# Walsingham Cavern, Bermuda Sedimentary and Isotope Data and Temperature Anomalies over the last 3500 Years #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/18276 # Online_Resource: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/contributions_by_author/vanhengstum2015/vanhengstum2015-whc6.txt # # Archive: Paleoceanography # #-------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2015-03-19 #-------------------------------- # Title: Walsingham Cavern, Bermuda Sedimentary and Isotope Data and Temperature Anomalies over the last 3500 Years #-------------------------------- # Investigators: van Hengstum, P.J.; Donnelly, J.P.;Kingston, A.W.; Williams, B.E.; Scott, D.B.; Reinhardt, E.G.; Little, S.N.; Patterson, W.P. #-------------------- # Description and Notes: # Description: This dataset includes all sedimentary and geochemical results used for plotting the figures in the publication. Complete radiocarbon information is available in the original publication listed above (Table 1, van Hengstum et al., 2015). # #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: van Hengstum, P.J., J.P. Donnelly, A.W. Kingston, B.E. Williams, D.B. Scott, E.G. Reinhardt, S.N. Little, and W.P. Patterson # Journal_Name: Paleoceanography # Published_Title: Low-frequency storminess signal at Bermuda linked to cooling events in the North Atlantic region # Published_Date_or_Year: 2015 # Volume: 30 # Issue: 2 # Pages: 52-76 # DOI: 10.1002/2014PA002662 # Abstract: North Atlantic climate archives provide evidence for increased storm activity during the Little Ice Age (150 to 600 calibrated years (cal years) B.P.) and centered at 1700 and 3000 cal years B.P., typically in centennial-scale sedimentary records. Meteorological (tropical versus extratropical storms) and climate forcings of this signal remain poorly understood, although variability in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) or Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) are frequently hypothesized to be involved. Here we present records of late Holocene storminess and coastal temperature change from a Bermudian submarine cave that is hydrographically circulated with the coastal ocean. Thermal variability in the cave is documented by stable oxygen isotope values of cave benthic foraminifera, which document a close linkage between regional temperature change and NAO phasing during the late Holocene. However, erosion of terrestrial sediment into the submar ine cave provides a “storminess signal” that correlates with higher-latitude storminess archives and broader North Atlantic cooling events. Understanding the driver of this storminess signal will require higher-resolution storm records to disentangle the contribution of tropical versus extratropical cyclones and a better understanding of cyclone activity during hemispheric cooling periods. Most importantly, however, the signal in Bermuda appears more closely correlated with proxy-based evidence for subtle AMOC reductions than NAO phasing. #-------------------------------- # Funding_Agency: # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #-------------------------------- # Site Information: # Site_Name: Walsingham Cavern # Location: North Atlantic Ocean # Country: Bermuda # Northernmost_Latitude: 32.340856 # Southernmost_Latitude: 32.340856 # Easternmost_Longitude: -64.710278 # Westernmost_Longitude: -64.710278 # Elevation: -10 #-------------------------------- # Data Collection # Collection_Name: WHC6 vanH15 # Oldest_Year: 3400 # Most_Recent_Year: -60 # Time_Unit: cal yrBP # Core_Length: # Notes: #-------------------------------- # Chronology: # Radiocarbon Results for WHC6 # Index Number Lab Number Core Core Depth(cm) Material Dated Conventional 14C age d13C(‰) 1s Calibrated Years B.P.1950 (Probability) 2s Calibrated Years B.P.1950 (Probability) # 21 OS-97065 WHC6 38 to 40 foraminifera and ostracodes 1320±20 -0.06 862–968 (1) 792–1022 (1) # 22 CFAMS WHC6 47 to 47.5 Barbatia domingensis 830±110 N/A 408–613 (1) 281–664 (1) # 23 OS-97066 WHC6 58 to 60 foraminifera and ostracodes 1850±20 -0.56 1391–1505 (1) 1332–1548 (1) # 24 OS-97067 WHC6 70 to 72 foraminifera and ostracodes 2310±20 0.25 1916–2043 (1) 1867–2107 (1) # 25 OS-97172 WHC6 80 to 82 foraminifera and ostracodes 2410±20 0.37 2025–2171 (1) 1983–2271 (1) # 26 CFAMS WHC6 108.5 to 109 marine gastropod 2990±110 N/A 2320–2618 (0.945) 2141–2737 (1) # 2622–2643 (0.055) # 27 CFAMS WHC6 126.5 to 127 Barbatia domingensis 2949±112 N/A 2652–2944 (1) 2433–3075 (1) # 28 CFAMS WHC6 184 to 185 Barbatia domingensis 3250±110 N/A 2984–3294 (1) 2831–3410 (1) # 29 Beta-316152 WHC6 227.5 to 228.5 Barbatia domingensis 3150±30 1 2918–3074 (1) 2854–3150 (1) # # NOTE: Samples designated by the laboratory number CFAMS were dated using the continuous-flow AMS (CFAMS) method, which do not have accession numbers. All calibrated dates are reported with zero as representing 1950 A.D. #-------------------------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow (have double marker- "##") # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-nine components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) ## depth_cm depth,,,cm,,,,,N ## age_calyrBP_2s_err_hi age,,2sigma hi,cal year before 1950AD,,,,,N ## age_calyrBP_2s_err_lo age,,2sigma lo,cal year before 1950AD,,,,,N ## age_calyrBP age,,,cal year before 1950AD,,,,,N ## age_calyrBP-wgt age,weighted mean,,cal year before 1950AD,,,,,N ## orgbulk-wt% bulk organic matter,,,weight percent,,paleoceanography,,,N ## gsbulk grain size,bulk sediment,,micron,,paleoceanography,,,N ## d13Corgv delta 13C,Bulk organic matter,,per mil VPDB,,paleoceanography,,,N #----------------------------------- # Data: # Missing Value: -999 depth_cm age_calyrBP_2s_err_hi age_calyrBP_2s_err_lo age_calyrBP age_calyrBP-wgt orgbulk-wt% gsbulk d13Corgv 0.5 -63.1 -56.8 -60 -59.9 11.9 23.2 -18 1.5 -59.9 1.5 -44.8 -40.3 11.6 32.4 -999 2.5 -59.1 62.3 -29.8 -20.6 11.7 30.3 -999 3.5 -57.9 124.1 -14.3 -0.7 11.6 28.8 -999 4.5 -56.7 185.4 1.2 19.3 12.0 25.3 -999 5.5 -55.8 246.5 16.5 39.1 12.4 32.7 -21.12 6.5 -44.1 264.7 37.5 58.9 12.1 39.8 -999 7.5 -36.5 290.4 59.9 79.4 13.7 32.5 -999 8.5 -31.1 326.3 80.6 99.5 12.8 32.3 -999 9.5 -25.8 366 99.7 119.7 15.4 40.2 -999 10.5 -21.8 412.4 118.4 139.7 15.5 46.8 -22.19 11.5 -4.5 433.1 139.7 160.4 15.2 36.2 -999 12.5 7.3 456.6 161.3 181.1 15.1 35.1 -999 13.5 15.6 487 183 201.8 14.8 35.3 -999 14.5 23 521.6 203.6 222.3 15.1 40.4 -999 15.5 29.3 557.8 222.6 242.8 15.5 35.3 -22.13 16.5 47.5 578.4 243.9 263.9 15.4 39.0 -999 17.5 63.1 601.6 265.7 285 15.4 36.7 -999 18.5 75.6 627.3 287.5 306.2 15.1 29.9 -999 19.5 85.9 658.7 308.4 327 15.7 36.3 -999 20.5 94.4 693.1 328.3 347.7 15.8 38.3 -21.59 21.5 112.1 710.4 349.7 368 16.6 19.9 -999 22.5 127.2 731.3 371.7 388.5 16.3 24.5 -999 23.5 139.4 753.8 393.1 408.9 17.6 41.8 -999 24.5 150.7 783.3 412.1 428.5 15.8 35.4 -999 25.5 159.4 813.7 430.7 448.2 15.0 25.2 -21.05 26.5 179.8 832.5 453 468.6 15.4 31.3 -999 27.5 197.3 847.9 473.9 489 15.5 22.7 -999 28.5 212.1 869.2 496.2 509.5 14.1 24.0 -999 29.5 225.1 895.1 517 530 15.2 23.2 -999 30.5 236.6 925.2 538.4 550.3 15.7 25.1 -21.12 31.5 256.7 941.6 559.3 571 16.0 23.1 -999 32.5 273.9 961.5 581 591.6 16.0 23.2 -999 33.5 288.4 981.9 603.2 612.5 16.7 26.0 -999 34.5 302.9 1007.3 624.6 633.2 17.0 27.0 -999 35.5 314.7 1035.7 643.8 653.2 16.9 30.8 -21.08 36.5 337.1 1051.2 665.3 673.9 15.5 24.0 -999 37.5 357.2 1068.4 686.8 694.7 15.4 27.8 -999 38.5 377 1084.6 708.7 715.4 15.7 25.2 -999 39.5 392.7 1105.6 728.5 736.2 15.8 33.1 -999 40.5 405.5 1132.8 748.9 757.1 16.0 23.5 -21.93 41.5 424.8 1147.7 770.1 777.5 16.1 24.4 -999 42.5 443.4 1166.4 790.5 797.6 16.7 24.4 -999 43.5 458.2 1188 810.9 818.2 16.2 31.3 -999 44.5 471.4 1209.9 832.8 838.5 15.0 20.5 -999 45.5 485.3 1236.1 853 858.7 14.7 21.0 -21.57 46.5 519.6 1249.9 878.3 885.9 15.1 27.5 -999 47.5 550 1269.5 906.1 913.6 15.8 24.2 -999 48.5 573.7 1293.5 934.7 941.6 11.4 23.4 -999 49.5 595 1320.7 964.4 969.4 11.3 19.8 -999 50.5 614.7 1354.8 994.2 997.4 10.9 16.7 -22.24 51.5 688.8 1373.2 1044.9 1044.9 10.6 15.7 -999 52.5 737.6 1394.7 1099.1 1093 10.9 15.4 -999 53.5 781.2 1419.3 1153.9 1141.1 10.5 15.8 -999 54.5 818.4 1451.8 1208.6 1189.2 10.3 14.9 -999 55.5 848.8 1500.7 1259.5 1237.3 9.9 14.1 -22.42 56.5 969.8 1513.6 1299.4 1284.6 10.3 11.8 -999 57.5 1087.9 1527.4 1339 1331.6 11.6 13.0 -21.73 58.5 1197.6 1547.3 1380.8 1379.6 11.2 13.8 -999 59.5 1285.9 1578.5 1426.9 1428.4 11.5 19.1 -999 60.5 1335.8 1624.3 1474.7 1477 10.7 19.8 -21.80 61.5 1376.5 1654.2 1514.9 1516 10.6 13.2 -999 62.5 1404.1 1697.7 1555.3 1555.3 12.4 18.0 -999 63.5 1423.6 1754.1 1593.7 1594.5 12.9 21.0 -999 64.5 1437.5 1819.4 1630.8 1633.2 14.2 18.6 -999 65.5 1450.2 1894 1666.7 1671.6 15.3 26.0 -23.04 66.5 1507.2 1906.3 1703.8 1707.9 14.0 20.5 -999 67.5 1553.2 1921.5 1743.1 1744.8 12.8 15.8 -999 68.5 1583.8 1938.6 1784.8 1781.6 11.9 16.3 -999 69.5 1605.8 1964.8 1827.8 1818.6 9.9 16.5 -999 70.5 1625.6 2006.4 1867 1855.3 8.1 13.0 -23.05 71.5 1656.4 2016 1884.4 1872.7 8.0 9.8 -999 72.5 1679.7 2026.2 1902.1 1890.4 8.1 12.3 -999 73.5 1702.9 2041.1 1919.9 1908.7 7.7 10.8 -999 74.5 1720.3 2062.3 1937.2 1927.1 8.3 10.9 -999 75.5 1736 2090.7 1954 1945.3 8.4 10.9 -19.30 76.5 1756 2098.7 1967.2 1958.8 9.0 11.7 -999 77.5 1776.2 2107.7 1980.3 1972.1 9.2 12.9 -999 78.5 1793.5 2119.3 1992.9 1985.3 9.0 12.0 -999 79.5 1806.1 2133.9 2005.6 1998.6 8.6 12.1 -999 80.5 1817.5 2152.2 2017.7 2011.8 8.6 9.8 -999 81.5 1830.2 2160.4 2028.4 2022.7 8.8 10.1 -999 82.5 1841.2 2170.2 2038.8 2033.3 8.7 10.4 -999 83.5 1851.6 2182.7 2049.3 2044.1 8.9 10.2 -999 84.5 1861.8 2197.6 2059.5 2054.7 8.0 12.6 -999 85.5 1869.8 2216.1 2069.4 2065.4 7.4 12.0 -18.42 86.5 1880.2 2225.5 2078.2 2074.4 8.1 11.3 -999 87.5 1888.6 2236.2 2087.1 2083.4 8.0 10.2 -999 88.5 1898.5 2247.8 2095.4 2092.3 8.4 10.5 -999 89.5 1905.9 2260.7 2103.1 2101.2 8.4 9.7 -999 90.5 1911.9 2277.1 2111.1 2110.1 8.9 8.7 -999 91.5 1922.1 2284 2119.9 2118.9 9.1 9.1 -999 92.5 1931.6 2293 2128.4 2127.9 9.6 10.0 -999 93.5 1939.8 2302.8 2137 2136.8 9.5 10.4 -999 94.5 1946.9 2314.1 2145.3 2145.7 9.6 10.4 -999 95.5 1952.6 2327 2152.6 2154.1 8.9 11.2 -17.12 96.5 1961.1 2334.6 2162.1 2163.2 7.1 11.8 -999 97.5 1969.4 2343.7 2171.2 2172.1 7.0 10.5 -999 98.5 1978.7 2355.2 2180.1 2181 7.0 11.1 -999 99.5 1984.8 2365.9 2188.9 2189.9 7.0 10.6 -999 100.5 1992.8 2381 2197.3 2198.7 7.4 9.8 -999 101.5 2003 2387.9 2206.6 2207.8 7.0 10.5 -999 102.5 2014.6 2397.1 2215.6 2216.8 7.5 9.6 -999 103.5 2024.3 2408 2225 2225.8 7.6 10.3 -999 104.5 2031.7 2418.5 2233.5 2234.8 7.4 11.2 -999 105.5 2039 2430.1 2242.2 2243.9 7.5 10.7 -18.14 106.5 2048.1 2437.4 2251.4 2252.5 7.4 11.8 -999 107.5 2054.8 2445.1 2260.2 2261 7.1 10.6 -999 108.5 2060.8 2455 2268.8 2269.4 6.1 9.9 -999 109.5 2067.6 2465.1 2277.3 2277.8 6.0 9.8 -999 110.5 2073.4 2477.2 2285.5 2286.4 6.8 10.2 -999 111.5 2081.8 2483.4 2293.4 2293.9 6.5 10.3 -999 112.5 2089.3 2491.7 2300.6 2301.2 6.6 11.3 -999 113.5 2096.5 2500.9 2307.7 2308.6 6.3 11.0 -999 114.5 2102.7 2512.1 2315.3 2316.1 6.9 9.8 -999 115.5 2109.4 2523.1 2323.5 2323.6 6.4 9.9 -17.42 116.5 2116 2529 2330.1 2330.8 6.7 10.3 -999 117.5 2124.2 2537.1 2337.7 2338.4 6.6 9.2 -999 118.5 2129.5 2546.7 2345.2 2345.9 6.5 9.5 -999 119.5 2135.8 2556.2 2352.8 2353.5 6.6 10.5 -999 120.5 2140.6 2567.9 2360.9 2361 6.5 10.0 -999 121.5 2150 2574.8 2367.9 2368 6.9 10.7 -999 122.5 2156.8 2582.6 2374.9 2375.2 7.1 9.9 -999 123.5 2164.6 2591.4 2382.2 2382.5 7.4 9.5 -999 124.5 2170.7 2601.6 2389.9 2389.8 7.4 10.3 -999 125.5 2176.5 2612.6 2397.2 2397.2 7.3 10.6 -17.10 126.5 2183.5 2619.3 2404.8 2404.6 7.4 10.2 -999 127.5 2189.9 2627 2412.4 2411.9 6.9 9.7 -999 128.5 2196.8 2635.2 2419.8 2419.5 6.7 10.7 -999 129.5 2203.8 2643.1 2427.3 2427 6.8 10.7 -999 130.5 2210.1 2651.5 2434.1 2434.6 6.8 11.3 -999 131.5 2217.7 2658.2 2441.2 2441.8 6.1 10.2 -999 132.5 2226.2 2664.4 2448.3 2449.2 6.3 10.6 -999 133.5 2233.5 2674 2455.9 2456.5 6.5 10.7 -999 134.5 2240.5 2681.2 2462.5 2463.6 6.7 13.2 -999 135.5 2246.5 2690.1 2469 2470.6 7.1 12.3 -999 136.5 2254.9 2697 2475.9 2477.8 7.5 11.3 -999 137.5 2263.4 2704.5 2482.9 2485.1 7.4 13.0 -999 138.5 2266.9 2711.5 2490.2 2492.2 8.1 10.6 -999 139.5 2275.1 2721.6 2497.3 2499.4 7.9 12.9 -999 140.5 2280.8 2729.8 2504.4 2506.6 8.0 11.5 -999 141.5 2287.5 2736.9 2511.3 2513.9 7.2 11.0 -999 142.5 2293 2744 2519 2521.3 7.7 11.4 -999 143.5 2300 2751.5 2526 2528.7 5.7 11.2 -999 144.5 2305 2759.2 2532.9 2535.9 5.6 11.0 -999 145.5 2311.3 2768.3 2540 2543.1 5.7 10.9 -18.11 146.5 2319 2776.2 2547.4 2550.3 5.9 10.0 -999 147.5 2326.2 2784.2 2554.3 2557.6 6.1 11.4 -999 148.5 2333.3 2791.6 2561.3 2564.7 6.0 11.3 -999 149.5 2339.5 2800.5 2568.9 2572.1 5.9 11.4 -999 150.5 2346.6 2811.6 2575.5 2579.3 6.2 11.7 -999 151.5 2353.9 2817.8 2583.1 2586.5 6.1 11.5 -999 152.5 2360.1 2825.4 2590.7 2593.9 5.9 11.6 -999 153.5 2367.7 2834.6 2597.8 2601.2 6.1 10.2 -999 154.5 2373.9 2844.2 2604.6 2608.3 6.3 11.3 -999 155.5 2380.8 2852.3 2611.6 2615.5 6.2 12.3 -17.22 156.5 2389 2860.3 2618.6 2622.7 6.2 11.8 -999 157.5 2395 2867.1 2625.6 2629.8 6.3 10.9 -999 158.5 2402.3 2874.4 2632.7 2636.9 6.4 11.6 -999 159.5 2408.2 2883.2 2640 2644.2 6.5 10.1 -999 160.5 2413.5 2889.8 2647.1 2651.3 6.7 10.2 -999 161.5 2421.7 2896.3 2654 2658.6 6.7 10.8 -999 162.5 2428.6 2903.8 2660.9 2665.8 6.9 10.1 -999 163.5 2436 2911.6 2668.2 2672.9 6.8 10.3 -999 164.5 2442.4 2919.7 2675.6 2680.3 7.1 11.7 -999 165.5 2447.5 2930.1 2682.9 2687.7 6.8 10.1 -17.22 166.5 2456.5 2935.8 2689.9 2694.9 6.9 10.2 -999 167.5 2463.8 2943.7 2696.9 2702.2 5.3 10.3 -999 168.5 2471.3 2949.5 2704.2 2709.7 5.2 11.2 -999 169.5 2478.4 2957.7 2711.5 2716.8 5.6 10.8 -999 170.5 2485.1 2966 2719.2 2724.2 5.6 10.1 -999 171.5 2493.6 2972.6 2725.8 2731.2 5.7 11.7 -999 172.5 2502.5 2980.3 2733 2738.8 5.8 11.0 -999 173.5 2510.6 2987.7 2740.2 2746 6.0 11.9 -999 174.5 2517.5 2996.3 2747.4 2753.4 6.1 11.5 -999 175.5 2523.7 3006.3 2754.6 2760.9 5.3 10.0 -17.36 176.5 2531.3 3012.9 2761.8 2768.1 6.0 10.8 -999 177.5 2540 3019.5 2769.1 2775.4 5.7 10.6 -999 178.5 2549.3 3026.8 2776.4 2782.8 5.9 11.2 -999 179.5 2555.6 3034.2 2783.7 2790.2 6.0 11.9 -999 180.5 2561.9 3043.7 2791 2797.5 6.2 11.5 -999 181.5 2572.5 3049.8 2797.8 2804.7 6.9 10.9 -999 182.5 2579.9 3056.6 2804.7 2811.9 6.6 11.0 -999 183.5 2588.7 3064.2 2811.6 2819.1 7.1 10.4 -999 184.5 2595.8 3073.7 2819.3 2826.5 7.1 10.5 -999 185.5 2603.2 3084.7 2826.3 2833.6 7.6 10.4 -17.34 186.5 2612.6 3090.2 2833.4 2840.8 7.9 12.9 -999 187.5 2620.7 3098.3 2840.5 2848.2 7.7 9.9 -999 188.5 2627 3105.3 2847.5 2855.3 8.4 9.7 -999 189.5 2634.5 3113.7 2854.9 2862.6 7.3 9.9 -999 190.5 2640.7 3122.6 2862.6 2869.9 7.1 10.6 -999 191.5 2651.5 3129.2 2870 2877.4 5.6 10.2 -999 192.5 2661.5 3137 2877.1 2884.9 5.5 10.9 -999 193.5 2669 3144.8 2884.2 2892.3 5.7 10.6 -999 194.5 2676.8 3152.1 2891.6 2899.8 6.1 11.3 -999 195.5 2683.1 3160.5 2898.4 2907.1 6.0 11.2 -17.37 196.5 2692.8 3167 2905.9 2914.5 6.4 11.4 -999 197.5 2699.7 3174.5 2913 2922 6.4 10.3 -999 198.5 2707.5 3183.9 2920.1 2929.2 6.0 10.5 -999 199.5 2714.6 3193.3 2927.3 2936.5 5.9 11.4 -999 200.5 2720.6 3202.4 2934.8 2944 6.1 11.4 -999 201.5 2730 3208.4 2941.7 2951.3 6.0 11.4 -999 202.5 2738.9 3215.3 2949.2 2958.6 6.1 11.4 -999 203.5 2746.4 3222.2 2956.2 2965.9 6.0 12.0 -999 204.5 2753.6 3230.7 2963.8 2973.3 6.1 11.8 -999 205.5 2760.3 3239.8 2970.7 2980.5 6.4 11.8 -17.52 206.5 2769.3 3245.9 2977.7 2987.7 6.3 11.5 -999 207.5 2776.3 3253.6 2984.7 2994.9 6.8 11.7 -999 208.5 2783.9 3261.9 2991.5 3002.2 6.8 12.0 -999 209.5 2790.1 3270.6 2997.9 3009.3 7.0 12.3 -999 210.5 2796.1 3279.7 3004.7 3016.6 7.4 12.5 -999 211.5 2805.2 3285.5 3011.4 3023.9 7.4 12.8 -999 212.5 2814.1 3292.2 3018.7 3031.2 7.3 12.9 -999 213.5 2823 3300.1 3026.1 3038.7 7.5 13.7 -999 214.5 2829.9 3306.5 3033.5 3046.2 7.1 12.5 -999 215.5 2836.3 3314.5 3040.2 3053.4 6.8 12.5 -16.90 216.5 2846.7 3322 3047.3 3060.6 6.7 10.0 -999 217.5 2855.9 3329.5 3054.3 3068.1 6.9 9.9 -999 218.5 2865 3336 3061.4 3075.4 6.8 9.2 -999 219.5 2871.9 3345 3068.8 3082.8 7.3 9.5 -999 220.5 2879.4 3353.7 3075.8 3090.1 7.2 9.9 -999 221.5 2889 3361.2 3082.9 3097.3 7.4 9.6 -999 222.5 2898.9 3368.3 3089.8 3104.4 7.5 8.1 -999 223.5 2906.6 3376.7 3096.9 3111.3 7.5 9.2 -999 224.5 2914.2 3385.4 3104.2 3118.8 8.1 9.3 -999 225.5 2920.9 3395 3111.5 3126 7.7 8.8 -17.53 226.5 2931 3402.7 3118.8 3133.6 7.1 9.0 -999 227.5 2939.3 3408.3 3126.1 3141 6.2 9.1 -999 228.5 2947 3416.9 3132.8 3148.3 6.2 10.0 -999 229.5 2954.9 3423.2 3140.1 3155.8 6.6 9.4 -999 230.5 2961.4 3431.5 3147.3 3163.3 6.6 11.6 -17.03 231.5 2970.3 3443.7 3156.6 3172.5 7.8 12.3 -999 232.5 2979.7 3451.8 3166 3182 8.3 9.4 -18.84 233.5 2985.8 3463.6 3174.9 3191.2 10.0 9.4 -999 234.5 2992 3476.8 3183.9 3200.6 10.5 8.9 -999 235.5 2997.6 3491.5 3192.7 3210 11.3 8.9 -999 236.5 3007.9 3502.8 3202.6 3220.1 12.3 9.5 -999 237.5 3017.3 3513.9 3212.5 3230.2 11.0 9.9 -21.03 238.5 3025.1 3524.8 3222.9 3240.4 13.1 11.4 -999 239.5 3031.8 3538.5 3233 3250.5 12.9 13.4 -999 240.5 3037.5 3551.1 3243 3260.5 12.5 12.9 -22.76 241.5 3046.9 3561.6 3253.4 3270.8 11.9 12.5 -22.11 242.5 3053.3 3575.3 3263.8 3281.2 12.3 14.0 -21.72 243.5 3060.8 3588.1 3274.1 3291.3 13.6 16.7 -22.11 244.5 3066.9 3604.5 3284.1 3301.4 14.8 14.0 -22.48 245.5 3072.6 3617.9 3293.9 3311.3 15.9 14.2 -22.99 246.5 3081.6 3628.4 3304.4 3321.3 13.7 13.6 -21.92 247.5 3089.6 3639.9 3314.4 3331.1 13.3 20.9 -22.25 248.5 3097.3 3649.2 3324.4 3341.1 13.1 18.4 -22.66 249.5 3103.3 3660.8 3334.4 3350.9 13.4 19.1 -22.34 250.5 3110.5 3673.3 3344.1 3360.9 13.7 15.0 -22.16 251.5 3118.6 3685 3353.6 3370.6 12.4 14.2 -999 -999 3126.7 3697.5 3363.5 3380.5 -999 -999 -999