# Washington Land, Greenland Late Pleistocene to Holocene 10Be Moraine Ages #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/25070 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/contributions_by_author/reusche2018/reusche2018-10beages.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Original_Source_URL: # Description: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Other Collections # # Dataset DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2018-08-30 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2018-08-30 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Washington Land, Greenland Late Pleistocene to Holocene 10Be Moraine Ages #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Reusche, M.M.; Marcott, S.A.; Ceperley, E.G.; Barth, A.M.; Brook, E.J.; Mix, A.C.; Caffee, M.W. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: 10Be ages from boulders on moraines of the Petermann and Humboldt glaciers #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Melissa M. Reusche, Shaun A. Marcott, Elizabeth G. Ceperley, Aaron M. Barth, Edward J. Brook, Alan C. Mix, Marc W. Caffee # Published_Date_or_Year: 2018-07-13 # Published_Title: Early to Late Holocene Surface Exposure Ages From Two Marine-Terminating Outlet Glaciers in Northwest Greenland # Journal_Name: Geophysical Research Letters # Volume: 45 # Edition: # Issue: 14 # Pages: 7028-7039 # Report Number: # DOI: 10.1029/2018GL078266 # Online_Resource: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/2018GL078266 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Terrestrial chronologies from southern Greenland provide a detailed deglacial history of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS). The northern GIS margin history, however, is less established. Here we present surface exposure ages from moraines associated with two large outlet glaciers, Petermann and Humboldt, in the northwestern sector of the GIS. These moraine chronologies indicate a Little Ice Age advance of the ice sheet margin before ~0.3 ka and a possible equivalent advance of similar magnitude prior to ~2.8 ka. An early Holocene moraine at Humboldt Glacier was abandoned by 8.3 ± 1.7 ka and is contemporaneous with other moraines deposited along the entire western GIS margin. This widespread ice margin stability between ~9 and 8 ka indicates that while this margin was influenced by warming atmospheric temperatures during the early Holocene, the warming was likely overprinted with the effect of the abrupt climate cooling at 9.3 and 8.2 ka. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: U.S. National Science Foundation # Grant: OPP #--------------------------------------- # Site Information # Site_Name: Petermann Glacier # Location: North America>Greenland # Country: Greenland # Northernmost_Latitude: 80.7 # Southernmost_Latitude: 80.7 # Easternmost_Longitude: -59.3 # Westernmost_Longitude: -59.3 # Elevation: 100 m #--------------------------------------- # Site Information # Site_Name: Humboldt Glacier # Location: North America>Greenland # Country: Greenland # Northernmost_Latitude: 79.9 # Southernmost_Latitude: 79.9 # Easternmost_Longitude: -64.2 # Westernmost_Longitude: -64.2 # Elevation: 100 m #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Reusche201810BeAges # First_Year: 11500 # Last_Year: 75 # Time_Unit: cal. yr. BP # Core_Length: # Notes: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # 10Be ages calculated with the CRONUS-Earth online calculator version 3 (Balco et al., 2008) using the regional Arctic, Baffin Bay production rate (Young et al., 2013) and the nuclide- and time-dependent scaling scheme of Lifton et al. (2014). #--------------------------------------- # Variables # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## SampleID sampleID,,,,,,,,C,Sample Name ## Lat Latitude,,,Degrees,,,,,N, ## Long Longitude,,,Degrees,,,,,N, ## Elev Elevation,,,meters,,,,,N, ## Thickness Sample Thickness,,,cm,,,,,N, ## Density Density,,,g/cm^3,,,,,N,Sample Density ## Shielding Shielding,,,,,,,,N,Shielding Factor ## Erosion Erosion Rate,,,,,,,,N, ## Nuclide Nuclide,,,,,,,,C,Cosmogenic Isotope ## Min.Phase Mineral Phase,,,,,,,,C, ## Be-conc Beryllium Concentration,,,atoms/gram,,,,,N, ## Be-conc-err Beryllium Concentration error,,,atoms/gram,,,,,N,Beryllium Uncertainty ## Be-Std Beryllium Standard,,,,,,,,C,AMS Standard ## age_calBP_LSDn Age,,,calendar years before present,,,,,N,Age Calculation with LSDn scaling ## age_int_err_calBP_LSDn Age internal error,,,,,,,,N,Internal Age Uncertainty ## age_ext_err_calBP_LSDn Age external error,,,,,,,,N,External Age Uncertainty # #------------------------ # Data # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Value: SampleID Lat Long Elev Thickness Density Shielding Erosion Nuclide Min.Phase Be-conc Be-conc-err Be-Std age_calBP_LSDn age_int_err_calBP_LSDn age_ext_err_calBP_LSDn PG-ILL-001-15 80.28454 -59.46758 378.4346313 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 43510.84138 1407.988001 07KNSTD 7237 235 358 PG-ILL-005-15 80.41133 -60.02584 139.7001495 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 44420.376 3988.663894 07KNSTD 9360 843 913 PG-ILL-007-15 80.4153 -60.04908 131.721283 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 2030.228207 544.7277438 07KNSTD 426 114 115 PG-LB-002-15 80.2456 -59.34514 393.5199585 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 2752.529498 307.9718001 07KNSTD 442 49 52 PG-OLL-001-15 80.40543 -59.99876 151.2746277 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 2875.939717 658.5701778 07KNSTD 578 133 134 PG-OLL-003-15 80.41221 -60.03484 141.634201 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 558.2746619 229.0537391 07KNSTD 127 52 52 PG-OLL-004-15 80.41232 -60.03578 141.0908966 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 736.1607614 376.4446181 07KNSTD 165 84 84 PG-PBM-001-15 79.8989 -64.16595 27.0899086 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 1130.650058 300.1797901 07KNSTD 272 72 73 PG-PBM-002-15 79.89909 -64.16507 28.09087372 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 1296.672084 393.672873 07KNSTD 307 93 94 PG-PBM-003-15 79.89925 -64.16254 28.74138641 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 1800.017469 653.9033041 07KNSTD 420 153 154 PG-PBM-004-15 79.8993 -64.16254 29.40855408 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 383.5508705 551.9529468 07KNSTD 100 143 143 PG-PBM-005-15 79.89949 -64.16056 25.85567093 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 5762.759873 410.2181988 07KNSTD 1313 93 106 PG-PBM-006-15 79.89835 -64.17158 30.7872448 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 855.3944396 218.8679174 07KNSTD 211 54 55 PG-PBM-007-15 79.89837 -64.172 30.83076668 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 1624.850376 315.6331208 07KNSTD 380 74 75 PG-PBMO-002-15 79.90038 -64.14326 18.40431213 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 810.1723881 340.4195908 07KNSTD 203 85 86 PG-PBMO-003-15 79.90057 -64.13525 18.89776993 2 2.65 0.987163312 0 Be-10 quartz 13670.71648 828.6231794 07KNSTD 3265 198 233 PG-PBMO-004-15 79.90069 -64.13225 14.53414345 2 2.65 0.997537992 0 Be-10 quartz 579.9605211 356.9302994 07KNSTD 149 92 92 PG-PBMO-006-15 79.90079 -64.12825 13.18645668 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 922.9302375 376.9655221 07KNSTD 230 94 94 PG-PBMO-007-15 79.8998 -64.15991 22.21669769 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 1747.675361 280.6190459 07KNSTD 412 66 68 PG-PBMO-008-15 79.89954 -64.16179 26.96226501 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 1676.671074 781.0771723 07KNSTD 394 183 184 PG-PBMO-009-15 79.8995 -64.16211 27.18226242 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 284.9721314 314.0046741 07KNSTD 75 83 83 PG-RLO-001-15 80.66801 -59.83541 124.5133667 2 2.65 0.970317283 0 Be-10 quartz 14460.79742 716.9620031 07KNSTD 3159 157 196 PG-RLO-002-15 80.66804 -59.84115 121.0133057 2 2.65 0.952140243 0 Be-10 quartz 1344.18689 559.511913 07KNSTD 304 127 127 PG-RLO-003-15 80.66808 -59.85122 110.5646973 2 2.65 0.970317283 0 Be-10 quartz 1434.451795 536.8285213 07KNSTD 320 120 121 PG-RLO-004-15 80.66804 -59.8224 116.627739 2 2.65 0.96555679 0 Be-10 quartz 1223.531269 416.9593101 07KNSTD 276 94 94 PG-RLO-005-15 80.66837 -59.81484 130.5979156 2 2.65 0.970317283 0 Be-10 quartz 12634.80365 1839.641166 07KNSTD 2733 398 411 PG-RLO-006-15 80.66861 -59.80894 137.2396088 2 2.65 0.970317283 0 Be-10 quartz 11982.39849 1710.466674 07KNSTD 2575 368 380 PG-WM-001-15 79.92294 -63.75527 128.2648926 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 35657.78642 1197.99391 07KNSTD 7610 256 383 PG-WM-002-15 79.92296 -63.755 128.2248993 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 39569.06038 1689.669388 07KNSTD 8433 361 480 PG-WM-003-15 79.92256 -63.75896 129.948761 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 53443.50872 3461.560122 07KNSTD 11439 743 858 PG-WM-004-15 79.92259 -63.75846 130.1887512 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 41369.75423 1611.933221 07KNSTD 8817 344 477 PG-WM-005-15 79.92263 -63.74754 132.3473206 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 37366.37049 1182.213101 07KNSTD 7933 251 389 PG-WM-006-15 79.92242 -63.73957 137.7288513 2 2.65 1 0 Be-10 quartz 53046.57996 3344.389765 07KNSTD 11254 711 827