# Northern Hemisphere Benthic Foraminiferal Trace Metals and Stable Isotopes Data from the late Pliocene and the Holocene to the Last Glacial Maximum #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Online_Resource: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/17351 # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/contributions_by_author/woodard2014/woodard2014-1208-si.txt # # Archive: Paleoceanography #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2014-10-24 #--------------------------------------- # Title: Northern Hemisphere Benthic Foraminiferal Trace Metals and Stable Isotopes from the late Pliocene and the Holocene to the Last Glacial Maximum #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Woodard, Stella C.; Rosenthal, Yair; Miller, Kenneth G.; Wright, James D.; Chiu, Beverly K.; Lawrence, Kira T. #--------------------------------------- # Description and Notes # Description: All data was generated using benthic foraminifera Uvigerina sp. Records are not necessarily continuous. #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Woodard, Stella C.; Rosenthal, Yair; Miller, Kenneth G.; Wright, James D.; Chiu, Beverly K.; Lawrence, Kira T. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2014 # Published_Title: Antarctic Role in Northern Hemisphere Glaciation # Journal_Name: Science # Volume: # Issue: ScienceExpress # Pages: # Report Number: # DOI: 10.1126/science.1255586 # Abstract: Earth’s climate underwent a major transition from the warmth of the late Pliocene, when global surface temperatures were ~2-3°C higher than today, to extensive Northern Hemisphere glaciation (NHG) at ~2.73 Ma. We show that North Pacific deep waters were significantly colder (4oC) and likely fresher than North Atlantic deep water prior to the intensification of NHG. At ~2.73 Ma, the Atlantic-Pacific temperature gradient was reduced to <1°C suggesting the initiation of stronger heat transfer from the North Atlantic to the deep Pacific. We posit that increased glaciation of Antarctica, deduced from the 21±10 m sea-level fall from 3.15-2.75 Ma, and the development of a strong polar halocline, fundamentally altered deep ocean circulation, which enhanced inter-hemispheric heat and salt transport thereby contributing to the NHG. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Science Foundation # Grant: MG&G 1334691 #--------------------------------------- # Site Information # Site_Name: ODP1208 # Location: North Pacific Ocean # Country: # Northernmost_Latitude: 36.13 # Southernmost_Latitude: 36.13 # Easternmost_Longitude: 158.2 # Westernmost_Longitude: 158.2 # Elevation: -3346 #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: ODP1208 Pliocene SI Wo14 # First_Year: 33778 # Last_Year: 24999 # Time_Unit: cal yr BP # Core_Length: # Notes: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology: #--------------------------------------- # Variables # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) ## depth_m Depth,,,revised meters composite depth,,,,,N ## age_calkaBP Age,,,kiloyears before present,,,,,N ## d13Cuvige Carbon stable isotopes,Uvigerina sp,,per mil,,,,analytical technique: IRMS,N ## d18Ouvige Oxygen stable isotopes,Uvigerina sp,,per mil,,,,analytical technique: IRMS,N ## notes ,,,,,,,,C # Data # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Value: NaN depth_m age_calkaBP d13Cuvige d18Ouvige notes 116.12 2499.9 -1.15 3.42 1208 13-5 123-125 U 116.19 2501.5 -1.19 3.40 1208 13-5 130-132 U 116.41 2506.6 -1.53 3.83 1208 13-6 3-5 U 116.47 2508.1 -1.55 3.57 1208 13-6 10-12 U 116.66 2512.5 -1.69 3.91 1208 13-6 30-32 U 116.78 2514.8 -1.70 4.09 1208 13-6 42-44 U 116.86 2516.2 -1.77 4.22 1208 13-6 50-52 U 116.95 2518.1 -1.45 4.33 1208 13-6 60-62 U 117.05 2519.9 -1.55 4.46 1208 13-6 70-72 U 117.14 2521.7 -1.46 4.40 1208 13-6 80-82 U 117.24 2523.5 -1.51 4.40 1208 13-6 90-92 U 117.33 2525.4 -1.69 4.39 1208 13-6 100-102 U 117.43 2527.2 -1.60 4.31 1208 13-6 110-112 U 117.55 2529.6 -1.41 4.30 1208 13-6 123-125 U 117.62 2530.9 -1.62 4.28 1208 13-6 130-132 U 117.72 2532.7 -1.47 4.39 1208 13-6 140-142 U 117.84 2535.1 -1.44 4.26 1208 13-7 3-5 U 117.91 2536.3 -1.51 4.29 1208 13-7 10-12 U 118.1 2540.0 -1.30 3.64 1208 13-7 30-32 U 118.2 2542.2 -1.25 3.59 1208 13-7 40-42 U 118.29 2544.5 -1.05 3.50 1208 13-7 50-52 U 118.39 2546.8 -1.06 3.53 1208 13-7 60-62 U 118.63 2552.5 -0.89 3.42 1208 13-CC 20-22 U 118.73 2555.1 -1.22 3.54 1208 14-1 3-5 U 118.79 2556.9 -1.14 3.75 1208 14-1 10-12 U 118.89 2559.4 -1.31 3.80 1208 14-1 20-22 U 118.98 2561.9 -1.23 3.78 1208 14-1 30-32 U 119.08 2564.4 -1.01 3.67 1208 14-1 40-42 U 119.17 2567.0 -0.99 3.79 1208 14-1 50-52 U 119.3 2570.2 -1.08 3.64 1208 14-1 63-65 U 119.38 2572.5 -1.28 3.78 1208 14-1 72-74 U 119.46 2574.6 -1.09 3.61 1208 14-1 80-82 U 119.55 2577.1 -1.16 3.52 1208 14-1 90-92 U 119.65 2579.7 -0.96 3.48 1208 14-1 100-102 U 119.74 2582.3 -1.07 3.35 1208 14-1 110-112 U 119.86 2585.6 -0.82 3.30 1208 14-1 123-125 U 119.93 2587.4 -0.91 3.29 1208 14-1 130-132 U 120.04 2590.4 -1.12 3.40 1208 14-1 142-144 U 120.15 2593.3 -1.24 3.51 1208 14-2 3-5 U 120.21 2595.0 -1.24 3.51 1208 14-2 10-12 U 120.31 2596.8 -1.46 3.86 1208 14-2 20-22 U 120.52 2600.9 -1.69 3.93 1208 14-2 43-45 U 120.52 2600.9 -1.27 4.00 1208 14-2 43-45 RU 120.68 2603.9 -1.60 4.03 1208 14-2 60-62 U 120.87 2607.4 -1.63 4.37 1208 14-2 80-82 U 121.06 2610.9 -1.44 4.12 1208 14-2 100-102 U 121.16 2612.7 -1.47 3.89 1208 14-2 110-112 U 121.28 2615.0 -1.26 3.85 1208 14-2 123-125 U 121.35 2616.6 -1.11 3.69 1208 14-2 130-132 U 121.35 2616.6 -0.87 3.43 1208 14-2 130-132 RU 121.44 2618.9 -1.07 3.71 1208 14-2 140-142 U 121.56 2621.9 -1.25 3.24 1208 14-3 3-5 U 121.63 2623.6 -1.15 3.15 1208 14-3 10-12 U 121.72 2625.9 -1.16 3.30 1208 14-3 20-22 U 121.82 2628.2 -0.89 3.39 1208 14-3 30-32 U 121.91 2630.5 -0.90 3.36 1208 14-3 40-42 U 122.01 2632.8 -1.15 3.60 1208 14-3 50-52 U 122.13 2635.8 -1.26 3.67 1208 14-3 63-65 U 122.20 2637.5 -1.13 3.64 1208 14-3 70-72 U 122.29 2640.0 -1.14 3.64 1208 14-3 80-82 U 122.39 2642.5 -1.18 3.85 1208 14-3 90-92 U 122.48 2645.0 -1.44 3.94 1208 14-3 100-102 U 122.58 2647.6 -1.39 3.94 1208 14-3 110-112 U 122.70 2650.8 -1.36 3.72 1208 14-3 123-125 U 122.76 2652.5 -1.29 3.46 1208 14-3 130-132 U 122.86 2654.7 -1.34 3.43 1208 14-3 140-142 122.98 2657.5 -1.02 3.19 1208-14-4 3-5U 123.14 2661.0 -0.81 3.09 1208-14-4 20-22U 123.24 2663.2 -1.12 3.25 1208-14-4 30-32U 123.33 2665.3 -1.36 2.97 1208-14-4 40-42U 123.33 2665.3 -1.01 3.24 1208 14-4 40-42 U 123.52 2669.5 -1.11 3.28 1208-14-4 60-62U 123.61 2671.6 -1.06 3.36 1208-14-4 70-72U 123.71 2673.7 -1.07 3.38 1208-14-4 80-82U 123.8 2675.8 -0.89 3.28 1208-14-4 90-92U 123.99 2680.0 -1.12 3.43 1208 14-4 110-112 U 124.18 2682.9 -1.39 4.01 1208-14-4 130-132U 124.40 2686.2 -1.43 4.24 1208 14-5 3-5U 124.47 2687.2 -1.53 4.26 1208 14-5 10-12U 124.56 2688.6 -1.22 4.19 1208 14-5 20-22U 124.65 2690.0 -1.21 4.11 1208 14-5 30-32U 124.75 2693.1 -1.15 4.07 1208 14-5 40-42U 124.84 2696.1 -1.13 3.80 1208-14-5 50-52U 124.94 2699.0 -0.87 3.90 1208-14-5 60-62U 125.03 2702.0 -1.17 3.69 1208 14-5 70-72 U 125.22 2706.6 -1.39 3.84 1208-14-5 90-92U 125.22 2706.6 -1.39 3.80 1208 14-5 90-92 U 125.32 2708.2 -1.48 3.98 1208-14-5 100-102U 125.41 2709.9 -1.46 3.99 1208 14-5 110-112 U 125.53 2712.0 -1.40 4.20 1208-14-5 123-125U 125.6 2713.2 -1.71 4.22 1208-14-5 130-132U 125.67 2714.5 -1.25 4.16 1208 14-5 138-140U 125.69 2714.8 -1.11 4.31 1208-14-5 140-142U 125.86 2717.7 -1.42 4.19 1208 14-6 8-10 U 125.86 2717.7 -1.45 4.23 1208 14-6 8-10U 125.88 2718.1 -1.29 4.24 1208 14-6 10-12U 125.98 2719.8 -1.29 4.17 1208 14-6 20-22U 126 2720.1 -1.08 4.05 1208 14-6 22-24U 126.05 2721.1 -1.29 3.94 1208 14-6 28-30U 126.05 2721.1 -1.12 3.97 1208 14-6 28-30UR 126.07 2721.4 -1.14 3.96 1208 14-6 30-32 U 126.15 2722.7 -0.96 4.12 1208 14-6 38-40U 126.17 2723.1 -1.24 3.85 1208 14-6 40-42 U 126.19 2723.4 -1.14 3.98 1208 14-6 42-44U 126.26 2724.7 -0.94 3.62 1208 14-6 50-52 U 126.28 2725.0 -1.20 3.94 1208 14-6 52-54U 126.28 2725.0 -0.86 3.89 1208 14-6 52-54UR 126.34 2726.0 -1.07 4.00 1208 14-6 58-60U 126.34 2726.0 -0.81 3.78 1208 14-6 58-60UR 126.43 2727.6 -0.84 3.78 1208 14-6 68-70U 126.43 2727.6 -1.08 3.63 1208 14-6 68-70UR 126.45 2728.0 -0.93 3.57 1208 14-6 70-72 U 126.45 2728.0 -0.85 3.44 1208 14-6 70-72 U 126.45 2728.0 -0.98 3.56 1208 14-6 70-72 U R 126.52 2730.1 -0.99 3.44 1208 14-6 78-80UR 126.52 2730.1 -0.85 3.31 1208 14-6 78-80U 126.73 2736.1 -0.83 3.53 1208 14-6 100-102 U 126.95 2742.3 -0.67 3.41 1208 14-6 123-125U 126.95 2742.3 -0.79 3.34 1208 14-6 123-125 U 126.95 2742.3 -0.58 3.27 1208 14-6 123-125 U R 127.02 2744.1 -0.89 3.41 1208 14-6 130-132U 127.02 2744.1 -0.67 3.37 1208 14-6 130-132 U 127.11 2746.8 -0.99 3.50 1208 14-6 140-142U 127.11 2746.8 -0.75 3.37 1208 14-6 140-142 U 127.11 2746.8 -0.98 3.56 1208 14-6 140-142 U R 127.23 2750.3 -1.16 3.66 1208 14-7 3-5U 127.23 2750.3 -1.13 3.39 1208 14-7 3-5 U 127.23 2750.3 -0.85 3.19 1208 14-7 3-5 U R 127.30 2752.2 -1.13 3.67 1208 14-7 10-12U 127.3 2752.2 -0.93 3.51 1208 14-7 10-12U 127.3 2752.2 -0.72 3.85 1208 14-7 10-12UR 127.40 2755.0 -1.25 3.70 1208 14-7 20-22U 127.40 2755.0 -1.08 3.61 1208 14-7 20-22 U 127.40 2755.0 -1.15 3.53 1208 14-7 20-22 U R 127.58 2762.3 -1.11 3.83 1208 14-7 40-42U 127.58 2762.3 -0.96 3.71 1208 14-7 40-42 U 127.58 2762.3 -0.98 3.59 1208 14-7 40-42UR 127.68 2766.1 -0.80 3.64 1208 14-7 50-52U 127.68 2766.1 -0.74 3.29 1208 14-7 50-52 U 127.80 2771.0 -1.02 3.65 1208 14-7 63-65U 127.80 2771.0 -0.78 3.28 1208 14-7 63-65 U 127.87 2773.6 -0.65 3.55 1208 14-7 70-72U 127.87 2773.6 -0.51 3.33 1208 14-7 70-72 U 127.87 2773.6 -0.76 3.48 1208 14-7 70-72 U R 127.93 2776.2 -0.57 3.49 1208 14-CC 0-2U 127.93 2776.2 -0.65 3.29 1208 14-CC 0-2 U 128.03 2780.0 -0.52 3.42 1208 14-CC 10-12U 128.03 2780.0 -0.79 3.38 1208 14-CC 10-12U 128.12 2785.4 -0.81 3.35 1208 14-CC 20-22U 128.12 2785.4 -0.60 3.46 1208 14-CC 20-22U 128.23 2791.4 -0.78 3.42 1208 15-1 3-5 U 128.23 2791.4 -0.79 3.39 1208 15-1 3-5U 128.29 2795.0 -0.86 3.34 1208 15-1 10-12 U 128.29 2795.0 -1.09 3.39 1208 15-1 10-12U 128.41 2799.3 -1.05 3.95 1208 15-1 22-24 U 128.58 2805.4 -0.92 3.63 1208 15-1 40-42 U 128.80 2813.3 -0.95 3.39 1208 15-1 63-65 U 128.8 2813.3 -0.87 3.78 1208 15-1 63-65U 128.86 2815.7 -1.01 3.88 1208 15-1 70-72 U 128.96 2819.1 -0.78 3.78 1208 15-1 80-82 U 128.96 2819.1 -0.87 3.60 1208 15-1 80-82U 129.05 2822.5 -0.66 3.33 1208 15-1 90-92 U 129.36 2832.1 -0.81 3.22 1208 15-1 123-125 U 129.36 2832.1 -0.83 3.18 1208 15-1 123-125U 129.43 2834.1 -0.50 3.30 1208 15-1 130-132 U 129.43 2834.1 -0.49 3.33 1208 15-1 130-132U 129.52 2837.0 -0.71 3.42 1208 15-1 140-142U 129.71 2841.7 -0.74 3.54 1208 15-2 10-12 129.81 2843.5 -0.75 3.57 1208 15-2 20-22 129.81 2843.5 -0.88 3.59 1208 15-2 20-22 129.90 2845.2 -1.04 3.68 1208 15-2 30-32U 130.02 2847.5 -0.80 3.62 1208 15-2 43-45 130.09 2848.8 -1.11 3.78 1208 15-2 50-52 130.28 2852.3 -0.81 3.67 1208 15-2 70-72 130.37 2854.0 -0.89 3.74 1208 15-2 80-82 130.47 2855.8 -0.84 3.39 1208 15-2 90-92 130.56 2857.5 -0.77 3.39 1208 15-2 100-102 130.66 2860.1 -0.61 3.36 1208 15-2 110-112 130.78 2863.3 -0.59 3.45 1208 15-2 123-125 130.85 2865.0 -0.75 3.35 1208 15-2 130-132 U 130.94 2867.5 -0.92 3.26 1208 15-2 140-142 U 131.04 2870.0 -0.78 3.32 1208 15-3 0-2U 131.13 2872.5 -0.92 3.41 1208 15-3 10-12U 131.21 2874.5 -0.83 3.53 1208 15-3 18-20U 131.41 2879.6 -0.84 3.73 1208 15-3 40-42U 131.51 2881.8 -0.66 3.80 1208 15-3 50-52U 131.62 2884.4 -0.81 3.76 1208 15-3 62-64U 131.70 2886.1 -0.83 3.77 1208 15-3 70-72U 131.79 2888.2 -0.80 3.87 1208 15-3 80-82U 131.89 2890.4 -0.47 3.43 1208 15-3 91-92U 131.98 2892.5 -0.84 3.51 1208 15-3 100-102U 132.08 2894.3 -0.83 3.50 1208 15-3 110-112U 132.20 2896.5 -0.93 3.28 1208 15-3 123-125U 132.26 2897.7 -0.73 3.46 1208 15-3 130-132U 132.36 2899.5 -0.83 3.41 1208 15-3 140-142U 132.45 2901.2 -0.72 3.33 1208 15-4 0-2U 132.55 2903.0 -0.82 3.42 1208 15-4 10-12U 132.64 2904.7 -1.05 3.47 1208 15-4 20-22U 132.74 2906.4 -0.98 3.53 1208 15-4 30-32U 132.81 2907.8 -1.40 3.27 1208 15-4 38-40U 132.93 2910.0 -1.01 3.55 1208 15-4 50-52U 133.02 2913.6 -1.04 3.50 1208 15-4 60-62U 133.21 2921.1 -1.10 3.80 1208 15-4 80-82U 133.3 2924.9 -1.21 3.66 1208 15-4 90-92U 133.4 2928.7 -1.02 3.66 1208 15-4 100-102U 133.49 2932.4 -1.18 3.64 1208 15-4 110-112U 133.62 2937.5 -1.16 3.57 1208 15-4 123-125U 133.68 2938.9 -0.92 3.46 1208 15-4 130-132U 133.76 2941.0 -0.66 3.16 1208 15-4 138-140U 133.78 2941.1 -0.73 3.03 1208 15-4 140-142U 133.90 2943.9 -0.47 3.38 1208 15-5 3-5 U 134.08 2948.1 -0.77 3.46 1208-15-5-22-24-U 134.17 2950.2 -0.50 3.20 1208-15-5-32-34-U 134.28 2952.6 -0.67 3.54 1208-15-5-43-45-U 134.34 2954.1 -0.69 3.41 1208 15-5 50-52U 134.44 2956.3 -0.95 3.52 1208 15-5 60-62U 134.63 2960.6 -0.89 3.47 1208 15-5 80-82U 134.72 2962.7 -0.83 3.73 1208 15-5 90-92U 134.91 2967.8 -0.87 3.72 1208 15-5 110-112U 135.03 2971.7 -1.06 3.72 1208 15-5 123-125U 135.1 2973.7 -1.08 3.65 1208 15-5 130-132U 135.19 2976.7 -1.13 3.73 1208 15-5 140-142U 135.38 2982.5 -0.98 3.12 1208 15-6 10-12U 135.48 2985.5 -0.75 3.35 1208 15-6 20-22U 135.67 2991.3 -0.75 3.22 1208 15-6 40-42U 135.76 2994.2 -0.99 3.31 1208 15-6 50-52U 135.86 2997.1 -0.95 3.21 1208 15-6 60-62U 135.95 3000.0 -1.06 3.42 1208 15-6 70-72U 136.04 3002.1 -1.39 3.52 1208 15-6 80-82U 136.14 3004.2 -1.22 3.70 1208 15-6 90-92U 136.23 3006.3 -1.23 3.59 1208 15-6 100-102U 136.33 3008.4 -1.11 3.55 1208 15-6 110-112U 136.45 3011.1 -1.06 3.68 1208 15-6 123-125U 136.52 3012.6 -1.24 3.56 1208 15-6 130-132U 136.61 3014.6 -1.27 3.62 1208 15-6 140-142U 136.71 3016.7 -1.21 3.71 1208 15-7 0-2U 136.80 3018.8 -1.12 3.68 1208 15-7 10-12U 136.90 3020.9 -1.30 3.74 1208 15-7 20-22U 136.90 3020.9 -1.32 3.50 1208 15-7 20-22 U 136.99 3023.0 -1.28 3.65 1208 15-7 30-32U 137.08 3025.0 -1.35 3.53 1208 15-7 40-42U 137.18 3027.9 -1.33 3.48 1208 15-7 50-52U 137.18 3027.9 -1.26 3.50 1208 15-7 50-52 RU 137.27 3030.6 -1.19 3.43 1208 15-7 60-62U 137.41 3034.4 -1.02 3.04 1208 15-CC 0-2U 137.5 3037.1 -1.07 3.28 1208 15-CC 10-12U 137.5 3037.1 -1.27 3.34 1208 15-CC 10-12 RU 137.6 3040.0 -1.13 3.47 1208 15-CC 20-22U 137.78 3045.7 -1.68 3.63 1208 16-1 9-11U 137.91 3047.9 -1.43 3.52 1208 16-1 22-24U 137.98 3049.4 -1.21 3.43 1208 16-1 30-32U 138.09 3051.5 -0.80 3.43 1208 16-1 42-44U 138.17 3052.9 -0.92 3.32 1208 16-1 50-52U 138.28 3055.0 -0.97 3.19 1208 16-1 62-64U 138.36 3056.4 -0.87 3.33 1208 16-1 70-72U 138.44 3058.0 -0.82 3.19 1208 16-1 79-80U 138.57 3061.5 -0.97 3.25 1208 16-1 93-95U 138.64 3063.2 -0.96 3.26 1208 16-1 100-102U 138.71 3065.1 -0.93 3.19 1208 16-1 108-110U 138.79 3067.1 -0.90 3.14 1208 16-1 116-118U 138.92 3070.5 -0.73 3.14 1208 16-1 130-132U 139.01 3072.9 -0.98 3.17 1208 16-1 140-142U 139.11 3075.4 -0.85 3.29 1208 16-2 0-2U 139.20 3077.8 -0.72 3.25 1208 16-2 10-12U 139.30 3080.3 -0.90 3.21 1208 16-2 20-22U 139.39 3082.7 -0.61 3.21 1208 16-2 30-32U 139.47 3084.7 -0.88 3.32 1208 16-2 38-40U 139.58 3087.6 -0.81 3.40 1208 16-2 50-52 U 139.67 3090.0 -0.72 3.43 1208 16-2 60-62U 139.77 3092.5 -0.58 3.40 1208 16-2 70-72U 139.86 3095.0 -0.72 3.29 1208 16-2 80-82U 139.95 3097.5 -0.84 3.29 1208 16-2 90-92U 140.05 3100.0 -0.55 3.31 1208 16-2 100-102U 140.14 3102.1 -0.95 3.30 1208 16-2 110-112U 140.33 3106.5 -1.00 3.24 1208 16-2 130-132U 140.42 3108.7 -0.91 3.26 1208 16-2 140-142U 140.52 3110.9 -0.60 3.48 1208 16-3 0-2U 140.80 3117.4 -1.13 3.50 1208 16-3 30-32U 140.91 3120.0 -1.05 3.50 1208 16-3 42-44U 140.99 3122.1 -1.07 3.53 1208 16-3 50-52U 141.10 3125.2 -1.15 3.45 1208 16-3 62-64U 141.17 3127.2 -1.23 3.52 1208 16-3 70-72U 141.27 3129.8 -1.24 3.49 1208 16-3 80-82U 141.34 3131.8 -1.24 3.68 1208 16-3 88-90U 141.46 3134.9 -1.37 3.73 1208 16-3 100-102U 141.62 3139.5 -1.13 3.62 1208 16-3 117-119U 141.83 3145.1 -1.24 3.23 1208 16-3 140-142U 141.93 3147.7 -0.79 3.26 1208 16-4 0-2U 142.01 3150.0 -1.12 3.11 1208 16-4 9-11U 142.11 3152.7 -1.10 3.06 1208 16-4 20-22U 142.20 3154.9 -0.97 3.00 1208 16-4 29-31U 142.43 3161.1 -0.99 2.91 1208 16-4 54-56U 142.49 3162.6 -0.87 3.09 1208 16-4 60-62U 142.57 3164.8 -1.00 3.27 1208 16-4 69-71U 142.67 3167.3 -0.91 3.22 1208 16-4 79-81U 143.15 3178.0 -0.71 3.36 1208 16-4 130-132U 143.24 3180.0 -0.87 3.41 1208 16-4 140-142U 143.33 3183.9 -0.71 3.19 1208-16-5 0-2U 143.43 3187.7 -0.89 3.14 1208 16-5 10-12 U 143.55 3192.8 -0.41 3.08 1208 16-5 23-25 U 143.62 3195.5 -0.78 3.14 1208 16-5 30-32 U 143.71 3199.3 -0.58 3.21 1208-16-5 40-42U 144.16 3217.5 -0.81 3.04 1208 16-5 88-90U 144.16 3217.5 -0.59 3.00 1208 16-5 88-90UR 144.18 3218.2 -0.51 3.39 1208 16-5 90-92 U 144.27 3221.5 -0.89 3.18 1208 16-5 100-102 U 144.37 3224.9 -0.88 3.42 1208 16-5 110-112 U 144.55 3231.6 -0.76 3.59 1208 16-5 130-132 U 144.65 3235.0 -0.55 3.67 1208 16-5 140-142 U 144.93 3242.5 -0.59 3.19 1208 16-6 20-22 U 145.02 3245.0 -0.35 3.44 1208 16-6 30-32 U 145.31 3252.5 -0.84 3.20 1208 16-6 60-62 U 145.40 3255.0 -0.71 3.60 1208 16-6 70-72 U 145.59 3260.0 -0.92 3.70 1208 16-6 90-92 U 145.68 3262.5 -0.76 3.60 1208 16-6 100-102 U 145.78 3265.0 -0.51 3.59 1208 16-6 110-112 U 145.97 3270.2 -0.60 3.60 1208 16-6 131-133 U 146.34 3280.0 -0.91 3.53 1208 16-7 20-22 U 146.45 3282.6 -1.10 3.43 1208 16-7 32-34 U 146.53 3284.4 -1.10 3.53 1208 16-7 40-42 U 146.62 3286.7 -1.12 3.53 1208 16-7 50-52 U 146.71 3288.9 -1.35 3.86 1208 16-7 60-62 U 146.81 3291.1 -1.38 3.84 1208 16-7 70-72 U 146.94 3294.3 -1.50 4.07 1208 16-CC 0-2 U 147.03 3296.5 -1.26 3.97 1208 16-CC 10-12 U 147.32 3303.4 -1.12 3.49 1208 17-1 13-15 U 147.42 3305.6 -1.00 3.84 1208 17-1 23-25 U 147.49 3307.4 -1.10 3.87 1208 17-1 31-33 U 147.60 3310.0 -1.03 3.79 1208 17-1 42-44 U 147.67 3311.6 -0.98 3.70 1208 17-1 50-52 U 147.79 3314.2 -0.68 3.33 1208 17-1 63-65 U 147.87 3315.9 -0.78 3.43 1208 17-1 71-73 U 147.97 3318.1 -0.58 3.27 1208 17-1 82-84 U 148.16 3322.2 -0.56 3.48 1208 17-1 102-104 U 148.24 3323.8 -0.91 3.44 1208 17-1 110-112 U 148.36 3326.5 -0.93 3.39 1208 17-1 123-125 U 148.43 3327.9 -0.96 3.44 1208 17-1 130-132 U 148.54 3330.4 -0.84 3.58 1208 17-1 142-144 U 148.83 3339.7 -0.76 3.53 1208 17-2 23-25 U 149.58 3370.0 -1.13 3.53 1208 17-2 102-104 U 149.84 3377.8 -1.19 3.58 1208 17-2 130-132 U