# Rarotonga Subseasonal Coral d18O and Sr/Ca Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/6089 # # Original_Source_URL: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/coral/east_pacific/rarotonga2006.txt # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Corals and Sclerosponges #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2008-03 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Rarotonga - Subseasonal Coral d18O and Sr/Ca Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Linsley, B.K.; Kaplan, A.; Gouriou, Y.; Salinger, J.; deMenocal, P.B.; Wellington, G.M.; Howe, S.S. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: Annual stable isotope and Sr/Ca data for coral cores from Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 21�14'16"S, 159�49'40"E. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Linsley, B.K.; Kaplan, A.; Gouriou, Y.; Salinger, J.; deMenocal, P.B.; Wellington, G.M.; Howe, S.S. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2006 # Published_Title: Tracking the extent of the South Pacific Convergence Zone since the early 1600s. # Journal_Name: Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. # Volume: 7 # Edition: Q05003 # Issue: # Pages: # DOI: 10.1029/2005GC001115 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: Linsley, B.K., A. Kaplan, Y. Gouriou, J. Salinger, P.B. deMenocal, G.M. Wellington, and S.S. Howe. 2006. Tracking the extent of the South Pacific Convergence Zone since the early 1600s. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 7, Q05003, doi:10.1029/2005GC001115. # Abstract: The South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ) is the largest and most persistent spur of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. At the southeastern edge of the SPCZ near 170�W and 15��20�S a surface ocean salinity frontal zone exists that separates fresher Western Pacific Warm Pool water from saltier and cooler waters in the east. This salinity front is known to shift east and west with the phase of the El Ni�o Southern Oscillation. We have generated subannually resolved and replicated coral oxygen isotopic time series from Fiji (17�S, 179�E) and Rarotonga (21.5�S, 160�W) that have recorded interannual displacements of the salinity front over the last 380 years and also indicate that at lower frequencies the decadal mean position of the salinity front, and eastern extent of the SPCZ, has shifted east-west through 10� to 20� of longitude three times during this interval. The most recent and largest shift began in the mid 1800s as the salinity front progressively moved eastward and salinity decreased at both sites. Our results suggest that sea surface salinity at these sites is now at the lowest levels recorded and is evidence for an unprecedented expansion of the SPCZ since the mid 1800s. The expansion of the SPCZ implies a gradual change in the South Pacific to more La Ni�a-like long-term mean conditions. This observation is consistent with the ocean thermostat mechanism for the Pacific coupled ocean-atmosphere system, whereby exogenous heating of the atmosphere would result in greater warming in the western Pacific and a greater east-west surface temperature gradient. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Linsley, B.K.; Wellington, G.M; Schrag, D.P.; Ren, L.; Salinger, M.J; Tudhope, A.W # Published_Date_or_Year: 2004 # Published_Title: Geochemical evidence from corals for changes in the amplitude and spatial pattern of South Pacific interdecadal climate variability over the last 300 years. # Journal_Name: Climate Dynamics # Volume: 22 # Edition: Q05003 # Issue: # Pages: 1-11 # DOI: 10.1007/s00382-003-0364-y # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: Linsley, B.K., G.M. Wellington, D.P. Schrag, L. Ren, M.J. Salinger, and A.W. Tudhope. 2004. Geochemical evidence from corals for changes in the amplitude and spatial pattern of South Pacific interdecadal climate variability over the last 300 years. Climate Dynamics, Vol. 22: pp. 1-11 doi: 10.1007/s00382-003-0364-y. # Abstract: #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Ren, L.; Linsley, B. K.; Wellington, G. M.; Schrag, D. P.; Hoegh-Guldberg, O # Published_Date_or_Year: 2003 # Published_Title: Deconvolving the d18Oseawater Component from Subseasonal Coral d18O and Sr/Ca at Rarotonga in the Southwestern Subtropical Pacific for the period 1726-1997. # Journal_Name: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta # Volume: 67 # Edition: 9 # Issue: # Pages: 1609-1631 # DOI: # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: Ren, L., B.K. Linsley, G.M. Wellington, D.P. Schrag, and O. Hoegh-Guldberg. 2003. Deconvolving the d18Oseawater Component from Subseasonal Coral d18O and Sr/Ca at Rarotonga in the Southwestern Subtropical Pacific for the period 1726-1997. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 67, No. 9., pp. 1609-1631. # Abstract: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: ATM-9901649, ATM-9619035, OCE-0318296, OCE-0317941 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration # Grant: NA96GP0406, NA96GP0470 #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Rarotonga, Cook Islands, South Pacific # Location: Ocean>Pacific Ocean>South Pacific Ocean>Polynesia>Cook Islands # Country: Cook Islands # Northernmost_Latitude: -21.2378 # Southernmost_Latitude: -21.2378 # Easternmost_Longitude: -159.8278 # Westernmost_Longitude: -159.8278 # Elevation: -10 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: 06cook02b # Earliest_Year: 1875 # Most_Recent_Year: 1999 # Time_Unit: AD # Core_Length: # Notes: ANNUAL AVERAGES OF DATA IN 06cook02a.txt, Core name - 3R, 8 samples per year, #------------------ # Species # Species_Name: Porites lutea # Common_Name: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ##age age, , ,years AD, , Corals and Sclerosponges, , ,N ##d18O delta 18 Oxygen, Porites lutea, , permil VPDB, , Corals and Sclerosponges, average: annually with 8 samples per year, instrument: Micromass Optima gas source mass spectrometer,N ##d13C delta 13 Carbon, Porites lutea, , permil VPDB, , Corals and Sclerosponges, average: annually with 8 samples per year, instrument: Micromass Optima gas source mass spectrometer,N # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # age d18O d13C 1999.5 -4.7916 -3.0936 1998.5 -4.4486 -3.0526 1997.5 -4.3902 -3.0122 1996.5 -4.6799 -2.9482 1995.5 -4.5313 -2.9497 1994.5 -4.5470 -3.0368 1993.5 -4.4165 -3.1943 1992.5 -4.4093 -2.9828 1991.5 -4.3841 -3.0736 1990.5 -4.4290 -2.9188 1989.5 -4.6133 -3.0228 1988.5 -4.6419 -3.0052 1987.5 -4.2852 -2.7763 1986.5 -4.6130 -2.9935 1985.5 -4.4644 -3.1707 1984.5 -4.3572 -3.2556 1983.5 -4.2148 -3.1030 1982.5 -4.3176 -2.9453 1981.5 -4.4253 -2.8565 1980.5 -4.3202 -2.5296 1979.5 -4.2833 -2.2712 1978.5 -4.3214 -2.6985 1977.5 -4.2997 -2.5502 1976.5 -4.3957 -2.5299 1975.5 -4.3631 -2.3397 1974.5 -4.3863 -2.0607 1973.5 -4.2995 -2.1865 1972.5 -4.3814 -2.4438 1971.5 -4.5910 -2.4283 1970.5 -4.4135 -2.3828 1969.5 -4.3773 -2.4821 1968.5 -4.3803 -2.4722 1967.5 -4.3500 -2.7375 1966.5 -4.1498 -2.5275 1965.5 -4.2099 -2.6139 1964.5 -4.2945 -2.4785 1963.5 -4.3190 -2.5787 1962.5 -4.2890 -2.5387 1961.5 -4.4378 -2.3831 1960.5 -4.4864 -2.5301 1959.5 -4.5064 -2.4331 1958.5 -4.2402 -2.5116 1957.5 -4.4791 -2.5135 1956.5 -4.4728 -2.3981 1955.5 -4.5180 -2.2977 1954.5 -4.3380 -2.3069 1953.5 -4.2839 -2.4784 1952.5 -4.3357 -2.5180 1951.5 -4.3921 -2.4393 1950.5 -4.3929 -2.4023 1949.5 -4.3707 -2.4180 1948.5 -4.2140 -2.3738 1947.5 -4.3638 -2.4032 1946.5 -4.3044 -2.4394 1945.5 -4.3041 -2.3088 1944.5 -4.1855 -2.0363 1943.5 -4.2204 -2.2375 1942.5 -4.2082 -2.0450 1941.5 -3.8599 -1.8882 1940.5 -4.1968 -2.0301 1939.5 -4.2303 -1.8966 1938.5 -4.1027 -1.8836 1937.5 -4.0381 -1.8789 1936.5 -4.0451 -1.8125 1935.5 -4.1065 -1.7826 1934.5 -4.2848 -2.2221 1933.5 -4.3104 -2.3574 1932.5 -4.2724 -2.6740 1931.5 -3.9401 -1.8619 1930.5 -3.9556 -1.9548 1929.5 -4.1114 -1.9625 1928.5 -4.0364 -1.8128 1927.5 -4.2481 -2.2665 1926.5 -4.1357 -2.6374 1925.5 -4.0287 -2.0540 1924.5 -4.0844 -2.0210 1923.5 -4.1281 -2.1902 1922.5 -4.2598 -2.2733 1921.5 -4.3538 -2.3486 1920.5 -4.1737 -2.5579 1919.5 -4.2947 -2.4192 1918.5 -4.3855 -2.6936 1917.5 -4.2652 -2.2560 1916.5 -4.4998 -2.6373 1915.5 -4.3064 -2.5314 1914.5 -4.1874 -2.4589 1913.5 -4.0875 -2.4133 1912.5 -4.1749 -2.5476 1911.5 -4.3315 -2.2556 1910.5 -4.3155 -2.3371 1909.5 -4.4285 -2.3795 1908.5 -4.3027 -2.0810 1907.5 -4.2161 -2.2522 1906.5 -4.1029 -2.2429 1905.5 -4.0884 -2.2498 1904.5 -4.2028 -2.2491 1903.5 -3.9052 -2.2160 1902.5 -4.1527 -1.9100 1901.5 -4.1140 -2.0077 1900.5 -4.0780 -1.9693 1899.5 -4.3100 -2.1069 1898.5 -4.2541 -2.1532 1897.5 -4.0803 -1.9981 1896.5 -4.1402 -2.1385 1895.5 -4.0649 -1.6508 1894.5 -4.1484 -1.6354 1893.5 -4.1245 -1.7774 1892.5 -4.1648 -1.8353 1891.5 -4.2135 -1.9987 1890.5 -4.3137 -2.0522 1889.5 -4.1726 -1.9307 1888.5 -4.1777 -2.1616 1887.5 -4.2054 -2.1587 1886.5 -4.4943 -2.0252 1885.5 -4.3341 -2.1241 1884.5 -4.2022 -1.9773 1883.5 -4.3430 -2.1475 1882.5 -4.3902 -2.2888 1881.5 -4.4183 -2.3434 1880.5 -4.2889 -2.3356 1879.5 -4.3545 -2.4700 1878.5 -4.5215 -2.1647 1877.5 -4.2099 -2.1403 1876.5 -4.2544 -2.0989 1875.5 -4.2256 -2.1682