# Cross Seamount, North Pacific Geochemistry and Amino Acid d15N and d13C Data over the last 12,000 Years #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. # If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with '#' followed by a space # Data lines have no '#' # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/36997 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-coral-36997.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Corals and Sclerosponges # # Dataset_DOI: 10.25921/gqsp-h978 # # Science_Keywords: biogeochemical cycles, decadal resolution #--------------------------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/coral/central_pacific/glynn2022/glynn2022-pv590g1-mod-d13c.txt # Data_Download_Description: NOAA Template File; PV590 G1 modern AA d13C Data # #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2022-10-26 #--------------------------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2023-03-24 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Cross Seamount, North Pacific Geochemistry and Amino Acid d15N and d13C Data over the last 12,000 Years #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Glynn, D.S.; McMahon, K.M.; Sherwood, O.A.; Guilderson, T.P.; McCarthy, M.D. #--------------------------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Amino acid abbreviations follow standard nomenclature. Ages are presented in both Common Era and Calibrated Years BP where appropriate. #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Glynn, D.S., K.M. McMahon, O.A. Sherwood, T.P. Guilderson, and M.D. McCarthy # Published_Date_or_Year: 2022-12-01 # Published_Title: Investigating Subfossil Deep-Sea Proteinaceous Coral Skeletons as Paleo-Recorders of Isotopic and Geochemical Information over Multimillennial Timescales # Journal_Name: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta # Volume: 338 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 264-277 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2022.09.023 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Paleoproxy records in proteinaceous deep-sea coral skeletons can reconstruct past ocean conditions on centennial to millennial time scales. Commonly recovered subfossil specimens could potentially extend these archives through the Holocene. However, protein matrix stability and integrity of isotopic and chemical proxies over multi-millennial timescales in such specimens have never been examined. Here we compared isotopic data and skeletal composition of live-collected and subfossil (~9.6-11.6 kyrs BP) Kulumanamana haumeaae specimens from the central Pacific to understand the effects of long-duration benthic oxic exposure on skeletal protein composition and isotope values. The subfossil coral had large, coupled shifts in bulk d15N (~7‰) and d13C (~2‰) in the outermost portion (<10 mm), coincident with extensive alteration of the protein matrix. Physical changes coincided with increased C/N ratio (+0.8) and isotope-based amino acid degradation parameters (e.g. SV =3), indicating extensive degradation of seawater exposed gorgonin. However, interior gorgonin (>10 mm) remained preserved at both molecular and isotopic level. Little change occurred in AA molar composition with the exception of glycine loss, and d15N and d13C compound-specific patterns of amino acids (CSI-AA) were generally unaltered in the inner subfossil coral. These results indicate that while bulk isotope data may be compromised, CSI-AA data can reconstruct paleo-oceanographic biogeochemical and ecosystem information in subfossil corals beyond a clear “burn in” horizon which is strongly impacted by biotic and abiotic diagenesis. We propose that C/N ratios together with the SV degradation proxy can identify zones where isotopic and paleoproxy information remains viable. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: NOAA/National Undersea Research Program # Grant: #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Geographic Society # Grant: 7717-04 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: OCE-1061689, OCE-1635527, GRFP-1339067 #--------------------------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Cross Seamount # Location: North Pacific Ocean # Northernmost_Latitude: 19 # Southernmost_Latitude: 19 # Easternmost_Longitude: -158 # Westernmost_Longitude: -158 # Elevation_m: -400 #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: PV590 G1 modern AA d13C Glynn2022 # First_Year: 1067 # Last_Year: 1970 # Time_Unit: CE # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: carbon isotopes # Notes: Individual AA stdev based on repeated injections. Normalized value is derived by subtracting THAA average. Because of the pooling of samples to have enough mass for CSIA-AA, the 'age' is not a strict match with the more detailed bulk isotope record. #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # # Sample Coral ID: Live-collected PV590 Gold1, from Cross Seamount, Hawaii # Sample ID CAMS # Depth (mm) d13C fraction Modern ± 14C age ± yrs Age Model (Cal YrBP) 1s error Age Model (CE) Age Model (yrBP) # PV590 G1 0.2 157079 0.2 -17.039196673432 1.07357280614992 4.3615323097497E-03 >Modern NaN NaN 1978 -28 # PV590 G1 0.3 157080 0.3 -17.3713047642488 1.08553945151191 3.7629167145456E-03 >Modern NaN NaN 1971 -21 # PV590 G1 0.5 157081 0.5 -16.7395222507119 0.971375302822809 2.8210198783623E-03 235 25 NaN NaN 1958 -8 # PV590 G1 0.7 157082 0.7 -16.7005340634853 0.959171410290262 2.78664490919978E-03 335 25 NaN NaN 1944 6 # PV590 G1 0.9 157083 0.9 -16.5704149933636 0.941942002135064 2.73675549552683E-03 480 25 78 77 1931 19 # PV590 G1 2.5 157084 2.5 -16.4767917922756 0.934702162862072 2.71594770839413E-03 540 25 181 79 1815 135 # PV590 G1 5 157085 5 -16.1177983120316 0.918560679837579 2.67008023540826E-03 680 25 335 72 1698 252 # PV590 G1 7.5 157086 7.5 -15.5351658385478 0.926420767120785 3.79663463474418E-03 615 35 236 86 1624 326 # PV590 G1 10.6 157087 10.6 -16.3646141700196 0.907303574221221 2.39488220610708E-03 780 25 410 67 1505 445 # PV590 G1 12.7 157088 12.7 -16.3282170834324 0.895561906041668 2.58086425815466E-03 885 25 496 57 1428 522 # PV590 G1 14 * 157843 14 -16.5639342288933 0.895537666887414 1.05908684973449E-02 890 100 515 103 1383 567 # * CAMS# 157843, PV 590 14.0mm was a 40µgC target. This is why the error is larger. NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN # Modern (live-collected) Coral Radiocarbon data and age modeled dates calculated using Calib Calibration 8.1 - (Stuiver et al. 1993) and Marine20 Calibration curve (Heaton et al. 2020; doi: 10.1017/RDC.2020.68.) NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN # Reservoir age and DELTA_R estimated from Druffel et al;, 2001 and Guilderson et al., 2021. NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN # # Sample Coral ID: Sub-fossil PV588 Gold 6 from Cross Seamount, Hawaii. NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN # Sample ID CAMS # Depth (mm) d13C(per mil) fraction Modern ± 14C age ± Age Model (Cal YrBP) 1s error NaN NaN # PV588 G6 4 178842 4 -15.43 0.333568986515508 6.15318615977428E-03 8820 150 9519 206 NaN NaN # PV588 G6 9 178843 9 -16.17 0.307905323489921 1.18900883789088E-02 9460 320 10363.5 456.5 NaN NaN # PV588 G6 14 178844 14 -16.1 0.300347153601352 6.55252227307467E-03 9660 180 10653.5 276.5 NaN NaN # PV588 G6 19 178845 19 -15.7 0.308370864917074 5.93642902445905E-03 9450 160 10363 222 NaN NaN # PV588 G6 24 178846 24 -16.05 0.30718898001871 7.51600715500522E-03 9480 200 10411.5 282.5 NaN NaN # PV588 G6 29 178847 29 -16.07 0.293223221625924 7.69235088579912E-03 9860 220 10897 307 NaN NaN # PV588 G6 34 178848 34 -16.53 0.283183414197559 5.76322252578674E-03 10130 170 11331.5 256.5 NaN NaN # PV588 G6 39 178849 39 -16.3 0.282246912448213 4.40107006371411E-03 10160 130 11355.5 196.5 NaN NaN # PV588 G6 45.5 178850 45.5 -16.3 0.271720119992541 7.63636356944818E-03 10470 230 11777 365 NaN NaN # * samples were less than 100 micrograms carbon which is why the analytical errors are large. NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN # Subfossil Coral Radiocarbon data and age modeled dates (using Stuiver et al. 2021 and Marine20 Calibration curve (Heaton et al. 2020; doi: 10.1017/RDC.2020.68.) NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN # Reservoir age and DELTA_R estimated from Druffel et al;, 2001 and Guilderson et al., 2021. NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN # #--------------------------------------- # Variables # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-var components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## distance_mm depth,,,millimeter,,corals and sclerosponges,,,N,distance from outer edge of cross-section disk; computerized mill; precision: 0.01 ## year_CE age,,,year Common Era,,corals and sclerosponges,,,N,14C age model ## measurement notes,,,,,corals and sclerosponges,,,C,measurement performed on these samples ## Phe delta 13C,phenylalanine; Kulamanamana sp.,,per mil VPDB,,corals and sclerosponges,,gas chromatography; isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N,Essential; precision: <1‰ ## Thr delta 13C,threonine; Kulamanamana sp.,,per mil VPDB,,corals and sclerosponges,,gas chromatography; isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N,Essential; precision: <1‰ ## Ile delta 13C,isoleucine; Kulamanamana sp.,,per mil VPDB,,corals and sclerosponges,,gas chromatography; isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N,Essential; precision: <1‰ ## Leu delta 13C,leucine; Kulamanamana sp.,,per mil VPDB,,corals and sclerosponges,,gas chromatography; isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N,Essential; precision: <1‰ ## Val delta 13C,valine; Kulamanamana sp.,,per mil VPDB,,corals and sclerosponges,,gas chromatography; isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N,Essential; precision: <1‰ ## Lys delta 13C,lysine; Kulamanamana sp.,,per mil VPDB,,corals and sclerosponges,,gas chromatography; isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N,Essential; precision: <1‰ ## Asp delta 13C,asparagine; Kulamanamana sp.,,per mil VPDB,,corals and sclerosponges,,gas chromatography; isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N,Non-Essential; precision: <1‰ ## Glu delta 13C,glutamine; Kulamanamana sp.,,per mil VPDB,,corals and sclerosponges,,gas chromatography; isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N,Non-Essential; precision: <1‰ ## Pro delta 13C,proline; Kulamanamana sp.,,per mil VPDB,,corals and sclerosponges,,gas chromatography; isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N,Non-Essential; precision: <1‰ ## Ala delta 13C,alanine; Kulamanamana sp.,,per mil VPDB,,corals and sclerosponges,,gas chromatography; isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N,Non-Essential; precision: <1‰ ## Ser delta 13C,serine; Kulamanamana sp.,,per mil VPDB,,corals and sclerosponges,,gas chromatography; isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N,Non-Essential; precision: <1‰ ## Gly delta 13C,glycine; Kulamanamana sp.,,per mil VPDB,,corals and sclerosponges,,gas chromatography; isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N,Non-Essential; precision: <1‰ ## THAA_avg delta 13C,Kulamanamana sp.,,per mil VPDB,,corals and sclerosponges,averaged,,N,derived variable based on average of all AA values ## Essential_avg delta 13C,Kulamanamana sp.,,per mil VPDB,,corals and sclerosponges,averaged,,N,derived variable based on the average value of trophic AAs ## Non-essential_avg delta 13C,Kulamanamana sp.,,per mil VPDB,,corals and sclerosponges,averaged,,N,derived variable based on the average value of source AAs #------------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: NA distance_mm year_CE measurement Phe Thr Ile Leu Val Lys Asp Glu Pro Ala Ser Gly THAA_avg Essential_avg Non-essential_avg 0.6 1970 measured delta 13C (per mil VPDB) -24.66 -3.16 -16.46 -22.58 -17.73 -21.66 -10.52 -10.55 -12.06 -6.52 8.77 -1.38 -11.54 -17.71 -5.38 0.6 1970 delta 13C stdev 0.31 0.20 0.64 0.31 0.63 0.19 0.19 0.31 0.15 0.59 0.77 0.18 NA NA NA 0.6 1970 normalized delta 13C (per mil VPDB) -13.11 8.38 -4.92 -11.04 -6.19 -10.12 1.02 0.99 -0.52 5.03 20.31 10.16 NA NA NA 1.8 1893 measured delta 13C (per mil VPDB) -23.08 -15.56 -20.40 -19.24 -18.19 -15.77 -13.19 -10.76 -12.04 -5.75 -2.92 0.30 -13.05 -18.71 -7.39 1.8 1893 delta 13C stdev 1.54 0.80 0.34 0.39 0.30 0.17 0.40 0.23 1.22 0.52 0.39 0.08 NA NA NA 1.8 1893 normalized delta 13C (per mil VPDB) -10.02 -2.51 -7.35 -6.19 -5.14 -2.72 -0.14 2.29 1.01 7.31 10.13 13.35 NA NA NA 7.1 1562 measured delta 13C (per mil VPDB) -24.29 -10.02 -16.96 -22.34 -20.62 -14.82 -11.78 -9.13 -12.22 -11.74 10.80 -2.86 -12.17 -18.17 -6.16 7.1 1562 delta 13C stdev 0.67 0.30 0.70 0.26 0.17 0.31 0.20 0.22 0.34 0.28 0.65 0.02 NA NA NA 7.1 1562 normalized delta 13C (per mil VPDB) -12.12 2.15 -4.79 -10.17 -8.45 -2.66 0.39 3.03 -0.06 0.42 22.96 9.30 NA NA NA 14.9 1067 measured delta 13C (per mil VPDB) -23.87 -4.84 -16.70 -23.05 -20.12 -24.04 -11.30 -10.83 -11.80 -8.73 8.93 -4.72 -12.59 -18.77 -6.41 14.9 1067 delta 13C stdev 0.16 0.34 0.13 0.20 0.64 1.00 0.16 0.33 0.37 0.57 0.50 0.17 NA NA NA 14.9 1067 normalized delta 13C (per mil VPDB) -11.28 7.75 -4.11 -10.46 -7.53 -11.45 1.29 1.76 0.79 3.86 21.52 7.87 NA NA NA