# West Turkana, Kenya Early Pleistocene Leaf Wax Hydrogen Isotope Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/30913 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/paleolimnology/africa/eastafrica/wturkana2020dd.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Original_Source_URL: # Description: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Data Type: paleolimnology # # Dataset_DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: hydrogen isotopes, geochemistry #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2020-08-16 #--------------------------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2020-08-16 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: West Turkana, Kenya Early Pleistocene Leaf Wax Hydrogen Isotope Data #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Lupien, R.L.; Russell, J.M.; Grove, M.; Beck, C.C.; Feibel, C.S.; Cohen, A.S. #--------------------------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: High-resolution hydrogen isotopes from plant waxes from paleolake Lorenyang core HSPDP-WTK13-1A in the Turkana Basin, focusing on two intervals of differing orbital configurations in the early Pleistocene. # Provided Keywords: paleoclimatology, pleistocene, organic geochemistry, leaf waxes, hydrogen isotopes, human evolution, precipitation, biomarkers #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Rachel L. Lupien, James M. Russell, Matt Grove, Catherine C. Beck, Craig S. Feibel, Andrew S. Cohen # Published_Date_or_Year: 2020-10-01 # Published_Title: Abrupt climate change and its influences on hominin evolution during the early Pleistocene in the Turkana Basin, Kenya # Journal_Name: Quaternary Science Reviews # Volume: 245 # Edition: 106531 # Issue: # Pages: # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106531 # Online_Resource: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0277379120304935 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Rapid climate variability has been hypothesized to play an important role in hominin evolution, yet our knowledge of Plio-Pleistocene climate change on short timescales is poor. Here, we developed centennial-scale reconstructions of precipitation from leaf wax biomarker hydrogen isotope ratios (dDwax) using lacustrine sediment from West Turkana, Kenya. We analyzed two time intervals (~1.72 and ~1.60 Ma) with different orbital configurations (0.043 and 0.025 eccentricity, respectively) to examine the influence of seasonal insolation forcing on high-frequency climate variability and the rates of climate transitions. Our data indicate that under low summer insolation, which should induce high latitude glaciation and tropical African aridity, millennial-scale climate variability was stronger. This suggests that hominins may have been forced to contend with increased climate variability during already extreme environmental conditions. Additionally, we observe a rapid shift from arid to humid conditions occurring in less than 200 years under high-amplitude precessional-scale insolation change. The rate of this transition is similar to that observed in some proxy records of the onset of the African Humid Period, indicating high sensitivity to gradual insolation forcing in the Turkana Basin. Such abrupt climate changes could induce evolutionary selection for generalist behavioral traits in hominins. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: EAR 1123942, EAR 1338553, and BCS 1241859 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: International Continental Scientific Drilling Program # Grant: #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Geological Society of America # Grant: #--------------------------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: West Turkana # Location: Africa>Eastern Africa>Kenya # Country: Kenya # Northernmost_Latitude: 4.1097 # Southernmost_Latitude: 4.1097 # Easternmost_Longitude: 35.8718 # Westernmost_Longitude: 35.8718 # Elevation: 404 #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: HSPDP-WTK13-1A # First_Year: 1727400 # Last_Year: 1596800 # Time_Unit: cal. yr BP # Core_Length: 216.47 # Notes: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: #--------------------------------------- # Variables # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## depth_m depth,,,meter,,paleolimnology,,,N, ## age_Ma age,,,million years ago,,paleolimnology,,,N, ## dDwax delta 2H,C28 n-alkanoic acid,,per mil,,paleolimnology,,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N, ## error delta 2H,C28 n-alkanoic acid,one standard deviation,per mil,,paleolimnology,,,N,standard deviation on triplicate runs; difference between two values on duplicate runs; no error means single injection run ## ACL average chain length,n-alkanoic acid,,dimensionless,,paleolimnology,,,N,derived following methods in Castaneda et al. 2011; Performed on chain length from nC24 to nC32 ## CPI carbon preference index,n-alkanoic acid,,dimensionless,,paleolimnology,,,N,derived following methods in Castaneda et al. 2011; Performed on chain length from nC24 to nC32;even:odd # #------------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: -999 depth_m age_Ma dDwax error ACL CPI 91.599 1.5968 -116.349 0.81 28.10 4.81 91.659 1.5970 -118.380 0.59 28.71 4.54 91.739 1.5972 -117.887 0.49 29.20 4.84 91.819 1.5975 -111.889 1.02 28.84 4.47 91.879 1.5976 -109.842 1.76 28.52 4.84 91.939 1.5978 -111.045 2.37 28.18 5.04 92.019 1.5981 -108.673 1.46 27.92 5.45 92.089 1.5983 -90.573 0.19 27.81 6.36 92.159 1.5985 -104.573 0.32 28.40 4.95 92.209 1.5986 -104.807 0.76 28.59 4.72 92.259 1.5988 -113.117 3.41 29.05 5.70 92.324 1.5990 -124.371 2.29 29.05 5.13 92.418 1.5993 -125.432 1.40 29.01 5.61 92.485 1.5995 -113.318 1.00 28.45 5.29 92.562 1.5997 -113.142 3.17 28.53 4.78 92.648 1.5999 -109.823 1.21 28.74 3.73 92.734 1.6002 -105.967 2.37 28.58 3.53 92.791 1.6004 -120.429 2.30 28.78 3.84 92.839 1.6005 -108.310 2.53 28.65 3.39 92.906 1.6007 -108.580 3.55 28.76 3.18 93.173 1.6015 -109.819 -999 28.42 3.31 93.230 1.6017 -112.592 1.59 28.21 3.34 93.288 1.6019 -113.103 0.25 28.80 3.35 93.345 1.6020 -116.971 2.36 28.70 3.36 93.402 1.6022 -109.303 1.17 28.80 3.37 93.498 1.6025 -112.116 0.82 28.40 3.66 93.555 1.6027 -119.042 0.72 27.94 3.52 93.622 1.6029 -114.538 0.54 28.48 3.62 93.699 1.6031 -124.448 0.23 28.50 3.28 93.785 1.6034 -117.581 1.33 28.30 3.26 93.873 1.6036 -109.905 2.17 28.47 3.51 93.997 1.6040 -107.444 1.64 28.41 4.26 94.054 1.6042 -107.695 0.15 28.68 4.70 94.102 1.6043 -109.307 0.11 28.97 5.05 94.159 1.6045 -107.603 -999 28.43 4.92 133.289 1.7160 -143.360 -999 -999 -999 133.334 1.7161 -144.524 0.62 28.03 8.02 133.365 1.7161 -140.431 1.38 28.10 7.33 133.395 1.7162 -143.363 0.97 28.06 8.11 133.431 1.7162 -140.152 0.34 28.24 7.74 133.462 1.7163 -140.988 1.91 28.10 8.21 133.492 1.7163 -139.705 4.89 28.08 8.44 133.540 1.7164 -140.377 0.82 28.20 7.86 133.590 1.7165 -140.598 1.69 28.28 9.26 133.630 1.7166 -144.250 0.79 28.13 8.58 133.690 1.7167 -141.151 0.79 28.08 8.65 133.745 1.7168 -136.083 1.47 28.05 8.28 133.840 1.7170 -108.124 0.96 28.05 7.46 133.900 1.7171 -98.268 1.41 28.28 7.83 133.980 1.7172 -99.126 1.64 28.04 7.04 134.050 1.7174 -96.025 1.19 28.07 6.67 134.115 1.7175 -98.068 1.33 28.13 7.14 134.290 1.7178 -108.111 -999 28.28 6.65 134.800 1.7187 -90.105 1.69 27.55 5.40 134.850 1.7188 -90.567 1.62 27.96 4.91 134.980 1.7191 -85.615 1.09 27.50 4.49 135.030 1.7191 -75.668 -999 27.79 5.34 135.100 1.7193 -68.960 -999 27.69 4.61 135.160 1.7194 -77.498 0.98 27.87 5.78 135.210 1.7195 -80.373 1.26 28.10 5.51 135.285 1.7196 -78.030 -999 28.10 5.22 135.370 1.7198 -84.738 2.72 27.72 6.22 135.455 1.7199 -84.667 0.79 27.88 5.79 135.555 1.7201 -71.721 1.54 27.92 6.85 135.656 1.7203 -68.007 2.28 28.14 5.52 137.823 1.7242 -58.399 -999 -999 -999 137.839 1.7243 -71.959 2.28 27.81 5.74 137.884 1.7243 -69.400 1.02 28.05 5.99 137.900 1.7244 -53.154 0.65 27.83 5.65 137.912 1.7244 -57.484 0.57 28.02 5.69 137.940 1.7244 -57.175 1.12 27.95 2.49 137.953 1.7245 -47.465 1.05 27.97 6.28 137.967 1.7245 -59.784 1.48 28.09 2.87 137.986 1.7245 -71.484 0.84 27.95 7.33 138.003 1.7246 -72.493 1.41 27.88 6.39 138.019 1.7246 -63.818 2.08 27.82 7.40 138.211 1.7249 -60.054 2.65 27.96 8.44 138.264 1.7250 -70.554 1.16 28.11 6.51 138.313 1.7251 -71.945 1.76 28.38 5.64 138.428 1.7253 -64.524 0.20 28.41 4.94 138.496 1.7254 -60.133 1.00 28.35 4.69 138.554 1.7256 -67.141 3.11 28.27 4.50 138.612 1.7257 -70.003 0.89 28.21 6.72 138.708 1.7258 -56.487 0.63 28.16 5.24 138.757 1.7259 -56.487 0.31 28.22 5.06 138.815 1.7260 -58.414 -999 28.39 3.85 138.911 1.7265 -58.270 1.95 28.18 5.83 138.969 1.7268 -66.157 0.91 27.88 5.82 139.036 1.7272 -61.196 1.34 27.80 5.10 139.085 1.7274 -53.586 2.57 28.06 4.93