# Kiritimati Coral Isotope Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/study/1847 # # Original_Source_URL: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/coral/east_pacific/readme_kiritimati.txt # Original_Source_URL: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/image/coral/kirit13c.gif # Original_Source_URL: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/image/coral/kirit18o.gif # Original_Source_URL: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/coral/east_pacific/kiritimati2.txt # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Corals and Sclerosponges #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 1998-10-01 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Kiritimati Island - Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Evans, M.N.; Fairbanks, R.G.; Rubenstone, J.L. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: The following is excerpted from Evans et al., J.Geophys. Res., in review, 1998 (please see this paper for references made in this readme file): Proxy climate data derived from the isotopic composition and chemistry of aragonite formed by massive reef corals provide a supplementary data set for the study of the tropical near-surface climate [Cole et al., 1993; Dunbar et al., 1994; Linsley et al., 1994; Tudhope et al., 1995; Charles et al., 1997]. Given constant sea water o18 and biological processes, variability in the oxygen isotopic composition (o18) of coralline aragonite is a function of the sea surface temperature in which the coral secreted its skeleton [Epstein et al., 1953; Weber and Woodhead, 1972; McConnaughey, 1989]. However, coral o18 also records changes in the o18 of sea water [Cole et al., 1993; Linsley et al., 1994; McCulloch et al., 1994] if freshwater flux variance is significant. The Strontium:Calcium (Sr/Ca) ratio in corals has been shown to be a function of sea surface temperature as well, with minimal sea water Sr/Ca influence [Weber, 1973; Schneider and Smith, 1979; Beck et al., 1992; DeVilliers et al., 1994; Shen et al., 1996]. Application of these two proxy measurements in tandem has been used to distinguish sea water o18 and sea surface temperature anomalies recorded on the Great Barrier Reef during the 1982-3 El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event [McCulloch et al., 1994]. We made measurements of stable isotopic composition (o18 and c13) and Sr/Ca on a coral collected live from Kiritimati (Christmas) Island (157.3 W, 2 N), in the Republic of Kiribati. Kiritimati lies at the eastern edge of the western Pacific warm pool and just west of the NINO3 box (Fig. 1). The seasonal range of sea surface temperature (SST) is less than 1.2 degrees C. Because the seasonal cycle is modest, ENSO-induced warm and cold phase sea surface temperature anomalies of +/-3 degrees C are prominent [Bjerknes, 1969; Wyrtki, 1975; Wyrtki, 1985; Philander, 1990]. By contrast, ENSO-driven precipitation anomalies are moderate in magnitude and brief in duration, creating a minor change in sea water o18 due to enhanced rainfall [Ropelewski and Halpert, 1987] and eastward advection of lower salinity water [Picaut et al., 1996]. Thus, Kiritimati is an ideal location from which to monitor the thermal signal associated with the full ENSO cycle and should record features similar to those in the NINO3 region. Data and Methods: Stable isotope data Coral PP7-3 was collected live and cored at South West Point, Kiritimati Island, at 9 meters depth in March 1994. The coral has been identified as Porites sp., probably P. australiensis, possibly P. lobata [D. Potts, UCSC, pers. comm.]. The core was slabbed along the growth axis and X-radiographed for densitometry study; slabs were then ultrasonically cleaned in de-ionized water and dried at 50 degrees C prior to sampling. Samples for oxygen and carbon isotope analyses were drilled from the slab at 0.5 mm intervals starting from just below the most recent growth and extending to a maximum depth of 1004 mm. A precise age model was recoverable for the upper 839.5 mm. Samples were drilled from lines chosen parallel to the axis of maximum growth to avoid non-temporal (i.e. potential differential growth-related) isotopic effects [McConnaughey, 1989]. X-ray diffraction analyses of drilled and chipped coral aragonite verify that samples were 100% aragonite after drilling. Sequential isotopic analyses were made using a Finnigan MAT-251 gas source mass spectrometer coupled to a Carousel-48 automated sample preparation device. Measurement precisions (1-sigma) were +/-0.06 per mil and +/- 0.04 per mil for o18 and c13 analyses, based on analysis of a lab standard; sample replication over the 1981-1987 period (see section on Sr/Ca data below) gives an external precision of +/- 0.09 per mil in the o18 time series shown in Fig. 2. All stable isotope measurements are reported relative to the PDB standard. We use the strongly periodic c13 record to provide an age model for time series analysis of the o18 data. The carbon isotopic composition of coralline aragonite varies with seasonal changes in insolation, reproductive activity, and changes in the c13 of [sigma CO2] of sea water [Fairbanks and Dodge, 1979, Patzold, 1984, Gagan et al., 1994, Gagan et al., 1996]. The carbon isotope record from coral PP7-3 (Fig. 2) shows a series of regular c13 enrichments, which correspond to thin low density bands. These enrichments are probably too large to be explained entirely by variability of c13 of sea water [ sigma CO2] [Swart et al., 1996] or to be solely related to seasonal insolation variability [Fairbanks and Dodge, 1979]. However, a model which invokes the drawdown of carbon-12 within the coral polyp by production of gametes during a brief period of each year, a process called mass spawning [Babcock et al., 1986, Gagan et al., 1994; Gagan et al., 1996], may explain the annual enrichments we observe in the carbon isotopic record. There are no published accounts of the timing of mass spawning events in the central Pacific. We assume that such events take place in April of each year, at the onset of the April-September insolation maximum at Kiritimati. Intermittently in the PP7-3 record, single years do not display a c13 enrichment, perhaps due to sub-optimal coral reproductive conditions. In these cases we use the same growth rate as the previous and subsequent years to continue the age model, an assumption consistent with an age model based on densitometric observations (Figure 2, top) and relatively constant extension rate (Figure 4). By these criteria, the length of record extends from September 1993 back to April 1938 (Figs. 2,4). The high (0.5mm) sampling resolution enabled us to obtain 25-35 samples per annual band and achieve a chronology with biweekly to monthly resolution. The chronology we construct is in good agreement with annual age determinations based on X-radiography of the sampled slab, and with an age model based on a constant growth rate assumption (Fig. 4). Uncertainty in such an age model might be expected to vary with time before present; therefore a single error estimate for the entire time period is unsatisfactory. Since the timing of mass spawning at Kiritimati has not been observed, we conservatively assume an initial age model error of +/- 1/2 year, and we estimate the age model error as a function of the absence of the annual \delc\ chronometer. The mean extension rate is 14 mm/yr, with a standard deviation of 1.5 mm/yr (11%). Therefore, we estimate age model uncertainty for each year within the preceding five decades as (0.5 + 2*n*sigma(growth rate) years, where n is the number of years in that decade in which the c13 enrichment is absent. These errors range from +/-0.5 to +/-1 year per year of age model (Fig. 4). We believe that uncertainty in the age model is well represented by these estimates. Initially we derived cumulative age model error estimates, but it was clear by this model that these error estimates were too large in the earlier half of the record, and too small in the more recent half. A better error representation was obtained with the error model below, which acknowledges that periods of consistently periodic c13 pulses provides better age control than periods with more intermittent reproductive activity. Subsequent intercomparison of the Kiritimati o18 record with the historical SST analysis by [Kaplan et al. 1998] suggests our age model estimates are probably appropriate. Data and Methods: Sr/Ca data Sr/Ca may be the preferred proxy for the purpose of SST reconstructions, since unlike o18, Sr/Ca variability is solely a function of SST. However, since analysis of \delo\ is more easily automated, requires less sample preparation and is 10-20 times faster than measurement of Sr/Ca by thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS), we use limited, high precision TIMS Sr/Ca measurements to confirm the interpretation of the Kiritimati o18 time series as primarily driven by regional SST anomaly. Based on the carbon isotope age model, we resampled the 1981-1987 period (Fig. 3A). Samples were drilled at 1 mm intervals in a transect parallel to the line chosen for the high resolution stable isotopic measurements described above. The samples created were split into two portions: one for replicate stable isotope analysis and one for Sr/Ca analysis. Stable isotope and Sr/Ca sample sizes were 70-120 micrograms and 130-250 micrograms, respectively. The replicate stable isotope measurements were used to verify the chronology for the Sr/Ca data and to assess the reproducibility of the oxygen isotope anomaly record. Stable isotope measurements were made using the previously described procedures. Sr and Ca concentrations were measured using the isotope dilution technique on a VG Sector thermal ionization mass spectrometer, using enriched Sr-84 and Ca-43 spikes. In-run isotopic fractionation was corrected using measured Sr-86/Sr-88 and Ca-42/Ca-44 and an exponential fractionation law [Russell et al., 1978]. Duplicate or triplicate runs were made on each Sr/Ca sample and averaged. The standard error (2-sigma) on the Sr/Ca measurements is less than +/-0.03 mmol/mol, based on internal precision, duplicate analyses, and replicates; this translates into an SST error estimate of less than +/-0.5 degrees C. # #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Evans, M.N.; Fairbanks, R.G.; Rubenstone, J.L. # Published_Date_or_Year: 1998 # Published_Title: A Proxy Index of ENSO Teleconnections # Journal_Name: Nature # Volume: 394 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 732-733 # DOI: # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: Evans, M.N., R.G. Fairbanks and J.L. Rubenstone, A Proxy Index of ENSO Teleconnections, Nature 394:732-733, 1998. # Abstract: #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Evans, M.N.; Fairbanks, R.G.; Rubenstone, J.L. # Published_Date_or_Year: 1999 # Published_Title: The Thermal Oceanographic Signal of ENSO Constructed from a Kiritimati Island Coral # Journal_Name: J. Geophys. Res. # Volume: 104 # Edition: # Issue: C6 # Pages: 13409-13421 # DOI: # Online_Resource: http://rainbow.ldeo.columbia.edu/~mevans/preprints/thermal_signal/ # Full_Citation: Evans, M.N., R.G. Fairbanks and J.L. Rubenstone, The Thermal Oceanographic Signal of ENSO Constructed from a Kiritimati Island Coral, J. Geophys. Res., 1999 # Abstract: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA, USA) # Grant: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA, USA) # Grant: #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Kiritimati (Christmas) Island, Republic of Kiribati # Location: Ocean>Pacific Ocean>Central Pacific Ocean>Kiribati # Country: Kiritimati (Christmas) Island, Republic of Kiribati # Northernmost_Latitude: 2.0 # Southernmost_Latitude: 2.0 # Easternmost_Longitude: -157.3 # Westernmost_Longitude: -157.3 # Elevation: -9 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: 98kiri01b # Earliest_Year: 1981 # Most_Recent_Year: 1986 # Time_Unit: AD # Core_Length: # Notes: Data precision (one standard deviation): COLUMN 1: +/- 0.8 year; COLUMN 2: +/- 0.09 per mil; COLUMN 3: +/- 0.06 per mil; COLUMN 4: +/- 0.09 per mil; COLUMN 5: +/- 0.015 mmol/mol; COLUMN 6: +/- 0.015 mmol/mol #------------------ # Species # Species_Name: Porites sp. # Common_Name: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ##age age, , ,years AD, , , , ,N ##d13C delta 13C, Porites sp., , permil PDB, , Corals and Sclerosponges, , ,N ##d18O delta 18O, Porites sp., , permil PDB, , Corals and Sclerosponges, , ,N ##d18O-anom delta 18O,Porites sp.,,permil PDB,,Corals and Sclerosponges,anomaly relative to the 1981-1986 mean, ,N ##srca Strontium/Calcium, Porites sp., , mmol/mol, , Corals and Sclerosponges, , ,N ##srca-anom Strontium/Calcium, Porites sp., , mmol/mol, , Corals and Sclerosponges, anomaly relative to the 1981-1986 mean, ,N # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: NAN age d13C d18O d18O-anom srca srca-anom 1981.958 -2.574 -4.622 -0.040 8.678 0.013 1982.042 -2.858 -4.659 -0.077 8.696 0.031 1982.125 -2.715 -4.576 0.006 8.724 0.059 1982.208 -2.553 -4.580 0.002 8.687 0.022 1982.292 -1.973 -4.277 0.305 8.701 0.034 1982.375 -1.270 -4.230 0.352 8.628 -0.014 1982.458 -1.712 -4.551 0.031 8.616 -0.041 1982.542 -2.123 -4.824 -0.242 8.590 -0.075 1982.625 -2.146 -4.911 -0.329 8.576 -0.089 1982.708 -1.894 -4.815 -0.233 8.593 -0.072 1982.792 -2.045 -4.837 -0.255 8.574 -0.092 1982.875 -1.968 -4.985 -0.403 8.531 -0.138 1982.958 -1.872 -5.030 -0.448 8.521 -0.147 1983.042 -1.842 -5.046 -0.464 8.528 -0.137 1983.125 -2.094 -5.058 -0.476 8.561 -0.104 1983.208 -2.293 -4.964 -0.382 8.567 -0.098 1983.292 -2.346 -5.038 -0.456 8.572 -0.093 1983.375 -2.300 -4.760 -0.178 8.660 -0.005 1983.458 -2.517 -4.917 -0.335 8.683 0.018 1983.542 -2.231 -4.781 -0.199 8.724 0.041 1983.625 -2.317 -4.610 -0.028 8.757 0.064 1983.708 -2.444 -4.354 0.228 8.820 0.155 1983.792 -2.463 -4.413 0.169 8.777 0.112 1983.875 -2.600 -4.330 0.252 8.819 0.154 1983.958 -2.627 -4.370 0.212 8.825 0.160 1984.042 -2.592 -4.378 0.204 8.757 0.092 1984.125 -2.510 -4.290 0.292 8.800 0.135 1984.208 -2.298 -4.258 0.324 8.818 0.153 1984.292 -1.738 -4.165 0.417 8.728 0.087 1984.375 -1.325 -4.144 0.438 8.679 0.059 1984.458 -1.643 -4.322 0.260 8.682 0.043 1984.542 -1.961 -4.500 0.082 8.686 0.027 1984.625 -2.225 -4.500 0.082 8.695 0.030 1984.708 -2.393 -4.430 0.152 8.696 0.031 1984.792 -2.412 -4.390 0.192 8.705 0.040 1984.875 -2.485 -4.390 0.192 8.762 0.097 1984.958 -2.639 -4.385 0.197 8.781 0.116 1985.042 -2.433 -4.327 0.255 8.791 0.126 1985.125 -2.445 -4.307 0.275 8.799 0.134 1985.208 -2.698 -4.397 0.185 8.801 0.136 1985.292 -2.455 -4.525 0.057 8.741 0.076 1985.375 -1.146 -4.081 0.501 8.687 0.022 1985.458 -1.635 -4.488 0.094 8.682 0.017 1985.542 -2.255 -4.579 0.003 8.639 -0.026 1985.625 -2.656 -4.670 -0.088 8.603 -0.062 1985.708 -2.708 -4.747 -0.165 8.623 -0.042 1985.792 -2.495 -4.721 -0.139 8.680 0.015 1985.875 -2.511 -4.673 -0.091 8.664 -0.001 1985.958 -2.725 -4.543 0.039 8.722 0.057 1986.042 -2.743 -4.511 0.071 8.741 0.076 1986.125 -2.606 -4.556 0.026 8.731 0.066 1986.208 -2.518 -4.701 -0.119 8.660 -0.005 1986.292 -2.198 -4.658 -0.076 8.657 -0.008 1986.375 -1.981 -4.608 -0.026 8.594 -0.071 1986.458 -1.959 -4.751 -0.169 8.552 -0.113 1986.542 -2.213 -5.005 -0.423 8.548 -0.117 1986.625 -2.328 -4.945 -0.363 8.586 -0.079 1986.708 -2.176 -5.021 -0.439 8.572 -0.093 1986.792 -2.249 -5.038 -0.456 8.565 -0.100 1986.875 -2.322 -5.056 -0.474 8.558 -0.107