# Atlantic Deglacial Benthic Foraminifer Stable Isotope Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # # Online_Resource: http://hurricane.ncdc.noaa.gov/pls/paleox/f?p=519:1:::::P1_STUDY_ID:16437 # # Original_Source_URL: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/contributions_by_author/waelbroeck2011/waelbroeck2011enam.txt # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Paleoceanography #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2014-05-14 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Atlantic Deglacial Benthic Foraminifer Stable Isotope Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Waelbroeck, C.; Skinner, L.C.; Labeyrie, L.; Duplessy, J.-C.; Michel, E.; Vazquez Riveiros, N.; Gherardi, J.-M.; Dewilde, F. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: Waelbroeck et al. 2011 stable isotope data (d18O and d13C) measured on benthic foraminifers for 8 cores in the Atlantic Ocean. # # d18O has been corrected by 0.36‰ (Graham et al.. Mar. Micropaleontol. 6, 483–497, 1981; Jansen et al., Paleoceanography 3, 563–581, 1988) # # ENAM93-21 62°44'31 N 3°59'92W 1020 m # Benthic isotopes: # Rasmussen, T. L., T. C. E. van Weering, and L. Labeyrie (1996), High resolution stratigraphy of the Faeroe-Shetland channel and its relation to North Atlantic paleoceanography: the last 87 kyr, Marine Geology, 131, 75-88. # Age model: # Rasmussen, T. L., E. Thomsen, and T. C. E. van Weering (1998), Cyclic sedimentation on the Faeroe Drift 53-10 ka BP related to climatic variations, in Geological processes on continental margins: Sedimentation, mass-wasting and stability, edited by M. S. Stoker, Evans, D. and Cramp, A., pp. 255-267, Geological Society, Special Publications, London. # # #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: C. Waelbroeck, L.C. Skinner, L. Labeyrie, J.-C. Duplessy, E. Michel, N. Vazquez Riveiros, J.-M. Gherardi, and F. Dewilde # Published_Date_or_Year: 2011-08-19 # Published_Title: The timing of deglacial circulation changes in the Atlantic # Journal_Name: Paleoceanography # Volume: 26 # Edition: # Issue: 3 # Pages: # DOI: 10.1029/2010PA002007 # Online_Resource: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2010PA002007/abstract # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Well-dated benthic foraminifer oxygen isotopic records (d18O) from different water depths and locations within the Atlantic Ocean exhibit distinct patterns and significant differences in timing over the last deglaciation. This has two implications: on the one hand, it confirms that benthic d18O cannot be used as a global correlation tool with millennial-scale precision, but on the other hand, the combination of benthic isotopic records with independent dating provides a wealth of information on past circulation changes. Comparing new South Atlantic benthic isotopic data with published benthic isotopic records, we show that (1) circulation changes first affected benthic d18O in the 1000-2200 m range, with marked decreases in benthic d18O taking place at ~17.5 cal. kyr B.P. (ka) due to the southward propagation of brine waters generated in the Nordic Seas during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1) cold period; (2) the arrival of d18O-depleted deglacial meltwater took place later at deeper North Atlantic sites; (3) hydrographic changes recorded in North Atlantic cores below 3000 m during HS1 do not correspond to simple alternations between northern- and southern-sourced water but likely reflect instead the incursion of brine-generated deep water of northern as well as southern origin; and (4) South Atlantic waters at ~44°S and ~3800 m depth remained isolated from better-ventilated northern-sourced water masses until after the resumption of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) formation at the onset of the Bølling-Allerod, which led to the propagation of NADW into the South Atlantic. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: European Union # Grant: EPICA‐MIS (STREP‐003868) #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: ANR France # Grant: PICC project #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: ENAM93-21 # Location: Ocean>Atlantic Ocean # Country: # Northernmost_Latitude: 62.7385 # Southernmost_Latitude: 62.7385 # Easternmost_Longitude: -3.9987 # Westernmost_Longitude: -3.9987 # Elevation: -1020 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Waelbroeck2011ENAM # Earliest_Year: 30243 # Most_Recent_Year: 7765 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length: m # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology: # # Table S1. AMS 14C ages measured on planktonic foraminifera and corresponding calendar ages from published age models # # Core Lab number "Depth, cm" Species "14C age, y" "error, y" "Calendar age, y" "error, y" Reference # upper lower # # ENAM93-21 30 ash layer 9100 80 10250 "[Rasmussen et al., 1998]" # 46.3 correlation to GRIP 11600 # 72.5 correlation to GRIP 12600 # 157.5 correlation to GRIP 14500 # 192.5 correlation to GRIP 16500 # AAR-1644 245 N. pachyderma s. 18650 200 20900 # 270 correlation to GRIP 21600 # 313.8 correlation to GRIP 24500 # 327.5 correlation to GRIP 25100 # 342.5 correlation to GRIP 25700 # 352.5 correlation to GRIP 26100 # 407 correlation to GRIP 28800 # 417.5 correlation to GRIP 29200 # 435 correlation to GRIP 29900 # 452.5 correlation to GRIP 30300 # # NA87-22 GifA 96281 0 2 N. pachyderma d. 730 50 535 42 "[Waelbroeck et al., 2001, 2006]" # GifA 96283 0 2 G. bulloides 935 45 535 42 # GifA 96284 20 21 N. pachyderma d. 1280 50 827 54 # GifA 96285 50 51 N. pachyderma d. 2570 50 2036 230 # GifA 96286 80 81 N. pachyderma d. 3230 50 3115 106 # 92002 95 96 N. pachyderma d. 3520 90 3653 306 # GifA 96289 150 151 G. bulloides 6290 70 6613 155 # GifA 96290 180 181 G. bulloides 7630 70 7942 170 # 92010 200 201 G. bulloides 8280 110 8741 125 # 92173 200 201 N. pachyderma d. 8300 90 8741 125 # GifA 96291 225 226 G. bulloides 8790 80 9387 294 # 92011 250 251 G. bulloides 10010 90 10404 118 # 92017 270 271 G. bulloides 10870 140 11363 392 # 92003 285 286 N. pachyderma s. 11320 90 12407 133 # 92012 305 306 G. bulloides 11690 120 13504 401 # 92186 315 316 G. bulloides 12920 120 14021 435 # 92014 325 326 G. bulloides 12380 120 14167 1245 # 92174 345 346 N. pachyderma s. 14580 130 15031 329 # 92004 355 356 N. pachyderma s. 15660 120 17265 609 # 92175 370 371 N. pachyderma s. 15800 140 17884 312 # 92052 380 381 N. pachyderma s. 16700 140 18760 334 # 92006 400 401 N. pachyderma s. 17590 140 20031 484 # 92176 420 421 N. pachyderma s. 18110 180 20877 523 # 92005 440 441 N. pachyderma s. 19310 270 22038 359 # 92183 455 456 N. pachyderma s. 20160 230 22735 463 # # MD95-2037 KIA12728 1 2 G. inflata 3465 30 3234 111 "[Gherardi et al., 2009]" # KIA12729 40 41 G. inflata 5505 30 6205 326 # KIA12730 100 101 G. inflata 9590 50 10001 432 # KIA12731 151 152 G. inflata 10515 50 11854 268 # KIA12732 190 191 G. inflata 10925 50 12546 215 # KIA12733 260 261 G. inflata 11760 50 13343 125 # KIA12734 330 331 G. inflata 13690 80 15494 407 # KIA12735 390 391 G. inflata 16640 100 19519 223 # KIA12736 451 452 G. inflata 21120 150 25173 482 # # MD35003-4 KIA4693 3 mixed planktics 380 30 0 "[Rühlemann et al., 1999]" # KIA5085 98 G. ruber pink 5300 50 5650 # KIA4223 110 G. ruber white 5920 40 6310 # KIA5084 163 mixed planktics 8480 60 9020 # KIA4224 190 G. ruber white 9150 50 9840 # KIA4225 225 G. ruber white 10800 90 12300 # KIA4226 257.5 G. ruber white 12220 70 13780 # KIA4227 290 G. ruber white 14210 90 16560 # KIA4228 310 G. ruber white 16140 100 18600 # KIA4229 420 G. ruber white 23230 210 26870 # KIA4230 450 G. ruber white 25060 260 28910 # KIA4115 463 mixed planktics 27030 -220/+210 31060 # # GeoB1711 KIA2590 28 G. inflata 4520 50 4716 72 "[Vidal et al., 1999 ; Waelbroeck et al., 2006]" # KIA2589 43 G. inflata 7070 40 7540 36 # KIA2588 103 G. inflata 12150 50 13588 124 # KIA557 108 G. inflata 12680 70 14522 478 # KIA4109 138 G. bulloides 14060 60 16283 232 # KIA556 183 G. inflata 17140 130 19827 337 # KIA555 243 G. inflata 18740 130 21668 361 # KIA4110 288 G. bulloides 29130 240 33559 500 # KIA554 333 G. inflata 35370 1090 40408 1200 # # CH69-K09 GifA 95041 0 1 N. pachyderma d. 1150 60 554 161 "[Waelbroeck et al., 2001]" # GifA 95321 20 21 N. pachyderma d. 2240 40 2025 200 # GifA 95322 20 21 G. inflata 2275 40 2025 200 # GifA 95323 33 34 G. inflata 3130 45 3082 213 # GifA 95324 52 53 G. bulloides 4770 70 4859 223 # GifA 95325 85 86 G. bulloides 6660 50 7023 194 # GifA 95327 130 131 G. inflata 8840 60 9251 120 # GifA 95328 175 176 G. inflata 9690 70 10271 471 # GifA 95329 215 216 G. inflata 11140 70 11951 358 # GifA 95330 230 231 G. inflata 12330 80 13488 390 # GifA 95042 280 281 N. pachyderma s. 13630 110 14599 633 # GifA 95043 300 301 N. pachyderma s. 14970 120 16212 707 # GifA 95044 320 321 G. bulloides 18020 140 19131 697 # # MD99-2334K Gif 102207 154 155 G. bulloides 13360 110 14438 572a "[Skinner et al., 2003]" # Gif 102223 172 173 G. bulloides 14290 130 15293 864 # Gif 102208 186 187 G. bulloides 14320 110 15956 238 # Gif 102209 186 187 N. pachyderma s. 14450 120 15956 397 # Gif 102210 226 227 N. pachyderma s. 15450 140 17848 163 # Gif 102211 246 247 G. bulloides 16580 120 18795 138 # Gif 102212 278 279 G. bulloides 18180 140 20309 465 # Gif 102213 314 315 G. bulloides 19570 150 22276 169 # Gif 102214 346 347 G. bulloides 21560 190 24165 383 # Gif 102215 346 347 N. pachyderma s. 21470 180 24165 285 # Gif 102216 370 371 G. bulloides 23100 220 26141 239 # Gif 102217 390 391 G. bulloides 24880 220 27788 252 # Gif 102218 414 415 G. bulloides 26710 200 29767 211 # Gif 102219 414 415 N. pachyderma s. 27110 200 29767 499 # Gif 102220 422 423 G. bulloides 27510 310 30428 324 # Gif 102221 450 451 G. bulloides 30040 360 32741 367 # # KNR31 GPC-5 AA2482 0 2 G. sacculifera 1260 55 808b 64b "[Keigwin and Jones, 1994]" # WH261 29 31 mixed planktics 1890 140 1440 148 # AA4190 58 60 mixed planktics 3010 55 2781 54 # AA1806 64 66 G. ruber 2940 65 2724 75 # AA4226 84 86 mixed planktics 3560 60 3449 73 # AA2483 100 104 G. sacculifera 4540 10 4772 33 # AA3430 102 104 G. ruber 4710 140 4995 189 # AA4227 112 114 mixed planktics 4920 60 5239 96 # AA1808 154 156 G. ruber 7770 90 8238 95 # AA1806 174 176 G. ruber 9210 150 9988 206 # AA1804 200 204 N. pachyderma d. 11150 310 12610 398 # AA3405 282 284 mixed planktics 12800 130 14372 299 # OS-1838 282 284 mixed planktics 12500 45 13919 70 # AA3409 388 390 mixed planktics 14800 200 17479 281 # AA3406 540 542 mixed planktics 15500 140 18315 252 # AA3407 650 652 mixed planktics 16200 390 19039 347 # AA3408 730 732 mixed planktics 17000 140 19709 200 # AA4228 849 853 mixed planktics 17500 130 20292 179 # OS-312 849 853 mixed planktics 17750 160 20683 326 # AA4229 1050 1054 mixed planktics 18400 160 21504 239 # AA4998 1300 1304 mixed planktics 20000 160 23466 269 # AA4012 1449 1452 mixed planktics 20600 180 24115 228 # AA4611 1724 1729 mixed planktics 23000 210 27294 351 # AA4793 1771 1775 mixed planktics 22900 200 27217 362 # AA4744 1835 1840 mixed planktics 24600 300 28995 347 # AA5009 1898 1902 mixed planktics 26600 300 30889 224 # AA4746 1988 1994 mixed planktics 32000 500 35986 561 # AA5010 2038 2042 mixed planktics 34800 780 39551 952 # AA5000 2098 2102 mixed planktics 38300 1090 42460 791 # OS-307 2098 2102 mixed planktics 36500 420 41280 378 # AA4997 2165 2169 mixed planktics 42400 1790 45437 1549 # # MD07-3076Q 2329 1 2 G.bulloides 1985 30 1042 413 "[Skinner et al., 2010]" # 2330 1 2 G.inflata 2475 30 1042 413 # SUERC-25165 5 6 G.bulloides 2362 35 1458 438 # SUERC-25166 9 10 G.bulloides 2945 37 1991 542 # SUERC-25167 15 16 G.bulloides 3725 37 2986 666 # 2331 21 22 G.bulloides 4905 35 4329 737 # SUERC-25170 25 26 G.bulloides 5687 37 5370 656 # SUERC-25171 31 32 G.bulloides 6506 37 6319 557 # SUERC-25172 35 36 G.bulloides 6732 36 6806 634 # 2332 41 42 G.bulloides 8390 40 8079 670 # 3838 45 46 G.inflata 9520 40 9074 654 # 3819 45 46 G.inflata 9510 50 9074 654 # 3818 45 46 G.bulloides 9070 50 9074 654 # 2333 49 50 G.bulloides 9560 40 9769 694 # 12329 53 54 G.bulloides 9790 50 10347 745 # 12330 53 54 G.inflata 10060 50 10347 745 # 2335 55 56 G.bulloides 10300 45 10694 719 # 3823 59 60 G.bulloides 10470 50 11134 673 # 3905 59 60 G.inflata 10570 60 11134 673 # 3824 59 60 G.inflata 10670 50 11134 673 # 12335 61 62 G.bulloides 10600 50 11389 644 # 12336 61 62 G.inflata 10730 50 11389 644 # 12337 63 64 G.bulloides 10790 50 11644 750 # 12338 63 64 G.inflata 10820 50 11644 750 # 2336 67 68 G.bulloides 11400 50 12222 782 # 2337 73 74 G.bulloides 11835 50 12894 716 # 2414 77 78 G.bulloides 12760 60 13241 713 # 2416 85 86 G.bulloides 13360 60 14097 858 # 2417 89 90 G.bulloides 13300 60 14491 900 # 2418 91 92 G.bulloides 13430 60 14653 913 # 3825 95 96 G.bulloides 13520 110 14792 964 # 3827 99 100 G.inflata 13440 60 15139 1212 # 3906 99 100 G.inflata 13380 60 15139 1212 # 5207 99 100 G.inflata 13380 70 15139 1212 # 5209 99 100 G.inflata 13450 60 15139 1212 # 5210 99 100 G.inflata 13260 60 15139 1212 # 3812 109 110 G.inflata 15360 70 16574 1228 # 5214 109 110 G.inflata 15360 60 16574 1228 # 5216 109 110 N. pachyderma s. 15560 80 16574 1228 # 5206 113 114 N. pachyderma s. 15650 180 17106 1160 # 5207 117 118 N. pachyderma s. 16510 210 17569 1156 # SUERC-25631 119 120 G.bulloides 16698 50 17801 1105 # 5209 121 122 N. pachyderma s. 17030 200 18009 1045 # 3816 125 126 N. pachyderma s. 17400 120 18380 998 # 2424 133 134 N. pachyderma s. 18220 100 19028 881 # 2425 137 138 N. pachyderma s. 18070 130 19398 915 # 2426 145 146 N. pachyderma s. 19060 130 20509 1207 # 2427 161 162 N. pachyderma s. 20580 130 22870 1145 # 3830 173 174 G.inflata 21730 100 24722 864 # 2429 187 188 G.inflata 22440 160 26227 574 # 3831 197 198 G.inflata 23390 110 27384 513 # 2430 207 208 G.inflata 24520 200 28472 630 # SUERC-25640 219 220 N. pachyderma s. 25407 85 29468 727 # 3833 225 226 G.inflata 25970 130 29931 619 # 2432 241 242 N. pachyderma s. 26550 250 30810 706 # SUERC-25642 265 266 N. pachyderma s. 28540 89 32106 807 # SUERC-25644 275 276 N. pachyderma s. 28827 91 32639 754 # 2433 301 302 N. pachyderma s. 30140 370 34167 466 # 3836 301 302 G.inflata 30250 180 34167 466 # # "a Resulting errors are computed as the maximum between the error on the computed calibrated age and the offset between the calibrated age and GISP2 age [Meese et al., 1997]" # "b Calendar ages have been computed using the Calib6.0 software [Stuiver and Reimer, 1993] and calibration data set marine09.14C [Reimer et al., 2009], assuming no additionnal" # reservoir age correction. # # References # "Gherardi, J.-M., et al. 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(2006), Distant origin of circulation changes in the Indian Ocean during the last deglaciation, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 243, 244-251." # # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ##depth_cm depth, , , cm, , , , ,N ##age_calkaBP age, , , calendar Kyears before present, , , , ,N ##d18Om.barle delta O18 PDB Melonis barleanum, , , per mil PDB, , , , ,N ##d13Cm.barle delta C13 PDB Melonis barleanum, , , per mil PDB, , , , ,N # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # d18O corrected by 0.36 depth_cm age_calkaBP d18Om.barle d13Cm.barle 0 7.765 4.36 -1.67 2.5 7.972 4.56 -1.54 10 8.594 4.54 -1.39 13 8.842 4.58 -1.36 20 9.422 4.7 -1.41 23 9.670 4.57 -1.55 25 9.836 4.7 -1.47 27.5 10.043 4.65 -1.62 30 10.250 4.88 -1.50 33 10.498 4.88 -1.72 35 10.664 4.7 -1.56 37.5 10.871 4.84 -1.48 40 11.078 4.68 -1.52 42.5 11.285 4.74 -1.79 45 11.492 4.66 -1.55 47 11.627 4.63 -1.62 50 11.741 4.42 -1.85 55 11.932 4.2 -1.67 57.5 12.027 4.15 -1.72 60 12.123 4.3 -1.35 62.5 12.218 4.12 -1.44 65 12.314 4.26 -1.78 67.5 12.409 4.46 -1.75 70 12.505 5.04 -1.57 72.5 12.600 4.93 -1.45 75 12.656 4.99 -1.67 77.5 12.712 4.88 -1.60 80 12.768 5.06 -1.58 82.5 12.824 5.01 -1.51 85 12.879 5.17 -1.17 87.5 12.935 5.14 -1.23 90 12.991 5.14 -1.17 92.5 13.047 5.19 -1.43 95 13.103 5.29 -1.21 97.5 13.159 5.18 -1.26 100 13.215 5.29 -1.23 102.5 13.271 5.24 -1.20 105 13.326 5.18 -1.25 107.5 13.382 5.27 -1.31 107.5 13.382 4.99 -1.40 110 13.438 5.13 -1.56 112.5 13.494 5.2 -1.25 115 13.550 5.07 -1.11 117.5 13.606 5.1 -1.24 120 13.662 5.03 -1.25 122.5 13.718 5.16 -1.39 125 13.774 5.22 -1.15 130 13.885 5.15 -1.47 132.5 13.941 5.28 -1.56 135 13.997 5.27 -1.41 137.5 14.053 5.24 -1.42 140 14.109 5.2 -1.42 145 14.221 5.23 -1.28 147.5 14.276 5.22 -1.55 150 14.332 5.2 -1.57 155 14.444 4.86 -1.60 157.5 14.500 4.48 -1.68 160 14.643 4.69 -1.54 167.5 15.071 3.97 -1.68 170 15.214 4.29 -1.29 177.5 15.643 3.83 -1.07 182.5 15.929 4 -1.15 192.5 16.500 4.23 -0.38 197.5 16.919 4.77 -0.23 200 17.129 4.8 -0.03 212.5 18.176 5.75 -0.97 217.5 18.595 5.87 -0.83 222.5 19.014 5.89 -0.18 227.5 19.433 5.76 -0.03 232 19.810 5.84 0.12 237.5 20.271 5.7 -0.17 242.5 20.690 5.8 0.17 245 20.900 5.81 0.66 247.5 20.970 5.74 0.40 250 21.040 5.75 -0.10 252.5 21.110 5.74 -0.28 255 21.180 5.71 -0.65 257.5 21.250 5.5 -0.94 262.5 21.390 5.34 -0.17 265 21.460 5.22 0.24 267.5 21.530 5.64 0.35 270 21.600 5.52 -0.21 270 21.600 5.45 0.08 272.5 21.766 5.17 -0.30 275 21.931 5.16 -0.25 277.5 22.097 4.62 -1.43 310 24.248 5.5 -0.90 315 24.553 5.66 -0.69 320 24.772 5.5 -0.88 325 24.991 5.44 -0.77 325 24.991 5.18 -0.68 340 25.600 5.45 -0.84 345 25.800 5.6 -0.65 350 26.000 4.94 -0.67 360 26.472 4.84 -0.05 365 26.719 4.64 -0.14 375 27.215 4.02 -1.37 380 27.462 5.56 -1.19 385 27.710 5.35 -1.22 390 27.958 5.36 -1.42 395 28.206 5.27 -1.15 400 28.453 5.35 -1.28 405 28.701 5.53 -0.89 410 28.914 5.47 -1.04 415 29.105 5.53 -0.90 420 29.300 5.2 -1.33 425 29.500 4.94 -1.47 430 29.700 5 -1.34 435 29.900 5.45 -1.02 440 30.014 5.5 -1.19 445 30.129 5.65 -1.23 450 30.243 5.19 -1.80