# Palmyra Island Fossil Coral Oxygen Isotope Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/1875 # # Original_Source_URL: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/coral/east_pacific/palmyra_2003.txt # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Corals and Sclerosponges #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2003-07-01 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Palmyra Island - Modern and Fossil Coral del18O Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Cobb, K.M.; Charles, C.D.; Cheng, H.; Edwards, R.L. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: The data are oxygen isotopic measurements from modern and fossil corals collected from Palmyra Island (6�N, 162�W). The modern coral was drilled in ~30' of water, while the fossil corals were drilled from large heads scattered on three ocean-facing beaches at Palmyra. The corals were dated using U/Th chemistry, and then overlapping sequences were spliced together, guided by matching d18O variability. The sequences range in age from 930A.D. to the 20th century, are 30 to 150 years long, and are presented at monthly resolution. The sample names refer to collection sites on Palmyra Island (see Figure 1 of Nature paper). See Supplementary Info. associated with the Nature article for more detailed geochemical and chronological information. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Cobb, K.M.; Charles, C.D.; Cheng, H.; Edwards, R.L. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2003-07-17 # Published_Title: El Nino-Southern Oscillation and tropical Pacific climate during the last millennium # Journal_Name: Nature # Volume: 424 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 271 - 276 # DOI: 10.1038/nature01779 # Online_Resource: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v424/n6946/abs/nature01779.html # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Any assessment of future climate change requires knowledge of the full range of natural variability in the El Ni�o/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon. Here we splice together fossil-coral oxygen isotopic records from Palmyra Island in the tropical Pacific Ocean to provide 30–150-year windows of tropical Pacific climate variability within the last 1,100 years. The records indicate mean climate conditions in the central tropical Pacific ranging from relatively cool and dry during the tenth century to increasingly warmer and wetter climate in the twentieth century. But the corals also document a broad range of ENSO behaviour that correlates poorly with these estimates of mean climate. The most intense ENSO activity within the reconstruction occurred during the mid-seventeenth century. Taken together, the coral data imply that the majority of ENSO variability over the last millennium may have arisen from dynamics internal to the ENSO system itself. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Cobb, K.M.; Charles, C.D.; Hunter, D. E. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2001 # Published_Title: A central tropical Pacific coral demonstrates Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic decadal climate connections. # Journal_Name: Geophys. Res. Letters # Volume: 28 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 2209-2212 # DOI: # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: Cobb, K.M., D.E. Hunter, and C.D. Charles, 2001, A central tropical Pacific coral demonstrates Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic decadal climate connections, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28(11): 2209-2212. # Abstract: #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Cobb, K.M.; Charles, C.D.; Cheng, H.; Edwards, R.L.; Kastner, M. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2003 # Published_Title: U/Th-dating modern and young fossil corals from the central tropical Pacific # Journal_Name: Earth and Planetary Science Letters # Volume: 210 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 91-103 # DOI: # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: Cobb, K.M., C.D. Charles, H. Cheng, M.Kastner, and R.L. Edwards, 2003, U/Th-dating modern and young fossil corals from the central tropical Pacific Earth and Planetary Science Letters 210(1-2): 91-103. # Abstract: #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Cobb, K.M. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2003 # Published_Title: Coral records of the El Ni�o-Southern Oscillation and tropical Pacific climate over the last millennium. # Journal_Name: Scripps Inst. of Oceanography. # Volume: # Edition: # Issue: Ph.D Dissertation # Pages: # DOI: # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: Cobb, K.M. 2002, Coral records of the El Ni�o-Southern Oscillation and tropical Pacific climate over the last millennium. Ph.D. dissertation, Scripps Inst. of Oceanography. # Abstract: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: NOAA # Grant: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: NSF # Grant: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Khaled bin Sultan Living Ocean Foundation # Grant: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: The Nature Conservancy # Grant: #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Palmyra Island, Central Pacific # Location: Ocean>Pacific Ocean>Central Pacific Ocean # Country: United States # Northernmost_Latitude: 5.87 # Southernmost_Latitude: 5.87 # Easternmost_Longitude: -162.13 # Westernmost_Longitude: -162.13 # Elevation: -9 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: # Earliest_Year: 1886 # Most_Recent_Year: 1998 # Time_Unit: AD # Core_Length: # Notes: Sample ID - Mod, +/- .25 years error in age calculation #------------------ # Species # Species_Name: Porites lutea # Common_Name: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ##age age, , ,years AD, , , , ,N ##d18O delta 18O, Porites lutea, , permil VPDB, , corals and sclerosponges, , ,N # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: NAN # age d18O 1886.13 -4.79 1886.21 -4.89 1886.29 -4.81 1886.38 -4.84 1886.46 -4.85 1886.54 -4.82 1886.63 -4.89 1886.71 -4.63 1886.79 -4.62 1886.88 -4.57 1886.96 -4.47 1887.04 -4.30 1887.13 -4.39 1887.21 -4.56 1887.29 -4.56 1887.38 -4.63 1887.46 -4.69 1887.54 -4.71 1887.63 -4.69 1887.71 -4.69 1887.79 -4.65 1887.88 -4.66 1887.96 -4.59 1888.04 -4.49 1888.13 -4.54 1888.21 -4.70 1888.29 -4.80 1888.38 -4.90 1888.46 -4.97 1888.54 -5.03 1888.63 -5.09 1888.71 -5.04 1888.79 -4.92 1888.88 -4.82 1888.96 -4.75 1889.04 -4.67 1889.13 -4.64 1889.21 -4.66 1889.29 -4.67 1889.38 -4.69 1889.46 -4.73 1889.54 -4.76 1889.63 -4.80 1889.71 -4.77 1889.79 -4.63 1889.88 -4.54 1889.96 -4.53 1890.04 -4.57 1890.13 -4.50 1890.21 -4.62 1890.29 -4.78 1890.38 -4.76 1890.46 -4.78 1890.54 -4.87 1890.63 -4.96 1890.71 -4.95 1890.79 -4.79 1890.88 -4.79 1890.96 -4.82 1891.04 -4.76 1891.13 -4.76 1891.21 -4.79 1891.29 -4.80 1891.38 -4.93 1891.46 -4.79 1891.54 -4.91 1891.63 -4.98 1891.71 -5.00 1891.79 -4.88 1891.88 -4.82 1891.96 -4.76 1892.04 -4.65 1892.13 -4.59 1892.21 -4.59 1892.29 -4.65 1892.38 -4.71 1892.46 -4.72 1892.54 -4.74 1892.63 -4.79 1892.71 -4.73 1892.79 -4.68 1892.88 -4.69 1892.96 -4.63 1893.04 -4.57 1893.13 -4.59 1893.21 -4.63 1893.29 -4.57 1893.38 -4.66 1893.46 -4.62 1893.54 -4.62 1893.63 -4.80 1893.71 -4.72 1893.79 -4.51 1893.88 -4.59 1893.96 -4.79 1894.04 -4.61 1894.13 -4.54 1894.21 -4.62 1894.29 -4.62 1894.38 -4.61 1894.46 -4.70 1894.54 -4.78 1894.63 -4.84 1894.71 -4.73 1894.79 -4.77 1894.88 -4.77 1894.96 -4.80 1895.04 -4.76 1895.13 -4.74 1895.21 -4.87 1895.29 -5.00 1895.38 -5.00 1895.46 -5.07 1895.54 -5.10 1895.63 -5.12 1895.71 -5.07 1895.79 -4.98 1895.88 -4.91 1895.96 -4.82 1896.04 -4.82 1896.13 -4.79 1896.21 -4.86 1896.29 -4.98 1896.38 -5.05 1896.46 -5.14 1896.54 -5.22 1896.63 -5.34 1896.71 -5.33 1896.79 -5.04 1896.88 -4.86 1896.96 -4.83 1897.04 -4.76 1897.13 -4.68 1897.21 -4.69 1897.29 -4.67 1897.38 -4.69 1897.46 -4.79 1897.54 -4.85 1897.63 -4.92 1897.71 -4.91 1897.79 -4.86 1897.88 -4.88 1897.96 -4.85 1898.04 -4.65 1898.13 -4.56 1898.21 -4.60 1898.29 -4.60 1898.38 -4.61 1898.46 -4.67 1898.54 -4.76 1898.63 -4.87 1898.71 -4.81 1898.79 -4.86 1898.88 -4.77 1898.96 -4.60 1899.04 -4.57 1899.13 -4.46 1899.21 -4.67 1899.29 -4.75 1899.38 -4.74 1899.46 -4.98 1899.54 -5.16 1899.63 -5.35 1899.71 -5.29 1899.79 -5.17 1899.88 -5.06 1899.96 -4.98 1900.04 -4.83 1900.13 -4.83 1900.21 -4.92 1900.29 -4.99 1900.38 -5.04 1900.46 -5.08 1900.54 -5.08 1900.63 -5.09 1900.71 -5.01 1900.79 -5.07 1900.88 -5.02 1900.96 -4.98 1901.04 -4.79 1901.13 -4.72 1901.21 -4.71 1901.29 -4.77 1901.38 -4.70 1901.46 -4.85 1901.54 -4.90 1901.63 -4.96 1901.71 -4.94 1901.79 -4.83 1901.88 -4.67 1901.96 -4.62 1902.04 -4.61 1902.13 -4.58 1902.21 -4.60 1902.29 -4.71 1902.38 -4.85 1902.46 -4.99 1902.54 -5.11 1902.63 -5.20 1902.71 -5.19 1902.79 -5.19 1902.88 -5.12 1902.96 -5.03 1903.04 -4.94 1903.13 -4.96 1903.21 -5.04 1903.29 -5.01 1903.38 -4.96 1903.46 -4.98 1903.54 -5.04 1903.63 -5.17 1903.71 -5.01 1903.79 -4.89 1903.88 -4.89 1903.96 -4.85 1904.04 -4.58 1904.13 -4.51 1904.21 -4.67 1904.29 -4.82 1904.38 -4.71 1904.46 -4.78 1904.54 -4.83 1904.63 -5.07 1904.71 -5.01 1904.79 -5.06 1904.88 -4.77 1904.96 -4.81 1905.04 -4.91 1905.13 -4.76 1905.21 -4.87 1905.29 -5.00 1905.38 -5.24 1905.46 -5.47 1905.54 -5.37 1905.63 -5.39 1905.71 -5.23 1905.79 -5.04 1905.88 -4.95 1905.96 -4.95 1906.04 -4.88 1906.13 -4.87 1906.21 -4.92 1906.29 -4.93 1906.38 -4.85 1906.46 -4.89 1906.54 -4.97 1906.63 -5.05 1906.71 -4.92 1906.79 -4.94 1906.88 -4.81 1906.96 -4.90 1907.04 -4.91 1907.13 -4.90 1907.21 -4.98 1907.29 -4.99 1907.38 -4.97 1907.46 -5.03 1907.54 -5.11 1907.63 -5.13 1907.71 -5.07 1907.79 -5.03 1907.88 -5.07 1907.96 -4.89 1908.04 -4.70 1908.13 -4.72 1908.21 -4.72 1908.29 -4.71 1908.38 -4.83 1908.46 -4.88 1908.54 -4.88 1908.63 -4.93 1908.71 -4.95 1908.79 -4.89 1908.88 -4.69 1908.96 -4.68 1909.04 -4.64 1909.13 -4.57 1909.21 -4.69 1909.29 -4.77 1909.38 -4.86 1909.46 -4.86 1909.54 -4.92 1909.63 -4.92 1909.71 -4.92 1909.79 -4.87 1909.88 -4.51 1909.96 -4.55 1910.04 -4.48 1910.13 -4.48 1910.21 -4.54 1910.29 -4.59 1910.38 -4.64 1910.46 -4.65 1910.54 -4.68 1910.63 -4.74 1910.71 -4.66 1910.79 -4.60 1910.88 -4.64 1910.96 -4.68 1911.04 -4.73 1911.13 -4.79 1911.21 -4.78 1911.29 -4.70 1911.38 -4.86 1911.46 -5.02 1911.54 -4.95 1911.63 -5.07 1911.71 -5.16 1911.79 -4.94 1911.88 -4.78 1911.96 -4.88 1912.04 -4.69 1912.13 -4.64 1912.21 -4.65 1912.29 -4.67 1912.38 -4.76 1912.46 -4.85 1912.54 -4.87 1912.63 -5.07 1912.71 -4.94 1912.79 -4.83 1912.88 -4.81 1912.96 -4.67 1913.04 -4.58 1913.13 -4.57 1913.21 -4.57 1913.29 -4.58 1913.38 -4.66 1913.46 -4.73 1913.54 -5.01 1913.63 -5.02 1913.71 -4.86 1913.79 -4.96 1913.88 -4.91 1913.96 -4.86 1914.04 -4.81 1914.13 -4.77 1914.21 -4.87 1914.29 -4.79 1914.38 -4.95 1914.46 -5.03 1914.54 -5.21 1914.63 -5.46 1914.71 -5.41 1914.79 -5.39 1914.88 -5.34 1914.96 -5.05 1915.04 -4.99 1915.13 -4.89 1915.21 -4.97 1915.29 -5.03 1915.38 -4.94 1915.46 -4.98 1915.54 -5.06 1915.63 -5.10 1915.71 -5.05 1915.79 -5.03 1915.88 -4.90 1915.96 -4.81 1916.04 -4.74 1916.13 -4.64 1916.21 -4.64 1916.29 -4.71 1916.38 -4.80 1916.46 -4.80 1916.54 -4.85 1916.63 -4.96 1916.71 -4.80 1916.79 -4.71 1916.88 -4.70 1916.96 -4.57 1917.04 -4.48 1917.13 -4.47 1917.21 -4.63 1917.29 -4.58 1917.38 -4.54 1917.46 -4.59 1917.54 -4.67 1917.63 -4.69 1917.71 -4.64 1917.79 -4.69 1917.88 -4.57 1917.96 -4.59 1918.04 -4.49 1918.13 -4.57 1918.21 -4.57 1918.29 -4.74 1918.38 -4.87 1918.46 -5.02 1918.54 -5.22 1918.63 -5.33 1918.71 -5.24 1918.79 -5.06 1918.88 -4.91 1918.96 -4.80 1919.04 -4.64 1919.13 -4.70 1919.21 -4.77 1919.29 -4.69 1919.38 -4.87 1919.46 -4.98 1919.54 -4.90 1919.63 -4.92 1919.71 -5.00 1919.79 -5.05 1919.88 -4.98 1919.96 -4.80 1920.04 -4.68 1920.13 -4.75 1920.21 -4.77 1920.29 -4.68 1920.38 -4.81 1920.46 -4.84 1920.54 -4.78 1920.63 -4.80 1920.71 -4.78 1920.79 -4.72 1920.88 -4.74 1920.96 -4.66 1921.04 -4.65 1921.13 -4.56 1921.21 -4.67 1921.29 -4.64 1921.38 -4.78 1921.46 -4.89 1921.54 -4.81 1921.63 -4.93 1921.71 -4.87 1921.79 -4.72 1921.88 -4.64 1921.96 -4.62 1922.04 -4.74 1922.13 -4.62 1922.21 -4.68 1922.29 -4.74 1922.38 -4.75 1922.46 -4.69 1922.54 -4.72 1922.63 -4.76 1922.71 -4.74 1922.79 -4.74 1922.88 -4.72 1922.96 -4.66 1923.04 -4.66 1923.13 -4.66 1923.21 -4.75 1923.29 -4.75 1923.38 -4.88 1923.46 -4.90 1923.54 -4.99 1923.63 -5.22 1923.71 -5.07 1923.79 -4.95 1923.88 -4.84 1923.96 -4.78 1924.04 -4.73 1924.13 -4.71 1924.21 -4.76 1924.29 -4.80 1924.38 -4.75 1924.46 -4.77 1924.54 -4.82 1924.63 -4.99 1924.71 -4.87 1924.79 -4.68 1924.88 -4.66 1924.96 -4.58 1925.04 -4.60 1925.13 -4.58 1925.21 -4.58 1925.29 -4.69 1925.38 -4.87 1925.46 -4.89 1925.54 -4.87 1925.63 -5.07 1925.71 -5.10 1925.79 -4.98 1925.88 -4.78 1925.96 -4.64 1926.04 -4.62 1926.13 -4.64 1926.21 -4.76 1926.29 -4.88 1926.38 -4.88 1926.46 -4.81 1926.54 -4.74 1926.63 -4.77 1926.71 -4.74 1926.79 -4.72 1926.88 -4.91 1926.96 -4.76 1927.04 -4.70 1927.13 -4.69 1927.21 -4.71 1927.29 -4.78 1927.38 -4.86 1927.46 -4.97 1927.54 -5.02 1927.63 -5.10 1927.71 -5.07 1927.79 -4.87 1927.88 -4.91 1927.96 -4.76 1928.04 -4.66 1928.13 -4.67 1928.21 -4.80 1928.29 -4.91 1928.38 -4.86 1928.46 -4.98 1928.54 -5.03 1928.63 -5.04 1928.71 -5.01 1928.79 -4.85 1928.88 -4.72 1928.96 -4.73 1929.04 -4.71 1929.13 -4.71 1929.21 -4.74 1929.29 -4.72 1929.38 -4.93 1929.46 -5.05 1929.54 -5.00 1929.63 -5.03 1929.71 -5.08 1929.79 -5.03 1929.88 -5.03 1929.96 -5.00 1930.04 -4.91 1930.13 -4.93 1930.21 -4.95 1930.29 -4.95 1930.38 -5.06 1930.46 -5.03 1930.54 -5.13 1930.63 -5.33 1930.71 -5.30 1930.79 -5.33 1930.88 -5.26 1930.96 -5.16 1931.04 -4.77 1931.13 -4.70 1931.21 -4.71 1931.29 -4.79 1931.38 -4.89 1931.46 -4.94 1931.54 -4.99 1931.63 -5.08 1931.71 -5.02 1931.79 -4.88 1931.88 -4.89 1931.96 -4.96 1932.04 -4.84 1932.13 -4.77 1932.21 -4.78 1932.29 -4.81 1932.38 -4.73 1932.46 -4.84 1932.54 -4.99 1932.63 -5.11 1932.71 -5.03 1932.79 -4.92 1932.88 -4.92 1932.96 -4.94 1933.04 -4.81 1933.13 -4.73 1933.21 -4.87 1933.29 -4.88 1933.38 -4.80 1933.46 -4.76 1933.54 -4.79 1933.63 -4.79 1933.71 -4.77 1933.79 -4.65 1933.88 -4.71 1933.96 -4.74 1934.04 -4.66 1934.13 -4.58 1934.21 -4.64 1934.29 -4.68 1934.38 -4.73 1934.46 -4.80 1934.54 -4.77 1934.63 -4.95 1934.71 -4.95 1934.79 -4.92 1934.88 -4.85 1934.96 -4.78 1935.04 -4.74 1935.13 -4.74 1935.21 -4.92 1935.29 -4.79 1935.38 -4.76 1935.46 -4.87 1935.54 -4.93 1935.63 -5.10 1935.71 -5.15 1935.79 -5.16 1935.88 -4.92 1935.96 -4.84 1936.04 -4.78 1936.13 -4.82 1936.21 -4.83 1936.29 -4.88 1936.38 -4.91 1936.46 -4.90 1936.54 -5.09 1936.63 -5.02 1936.71 -5.03 1936.79 -5.04 1936.88 -4.95 1936.96 -4.98 1937.04 -4.92 1937.13 -4.87 1937.21 -4.91 1937.29 -4.95 1937.38 -4.92 1937.46 -4.97 1937.54 -4.99 1937.63 -5.00 1937.71 -4.91 1937.79 -5.06 1937.88 -5.13 1937.96 -4.91 1938.04 -4.82 1938.13 -4.81 1938.21 -4.83 1938.29 -4.92 1938.38 -4.97 1938.46 -4.95 1938.54 -4.95 1938.63 -5.00 1938.71 -4.98 1938.79 -4.89 1938.88 -4.95 1938.96 -4.83 1939.04 -4.70 1939.13 -4.70 1939.21 -4.87 1939.29 -4.78 1939.38 -4.84 1939.46 -4.83 1939.54 -4.87 1939.63 -4.97 1939.71 -4.95 1939.79 -4.94 1939.88 -4.92 1939.96 -4.83 1940.04 -4.86 1940.13 -4.76 1940.21 -4.83 1940.29 -4.88 1940.38 -4.89 1940.46 -4.97 1940.54 -5.15 1940.63 -5.22 1940.71 -5.26 1940.79 -5.16 1940.88 -5.07 1940.96 -5.10 1941.04 -5.11 1941.13 -5.08 1941.21 -5.15 1941.29 -5.17 1941.38 -5.15 1941.46 -5.25 1941.54 -5.22 1941.63 -5.29 1941.71 -5.22 1941.79 -5.26 1941.88 -5.23 1941.96 -5.19 1942.04 -5.13 1942.13 -5.04 1942.21 -4.94 1942.29 -5.05 1942.38 -5.04 1942.46 -5.09 1942.54 -4.94 1942.63 -5.11 1942.71 -4.95 1942.79 -4.92 1942.88 -4.85 1942.96 -4.77 1943.04 -4.74 1943.13 -4.70 1943.21 -4.78 1943.29 -4.82 1943.38 -4.88 1943.46 -4.85 1943.54 -4.97 1943.63 -4.93 1943.71 -4.91 1943.79 -4.84 1943.88 -4.63 1943.96 -4.70 1944.04 -4.65 1944.13 -4.66 1944.21 -4.78 1944.29 -4.84 1944.38 -4.85 1944.46 -4.86 1944.54 -4.86 1944.63 -4.87 1944.71 -4.85 1944.79 -4.83 1944.88 -4.74 1944.96 -4.71 1945.04 -4.62 1945.13 -4.57 1945.21 -4.67 1945.29 -4.69 1945.38 -4.75 1945.46 -4.85 1945.54 -4.79 1945.63 -4.91 1945.71 -4.85 1945.79 -4.77 1945.88 -4.76 1945.96 -4.76 1946.04 -4.66 1946.13 -4.61 1946.21 -4.61 1946.29 -4.73 1946.38 -5.04 1946.46 -5.15 1946.54 -5.13 1946.63 -5.27 1946.71 -5.27 1946.79 -5.09 1946.88 -5.07 1946.96 -4.94 1947.04 -4.82 1947.13 -4.77 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