# 12-01-2016: lists parameters from Tab. 2 using the summary(lm*) function in R # "*" denotes not significant at 0.01 significance level infile <- "data_dx1000_dz5_1.1.dat" source("read_mapped_data.R") # LA n=1402 lm.deltanat.co3.temp.depAll <- lm(c13sednatb - c13wcnatb ~ co3b + tempb + depb) # r = 0.14, sigma = 0.30, intercept = 0.49+-0.03, slope_co3 = -0.0022+-0.0003, slope_temp = -0.014+-0.004, slope_dep = (-7.4+-0.6)e-5 lm.delta.co3.temp.depAll <- lm(c13sedb - c13wcb ~ co3b + tempb + depb) # r = 0.12, sigma = 0.29, intercept = 0.38+-0.03, slope_co3 = -0.0010+-0.0003*, slope_temp = 0.008+-0.004*, slope_dep = (-8.1+-0.6)e-5 lm.deltanat.co3.depAll <- lm(c13sednatb - c13wcnatb ~ co3b + depb) # LA1 r = 0.12, sigma = 0.29, intercept = 0.45+-0.03, slope_co3 = -2.2+-0.2, slope_dep = -6.6 +- 0.6 #print(paste("LA1 ",summary(lm.deltanat.co3All)[9])) lm.delta.co3.depAll <- lm(c13sedb - c13wcb ~ co3b + depb) # LA2 r = 0.12, sigma = 0.29, intercept = 0.35+-0.03, slope_co3 = -0.6+-0.2*, slope_dep = -8.3 +- 0.6 lm.deltanat.co3All <- lm(c13sednatb - c13wcnatb ~ co3b) # LA3 r = 0.05, sigma = 0.30, intercept = 0.29+-0.03, slope_co3 = -0.0022+-0.0003 #!!!! the rest need to be updated lm.deltanat.tempAll <- lm(c13sednatb - c13wcnatb ~ tempb) # r = 0.01, sigma = 0.32, intercept = 0.06+-0.01, slope_temp = -0.01+-0.004 lm.deltanat.depAll <- lm(c13sednatb - c13wcnatb ~ depb) # LA4 r = 0.07, sigma = 0.30, intercept = 0.18+-0.02, slope_dep = (-6.6+-0.6)e-5 lm.deltanat.1All <- lm(c13sednatb - c13wcnatb ~ 1) # sigma = 0.32, intercept = 0.04+-0.01 lm.deltanat.0All <- lm(c13sednatb - c13wcnatb ~ 0) # LA5 sigma = 0.31 lm.c13wcnat.All <- lm(c13sednatb ~ c13wcnatb) # LA6 r = 0.65, sigma = 0.31, intercept = 0.11+-0.02, slope_c13wc = 0.89+-0.02 lm.c13wc.All <- lm(c13sedb ~ c13wcb) # LA7 r = 0.57, sigma = 0.31, intercept = 0.13+-0.02, slope_c13wc = 0.94+-0.02 # LL n=835 lm.deltanat.co3.temp.depLH <- lm(c13sednatLHb - c13wcnatLHb ~ co3LHb + tempLHb + depLHb) # r = 0.21, sigma = 0.25, intercept = 0.35+-0.04, slope_co3 = -0.0035+-0.0003, slope_temp = 0.026+-0.006, slope_dep = -0.9+-1.2* lm.delta.co3.temp.depLH <- lm(c13sedLHb - c13wcLHb ~ co3LHb + tempLHb + depLHb) # r = 0.20, sigma = 0.26, intercept = 0.35+-0.04, slope_co3 = -0.0015+-0.0003, slope_temp = 0.026+-0.006, slope_dep = -6.8+-1.2 lm.deltanat.co3.depLH <- lm(c13sednatLHb - c13wcnatLHb ~ co3LHb + depLHb) # LL1 r = 0.18, sigma = 0.25, intercept = 0.41+-0.03, slope_co3 = -0.0027+-0.0002, slope_dep = -4.4+-0.8 lm.delta.co3.depLH <- lm(c13sedLHb - c13wcLHb ~ co3LHb + depLHb) # LL2 r = 0.18, sigma = 0.25, intercept = 0.41+-0.03, slope_co3 = -0.007+-0.0002, slope_dep = -10.0+-0.8 lm.deltanat.co3LH <- lm(c13sednatLHb - c13wcnatLHb ~ co3LHb) # LL3 r = 0.15, sigma = 0.25, intercept = 0.31+-0.03, slope_co3 = -0.0030+-0.0002 lm.deltanat.tempLH <- lm(c13sednatLHb - c13wcnatLHb ~ tempLHb) # r = 0.01, sigma = 0.28, intercept = -0.04+-0.02*, slope_temp = 0.011+-0.004* lm.deltanat.depLH <- lm(c13sednatLHb - c13wcnatLHb ~ depLHb) # LL4 r = 0.04, sigma = 0.27, intercept = 0.11+-0.02, slope_dep = -4.9+-0.9 lm.deltanat.1LH <- lm(c13sednatLHb - c13wcnatLHb ~ 1) # sigma = 0.28, intercept = -0.01+-0.01* lm.deltanat.0LH <- lm(c13sednatLHb - c13wcnatLHb ~ 0) # LL5 sigma = 0.27 lm.c13wcnatLH <- lm(c13sednatLHb ~ c13wcnatLHb) # LL6 r = 0.71, sigma = 0.25, intercept = 0.13+-0.01, slope_c13wc = 0.78+-0.02 lm.c13wcLH <- lm(c13sedLHb ~ c13wcLHb) # LL7 r = 0.65, sigma = 0.27, intercept = 0.15+-0.02, slope_c13wc = 0.88+-0.02 # LW n = 413 lm.deltanat.co3.depWUE <- lm(c13sednatWUEb - c13wcnatWUEb ~ co3WUEb + depWUEb) # LW1 r = 0.25, sigma = 0.21, intercept = 0.48+-0.04, slope_co3 = -0.0028+-0.0003, slope_dep = -5.0+-1.1 lm.deltanat.0WUE <- lm(c13sednatWUEb - c13wcnatWUEb ~ 0) # LW5 sigma = 0.25 lm.deltanat.1WUE <- lm(c13sednatWUEb ~ c13wcnatWUEb) # LW6 r = 0.78, sigma = 0.22, intercept = 0.17+-0.02, slope_c13wc = 0.77+-0.02