Penny Ice Cap, Baffin Island, Canada 67° 15'N, 65° 45'W, 1900m. Snowpits were excavated in 1994 and 1995. The 333.78m. P95 core was drilled to the bed in April-May 1995. The 89m. P95.2 core was drilled adjacent to the P95 core (2.5 m. away) for evaluation of noise in the record. The d18O correlation between the two cores is .80. The 177.91m. P96 core also reached the bed. It is located approximately 16 km. from P95. The P95-P96 correlation of d18O on 40-year segments is .3 to .5. The P95 core was dated back to 7900 yr ago (319 m) by spectral analysis of the electrical conductivity record which tracks seasonal chemical variations (Fisher et al. 1998; Grumet et al., 1998. Additional time control was provided by conductivity and sulfate peaks related major volcanic eruptions. Beyond 7900 yr ago, the depth-age curve was adjusted to match the end of the Younger Dryas-Holocene transition (326 m) dated at 11,550 +/- 70 yr ago in Greenland ice-core records. Age values for the P95 microparticle record are expressed in years before A.D. 2000 (yb2k). ORIGINAL REFERENCES: Fisher, D.A., R. M. Koerner, J. C. Bourgeois, G. Zielinski, C. Wake, C. U. Hammer, H. B. Clausen, N. Gundestrup, S. Johnsen, K. Goto-Azuma, T. Hondoh, E. Blake, and M. Gerasimoff. 1998. Penny ice cap cores, Baffin Island, Canada, and the Wisconsinan Foxe Dome connection: Two states of Hudson Bay ice cover. Science 279, 692-695. Zdanowicz, C.M., Zielinski, G.A. and Wake, C.P (1998). Characteristics of modern atmospheric dust deposition in snow on the Penny ice cap, Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. Tellus 50B, 506-520. Fisher, D.A., R.M. Koerner, G.A. Zielinski, C.P. Wake, C.M. Zdanowicz, J.C. Bourgeois, P.A. Mayewski and N. Grummet, 2002, The effects of flowline length evolution on chemistry d18O profiles from Penny Ice Cap, Baffin Island, Canada Annals of Glaciology, Volume 35, pp. 150-156. Fisher, D. A., (2002). High-resolution multiproxy climatic records from ice cores, tree-rings, corals and documentary sources using eigenvector techniques and maps: assessment of recovered signal and errors. Holocene, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 401-420 Grumet, N.S., Wake, C.P., Zielinski, G.A., Fisher, D.A. and Jacobs, J.D. (1998). Preservation of glaciochemical time-series in snow and ice records from the percolation zone of the Penny Ice Cap, Baffin Island. Geophysical Research Letters 25, 357-360. Goto-Azuma, K., R.M. Koerner, and D.A. Fisher, 2002, An ice-core record over the last two centuries from Penny Ice Cap, Baffin Island, Canada Annals of Glaciology, Volume 35, pp. 29-35. Zdanowicz, C.M., Zielinski, G.A., Wake, C.P., Fisher, D.A. and Koerner, R.M. (2000). A Holocene record of atmospheric dust deposition from the Penny ice cap, Baffin Island, Canada. Quaternary Research, v53, No. 1, pp 62 -69, January 2000.