Palmer Deep, Antarctica Holocene TEX86 Sea Surface Temperature Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: Palmer Deep, Antarctica Holocene TEX86 Sea Surface Temperature Data LAST UPDATE: 4/2008 (Original receipt by WDC Paleo) CONTRIBUTOR: Amelia Shevenell, University of Washington. IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2008-038 WDC PALEO CONTRIBUTION SERIES CITATION: Shevenell, A.E., et al. 2008. Palmer Deep, Antarctica Holocene TEX86 Sea Surface Temperature Data. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 2008-038. NOAA/NCDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Shevenell, A.E., A. Ingalls, and E. Domack. 2007. Orbital and atmospheric forcing of western Antarctic Peninsula climate in the Holocene: The TEX86 paleotemperature record of Palmer Deep, in Antarctica: A Keystone in a Changing World – Online Proceedings of the 10th ISAES X, edited by A. K. Cooper and C. R. Raymond et al., USGS Open-File Report 2007-1047, Extended Abstract 131, 4 p. ABSTRACT: A detailed TEX86 sea surface temperature record is presented from a well-dated hemipelagic sedimentary sequence drilled in Palmer Deep, on the western Antarctic Peninsula continental margin (ODP Hole 1098B; 1010 m). To test the regional utility of the TEX86 proxy, surface sediment samples with paired CTD casts were acquired and results show the promise of TEX86 in this region. Down core TEX86-derived temperatures at Site 1098 range between 0 and 6°C during the Holocene (0-12 ky). A long-term Holocene cooling of ~3°C is suggested and is punctuated by millennial scale temperature variability. The TEX86 temperature record from Palmer Deep is consistent with temperature trends recorded in west Antarctic ice cores and southeast Pacific marine sediments. This observation is consistent with hypotheses that favor atmospheric (via the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds), not thermohaline, control over the hydrography of Palmer Deep. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Southern Ocean, Antarctica, Palmer Deep PERIOD OF RECORD: 12 KYrBP - present FUNDING SOURCES: University of Washington Program on Climate Change and US National Science Foundation OPP award #0620099. DESCRIPTION: TEX86 Holocene sea surface temperature record from Palmer Deep, Antarctica. ODP Site 1098: 64°51.71'S, 64°12'W DATA: Column 1: Leg/Site/Hole/Core/Section Column 2: Top (cm) Column 3: Bottom (cm) Column 1: Depth (mbsf) Column 2: Depth (mcd) Column 3: Age (Domack 2001) Column 1: TEX86 Column 2: SST (°C) Core/Section Top Bot. MBSF MCD Age TEX86 SST 1781098B1H 1 11 12 0.11 0.17 80 0.2831 0.21 1781098B1H 1 21 22 0.21 0.27 134 0.2856 0.37 1781098B1H 1 31 32 0.31 0.37 189 0.2832 0.21 1781098B1H 1 41 42 0.41 0.47 243 0.2854 0.36 1781098B1H 1 61 62 0.61 0.67 350 0.3081 1.88 1781098B1H 1 71 72 0.71 0.77 403 0.3159 2.39 1781098B1H 1 81 82 0.81 0.87 456 0.3208 2.72 1781098B1H 1 91 92 0.91 0.97 508 0.3489 4.59 1781098B1H 1 111 112 1.11 1.17 612 0.3495 4.64 1781098B1H 1 121 122 1.21 1.27 664 0.3146 2.30 1781098B1H 1 131 132 1.31 1.37 715 0.2732 -0.45 1781098B1H 1 150 151 1.5 1.56 811 0.3323 3.49 1781098B1H 2 11 12 1.61 1.67 867 0.3523 4.82 1781098B1H 2 21 22 1.71 1.77 917 0.3114 2.09 1781098B1H 2 31 32 1.81 1.87 966 0.3329 3.53 1781098B1H 2 41 42 1.91 1.97 1016 0.3286 3.24 1781098B1H 2 61 62 2.11 2.17 1113 0.3526 4.84 1781098B1H 2 71 72 2.21 2.27 1162 0.3353 3.69 1781098B1H 2 81 82 2.31 2.37 1210 0.3313 3.42 1781098B1H 2 91 92 2.41 2.47 1258 0.3560 5.06 1781098B1H 2 111 112 2.61 2.67 1352 0.3426 4.17 1781098B1H 2 121 122 2.71 2.77 1399 0.3573 5.15 1781098B1H 2 131 132 2.81 2.87 1446 0.3262 3.08 1781098B1H 2 150 151 3 3.06 1534 0.2889 0.59 1781098B1H 3 11 12 3.11 3.17 1584 0.3367 3.78 1781098B1H 3 21 22 3.21 3.27 1630 0.3492 4.62 1781098B1H 3 31 32 3.31 3.37 1675 0.2969 1.13 1781098B1H 3 61 62 3.61 3.67 1810 0.2804 0.03 1781098B1H 3 71 72 3.71 3.77 1854 0.2943 0.95 1781098B1H 3 81 82 3.81 3.87 1898 0.2814 0.10 1781098B1H 3 91 92 3.91 3.97 1942 0.2954 1.03 1781098B1H 3 111 112 4.11 4.17 2028 0.2962 1.08 1781098B1H 3 131 132 4.31 4.37 2114 0.2867 0.45 1781098B1H 3 141 142 4.41 4.47 2156 0.2977 1.18 1781098B1H 4 6 7 4.56 4.62 2220 0.2932 0.88 1781098B1H 4 26 27 4.76 4.82 2303 0.3226 2.84 1781098B1H 4 56 57 5.06 5.12 2426 0.3084 1.89 1781098B1H 4 76 77 5.26 5.32 2508 0.2823 0.15 1781098B1H 4 96 97 5.46 5.52 2588 0.3122 2.14 1781098B1H 4 106 107 5.56 5.62 2628 0.2737 -0.42 1781098B1HCC 6 7 5.89 5.95 2757 0.2871 0.47 1781098B2H 1 26 27 6.26 7.12 3199 0.3382 3.88 1781098B2H 1 46 47 6.46 7.32 3272 0.3060 1.73 1781098B2H 1 76 77 6.76 7.62 3380 0.2731 -0.46 1781098B2H 1 96 97 6.96 7.82 3452 0.3039 1.59 1781098B2H 1 116 117 7.16 8.02 3522 0.3322 3.48 1781098B2H 1 136 137 7.36 8.22 3592 0.3186 2.57 1781098B2H 2 51 52 8.01 8.87 3815 0.3015 1.44 1781098B2H 2 81 82 8.31 9.17 3915 0.3150 2.34 1781098B2H 2 111 112 8.61 9.47 4015 0.2987 1.25 1781098B2H 2 141 142 8.91 9.77 4113 0.3174 2.49 1781098B2H 3 16 17 9.16 10.02 4194 0.3221 2.81 1781098B2H 3 36 37 9.36 10.22 4258 0.3272 3.15 1781098B2H 3 56 57 9.56 10.42 4322 0.3206 2.71 1781098B2H 3 76 77 9.76 10.62 4386 0.3024 1.50 1781098B2H 3 96 97 9.96 10.82 4449 0.3752 6.35 1781098B2H 3 96 97 9.96 10.82 4449 0.3711 6.07 1781098B2H 3 116 117 10.16 11.02 4511 0.2989 1.26 1781098B2H 3 131 132 10.31 11.17 4558 0.2951 1.01 1781098B2H 4 6 7 10.56 11.42 4635 0.3143 2.29 1781098B2H 4 46 47 10.96 11.82 4758 0.3093 1.95 1781098B2H 4 106 107 11.56 12.42 4940 0.2919 0.80 1781098B2H 4 126 127 11.76 12.62 5000 0.2988 1.25 1781098B2H 4 146 147 11.96 12.82 5060 0.3035 1.57 1781098B2H 4 146 147 11.96 12.82 5060 0.3067 1.78 1781098B2H 5 21 22 12.21 13.07 5134 0.2808 0.05 1781098B2H 5 51 52 12.51 13.37 5223 0.3015 1.43 1781098B2H 5 81 82 12.81 13.67 5312 0.3114 2.09 1781098B2H 5 141 142 13.41 14.27 5488 0.3048 1.66 1781098B2H 6 16 17 13.66 14.52 5561 0.3566 5.11 1781098B2H 6 46 47 13.96 14.82 5649 0.3326 3.51 1781098B2H 6 56 57 14.06 14.92 5678 0.3322 3.48 1781098B2H 6 86 87 14.36 15.22 5766 0.3024 1.49 1781098B2H 6 136 137 14.86 15.72 5912 0.3053 1.69 1781098B2H 7 11 12 15.11 15.97 5985 0.2949 0.99 1781098B3H 1 46 47 15.96 17.48 6431 0.3226 2.84 1781098B3H 1 56 57 16.06 17.58 6461 0.3391 3.94 1781098B3H 2 61 62 17.61 19.13 6932 0.3274 3.16 1781098B3H 3 6 7 18.56 20.08 7230 0.3063 1.76 1781098B3H 3 66 67 19.16 20.68 7424 0.3185 2.57 1781098B3H 3 76 77 19.26 20.78 7457 0.3011 1.41 1781098B3H 4 11 12 20.11 21.63 7740 0.3111 2.07 1781098B3H 4 31 32 20.31 21.83 7808 0.2777 -0.15 1781098B3H 4 111 112 21.11 22.63 8087 0.3341 3.60 1781098B3H 4 126 127 21.26 22.78 8141 0.3361 3.74 1781098B3H 5 21 22 21.71 23.23 8304 0.3222 2.81 1781098B3H 5 56 57 22.06 23.58 8433 0.3150 2.33 1781098B3H 5 81 82 22.31 23.83 8527 0.3817 6.78 1781098B3H 5 111 112 22.61 24.13 8641 0.3494 4.63 1781098B3H 5 126 127 22.76 24.28 8698 0.2833 0.22 1781098B3H 6 11 12 23.11 24.63 8835 0.3039 1.60 1781098B4H 2 81 82 27.31 29.49 9014 0.3495 4.63 1781098B4H 3 6 7 28.06 30.24 9137 0.3701 6.01 1781098B4H 3 81 82 28.81 30.99 9259 0.3676 5.84 1781098B4H 3 126 127 29.26 31.44 9333 0.2849 0.33 1781098B4H 4 21 22 29.71 31.89 9407 0.3113 2.08 1781098B4H 4 41 42 29.91 32.09 9439 0.3984 7.90 1781098B4H 4 71 72 30.21 32.39 9488 0.3116 2.11 1781098B4H 4 71 72 30.21 32.39 9488 0.3190 2.60 1781098B4H 4 101 102 30.51 32.69 9538 0.3452 4.34 1781098B4H 5 21 22 31.21 33.39 9652 0.3381 3.87 1781098B4H 5 41 42 31.41 33.59 9685 0.3807 6.72 1781098B4H 5 61 62 31.61 33.79 9718 0.3225 2.83 1781098B4H 5 91 92 31.91 34.09 9767 0.3504 4.70 1781098B4H 5 121 122 32.21 34.39 10213 0.3483 4.56 1781098B4H 6 16 17 32.66 34.84 10297 0.3682 5.88 1781098B4H 6 46 47 32.96 35.14 10352 0.3220 2.80 1781098B4H 6 106 107 33.56 35.74 10464 0.3214 2.76 1781098B4H 7 21 22 33.81 35.99 10511 0.3149 2.33 1781098B4H 7 41 42 34.01 36.19 10548 0.3332 3.55 1781098B5H 1 71 72 35.21 36.95 10689 0.3217 2.78 1781098B5H 1 111 112 35.61 37.35 10764 0.3988 7.92 1781098B5H 1 131 132 35.81 37.55 10801 0.4336 10.24 1781098B5H 2 61 62 36.61 38.35 10950 0.3307 3.38 1781098B5H 2 106 107 37.06 38.8 11034 0.3522 4.81 1781098B5H 3 31 32 37.81 39.55 11173 0.3991 7.94 1781098B5H 3 101 102 38.51 40.25 11303 0.3721 6.14 1781098B5H 3 131 132 38.81 40.55 11359 0.3268 3.12 1781098B5H 3 141 142 38.91 40.65 11378 0.3550 5.00 1781098B5H 4 36 37 39.36 41.1 11461 0.3530 4.87 1781098B5H 4 91 92 39.91 41.65 11564 0.3448 4.32 1781098B5H 4 116 117 40.16 41.9 11610 0.3826 6.84 1781098B5H 4 136 137 40.36 42.1 11648 0.4195 9.30 1781098B5H 5 11 12 40.61 42.35 11694 0.4102 8.68 1781098B5H 5 31 32 40.81 42.55 11731 0.3310 3.40 1781098B5H 5 41 42 40.91 42.65 11750 0.3332 3.55 1781098B5H 5 51 52 41.01 42.75 11769 0.4293 9.95