Caribbean Sclerosponge Oxygen Isotope and Sr/Ca Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE CONTRIBUTORS WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: Caribbean Sclerosponge Oxygen Isotope and Sr/Ca Data LAST UPDATE: 10/2003 (Original Receipt by WDCA Paleo) CONTRIBUTORS: Alexandra Haase-Schramm, Florian Böhm, Anton Eisenhauer, Wolf-Christian Dullo, Michael M. Joachimski, Bent Hansen, Joachim Reitner IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2003-076 SUGGESTED DATA CITATION: Haase-Schramm, A., et al., 2003, Caribbean Sclerosponge Oxygen Isotope and Sr/Ca Data , IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series #2003-076. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Haase-Schramm, A., F. Böhm, A. Eisenhauer, W.-C. Dullo, M.M. Joachimski, B. Hansen, and J. Reitner, 2003, Sr/Ca ratios and oxygen isotopes from sclerosponges: Temperature history of the Caribbean mixed layer and thermocline during the Little Ice Age, Paleoceanography, Vol. 18, No. 3, 1073, doi:10.1029/2002PA000830. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Caribbean Sea PERIOD OF RECORD: 1350 to 1992 AD LIST OF FILES: montego_bay_2003.txt, pedro_bank_2003.txt DESCRIPTION: Sr/Ca and oxygen isotope values (VPDB) were measured on aragonitic skeletons of sclerosponges Ceratoporella nicholsoni. Sr/Ca values were measured with ICP-AES with external reproducibility of 0.6% (2sem). External precision for d18O is 0.07 permil (2sd). Age model is based on U/Th dating with average error of 3%. sample Pb19: Pedro Bank, 17°32’N, 78°57’W ; 125 mbsl ABSTRACT: We investigate aragonitic skeletons of the Caribbean sclerosponge Ceratoporella nicholsoni from Jamaica, 20 m below sea level (mbsl), and Pedro Bank, 125 mbsl. We use d18O and Sr/Ca ratios as temperature proxies to reconstruct the Caribbean mixed layer and thermocline temperature history since 1400 A.D. with a decadal time resolution. Our age models are based on U/Th dating and locating of the radiocarbon bomb spike. The modern temperature difference between the two sites is used to tentatively calibrate the C. nicholsoni Sr/Ca thermometer. The resulting calibration points to a temperature sensitivity of Sr/Ca in C. nicholsoni aragonite of about -0.1 mmol/mol/K. Our Sr/Ca records reveal a pronounced warming from the early 19th to the late 20th century, both at 20 and 125 mbsl. Two temperature minima in the shallow water record during the late 17th and early 19th century correspond to the Maunder and Dalton sunspot minima, respectively. Another major cooling occurred in the late 16th century and is not correlatable with a sunspot minimum. The temperature contrast between the two sites decreased from the 14th century to a minimum in the late 17th century and subsequently increased to modern values in the early 19th century. This is interpreted as a long-term deepening and subsequent shoaling of the Caribbean thermocline. The major trends of the Sr/Ca records are reproduced in both specimens but hardly reflected in the d18O records. DATA: 1. Pedro Bank Sclerosponge Pb19 Oxygen Isotope Data, per mill PDB 3 transects plus stack Year d18O d18O d18O d18O A.D. Trans1 Trans2 Trans3 Stack 1992 -0.36 -0.47 -0.47 -0.43 1987 -0.28 -0.44 -0.44 -0.39 1982 -0.31 -0.43 -0.51 -0.42 1979 -0.40 -0.50 -0.45 1977 -0.35 -0.49 -0.42 1972 -0.41 -0.45 -0.50 -0.45 1967 -0.31 -0.42 -0.37 1963 -0.32 -0.40 -0.36 1957 -0.26 -0.54 -0.49 -0.43 1952 -0.26 -0.36 -0.36 -0.33 1950 -0.35 -0.35 1947 -0.28 -0.46 -0.53 -0.42 1943 -0.31 -0.50 -0.41 1939 -0.38 -0.49 -0.44 1934 -0.25 -0.49 -0.37 1930 -0.31 -0.43 -0.44 -0.39 1928 -0.36 -0.35 -0.36 1926 -0.36 -0.36 1921 -0.32 -0.39 -0.32 -0.34 1918 -0.23 -0.23 1913 -0.30 -0.34 -0.32 1911 -0.48 -0.48 1909 -0.27 -0.48 -0.37 1905 -0.28 -0.53 -0.41 1905 -0.29 -0.29 1899 -0.19 -0.42 -0.30 1895 -0.36 -0.59 -0.47 1891 -0.40 -0.58 -0.49 1885 -0.35 -0.49 -0.42 1881 -0.29 -0.32 -0.30 1875 -0.29 -0.29 1870 -0.40 -0.45 -0.42 1865 -0.24 -0.40 -0.32 1859 -0.25 -0.36 -0.31 1854 -0.26 -0.39 -0.33 1849 -0.18 -0.39 -0.28 1844 -0.34 -0.41 -0.38 1837 -0.36 -0.46 -0.41 1833 -0.26 -0.47 -0.37 1828 -0.23 -0.57 -0.40 1823 -0.40 -0.52 -0.46 1818 -0.47 -0.61 -0.54 1813 -0.32 -0.41 -0.36 1808 -0.40 -0.48 -0.44 1802 -0.32 -0.44 -0.38 1797 -0.31 -0.49 -0.40 1791 -0.24 -0.30 -0.27 1785 -0.33 -0.38 -0.36 1780 -0.27 -0.34 -0.31 1774 -0.39 -0.42 -0.40 1769 -0.28 -0.36 -0.32 1763 -0.37 -0.43 -0.40 1758 -0.38 -0.45 -0.42 1752 -0.33 -0.42 -0.37 1746 -0.35 -0.39 -0.37 1741 -0.42 -0.44 -0.43 1736 -0.35 -0.37 -0.36 1731 -0.38 -0.59 -0.49 1727 -0.35 -0.46 -0.40 1721 -0.25 -0.42 -0.34 1715 -0.29 1709 -0.28 1703 -0.26 1698 -0.23 1693 -0.41 1687 -0.34 1682 -0.28 1676 -0.30 1670 -0.37 1665 -0.25 1660 -0.38 1655 -0.43 1650 -0.35 1645 -0.30 1640 -0.34 1635 -0.32 1629 -0.34 1623 -0.31 1617 -0.40 1612 -0.33 1607 -0.43 1601 -0.36 1596 -0.38 1590 -0.24 1585 -0.35 1579 -0.28 1574 -0.45 1568 -0.31 1564 -0.26 1559 -0.36 1554 -0.26 1550 -0.23 1545 -0.41 1540 -0.40 1534 -0.38 1528 -0.27 1522 -0.28 1516 -0.39 1509 -0.32 1504 -0.42 1498 -0.45 1493 -0.24 1487 -0.39 1482 -0.36 1476 -0.36 1471 -0.33 1466 -0.40 1460 -0.39 1454 -0.33 1448 -0.33 1441 -0.33 1435 -0.41 1427 -0.39 1420 -0.36 1413 -0.40 1405 -0.35 1398 -0.41 1393 -0.36 1389 -0.33 2. Sclerosponge Pb19 Sr/Ca Data Sr/Ca in mmol/mol Age Sr/Ca error (2 sem) 1384 9.786 0.080 1389 9.858 0.079 1393 9.920 0.095 1398 9.913 0.011 1405 9.880 0.049 1413 9.926 0.033 1419 9.833 0.092 1427 9.967 0.031 1431 9.837 0.039 1441 9.880 0.030 1448 9.911 0.041 1454 9.830 0.033 1460 9.850 0.052 1463 9.671 0.118 1471 9.902 0.009 1476 9.793 0.017 1482 9.853 0.041 1489 9.745 0.127 1493 9.772 0.151 1497 9.880 0.076 1504 9.907 0.063 1509 9.858 0.022 1516 9.700 0.081 1522 9.713 0.070 1528 9.813 0.045 1534 9.821 0.066 1540 9.734 0.099 1545 9.768 0.035 1550 9.960 0.011 1554 10.014 0.013 1559 9.856 0.167 1564 9.819 0.129 1568 9.829 0.051 1574 9.894 0.018 1579 9.944 0.035 1585 9.931 0.011 1590 9.921 0.026 1596 9.724 0.104 1601 9.847 0.095 1607 9.896 0.031 1612 9.870 0.048 1617 9.859 0.019 1623 9.804 0.034 1629 9.861 0.029 1635 9.919 0.049 1640 9.896 0.051 1645 9.921 0.032 1650 9.945 0.086 1655 9.823 0.022 1661 9.872 0.038 1665 9.907 0.014 1670 9.923 0.045 1676 9.817 0.112 1682 9.835 0.053 1687 9.785 0.116 1693 9.817 0.044 1698 9.870 0.020 1703 9.627 0.026 1709 9.874 0.125 1715 9.726 0.086 1721 9.833 0.098 1726 9.770 0.029 1731 9.909 0.038 1736 9.973 0.031 1736 9.748 0.040 1741 9.757 0.095 1747 9.836 0.104 1747 9.874 0.089 1752 9.898 0.070 1752 9.867 0.008 1758 9.883 0.033 1758 9.730 0.043 1763 9.806 0.019 1769 9.865 0.079 1774 9.800 0.006 1780 9.870 0.027 1785 9.868 0.065 1791 9.969 0.040 1797 10.017 0.023 1802 9.842 0.032 1808 9.923 0.067 1813 10.148 0.084 1818 9.966 0.011 1823 9.910 0.037 1828 9.944 0.014 1833 10.131 0.000 1837 9.891 0.062 1843 9.919 0.028 1849 9.932 0.000 1854 9.898 0.125 1859 9.861 0.082 1865 9.930 0.065 1870 10.097 0.030 1881 9.960 0.066 1885 9.916 0.052 1890 9.742 0.021 1895 9.822 0.028 1897 9.845 0.024 1905 9.660 0.020 1909 9.719 0.066 1911 9.947 0.040 1913 10.062 0.037 1921 9.800 0.030 1927 9.734 0.081 1930 9.654 0.074 1943 9.834 0.029 1945 9.657 0.006 1948 9.897 0.045 1952 9.697 0.037 1957 9.387 0.068 1963 9.565 0.048 1971 9.731 0.051 1974 9.517 0.062 1979 9.714 0.051 1982 9.534 0.028 1987 9.611 0.016 1992 9.479 0.056