# Atlantic Ocean Stable Isotope, Geochemistry and Cadmium Seawater Data over the last 25,000 years #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/25010 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/contributions_by_author/oppo2018/oppo2018-knr197-3-9.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Archive: Paleoceanography # # Dataset_DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: oxygen isotopes, carbon isotopes, geochemistry #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2018-09-04 #--------------------------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2018-09-04 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Atlantic Ocean Stable Isotope, Geochemistry and Cadmium Seawater Data over the last 25,000 years #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Oppo, Delia W. #--------------------------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Oppo, D.W., Gebbie, G. , Huang, K. , Curry, W.B., Marchitto, T.M. and Pietro, K.R. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2018 # Published_Title: Data Constraints on Glacial Atlantic Water Mass Geometry and Properties # Journal_Name: Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology # Volume: 33 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 1013-1034 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1029/2018PA003408 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The chemical composition of benthic foraminifera from marine sediment cores provides information on how glacial subsurface water properties differed from modern, but separating the influence of changes in the origin and end-member properties of subsurface water from changes in flows and mixing is challenging. Spatial gaps in coverage of glacial data add to the uncertainty. Here we present new data from cores collected from the Demerara Rise in the western tropical North Atlantic, including cores from the modern tropical phosphate maximum at Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) depths. The results suggest lower phosphate concentration and higher carbonate saturation state within the phosphate maximum than modern despite similar carbon isotope values, consistent with less accumulation of respired nutrients and carbon, and reduced air-sea gas exchange in source waters to the region. An inversion of new and published glacial data confirms these inferences and further suggests that lower preformed nutrients in AAIW, and partial replacement of this still relatively high-nutrient AAIW with nutrient-depleted, carbonate-rich waters sourced from the region of the modern-day northern subtropics, also contributed to the observed changes. The results suggest that glacial preformed and remineralized phosphate were lower throughout the upper Atlantic, but deep phosphate concentration was higher. The inversion, which relies on the fidelity of the paleoceanographic data, suggests that the partial replacement of North Atlantic sourced deep water by Southern Ocean Water was largely responsible for the apparent deep North Atlantic phosphate increase, rather than greater remineralization. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Science Foundation # Grant: #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: WHOI Internal # Grant: #--------------------------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: KNR197-3-9GGC # Location: North Atlantic Ocean # Country: # Northernmost_Latitude: 7.93 # Southernmost_Latitude: 7.93 # Easternmost_Longitude: -53.68 # Westernmost_Longitude: -53.68 # Elevation: -1100 #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: KNR197-3-9GGC Oppo2018 # First_Year: 24730 # Last_Year: 66 # Time_Unit: # Core_Length: # Notes: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # KNR 197-3-9GGC # LabCode Labcode for radiocarbon measurement # Species Species # Depth Depth (cm) # 14C Raw radiocarbon age # Err Reported error # C13 d13C ‰ (sometimes blank, 1 ‰ assumed) # Calib_curve Calibration curve # Sigma_range Sigma range: 1_or_2_sigma # #_of_ranges Number of ranges # upper Upper age bound (Before Present) # lower Lower age bound (Before Present) # rel_probability Relative probability # med_prob Median Probability # notes Notes if rejected from age model in Column 1 # # Lab_code Species Depth (cm) 14C_age corrected_+/- delta_13C cal_curve 1_or_2_sigma #_of_ranges cal_BP_ranges_(lower) (upper) rel._probability med._prob. NaN # OS-95353 Mixed planktonics 0.5 >modern NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN # OS-95344 G. ruber 52.5 6500 40 1.6 marine13.14c 1 1 6939 7074 1 7009 NaN # OS-95344 G. ruber 52.5 6500 40 1.6 marine13.14c 2 1 6895 7138 1 7009 NaN # OS-95357 Mixed planktonics 140.5 9430 45 1.5 marine13.14c 1 1 10203 10324 1 10269 NaN # OS-95357 Mixed planktonics 140.5 9430 45 1.5 marine13.14c 2 1 10174 10402 1 10269 NaN # OS-95345 G. sacculifer 172.5 12600 50 1.7 marine13.14c 1 1 14010 14159 1 14085 NaN # OS-95345 G. sacculifer 172.5 12600 50 1.7 marine13.14c 2 1 13920 14240 1 14085 NaN # OS-95338 G. sacculifer 220.5 15700 75 2 marine13.14c 1 1 18477 18665 1 18568 NaN # OS-95338 G. sacculifer 220.5 15700 75 2 marine13.14c 2 1 18374 18740 1 18568 NaN # OS-95337 G. sacculifer 264.5 19350 80 1.8 marine13.14c 1 1 22672 22937 1 22805 NaN # #--------------------------------------- # Variables # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) ## age_calyrBP age,,,calendar year before present,,paleoceanography,,,N, ## depth_cm depth,,,centimeter,,paleoceanography,,,N, ## d13C_c.pachy delta 13C,Cibicidoides pachyderma,,per mil VPDB,,paleoceanography,,,N, ## d18O_c.pachy delta 18O,Cibicidoides pachyderma,,per mil VPDB,,paleoceanography,,,N, ## species notes,,,,,paleoceanography,,,C,Species used for isotope analysis #------------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: NA age_calyrBP depth_cm d13C_c.pachy d18O_c.pachy species 66.752381 0.5 0.730732 2.38466 C. pachyderma 66.752381 0.5 0.838732 2.04466 C. pachyderma 66.752381 0.5 0.895732 2.53466 C. pachyderma 600.771429 4.5 0.957732 2.50466 C. pachyderma 600.771429 4.5 0.932732 2.46966 C. pachyderma 600.771429 4.5 0.789732 2.31666 C. pachyderma 1134.79048 8.5 0.921732 2.40666 C. pachyderma 1134.79048 8.5 0.932732 2.53766 C. pachyderma 1134.79048 8.5 1.049732 2.39066 C. pachyderma 1668.80952 12.5 0.956732 2.50566 C. pachyderma 1668.80952 12.5 0.916732 2.39766 C. pachyderma 1668.80952 12.5 1.037732 2.43966 C. pachyderma 2202.82857 16.5 0.900732 2.01366 C. pachyderma 2202.82857 16.5 1.009732 2.42466 C. pachyderma 2202.82857 16.5 1.087732 2.41966 C. pachyderma 2736.84762 20.5 0.999732 2.39166 C. pachyderma 2736.84762 20.5 1.046732 2.58166 C. pachyderma 2736.84762 20.5 1.128732 2.49266 C. pachyderma 3270.86667 24.5 1.108732 2.40066 C. pachyderma 3270.86667 24.5 1.059732 2.36366 C. pachyderma 3270.86667 24.5 1.063732 2.37866 C. pachyderma 3804.88571 28.5 1.024732 2.30266 C. pachyderma 3804.88571 28.5 1.093732 2.42966 C. pachyderma 3804.88571 28.5 1.008732 2.39066 C. pachyderma 4338.90476 32.5 1.046732 2.44566 C. pachyderma 4338.90476 32.5 1.047732 2.65666 C. pachyderma 4872.92381 36.5 1.111732 2.52166 C. pachyderma 4872.92381 36.5 1.022732 2.42566 C. pachyderma 4872.92381 36.5 1.072732 2.61066 C. pachyderma 5406.94286 40.5 1.124732 2.32666 C. pachyderma 5406.94286 40.5 0.933732 2.33966 C. pachyderma 5406.94286 40.5 1.039732 2.32666 C. pachyderma 5940.9619 44.5 0.924732 2.36566 C. pachyderma 5940.9619 44.5 1.049732 2.31266 C. pachyderma 5940.9619 44.5 1.151732 2.41566 C. pachyderma 6474.98095 48.5 0.912732 2.34266 C. pachyderma 6474.98095 48.5 1.073732 2.28266 C. pachyderma 6474.98095 48.5 1.062732 2.35266 C. pachyderma 7009 52.5 1.038732 2.47866 C. pachyderma 7009 52.5 1.024732 2.38266 C. pachyderma 7009 52.5 0.783732 2.34166 C. pachyderma 7157.18182 56.5 1.044732 2.35766 C. pachyderma 7157.18182 56.5 0.999732 2.49666 C. pachyderma 7157.18182 56.5 0.980732 2.24066 C. pachyderma 7305.36364 60.5 0.647732 2.52966 C. pachyderma 7305.36364 60.5 1.024732 2.32666 C. pachyderma 7305.36364 60.5 0.856732 2.67266 C. pachyderma 7453.54545 64.5 1.001732 2.44466 C. pachyderma 7453.54545 64.5 1.037732 2.54966 C. pachyderma 7453.54545 64.5 0.779732 2.45066 C. pachyderma 7601.72727 68.5 0.959732 2.68466 C. pachyderma 7601.72727 68.5 0.952732 2.41666 C. pachyderma 7601.72727 68.5 0.872732 2.42266 C. pachyderma 7749.90909 72.5 0.953732 2.63566 C. pachyderma 7749.90909 72.5 0.937732 2.57066 C. pachyderma 7749.90909 72.5 0.910732 2.64066 C. pachyderma 7898.09091 76.5 0.835732 2.51266 C. pachyderma 7898.09091 76.5 0.954732 2.58866 C. pachyderma 7898.09091 76.5 0.894732 2.60366 C. pachyderma 8046.27273 80.5 0.882732 2.62766 C. pachyderma 8046.27273 80.5 0.924732 2.76666 C. pachyderma 8046.27273 80.5 0.680732 2.08366 C. pachyderma 8194.45455 84.5 0.841732 2.76366 C. pachyderma 8194.45455 84.5 0.792732 2.48666 C. pachyderma 8194.45455 84.5 0.876732 2.64366 C. pachyderma 8342.63636 88.5 0.756732 2.72466 C. pachyderma 8342.63636 88.5 0.876732 2.52666 C. pachyderma 8342.63636 88.5 0.923732 2.63766 C. pachyderma 8490.81818 92.5 0.949732 2.47466 C. pachyderma 8490.81818 92.5 0.799732 2.47166 C. pachyderma 8490.81818 92.5 0.870732 2.62166 C. pachyderma 8639 96.5 0.669732 2.65866 C. pachyderma 8639 96.5 0.777732 2.67466 C. pachyderma 8639 96.5 0.587732 2.32166 C. pachyderma 8787.18182 100.5 0.740732 2.65966 C. pachyderma 8787.18182 100.5 0.727732 2.45566 C. pachyderma 8787.18182 100.5 0.773732 2.72966 C. pachyderma 8935.36364 104.5 0.915732 2.83766 C. pachyderma 8935.36364 104.5 0.489732 2.68066 C. pachyderma 8935.36364 104.5 0.813732 2.72666 C. pachyderma 9083.54545 108.5 0.830732 2.74866 C. pachyderma 9083.54545 108.5 0.704732 2.90566 C. pachyderma 9083.54545 108.5 0.453732 2.08266 C. pachyderma 9231.72727 112.5 0.504732 2.53366 C. pachyderma 9231.72727 112.5 0.581732 2.47566 C. pachyderma 9231.72727 112.5 0.632732 2.49366 C. pachyderma 9379.90909 116.5 0.437732 1.97166 C. pachyderma 9379.90909 116.5 0.584732 2.61866 C. pachyderma 9379.90909 116.5 0.340732 2.53166 C. pachyderma 9379.90909 116.5 0.250732 2.62766 C. pachyderma 9528.09091 120.5 0.527732 2.52266 C. pachyderma 9528.09091 120.5 0.688732 2.33566 C. pachyderma 9528.09091 120.5 0.517732 2.01966 C. pachyderma 9676.27273 124.5 0.527732 2.33266 C. pachyderma 9676.27273 124.5 0.590732 2.61866 C. pachyderma 9676.27273 124.5 0.574732 2.38166 C. pachyderma 9824.45455 128.5 0.579732 2.73366 C. pachyderma 9824.45455 128.5 0.513732 2.66566 C. pachyderma 9824.45455 128.5 0.079732 2.15366 C. pachyderma 9972.63636 132.5 0.446732 2.22566 C. pachyderma 9972.63636 132.5 0.579732 2.64466 C. pachyderma 9972.63636 132.5 0.553732 2.64366 C. pachyderma 10120.8182 136.5 0.557732 2.60166 C. pachyderma 10120.8182 136.5 0.971732 2.60366 C. pachyderma 10120.8182 136.5 0.590732 2.54166 C. pachyderma 10269 140.5 0.730732 2.50866 C. pachyderma 10269 140.5 0.613732 2.58866 C. pachyderma 10269 140.5 0.448732 2.68166 C. pachyderma 10746 144.5 0.665732 2.74966 C. pachyderma 10746 144.5 0.507732 2.62766 C. pachyderma 10746 144.5 0.323732 2.33366 C. pachyderma 11223 148.5 0.474732 2.59666 C. pachyderma 11223 148.5 0.519732 2.60466 C. pachyderma 11223 148.5 0.516732 2.37666 C. pachyderma 11700 152.5 0.579732 2.50666 C. pachyderma 11700 152.5 0.484732 2.44066 C. pachyderma 11700 152.5 0.215732 2.68566 C. pachyderma 12177 156.5 0.430732 2.56866 C. pachyderma 12177 156.5 0.461732 3.04466 C. pachyderma 12654 160.5 0.575732 2.62166 C. pachyderma 12654 160.5 0.388732 2.45266 C. pachyderma 12654 160.5 0.248732 2.21466 C. pachyderma 13131 164.5 0.611732 3.03466 C. pachyderma 13131 164.5 0.540732 3.26166 C. pachyderma 13131 164.5 0.472732 3.03766 C. pachyderma 13608 168.5 0.498732 3.30366 C. pachyderma 13608 168.5 0.412732 2.47866 C. pachyderma 13608 168.5 0.437732 3.24866 C. pachyderma 14085 172.5 0.513732 3.19566 C. pachyderma 14085 172.5 0.430732 3.08566 C. pachyderma 14085 172.5 0.267732 2.82866 C. pachyderma 14458.5833 176.5 0.482732 3.08366 C. pachyderma 14458.5833 176.5 0.229732 2.94966 C. pachyderma 14458.5833 176.5 0.345732 2.85266 C. pachyderma 14832.1667 180.5 0.531732 2.79866 C. pachyderma 14832.1667 180.5 0.440732 2.87166 C. pachyderma 14832.1667 180.5 0.285732 2.68466 C. pachyderma 15205.75 184.5 0.607732 2.87466 C. pachyderma 15205.75 184.5 0.857732 3.35566 C. pachyderma 15205.75 184.5 0.488732 2.94866 C. pachyderma 15579.3333 188.5 0.718732 3.27166 C. pachyderma 15579.3333 188.5 0.393732 2.87966 C. pachyderma 15579.3333 188.5 0.516732 3.20266 C. pachyderma 15952.9167 192.5 0.685732 3.05566 C. pachyderma 15952.9167 192.5 0.557732 2.91966 C. pachyderma 15952.9167 192.5 0.527732 3.03966 C. pachyderma 16326.5 196.5 0.504732 3.02166 C. pachyderma 16326.5 196.5 1.014732 3.53866 C. pachyderma 16326.5 196.5 0.747732 3.33266 C. pachyderma 16700.0833 200.5 0.755732 3.32766 C. pachyderma 16700.0833 200.5 1.080732 3.63666 C. pachyderma 16700.0833 200.5 0.752732 3.44566 C. pachyderma 17073.6667 204.5 0.646732 2.93866 C. pachyderma 17073.6667 204.5 0.911732 3.40466 C. pachyderma 17073.6667 204.5 0.858732 3.26466 C. pachyderma 17447.25 208.5 0.970732 3.55466 C. pachyderma 17447.25 208.5 1.009732 3.45966 C. pachyderma 17447.25 208.5 1.039732 3.47166 C. pachyderma 17820.8333 212.5 0.832732 3.04066 C. pachyderma 17820.8333 212.5 0.976732 3.91766 C. pachyderma 17820.8333 212.5 0.435732 3.28366 C. pachyderma 17820.8333 212.5 1.212 3.819 C. pachyderma 18194.4167 216.5 0.936732 3.45966 C. pachyderma 18194.4167 216.5 0.945732 3.29266 C. pachyderma 18194.4167 216.5 1.001732 3.63866 C. pachyderma 18568 220.5 1.005732 3.72466 C. pachyderma 18568 220.5 1.028732 3.59066 C. pachyderma 18568 220.5 1.273732 3.96166 C. pachyderma 18568 220.5 1.198 3.868 C. pachyderma 18568 220.5 1.108 3.814 C. pachyderma 18953.1818 224.5 0.928732 3.69766 C. pachyderma 18953.1818 224.5 1.033732 3.48166 C. pachyderma 18953.1818 224.5 0.530732 3.09266 C. pachyderma 18953.1818 224.5 0.941 3.539 C. pachyderma 18953.1818 224.5 1.04 3.966 C. pachyderma 19338.3636 228.5 0.984732 3.94366 C. pachyderma 19338.3636 228.5 0.516732 3.34366 C. pachyderma 19338.3636 228.5 0.881732 3.23366 C. pachyderma 19338.3636 228.5 0.97 3.812 C. pachyderma 19723.5455 232.5 1.157732 3.91966 C. pachyderma 19723.5455 232.5 1.222732 3.96366 C. pachyderma 19723.5455 232.5 0.634732 3.22266 C. pachyderma 19723.5455 232.5 1.142 3.858 C. pachyderma 19723.5455 232.5 0.977 3.761 C. pachyderma 20108.7273 236.5 1.210732 3.98266 C. pachyderma 20108.7273 236.5 1.155732 3.93466 C. pachyderma 20108.7273 236.5 1.030732 3.91066 C. pachyderma 20493.9091 240.5 1.071732 4.10766 C. pachyderma 20493.9091 240.5 1.068732 3.98466 C. pachyderma 20493.9091 240.5 1.114732 3.93366 C. pachyderma 20879.0909 244.5 1.114732 3.60266 C. pachyderma 20879.0909 244.5 1.164732 3.84266 C. pachyderma 20879.0909 244.5 1.100732 3.88166 C. pachyderma 21264.2727 248.5 1.250732 3.88566 C. pachyderma 21264.2727 248.5 1.022732 3.87366 C. pachyderma 21264.2727 248.5 1.049732 3.52166 C. pachyderma 21649.4545 252.5 1.101732 3.87266 C. pachyderma 21649.4545 252.5 0.992732 3.62866 C. pachyderma 21649.4545 252.5 1.116732 3.77866 C. pachyderma 22034.6364 256.5 0.893732 3.43766 C. pachyderma 22034.6364 256.5 0.724732 3.46766 C. pachyderma 22034.6364 256.5 1.117732 3.78466 C. pachyderma 22419.8182 260.5 1.167732 3.96366 C. pachyderma 22419.8182 260.5 0.815732 3.66266 C. pachyderma 22419.8182 260.5 1.067732 3.79066 C. pachyderma 23190.1818 268.5 0.984732 3.56866 C. pachyderma 23190.1818 268.5 1.253732 3.76666 C. pachyderma 23190.1818 268.5 1.013732 3.68566 C. pachyderma 23575.3636 272.5 1.059732 3.87266 C. pachyderma 23575.3636 272.5 1.227732 3.81166 C. pachyderma 23575.3636 272.5 1.203732 3.81366 C. pachyderma 23960.5455 276.5 0.945732 3.90666 C. pachyderma 23960.5455 276.5 1.057732 3.47066 C. pachyderma 23960.5455 276.5 1.102732 3.59166 C. pachyderma 24345.7273 280.5 1.252732 3.82866 C. pachyderma 24345.7273 280.5 1.260732 3.80966 C. pachyderma 24345.7273 280.5 1.308732 3.83466 C. pachyderma 24730.9091 284.5 0.905732 3.52666 C. pachyderma 24730.9091 284.5 1.161732 3.74766 C. pachyderma 24730.9091 284.5 1.220732 3.55466 C. pachyderma