# South China Sea Planktonic Foraminifer Mg/Ca and d18O Data and Ocean Heat Content(OHC) and Temperature Reconstruction during the last 21 kyr #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/28353 # Description: # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/contributions_by_author/yiping2019/yiping2019-so204b-infla.txt # Description: # # Original_Source_URL: (URL to original source of data, if applicable) # Description: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Data_Type: Paleoceanography # # Dataset_DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: oxygen isotopes, trace metals, reconstruction #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2019-11-22 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2019-11-22 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: South China Sea Planktonic Foraminifer Mg/Ca and d18O Data and Ocean Heat Content(OHC) and Temperature Reconstruction during the last 21 kyr #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Yang, Yiping; Xiang, Rong; Zhang, Lanlan; Zhong, Fuchang; Zhang, Miming #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Paleo-temperatures were calculated using the equations of Dekens et al. (2002) for Globigerinoides ruber(white), Anand et al. (2003) for Pulleniatina obliquiloculata and Globorotalia truncatulinoides (dextral), Cleroux et al. (2008) for Globorotalia inflata and Yu and Elderfield (2008) for Globorotalia scitula. # planktonic foraminifer G. ruber, G. truncatulinoides, G. inflata and G. scitula data are from site SO204B , P.obliquiloculata data are from site GHE 27L # Provided keywords: water temperature, Ocean Heat Content #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: # Published_Date_or_Year: # Published_Title: # Journal_Name: # Volume: # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # Report_Number: # DOI: # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: SO204B # Location: South China Sea # Country: China # Northernmost_Latitude: 21.2303 # Southernmost_Latitude: 21.2303 # Easternmost_Longitude: 118.051283 # Westernmost_Longitude: 118.051283 # Elevation: #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: SO204B G.inflata Mg/Ca SST Yiping2019 # Earliest_Year: 20715 # Most_Recent_Year: 723 # Time_Unit: calyrBP # Core_Length: # Notes: #------------------ # Species # Species_Name: # Common_Name: # Tree_Species_Code: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: #---------------- # Variables # variables format: shortname what,material,error,units,seasonality,data_type,detail,method,data_format,additional_information) # ## depth_cm depth,,,centimeter,,paleoceanography,,,N, ## age_calBP age,,,calendar year before present,,paleoceanography,,,N, ## d18O_G.infla delta 18O,Globorotalia inflata,, per mil VPDB,, paleoceanography,corrected,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N, ## MgCa_G.infla magnesium/calcium,Globorotalia inflata,,millimole per mole,,paleoceanography,,,N, ## Temp-MgCa_G.infla sea water temperature,magnesium/calcium;Globorotalia inflata,,degree Celsius,,paleoceanography,,,N,using Cleroux et al(2008) # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header" # Missing_Values: -999 # depth_cm age_calBP d18O_G.infla MgCa_G.infla SST-MgCa_G.infla 25 723 0.75 1.40 12.15 25 723 0.84 1.40 12.15 29 1027 -999 1.25 10.16 33 1331 1.10 1.32 11.09 37 1635 -999 1.38 11.84 37 1768 0.88 1.23 9.87 45 1902 1.25 1.13 8.36 49 2035 -999 1.42 12.32 53 2176 -999 1.17 8.90 54 2338 0.77 1.24 9.96 61 2500 1.30 -999 -999 64 2622 1.16 1.13 8.29 65 2662 -999 1.13 8.29 69 2824 -999 1.42 12.35 73 2987 -999 1.04 6.75 77 3149 1.33 1.27 10.44 81 3311 -999 1.14 8.40 85 3473 0.85 -999 -999 89 3636 0.96 1.46 12.85 93 3798 0.94 1.25 10.13 97 3960 1.18 1.66 15.12 101 4127 0.58 1.45 12.71 105 4294 0.90 1.56 14.02 109 4461 0.52 1.61 14.58 113 4629 -999 1.58 14.27 117 4796 0.79 1.36 11.57 121 4963 0.84 1.35 11.52 125 5130 1.05 1.34 11.39 129 5297 0.94 -999 -999 133 5464 0.59 1.61 14.63 137 5631 0.78 1.40 12.13 141 5799 0.87 1.35 11.47 145 5966 0.59 1.34 11.32 149 6133 0.66 1.49 13.25 153 6300 0.46 -999 -999 157 6527 -999 1.39 12.02 161 6754 0.45 1.53 13.68 165 6981 0.20 1.53 13.70 169 7208 0.26 1.47 12.98 173 7435 0.34 1.51 13.42 177 7663 0.61 1.31 10.99 181 7890 0.42 1.39 11.97 185 8117 0.21 1.40 12.17 189 8344 0.55 1.54 13.79 193 8571 0.36 1.36 11.56 197 8798 0.55 -999 -999 201 9025 0.18 1.52 13.63 205 9242 0.27 1.47 13.03 209 9459 0.15 1.56 14.04 213 9676 0.39 1.63 14.82 217 9893 0.89 1.46 12.82 221 10110 0.27 1.54 13.80 225 10212 0.60 1.41 12.19 229 10313 0.35 1.78 16.42 233 10415 0.75 1.61 14.59 237 10516 0.15 1.82 16.77 241 10618 0.41 1.57 14.16 245 10719 0.64 1.62 14.74 249 10821 0.60 1.57 14.16 253 10922 0.49 1.36 11.59 257 11024 0.55 1.43 12.50 261 11125 0.45 1.55 13.96 265 11350 0.39 1.56 14.08 269 11575 0.35 1.74 16.02 273 11800 0.62 1.51 13.48 277 12025 0.53 1.63 14.82 281 12250 0.22 1.71 15.67 285 12475 0.54 1.88 17.41 289 12700 0.43 1.79 16.52 293 12925 0.66 1.90 17.62 297 13150 0.31 1.92 17.77 301 13375 0.52 1.96 18.14 305 13551 0.30 1.88 17.35 309 13726 0.60 2.03 18.72 313 13902 0.29 1.85 17.09 317 14077 0.35 1.95 18.04 321 14253 0.86 1.92 17.73 325 14428 0.45 2.01 18.56 329 14604 0.62 2.11 19.47 333 14779 0.44 1.97 18.24 337 14955 1.14 1.93 17.89 341 15130 0.81 1.92 17.76 345 15603 0.90 1.80 16.65 353 16548 0.68 1.89 17.48 361 17493 1.13 1.89 17.45 369 18438 0.89 1.99 18.41 377 19111 0.73 1.77 16.33 385 19512 0.79 2.10 19.35 393 19913 0.74 1.85 17.13 401 20314 0.81 1.77 16.35 409 20715 0.80 1.92 17.77