North Atlantic Mollusc Isotopes: Readme file ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOAA Paleoclimatology Program and World Data Center A for Paleoclimatology ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE PRIMARY REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! CONTRIBUTORS: Weidman, C.R, Jones, G.A., Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 95-018. NAME OF DATA SET: North Atlantic Mollusc Isotopes LAST UPDATE: 8/95 (Original receipt date by NOAA Paleo) GEOGRAPHIC REGION: northern North Atlantic PERIOD OF RECORD: 1956-1968 LIST OF FILES: Acal2, sampall, Tmon, readme. DESCRIPTION: I. "Acal2" is calibration data for same period as stable isotope records and includes (from L to R) : 1) the date (based on 8-month (May-Dec) growth year and centered at mid-month); 2) mean monthly T C (based on ~daily BT records w/ linear interpolated gaps); 3) mean monthly Salinity (based on ~weekly BS records w/ linear interpolated gaps); 4) "monthly" shell d18O data (based on linear seasonal shell growth assumption); 5) estimated monthly d18O-water based on salinity and Fairbanks' [1982] relationship for Gulf of Maine; 6) "monthly" shell d18O minus est. monthly d18O-water. II. "Tmon" are all the mean monthly T & S records for 1956-1971 from the Nantucket Lightship and includes: 1) date (centered at mid-month); 2) mean monthly BT C (based on ~daily BT records w/ linear interpolated gaps except where gaps are too large (>1or 2 months); 3) mean monthly BS (based on ~weekly BS records w/ linear interpolated gaps except where gaps are too large (>1or 2 months). III. "sampall" are raw shell d18O records and includes: 1) shell surface position (cm); 2) raw shell d18O; and 3) sequential sample # (214 out of 219 original samples w 5 samples lost during analysis). Location Data: Nantucket Lightship (1956-1967): 40 33'N, 69 28'W, 55m depth Nantucket Lightship (1968-1971): 40 30'N, 69 28'W, 58m depth Shell Capture site (sp.#231-4): 40 40'N, 69 40'W, 54m depth The calibration is not as straight forward as comparing raw shell d18O data with lightship T and S records. This is so for primarily two reasons: 1) lightship bottom records while good are gappy at the daily level, and so interpolated records were created to fill the gaps, and then a low pass filter was applied to the combined set to get monthly averages; 2) an ~8-month shell growth period was determined and a linear growth assumed over this period to get 8 "monthly" shell d18O values for each growth year. For these reasons, the authors suggest using the "Acal2" file. The monthly lightship T & S records and the raw shell data with position are also provided. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Weidman, C.R., G.A. Jones, Kyger, 1994, The long-lived mollusc Arctica islandica: A new paleoceanographic tool for the reconstruction of bottom temperatures for the continental shelves of the northern North Atlantic Ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research, v99, No C9, pp18,305-18,314, 1994. SUGGESTED DATA CITATION: Weidman, C., 1995, North Atlantic Mollusc Isotope Data. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center-A for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 95-018. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA.