Galapagos Coral Stable Oxygen Calibration Data: Readme file --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOAA Paleoclimatology Program and World Data Center A - for Paleoclimatology --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: Galapagos Coral Stable Oxygen Calibration Data LAST UPDATE: 8/1995 (Original Receipt by WDCA Paleo) CONTRIBUTORS: Wellington, G.M., D.B. Dunbar and G. Merlen IGBP PAGES/WDCA Data Contribution Series #: 1996-024 SUGGESTED DATA CITATION: Wellington, G.M., D.B. Dunbar and G. Merlen, 1996, Galapagos Coral Stable Oxygen Calibration Data. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center-A for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 1996-024. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Wellington, G.M., D.B. Dunbar and G. Merlen (1996) Calibration of stable oxygen isotope signatures in Galapagos corals. Paleoceanography 11: 467-480. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Galapagos Islands PERIOD OF RECORD: LIST OF FILES: cal.txt, cal.xls, cal.wb1 (Text, Excel, and QuatroPro versions of file) DESCRIPTION: Galapagos Coral Stable Oxygen Calibration Data Sites: Bartolome Island: 0 deg, 17'S, 90 deg 33' W. Champion Island: 1 deg, 15'S, 90 deg, 05' W. Urvina Bay (Isabela Island): 0 deg, 23'S, 91 deg, 14'W. Water depth: Bartolome - 3m; Champion - 10m; Urvina- 3m Species: Bartolome - bart1, bart2, Pavona clavus; bart3, Pavona gigantea; bart4, Porites lobata. Champion - champ1, Pavona gigantea. Urvina Bay - ur1, ur2, ur3, Pavona clavus. Study conducted at three sites in Archipelago: del18Ocoral refers to del18O (PDB) of coral skeleton. del18O h2O refers to del18O (SMOW) seawater. sst refers to monthly sea surface temperatures averaged from hourly instrumental data from each site. salinity values represent monthly means averaged from hourly instrumental data from each site.