture increases mean reconstructed SST closer to instrumental mean SST, and lowers errors of reconstruction by up to 20%. These results demonstrate the usefulness of coral density data for assessing skeletal architecture and growth when generating coral paleoclimate records. #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Gloria Jimenez, Julia E. Cole, Diane M. Thompson, and Alexander W. Tudhope # Published_Date_or_Year: 2018 # Published_Title: Northern Galapagos Corals Reveal Twentieth Century Warming in the Eastern Tropical Pacific # Journal_Name: Geophysical Research Letters # Volume: 45 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 1981-1988 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1002/2017GL075323 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Models and observations disagree regarding sea surface temperature (SST) trends in the eastern tropical Pacific. We present a new Sr/Ca-SST record that spans 1940–2010 from two Wolf Island corals (northern Gala´pagos). Trend analysis of the Wolf record shows significant warming on multiple timescales, which is also present in several other records and gridded instrumental products. Together, these data sets suggest that most of the eastern tropical Pacific has warmed over the twentieth century. In contrast, recent decades have been characterized by warming during boreal spring and summer (especially north of the equator), and subtropical cooling during boreal fall and winter (especially south of the equator). These SST trends are consistent with the effects of radiative forcing, mitigated by cooling due to wind forcing during boreal winter, as well as intensified upwelling and a strengthened Equatorial Undercurrent. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: 1401326/1829613, 0957881 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: UK NERC # Grant: NE/H009957 #--------------------------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Wolf Island # Location: Galapagos Islands # Northernmost_Latitude: 1.386 # Southernmost_Latitude: 1.386 # Easternmost_Longitude: -91.815 # Westernmost_Longitude: -91.815 # Elevation: -13 #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Reed2021WLF04ann # First_Year: 1691 # Last_Year: 1775 # Time_Unit: AD # Core_Length: # Notes: Trace metal (Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca, and partial Ba/Ca) and coral skeletal density data are given after interpolating to monthly resolution, and, as in the publication, data are NOT averaged between overlapping transects to produce a single continuous time series. Analytical precisions for trace metals (+/- 1 standard deviation): Sr/Ca=0.031 mmol/mol; Mg/Ca=0.189 mmol/mol; Ba/Ca=0.188 umol/mol. Trace element data were corrected to an internal coral standard, and the inter-laboratory standard JCp-1 was measured for comparison. WLF04 and WLF05 are cored from the same subfossil coral colony and U/Th dated; WLF10 and WLF03 were collected from different live coral colonies. Both monthly data (trace elements, density) and annual data (trace elements, density, extension, and calcification) are given, where “annual” is defined as the time between successive March tie points, determined from Sr/Ca minima (inferred SST maxima). WLF03 and WLF10 Sr/Ca were previously published in Jimenez et al. (2018), and the data here differ slightly from the prior publication: these data are presented in monthly resolution (as opposed to bimonthly resolution), are corrected to updated known values of the internal coral standard, and are not averaged between overlapping transects. Additionally, colony growth data (density, extension, and calcification) are new in this study. #--------------------------------------- # Species # Species_Name: Porites lobata # Common_Name: lobe coral # Tree_Species_Code: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: #--------------------------------------- # Variables # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## Date age,,,year Common Era,,corals and sclerosponges,,,N, ## Sr/Ca strontium/calcium,Porites lobata,,millimole per mole,annual,corals and sclerosponges,,inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy,N,summer-summer ## Mg/Ca magnesium/calcium,Porites lobata,,millimole per mole,annual,corals and sclerosponges,,inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy,N,summer-summer ## Ba/Ca barium/calcium,Porites lobata,,micromole per mole,annual,corals and sclerosponges,,inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy,N,summer-summer ## Density_Gamma density,Porites lobata,,gram per cubic centimeter,annual,corals and sclerosponges,,gamma ray densitometry,N,summer-summer ## Density_Xray density,Porites lobata,,gram per cubic centimeter,annual,corals and sclerosponges,,X-ray densitometry,N,summer-summer ## Extension extension rate,Porites lobata,,centimeter per year,annual,corals and sclerosponges,,,N,summer-summer;measured as the distance (cm) between successive annual tie points ## Calcification calcification rate,Porites lobata,,gram per square centimeter per year,annual,corals and sclerosponges,,,N,summer-summer;calculated as the product of annual X-ray density and annual extension ## Quality notes,,,,,corals and sclerosponges,,,N,quality of the sampling path assessed based on density banding and corallite orientation; 1= optimal to 4 = marginal ## Transect sample identification,,,,,corals and sclerosponges,,,C,Transect name based on section of core and transect number on that section; e.g. "AT1" = core section A and transect 1 # #------------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: Date Sr/Ca Mg/Ca Ba/Ca Density_Gamma Density_Xray Extension Calcification Quality Transect 1774.75 9.248741693 3.943925188 1.415237504 1.456752485 1.6 2.330803976 3 WLF04AT1 1773.75 9.259230748 3.873869931 1.482006584 1.522136789 1.5 2.283205183 3 WLF04AT1 1772.75 9.277720965 3.820509742 1.432777075 1.485057722 1.6 2.376092355 3 WLF04AT1 1771.75 9.255819371 3.863673194 1.406478216 1.464060614 1.4 2.049684859 3 WLF04AT1 1770.75 9.186339913 3.960266321 1.420842849 1.484274954 1.4 2.077984936 3 WLF04AT1 1769.75 9.125434501 4.046424947 1.407401124 1.478899519 1.2 1.774679423 3 WLF04AT1 1769.75 9.307225823 3.775708529 1.413017596 1.488764171 2 WLF04AT2 1770.75 9.36713592 3.756303436 1.101071489 1.206174746 4 WLF04BT1 1769.75 9.339284735 3.702795908 1.128078724 1.225085066 1.7 2.082644612 4 WLF04BT1 1768.75 9.295809531 3.831420776 1.218842397 1.307513485 0.7 0.91525944 4 WLF04BT1 1767.75 9.2620265 4.010930211 1.282702277 1.354305966 1 1.354305966 4 WLF04BT1 1766.75 9.185589997 3.972554567 1.406943615 1.485750209 1.4 2.080050293 4 WLF04BT1 1766.75 9.187134634 4.37977356 1.473653468 1.53643379 2 WLF04BT4 1765.75 9.138628524 4.387149733 1.44694478 1.520251966 1.1 1.672277163 2 WLF04BT4 1764.75 9.157480449 4.427029354 1.437856025 1.495455706 1.4 2.093637988 2 WLF04BT4 1756.75 9.216496521 4.050150537 1.303300786 1.407259435 3 WLF04BT3a 1755.75 9.158747488 4.125188038 1.3000155 1.400425049 1 1.400425049 3 WLF04BT3a 1754.75 9.182985792 4.091767163 1.35015249 1.452686109 1.1 1.59795472 3 WLF04BT3a 1753.75 9.124838027 4.131249715 1.456849561 1.554082954 1.1 1.70949125 2 WLF04BT3b 1752.75 9.096074248 4.156250622 1.438481398 1.533568203 1.1 1.686925024 2 WLF04BT3b 1751.75 9.044439933 4.28574441 1.424625049 1.52677111 1.1 1.679448221 2 WLF04BT3b 1750.75 9.121384444 4.183246288 1.501585477 1.60159063 1.1 1.761749693 2 WLF04BT3b 1763.75 9.226719567 4.277674759 3.342568814 1.484776344 1.555086251 2 WLF04BT2 1762.75 9.245802517 4.215592778 3.204096101 1.448935501 1.537785692 0.8 1.230228554 2 WLF04BT2 1761.75 9.217164631 4.258362149 3.076466991 1.361839095 1.46935297 1 1.46935297 2 WLF04BT2 1760.75 9.112502725 4.661387337 2.965606378 1.273344502 1.382960347 1.1 1.521256382 2 WLF04BT2 1759.75 9.112092613 4.61824652 3.047275343 1.355284066 1.43475469 0.9 1.291279221 2 WLF04BT2 1758.75 9.221429818 4.310018796 3.050344382 1.299031639 1.400798969 0.9 1.260719072 2 WLF04BT2 1757.75 9.197122476 4.310441984 3.022539408 1.332318579 1.418492792 0.9 1.276643513 2 WLF04BT2 1756.75 9.150603259 4.351414966 3.130492303 1.329921045 1.430839217 1.6 2.289342747 2 WLF04BT2 1755.75 9.208474771 4.083033772 2.961969465 1.344393581 1.411954746 1.1 1.553150221 2 WLF04BT2 1749.75 9.090405596 4.175004369 3.493767067 1.552735334 1.638843124 4 WLF04CT1 1748.75 9.15085593 4.009447329 3.380544392 1.482371259 1.575467615 1.3 2.0481079 4 WLF04CT1 1747.75 9.092984737 4.09024334 3.412304394 1.556186452 1.656696298 1.4 2.319374818 4 WLF04CT1 1746.75 9.109085663 4.043491469 3.419959068 1.61277698 1.718931847 1.3 2.234611401 4 WLF04CT1 1745.75 9.111773826 4.025171617 3.416164166 1.519812045 1.627106243 1.8 2.928791238 4 WLF04CT1 1744.75 9.109215861 4.086109099 3.484443678 1.537306607 1.62588659 1.2 1.951063909 4 WLF04CT1 1743.75 9.134236361 4.160365364 3.483487688 1.466425506 1.58030118 4 WLF04CT2 1742.75 9.106447193 4.20789579 3.470298361 1.403130812 1.522717549 2.4 3.654522117 4 WLF04CT2 1741.75 9.166755851 4.019016912 3.669443276 1.366286305 1.493027971 1.7 2.53814755 4 WLF04CT2 1740.75 9.212370646 3.900867217 3.832086758 1.311984113 1.445851281 1.6 2.31336205 4 WLF04CT2 1737.75 9.204135263 3.961904074 3.506838624 1.419166033 1.561367333 1.6 2.498187733 4 WLF04CT2 1736.75 9.154359134 4.098390102 3.748232328 1.375800109 1.534973646 0.9 1.381476281 4 WLF04CT2 1735.75 9.15747393 3.935174615 3.611482166 1.359545378 1.525206044 1.3 1.982767858 4 WLF04CT2 1734.75 9.174853419 3.738967072 3.841467738 1.24281538 1.258465233 4 WLF04DT2a 1733.75 9.064834243 4.004360596 3.753428857 1.278581559 1.297069377 1.6 2.075311003 4 WLF04DT2a 1732.75 9.140813652 3.830100573 4.147238089 1.28647487 1.323443987 1.6 2.117510379 4 WLF04DT2a 1731.75 9.072588115 4.026506043 3.851811987 1.246932048 1.303226279 1.7 2.215484675 4 WLF04DT2a 1729.75 9.08860064 3.989669453 5.068177307 1.186218302 1.299737951 1.7 2.209554517 4 WLF04DT2a 1728.75 9.128572825 4.007648009 5.48868106 1.20412955 1.283391224 1.1 1.411730346 4 WLF04DT2a 1727.75 9.200229228 3.984825506 4.505327122 1.163937457 1.265524213 1.6 2.024838741 4 WLF04DT2a 1726.75 9.217883794 4.07184271 4.939001095 1.172994602 1.278469734 0.9 1.15062276 4 WLF04DT2a 1725.75 9.268015452 3.842697182 4.354604511 1.226040337 1.311803629 1.3 1.705344718 4 WLF04DT2a 1724.75 9.227888512 3.906168554 4.271939054 1.262085034 1.361926902 0.9 1.225734212 1 WLF04DT2b 1723.75 9.223913238 4.032242949 4.526700238 1.227877908 1.309111928 1.1 1.440023121 1 WLF04DT2b 1722.75 9.148041607 4.19408183 4.362494064 1.244802841 1.323690179 1.2 1.588428215 1 WLF04DT2b 1721.75 9.193640452 3.998947182 4.203771178 1.194791183 1.308117106 1.1 1.438928816 1 WLF04DT2b 1720.75 9.153271949 4.146082659 4.099111838 1.291671113 1.390024456 1.2 1.668029348 1 WLF04DT2b 1719.75 9.127976794 4.226712831 4.059603659 1.263838156 1.383054667 1.2 1.659665601 1 WLF04DT2b 1718.75 9.151292021 4.151341584 4.020212102 1.301088605 1.406911591 1.1 1.54760275 1 WLF04DT2b 1717.75 9.221504597 3.761221109 5.442283515 1.246111389 0.7 0.872277973 4 WLF04FT0 1716.75 9.215358764 3.765943331 5.356346015 1.179543446 1.1 1.29749779 4 WLF04FT0 1715.75 9.287442097 3.546984998 5.208429348 1.154717536 0.9 1.039245783 4 WLF04FT0 1716.75 9.23546293 3.660109998 5.044471015 1.134155581 1.246108104 4 WLF04FT1a 1715.75 9.234942097 3.805526664 4.071554348 1.168221538 1.299160377 0.9 1.16924434 4 WLF04FT1a 1714.75 9.164629597 3.945422498 3.679783515 1.164363267 1.287876233 0.9 1.15908861 2 WLF04FT1b 1713.75 9.181608764 4.008234998 3.538984904 1.285730314 1.389966 0.9 1.2509694 2 WLF04FT1b 1712.75 9.088969875 4.26670722 3.479818237 1.33346718 1.435184782 1 1.435184782 2 WLF04FT1b 1708.75 9.081535071 4.516135825 3.732327419 1.230293024 1.407965154 0.9 1.267168638 2 WLF04FT2b 1707.75 9.075661241 4.44682303 3.451001563 1.204354817 1.380993555 1.1 1.51909291 2 WLF04FT2b 1706.75 9.150418608 4.376022178 3.174252361 1.260328272 1.397235211 1 1.397235211 2 WLF04FT2b 1705.75 9.095570125 4.494833158 3.163309854 1.276647374 1.482098881 1.2 1.778518657 2 WLF04FT2b 1704.75 9.070520708 4.613553792 3.01085848 1.283186644 1.427739066 1.2 1.71328688 2 WLF04FT2b 1703.75 9.085832022 4.561956623 3.038858242 1.325737273 1.468714757 1.2 1.762457708 2 WLF04FT2b 1702.75 9.156531766 4.302478675 3.010417578 1.354305553 1.55185821 1.4 2.172601493 2 WLF04FT2b 1702.75 9.175850694 4.165560357 3.124749769 1.370009579 1.45102757 2 WLF04FT3 1701.75 9.157795139 4.246671468 3.111346991 1.478787755 1.572179062 1.3 2.04383278 2 WLF04FT3 1700.75 9.112170139 4.389588135 3.05711088 1.543160478 1.621865731 1.1 1.784052304 2 WLF04FT3 1699.75 9.140089879 4.143623642 3.561950386 1.435214533 1.522625198 1 1.522625198 2 WLF04GT1a 1698.75 9.146593742 4.189299535 3.243216901 1.460424444 1.542679544 0.9 1.38841159 2 WLF04GT1a 1697.75 9.121827165 4.24557871 3.230307693 1.474913403 1.558601432 0.8 1.246881146 2 WLF04GT1a 1696.75 9.0907458 4.348690204 2.992844958 1.47812626 1.575850274 1.1 1.733435302 4 WLF04GT1b 1695.75 9.110088962 4.369095974 3.080262184 1.493476588 1.600633426 1.3 2.080823454 4 WLF04GT1b 1694.75 9.113998594 4.385485293 3.005487244 1.550689701 1.65803989 1.2 1.989647868 4 WLF04GT1b 1693.75 9.117558777 4.342254767 3.06248989 1.630013557 1.739855823 1.3 2.261812571 4 WLF04GT1b 1692.75 9.103506769 4.334130139 3.129137384 1.442011679 1.571029054 1.4 2.199440675 4 WLF04GT1b 1691.75 9.147373386 4.297677982 3.075782174 1.466105526 1.595676415 1.1 1.755244057 4 WLF04GT1b