Eocene/Oligocene Boundary Paleoproductivity Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE CONTRIBUTORS WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: Eocene/Oligocene Boundary Paleoproductivity Data LAST UPDATE: 12/2003 (Original Receipt by WDC Paleo) CONTRIBUTORS: Elena Nilsen, Linda Anderson, Peggy Delaney, University of California, Santa Cruz IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2003-091 SUGGESTED DATA CITATION: Nilsen, E.B., et al., 2003, Eocene/Oligocene Boundary Paleoproductivity Data, IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 2003-091. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Nilsen, E.B., L.D. Anderson and M.L. Delaney. 2003. Paleoproductivity, Nutrient Burial, Climate Change and the Carbon Cycle in the Western Equatorial Atlantic Across the Eocene/Oligocene Boundary, Paleoceanography, 18(3), 1057, doi: 10.1029/2002PA000804, 2003. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Western Equatorial Atlantic, Ceara Rise PERIOD OF RECORD: Eocene/Oligocene, 32.7 - 36.9 MMYrBP DESCRIPTION: Eocene/Oligocene boundary paleoproductivity data from Ceara Rise, Ocean Drilling Program Site 925: 4 12.25 N, 43 29 W, 3040m depth. Sampling was conducted on ODP Site 925A at approximately 1-meter intervals (748.26 - 850.70 mbsf) providing 40-kyr resolution, corresponding to a total age range of 32.7 - 36.9 Ma (see “Age Model” section). Samples with corresponding shipboard dry bulk density measurements [Curry et al., 1995] were freeze-dried, crushed and sieved. Bulk densities were averaged when there was not an adjacent physical properties sample available (Appendix 1 ). Samples were analyzed for phosphorus (P), calcium carbonate (CaCO3), barium (Ba), silicon (Si), titanium (Ti), manganese (Mn), uranium (U) and biogenic silica content. Phosphorus concentrations in sediments were determined using the four-step sedimentary extraction technique described in Anderson and Delaney [2000]. The procedure allows quantification of distinct sedimentary reservoirs of phosphorus. These are designated as Poxide-associated, Pauthigenic, Pdetrital and Porganic, respectively. Phosphorus concentrations in the leach solutions were determined using an automated colorimetric technique in a flow injection analysis system (Lachat QuikChem 8000). Results are reported as the means of replicates ± 1 sigma. Mean P concentrations ± 1sd for the consistency standard over multiple runs were 0.88 ± 0.19 mmol g-1 for Poxide-associated, 12.4 ± 1.36 mmol g-1 for Pauthigenic, 1.89 ± 0.78 mmol g-1 for Pdetrital and 1.34 ± 0.19 mmol g-1 for Porganic, corresponding to percent relative standard errors of 21%, 11%, 42% and 14%, respectively. Oxide-associated and organic P contribute small amounts to the concentration of, and thus the error on, total reactive phosphorus. The mean for Preactive is 14.6 ± 1.4 mmol g-1, corresponding to a relative standard deviation of 10% for Preactive for this study. Weight percent of calcium carbonate was measured by a coulometric technique (UIC, Inc., Coulometrics Model 5012). Relative standard deviation of the mean of multiple measures of a CaCO3 standard and replicate samples within an analytical run were <1% and detection limits for typical sample sizes of 5-10 mg were <1 wt %. Total sample digests were performed on 50 mg samples for quantification of barium and redox-sensitive trace metals, as well as Ti and Al as indicators of the detrital component (technique based on Schroeder et al., [1997]). Concentrations of Ba, Ti, Al, Mn and U were determined using a Finnigan Element Inductively-Coupled-Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS). Detection limits (calculated as three sigma of the reagent blanks) were 1.56 µmol g-1 for titanium, 0.25 µmol g-1 for manganese, 0.21 µmol g-1 for barium, and 0.24 nmol g-1 for uranium. Between-run mean trace metal concentrations ± 1 sigma for the Ceara Rise consistency standard were 29.4 ± 0.6 µmol g-1 for Ti, 10.5 ± 0.3 µmol g-1 for Mn, 4.38 ± 0.24 µmol g-1 for Ba and 3.33 ± 0.15 nmol g-1 for U. Biogenic barium (bio-Ba), defined as Ba in excess of detrital sources, was estimated by subtracting the product of the crustal ratio of Ba to Ti (molar, 0.038) [Wedepohl, 1995] and the [Ti] in the sample from the total [Ba] in a sample (Bio-Ba = [Ba total] - [Ti] x (Ba/Ti)crust) [Schmitz, 1987; van Os et al., 1991; Dymond et al., 1992; Gingele and Dahmke, 1994; Thompson and Schmitz, 1997; Schroeder et al., 1997; Faul, 2001]. We used titanium to correct for terrigenous input. Trace metal data are presented as sedimentary content normalized to published crustal values [Wedepohl, 1995] in the case of manganese and estimated source rock values in the case of uranium (e.g., uranium enrichment factor (EF) = (U/Ti)this study/(U/Ti)source rock). Average elemental ratios of U/Ti in Ceara Rise sediments are lower on average than that previously measured in bulk continental crust, indicating that the source rock at Ceara Rise has a lower baseline crustal U/Ti elemental ratio than that of the sites used to estimate bulk continental crust in the previous studies (i.e., U/Tiprevious studies = U/Al [Calvert and Pedersen, 1993] × Al/Ti [Wedepohl, 1995] = 4.5 x 10-6 × 35 = 1.6 x 10-4 versus U/Tiave. this study = 1.1 x 10-4). For this reason, we estimated the U/Ti for source rock at Ceara Rise by averaging our lowest U/Ti values for this study ((U/Ti)source rock = 2.8 x 10-5). Sedimentary contents of biogenic silica were determined by the method of Mortlock and Froelich [1989] as modified by Anderson and Ravelo [2001]. Digests were analyzed using a Perkin-Elmer 4300 Inductively-Coupled-Plasma Optical-Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES). The detection limit of the method was defined as three times the standard deviation of multiple measurements of a low standard and was equivalent to 0.22 % SiO2 in a typical sample. Between-run reproducibility was evaluated using a consistency standard in the same manner as for the previous analyses yielding a mean concentration of 12.61 ± 1.47% SiO2. J. Zachos provided stable isotope data (for splits of the same samples used for all other analyses), methods as in Zachos [1994] and Zachos et al. [1996]. ABSTRACT: Paleoproductivity, nutrient burial and carbon cycling were investigated across the Eocene/Oligocene (E/O) boundary (begin-end; 36.9 - 32.7 Ma at ~40-kyr resolution, timescale of Shackleton et al. [1999]) at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 925 on the Ceara Rise in the western equatorial Atlantic (3040 m present water depth; 748.26 - 850.70 mbsf). Downcore bulk sediment records of biogenic barium, total reactive phosphorus, biogenic silica and calcium carbonate are interpreted to represent export production, net nutrient burial, biogenic opal production and inorganic carbon burial, respectively. The global positive excursion in d13C subsequent to the E/O boundary is recorded at Site 925. Export production appears to have been externally forced by orbital parameters at eccentricity frequencies during the study interval, based on spectral analysis of the biogenic barium and reactive phosphorus records. Biogenic silica production or preservation increased after the Eocene/Oligocene boundary to a higher baseline, although overall productivity and nutrient burial did not increase based on barium and reactive phosphorus records. Thus, although absolute production did not increase at this site, a shift in relative abundance of siliceous vs. carbonate productivity may have resulted in a change in relative organic carbon burial. This may have contributed to the positive excursion in global oceanic d13C subsequent to the Eocene/ Oligocene boundary, although the silica maximum persists after the carbon isotope excursion ends. DATA: Appendix 1. Leg 154, Site 925A Nutrient burial, paleoproductivity and stable isotope data Core Section Begin Depth Depth Density LSR Age Reactive P P MAR CaCO3 CaCO3 Bulk Bio-Ba‡ Bio-Ba Reac- Bio- Bio-SiO2 Int. (mbsf) (mcd) (uncor.) (m (Ma) (mmol P g-1) (mmol P (wt %) MAR Calcite (mmol MAR tive P/ SiO2 MAR‡‡ (cm) (g cm-3) m.y-1) cm-2 (mmol d13C† Ba g-1) (mmol Ba Bio-Ba (%) mmol cm-2 kyr-1) CaCO3 (‰ VPDB) cm-2 ky-1) (mol/ ky-1 cm-2 mol) mean SD kyr-1) 51R 1 116 748.26 786.60 1.86 16.7 32.74 18.05 0.22 56.2 58.1 18.1 0.96 7.70 24.0 2.34 8.00 4.14 51R 2 116 749.72 788.06 1.82 23.3 32.81 19.09 0.61 81.2 64.9 27.6 ND 6.26 26.6 3.05 10.2 7.24 51R 3 120 751.30 789.64 1.80 22.5 32.88 8.93 0.04 36.0 50.8 20.5 1.27 4.59 18.5 1.94 9.77 6.55 51R 4 15 751.75 790.09 1.82 22.5 32.90 15.29 0.33 62.3 65.0 26.5 1.06 5.59 22.8 2.74 14.5 9.81 51R 4 86 752.46 790.80 1.82 15.8 32.95 15.10 0.24 43.3 55.9 16.0 1.27 6.14 17.6 2.46 15.0 7.17 51R 5 28 753.38 791.72 1.80 15.8 33.00 17.64 0.61 50 62.3 17.7 1.11 6.10 17.3 2.89 10.9 5.13 52R 1 35 757.35 795.69 1.76 20.7 33.08 15.46 0.21 56.3 65.3 23.8 1.31 4.78 17.4 3.24 19.2 11.7 52R 1 88 757.88 796.22 1.76 20.7 33.11 18.36 0.12 67.0 51.9 18.9 1.44 4.68 17.1 3.93 18.4 11.2 52R 2 88 758.84 797.18 1.80 20.7 33.16 17.86 0.18 66.8 57.3 21.4 1.30 6.34 23.7 2.81 10.7 6.62 52R 2 34 759.38 797.72 1.80 20.7 33.18 14.06 0.53 52.6 62.4 23.3 1.15 5.33 20.0 2.64 13.0 8.07 52R 3 88 760.35 798.69 1.83 21.4 33.23 12.13 0.16 47.5 62.1 24.3 1.04 6.00 23.5 2.02 11.8 7.66 52R 3 35 760.88 799.22 1.83 21.4 33.25 20.29 0.12 79.4 67.7 26.5 0.96 6.13 24.0 3.31 10.2 6.62 52R 4 32 761.82 800.16 1.85 21.4 33.30 19.67 0.19 77.8 62.3 24.6 0.98 7.56 29.9 2.60 9.89 6.51 52R 4 88 762.38 800.72 1.85 21.4 33.32 16.16 0.11 63.9 66.6 26.3 0.80 5.45 21.6 2.97 13.3 8.74 52R 5 35 763.35 801.69 1.73 21.4 33.37 15.93 0.58 59.1 60.3 22.4 0.96 5.06 18.8 3.15 11.3 6.96 52R 5 88 763.88 802.22 1.73 21.4 33.39 14.36 0.12 53.3 61.4 22.8 1.34 5.20 19.3 2.76 15.6 9.63 52R 6 35 764.85 803.19 1.75 21.4 33.44 16.14 0.26 60.4 59.3 22.2 1.30 6.15 23.0 2.63 19.1 11.9 52R 6 82 765.32 803.66 1.75 21.4 33.46 14.75 0.81 55.2 54.5 20.4 1.19 6.37 23.9 2.31 12.2 7.62 52R 7 30 766.30 804.64 1.76 20.8 33.51 18.12 0.52 66.4 50.7 18.5 1.30 6.15 22.5 2.94 9.34 5.69 53R 1 97 766.97 805.31 1.95 20.8 33.54 14.21 0.24 57.8 56.6 23.0 1.40 7.11 28.9 2.00 16.5 11.2 53R 1 37 767.57 805.91 1.95 20.3 33.57 23.45 1.10 92.7 61.2 24.2 1.64 7.02 27.7 3.34 10.8 7.08 53R 2 37 768.21 806.55 1.75 20.3 33.60 15.56 0.20 55.1 58.5 20.7 1.96 6.07 21.5 2.57 13.6 8.03 53R 2 97 768.81 807.15 1.75 20.3 33.63 15.93 0.43 56.4 48.8 17.3 1.79 7.39 26.2 2.15 9.95 5.86 53R 3 37 769.71 808.05 1.74 22.6 33.67 13.48 0.17 52.9 59.6 23.3 1.93 6.70 26.3 2.01 8.36 5.45 53R 4 37 771.21 809.55 1.78 22.6 33.74 9.46 0.15 38.1 45.3 18.2 1.60 4.93 19.8 1.92 8.43 5.65 53R 4 97 771.81 810.15 1.78 22.2 33.77 13.30 0.12 52.5 57.1 22.5 1.43 5.85 23.1 2.27 6.45 4.24 53R 5 37 772.71 811.05 1.79 22.2 33.81 17.04 0.14 67.6 55.2 21.9 1.53 4.85 19.2 3.51 5.07 3.34 53R 5 97 773.31 811.65 1.79 22.2 33.83 20.98 0.29 83.2 61.1 24.2 1.40 4.76 18.9 4.40 6.74 4.44 53R 6 37 774.21 812.55 1.79 21.0 33.87 18.89 0.54 71.0 56.0 21.0 1.25 6.03 22.7 3.13 5.76 3.60 53R 6 97 774.81 813.15 1.79 21.0 33.90 18.37 0.81 69.1 63.5 23.8 1.27 6.84 25.7 2.69 6.04 3.77 53R 7 17 775.51 813.85 1.83 21.0 33.94 20.85 0.26 80.0 62.2 23.8 1.34 6.86 26.3 3.04 4.15 2.65 54R 2 15 777.95 816.29 1.84 23.2 34.04 13.50 0.41 57.7 44.9 19.2 1.25 6.70 28.6 2.02 3.49 2.48 54R 2 85 778.65 816.99 1.84 23.2 34.07 20.02 0.17 85.5 65.9 28.1 1.31 7.42 31.7 2.70 4.63 3.29 54R 3 25 779.55 817.89 1.78 16.9 34.11 16.42 0.30 49.4 50.9 15.3 0.84 4.76 14.3 3.45 4.32 2.16 54R 3 125 780.55 818.89 1.78 16.9 34.17 15.14 1.27 45.5 73.9 22.2 0.91 4.22 12.7 3.59 5.13 2.57 54R 4 85 781.65 819.99 1.86 17.9 34.23 17.11 0.43 56.9 74.7 24.9 1.03 3.63 12.1 4.71 6.93 3.83 54R 5 90 783.20 821.54 1.85 26.5 34.31 16.60 0.23 81.2 74.7 36.5 1.03 5.00 24.5 3.32 3.97 3.23 54R 6 20 784.00 822.34 1.85 26.5 34.34 18.40 0.44 90.2 65.7 32.1 1.00 7.28 35.7 2.53 3.64 2.97 54R 6 105 784.85 823.19 1.85 26.5 34.37 18.62 0.69 91.2 62.5 30.6 1.15 7.10 34.8 2.62 4.36 3.55 54R 7 35 785.65 823.99 1.85 26.5 34.40 17.39 1.37 85.2 67.3 33.0 0.94 4.03 19.8 4.31 3.48 2.84 55R 1 20 786.20 824.54 1.76 26.5 34.42 19.15 0.78 89.0 65.8 30.6 1.00 3.51 16.3 5.45 4.51 3.49 55R 2 115 788.65 826.99 1.79 26.5 34.52 17.64 0.71 83.8 67.1 31.8 1.19 5.22 24.8 3.38 4.19 3.31 55R 3 65 789.65 827.99 1.89 26.5 34.55 13.49 0.11 67.6 48.1 24.1 1.43 5.34 26.8 2.53 2.52 2.10 55R 4 35 790.85 829.19 1.87 26.5 34.60 13.66 1.10 67.8 55.3 27.4 1.99 6.13 30.4 2.23 2.52 2.08 55R 4 140 791.90 830.24 1.87 26.5 34.64 16.58 0.91 82.3 69.9 34.7 1.34 5.64 28.0 2.94 5.26 4.34 55R 5 70 792.70 831.04 1.84 26.5 34.67 15.18 0.20 73.7 54.6 26.5 1.36 3.43 16.6 4.43 4.11 3.32 55R 5 145 793.45 831.79 1.84 26.5 34.70 ND ND ND 60.5 29.3 1.42 6.36 30.9 ND 4.13 3.34 56R 1 20 795.80 834.14 1.83 26.5 34.79 15.39 0.12 74.4 72.9 35.2 1.41 5.87 28.4 2.62 ND ND 56R 2 25 797.35 835.69 1.86 26.5 34.84 14.62 0.27 72.1 72.4 35.7 1.47 7.09 34.9 2.06 6.54 5.36 56R 2 95 798.05 836.39 1.86 26.5 34.87 16.78 0.22 82.7 49.5 24.4 1.42 6.80 33.5 2.47 4.72 3.87 56R 3 25 798.85 837.19 1.87 26.5 34.90 17.78 0.15 87.8 70.6 34.8 1.48 5.30 26.2 3.35 6.72 5.52 56R 3 105 799.65 837.99 1.87 26.5 34.93 19.14 0.12 94.5 52.5 25.9 1.36 4.18 20.6 4.58 4.10 3.37 56R 4 45 800.55 838.89 1.86 26.5 34.97 9.50 0.08 46.8 56.6 27.9 1.36 3.05 15.0 3.12 4.56 3.74 56R 4 145 801.55 839.89 1.86 26.5 35.00 17.16 0.18 84.6 53.0 26.1 1.45 3.17 15.6 5.42 3.16 2.59 56R 5 55 802.15 840.49 1.91 26.5 35.03 17.75 0.18 89.9 57.9 29.3 1.34 6.91 35.0 2.57 4.69 3.95 56R 6 65 803.75 842.09 1.89 26.5 35.09 55.60 0.17 278 51.1 25.5 1.23 4.58 22.9 12.2 4.38 3.63 57R 1 30 805.50 843.84 1.83 26.5 35.15 17.43 0.31 84.5 45.4 22.0 1.34 4.76 23.1 3.66 5.12 4.13 57R 1 110 806.30 844.64 1.83 26.5 35.18 20.07 0.54 97.3 49.5 24.0 1.54 6.83 33.1 2.94 5.22 4.21 57R 2 60 807.30 845.64 1.80 26.5 35.22 18.51 0.73 88.1 62.5 29.7 1.58 4.97 23.6 3.73 6.45 5.10 57R 2 140 808.10 846.44 1.80 26.5 35.25 17.86 0.23 85.0 56.4 26.8 1.36 6.50 30.9 2.75 6.51 5.16 57R 3 70 808.90 847.24 1.86 26.5 35.28 20.35 1.19 100 62.1 30.5 1.44 5.07 24.9 4.01 7.37 6.02 57R 3 120 809.40 847.74 1.86 26.5 35.30 16.88 0.92 83.0 57.3 28.2 1.57 5.64 27.7 2.99 6.01 4.91 57R 4 40 810.10 848.44 1.82 26.5 35.33 16.36 0.23 78.8 46.2 22.2 ND 6.15 29.6 2.66 5.62 4.50 57R 4 105 810.75 849.09 1.82 26.5 35.35 17.71 0.17 85.4 43.2 20.8 1.68 3.91 18.8 4.53 7.34 5.88 57R 5 110 812.30 850.64 1.80 26.5 35.41 13.50 0.33 64.3 ND ND 1.79 6.22 29.7 2.17 5.83 4.62 57R 6 40 813.10 851.44 1.83 26.5 35.44 12.54 0.28 60.6 51.5 24.9 1.51 4.31 20.8 2.91 5.61 4.51 57R 6 120 813.90 852.24 1.83 26.5 35.47 14.84 0.08 71.7 57.8 27.9 1.65 3.92 18.9 3.79 7.41 5.96 57R 7 50 814.70 853.04 1.87 26.5 35.50 15.60 0.74 77.2 46.3 22.9 1.66 5.31 26.3 2.93 6.18 5.08 58R 1 35 815.15 853.49 1.80 26.5 35.52 14.30 0.28 68.2 53.9 25.7 1.60 5.23 24.9 2.74 7.29 5.78 58R 1 110 815.90 854.24 1.80 26.5 35.55 16.48 0.88 78.6 56.9 27.1 1.36 4.64 22.1 3.55 6.78 5.38 58R 2 80 817.10 855.44 1.71 26.5 35.59 10.36 0.25 47.0 42.1 19.1 ND 6.66 30.2 1.56 7.62 5.75 58R 2 125 817.55 855.89 1.71 26.5 35.61 12.81 0.53 58.1 61.6 27.9 1.57 3.18 14.4 4.02 11.9 8.99 58R 4 55 819.85 858.19 1.89 26.5 35.69 16.57 0.45 83.0 66.0 33.0 1.61 3.15 15.8 5.26 9.16 7.63 58R 4 145 820.75 859.09 1.89 26.5 35.73 16.31 0.22 81.7 57.1 28.6 1.76 4.60 23.1 3.54 5.08 4.23 58R 5 95 821.75 860.09 1.88 26.5 35.77 13.52 0.65 67.4 61.4 30.6 1.56 3.78 18.8 3.58 6.18 5.12 58R 6 50 822.80 861.14 1.86 26.5 35.81 15.34 1.05 75.6 59.7 29.4 1.78 4.40 21.7 3.49 8.40 6.88 58R 6 125 823.55 861.89 1.86 26.5 35.83 12.20 0.52 60.1 58.8 28.9 1.66 4.80 23.7 2.54 9.05 7.42 58R 7 35 824.15 862.49 1.86 26.5 35.86 14.05 0.54 69.0 60.4 29.6 1.46 4.94 24.2 2.85 7.40 6.04 59R 1 30 824.80 863.14 1.85 26.5 35.88 18.07 0.21 88.6 58.2 28.5 1.55 2.32 11.4 7.78 8.05 6.56 59R 1 110 825.60 863.94 1.85 26.5 35.91 10.58 0.57 51.9 72.2 35.4 1.68 5.97 29.3 1.77 8.03 6.55 59R 2 45 826.45 864.79 1.85 26.5 35.94 12.65 1.03 61.9 59.6 29.1 1.81 3.09 15.1 4.10 8.70 7.08 59R 2 135 827.35 865.69 1.85 26.5 35.98 11.29 0.24 55.2 66.6 32.5 1.88 5.55 27.1 2.04 10.3 8.40 59R 3 65 828.15 866.49 1.84 26.5 36.01 14.58 0.78 71.2 59.5 29.0 1.52 4.41 21.5 3.31 6.99 5.67 59R 4 145 830.45 868.79 1.88 26.5 36.10 8.55 0.07 42.6 63.6 31.7 1.58 4.36 21.8 1.96 6.64 5.51 59R 5 80 831.30 869.64 1.88 26.5 36.13 16.36 0.35 81.4 62.4 31.0 1.59 4.44 22.1 3.68 7.56 6.25 59R 6 50 832.50 870.84 1.82 26.5 36.17 11.49 0.45 55.2 62.9 30.2 1.44 4.08 19.6 2.82 7.25 5.80 59R 6 110 833.10 871.44 1.82 26.5 36.20 13.65 0.15 65.7 63.1 30.3 1.44 3.86 18.6 3.54 10.5 8.40 59R 7 60 834.10 872.44 1.89 26.5 36.23 12.20 0.39 60.8 69.6 34.7 1.25 5.13 25.6 2.38 10.7 8.84 60R 1 60 834.80 873.14 1.88 26.5 36.26 20.51 0.15 66.0 48.5 24.2 1.43 3.17 15.8 6.48 5.34 4.43 60R 1 100 835.20 873.54 1.88 26.5 36.27 11.08 1.33 55.2 72.2 36.0 1.48 5.87 29.3 1.89 7.81 6.47 60R 2 40 836.10 874.44 1.85 26.5 36.31 19.41 0.33 95.2 65.9 32.3 1.27 3.01 14.8 6.45 8.75 7.14 60R 2 120 836.90 875.24 1.85 26.5 36.34 11.30 0.61 55.4 71.1 34.8 1.29 4.19 20.6 2.69 8.88 7.24 60R 3 130 838.50 876.84 1.84 26.5 36.40 13.67 0.41 66.7 64.4 31.4 1.13 3.98 19.4 3.43 7.04 5.71 60R 4 70 839.40 877.74 1.88 26.5 36.43 11.75 0.42 58.5 62.0 30.8 1.12 4.93 24.6 2.38 4.97 4.12 60R 4 148 840.18 878.52 1.88 26.5 36.46 11.73 0.24 58.4 55.9 27.8 1.37 4.33 21.5 2.71 4.43 3.67 61R 1 50 844.30 882.64 1.88 26.5 36.62 17.91 0.23 89.2 65.2 32.4 1.24 5.75 28.7 3.11 7.23 5.99 61R 1 130 845.10 883.44 1.88 26.5 36.65 17.33 0.13 86.3 61.5 30.6 1.13 4.86 24.2 3.56 ND ND 61R 2 80 846.10 884.44 1.91 26.5 36.69 5.08 0.05 25.7 66.7 33.7 1.13 6.16 31.2 0.82 5.47 4.59 61R 3 20 847.00 885.34 1.86 26.5 36.72 13.91 0.69 68.6 66.0 32.5 1.06 3.47 17.1 4.00 5.96 4.89 61R 3 85 847.65 885.99 1.86 26.5 36.75 12.62 0.71 62.2 78.3 38.6 1.15 5.50 27.1 2.30 5.49 4.50 61R 3 120 848.00 886.34 1.86 26.5 36.76 17.24 0.21 85.0 58.0 28.6 1.43 4.31 21.3 4.00 3.85 3.16 61R 4 30 848.60 886.94 1.93 26.5 36.78 11.96 0.24 61.2 72.7 37.2 1.48 6.57 33.6 1.82 4.76 4.05 61R 4 120 849.50 887.84 1.93 26.5 36.82 17.77 0.33 90.9 61.4 31.4 1.35 3.75 19.2 4.74 4.76 4.05 61R 5 25 850.05 888.39 1.95 26.5 36.84 16.48 0.35 85.2 68.3 35.3 1.45 5.08 26.3 3.24 5.03 4.33 61R 5 90 850.70 889.04 1.95 26.5 36.86 9.06 0.24 46.8 65.7 33.9 1.55 3.44 17.8 2.63 5.18 4.46 †J. Zachos, pers. comm., 2001 ‡Typical relative standard error = 1.6% ‡‡Typical relative standard error = 9.0% ND = Not Determined Appendix 2 Redox sensitive trace metal data, Leg 154, Site 925A Core Section Begin Depth Depth Age Al Ti Al/Ti Mn Mn/Ti Mn Total Ba Bio-Ba† U U/Ti U Interval (mbsf) (mcd) (Ma) (mmol (mmol (mol/ (mmol (mol/ Enrich- (mmol (mmol (nmol (mmol/ Enrich- (cm) Al g-1) Ti g-1) mol) Mn g-1) mol) ment Ba g-1) Ba g-1) U g-1) mol) ment Factor‡ Factor‡ 51R 1 116 748.26 786.60 32.74 1615 39.4 41.0 8.01 0.203 0.50 9.19 7.70 4.74 0.120 4.24 51R 2 116 749.72 788.06 32.81 1044 24.8 42.0 9.80 0.394 0.96 7.20 6.26 2.96 0.119 4.19 51R 3 120 751.30 789.64 32.88 1579 52.9 29.9 6.14 0.116 0.28 6.60 4.59 4.52 0.086 3.01 51R 4 15 751.75 790.09 32.90 833 20.3 41.0 12.1 0.598 1.46 6.36 5.59 1.91 0.094 3.32 51R 4 86 752.46 790.80 32.95 1377 34.7 39.7 8.87 0.256 0.62 7.45 6.14 3.53 0.102 3.58 51R 5 28 753.38 791.72 33.00 1363 34.1 39.9 8.73 0.256 0.62 7.40 6.10 3.55 0.104 3.66 52R 1 35 757.35 795.69 33.08 1166 28.0 41.6 10.4 0.370 0.90 5.84 4.78 5.54 0.198 6.96 52R 1 88 757.88 796.22 33.11 868 20.3 42.8 11.3 0.558 1.36 5.45 4.68 5.05 0.249 8.76 52R 2 88 758.84 797.18 33.16 1403 35.3 39.7 7.60 0.215 0.52 7.69 6.34 4.41 0.125 4.39 52R 2 34 759.38 797.72 33.18 1226 30.0 40.9 9.48 0.316 0.77 6.47 5.33 3.62 0.121 4.25 52R 3 88 760.35 798.69 33.23 1360 33.9 40.1 9.60 0.283 0.69 7.29 6.00 3.67 0.108 3.82 52R 3 35 760.88 799.22 33.25 1272 31.0 41.0 9.86 0.318 0.78 7.31 6.13 3.03 0.098 3.45 52R 4 32 761.82 800.16 33.30 1450 35.3 41.1 11.7 0.332 0.81 8.90 7.56 3.43 0.097 3.43 52R 4 88 762.38 800.72 33.32 821 19.3 42.6 12.5 0.646 1.58 6.18 5.45 2.58 0.134 4.72 52R 5 35 763.35 801.69 33.37 1210 29.0 41.8 10.9 0.378 0.92 6.17 5.06 6.87 0.237 8.35 52R 5 88 763.88 802.22 33.39 865 20.3 42.5 10.2 0.502 1.23 5.97 5.20 2.62 0.129 4.53 52R 6 35 764.85 803.19 33.44 833 ND ND 9.47 ND ND 6.15 6.15 4.73 ND ND 52R 6 82 765.32 803.66 33.46 1385 34.1 40.6 8.70 0.255 0.62 7.67 6.37 4.27 0.125 4.41 52R 7 30 766.30 804.64 33.51 1532 37.3 41.0 7.90 0.211 0.52 7.57 6.15 3.53 0.095 3.33 53R 1 97 766.97 805.31 33.54 1370 31.8 43.0 8.53 0.268 0.65 8.32 7.11 4.49 0.141 4.97 53R 1 37 767.57 805.91 33.57 1376 32.3 42.6 8.55 0.265 0.65 8.24 7.02 4.67 0.144 5.08 53R 2 37 768.21 806.55 33.60 1023 24.6 41.6 9.11 0.370 0.90 7.00 6.07 4.31 0.175 6.16 53R 2 97 768.81 807.15 33.63 1605 37.6 42.7 7.60 0.202 0.49 8.82 7.39 4.17 0.111 3.91 53R 3 37 769.71 808.05 33.67 1067 25.2 42.4 8.35 0.332 0.81 7.66 6.70 4.42 0.176 6.19 53R 4 37 771.21 809.55 33.74 2020 48.5 41.6 6.71 0.138 0.34 6.77 4.93 4.14 0.085 3.00 53R 4 97 771.81 810.15 33.77 1531 34.8 44.0 8.18 0.235 0.57 7.17 5.85 5.43 0.156 5.50 53R 5 37 772.71 811.05 33.81 1653 36.1 45.7 7.63 0.211 0.51 6.22 4.85 4.26 0.118 4.15 53R 5 97 773.31 811.65 33.83 1290 29.2 44.2 8.11 0.278 0.68 5.87 4.76 2.57 0.088 3.10 53R 6 37 774.21 812.55 33.87 1532 34.6 44.2 7.83 0.226 0.55 7.34 6.03 5.78 0.167 5.87 53R 6 97 774.81 813.15 33.90 1337 30.5 43.8 8.99 0.295 0.72 8.00 6.84 2.96 0.097 3.42 53R 7 17 775.51 813.85 33.94 1350 32.4 41.7 8.78 0.271 0.66 8.09 6.86 3.68 0.114 4.00 54R 2 15 777.95 816.29 34.04 1553 36.7 42.4 6.26 0.171 0.42 8.09 6.70 3.13 0.085 3.01 54R 2 85 778.65 816.99 34.07 1706 44.0 38.7 5.56 0.126 0.31 9.09 7.42 3.42 0.078 2.74 54R 3 25 779.55 817.89 34.11 779 18.5 42.2 9.49 0.514 1.25 5.46 4.76 2.14 0.116 4.08 54R 3 125 780.55 818.89 34.17 658 15.1 43.5 10.3 0.678 1.65 4.80 4.22 1.95 0.129 4.53 54R 4 85 781.65 819.99 34.23 779 18.1 43.1 10.2 0.564 1.38 4.32 3.63 2.82 0.156 5.48 54R 5 90 783.20 821.54 34.31 1035 24.0 43.1 7.08 0.295 0.72 5.91 5.00 1.87 0.078 2.74 54R 6 20 784.00 822.34 34.34 ND 41.9 ND 3.32 0.079 0.19 8.87 7.28 3.51 0.084 2.95 54R 6 105 784.85 823.19 34.37 ND 36.1 ND 3.87 0.107 0.26 8.47 7.10 3.29 0.091 3.21 54R 7 35 785.65 823.99 34.40 ND 17.3 ND 6.93 0.401 0.98 4.69 4.03 2.24 0.129 4.56 55R 1 20 786.20 824.54 34.42 ND 30.2 ND 10.7 0.354 0.86 4.66 3.51 3.39 0.112 3.95 55R 2 115 788.65 826.99 34.52 ND 3.9 ND 3.90 0.994 2.42 5.36 5.22 0.91 0.231 8.14 55R 3 65 789.65 827.99 34.55 ND 22.5 ND 6.73 0.299 0.73 6.20 5.34 1.86 0.083 2.92 55R 4 35 790.85 829.19 34.60 ND 25.6 ND 6.57 0.256 0.63 7.10 6.13 2.31 0.090 3.18 55R 4 140 791.90 830.24 34.64 ND 21.5 ND 6.99 0.325 0.79 6.46 5.64 3.38 0.157 5.54 55R 5 70 792.70 831.04 34.67 ND 14.9 ND 8.79 0.590 1.44 3.99 3.43 2.84 0.191 6.71 55R 5 145 793.45 831.79 34.70 ND 34.1 ND 5.59 0.164 0.40 7.66 6.36 2.90 0.085 2.99 56R 1 20 795.80 834.14 34.79 ND 29.5 ND 5.14 0.174 0.42 6.99 5.87 4.42 0.150 5.28 56R 2 25 797.35 835.69 34.84 ND 35.4 ND 5.15 0.146 0.36 8.43 7.09 5.11 0.145 5.09 56R 2 95 798.05 836.39 34.87 ND 26.3 ND 5.92 0.225 0.55 7.80 6.80 3.76 0.143 5.03 56R 3 25 798.85 837.19 34.90 ND 28.9 ND 4.02 0.139 0.34 6.40 5.30 3.72 0.129 4.53 56R 3 105 799.65 837.99 34.93 ND 25.9 ND 5.23 0.202 0.49 5.17 4.18 2.83 0.109 3.85 56R 4 45 800.55 838.89 34.97 ND 12.7 ND 8.34 0.655 1.60 3.53 3.05 2.22 0.174 6.13 56R 4 145 801.55 839.89 35.00 ND 13.6 ND 7.10 0.521 1.27 3.69 3.17 2.19 0.161 5.67 56R 5 55 802.15 840.49 35.03 ND 35.9 ND 4.50 0.125 0.31 8.27 6.91 3.21 0.089 3.15 56R 6 65 803.75 842.09 35.09 ND 19.7 ND 9.61 0.488 1.19 5.32 4.58 3.33 0.169 5.95 57R 1 30 805.50 843.84 35.15 ND 28.0 ND 6.67 0.238 0.58 5.82 4.76 3.02 0.108 3.81 57R 1 110 806.30 844.64 35.18 ND 37.0 ND 5.01 0.136 0.33 8.23 6.83 2.95 0.080 2.81 57R 2 60 807.30 845.64 35.22 ND 19.6 ND 7.24 0.368 0.90 5.71 4.97 2.74 0.139 4.91 57R 2 140 808.10 846.44 35.25 ND 36.8 ND 3.52 0.096 0.23 7.90 6.50 3.29 0.089 3.14 57R 3 70 808.90 847.24 35.28 ND 31.2 ND 6.02 0.193 0.47 6.26 5.07 10.1 0.324 11.41 57R 3 120 809.40 847.74 35.30 ND 38.4 ND 4.46 0.116 0.28 7.10 5.64 3.44 0.090 3.15 57R 4 40 810.10 848.44 35.33 ND 35.1 ND 5.39 0.154 0.37 7.48 6.15 4.56 0.130 4.58 57R 4 105 810.75 849.09 35.35 ND 22.5 ND 8.54 0.379 0.92 4.76 3.91 3.65 0.162 5.71 57R 5 110 812.30 850.64 35.41 ND 28.2 ND 7.18 0.254 0.62 7.30 6.22 3.46 0.123 4.32 57R 6 40 813.10 851.44 35.44 ND 31.5 ND 6.85 0.218 0.53 5.51 4.31 2.35 0.075 2.63 57R 6 120 813.90 852.24 35.47 ND 21.0 ND 8.35 0.398 0.97 4.72 3.92 2.72 0.130 4.56 57R 7 50 814.70 853.04 35.50 ND 23.2 ND 6.31 0.273 0.66 6.19 5.31 3.49 0.150 5.30 58R 1 35 815.15 853.49 35.52 ND 32.7 ND 5.80 0.177 0.43 6.47 5.23 3.30 0.101 3.55 58R 1 110 815.90 854.24 35.55 ND 22.1 ND 7.66 0.346 0.84 5.48 4.64 3.30 0.149 5.26 58R 2 80 817.10 855.44 35.59 ND 35.1 ND 3.42 0.097 0.24 7.99 6.66 3.10 0.088 3.11 58R 2 125 817.55 855.89 35.61 ND 14.5 ND 7.30 0.502 1.23 3.74 3.18 3.09 0.212 7.48 58R 4 55 819.85 858.19 35.69 ND 15.4 ND 7.49 0.486 1.18 3.74 3.15 2.77 0.179 6.31 58R 4 145 820.75 859.09 35.73 ND 29.3 ND 5.79 0.197 0.48 5.72 4.60 2.93 0.100 3.51 58R 5 95 821.75 860.09 35.77 ND 22.5 ND 6.35 0.282 0.69 4.64 3.78 0.86 0.038 1.34 58R 6 50 822.80 861.14 35.81 ND 23.7 ND 5.57 0.235 0.57 5.30 4.40 0.70 0.029 1.04 58R 6 125 823.55 861.89 35.83 ND 25.0 ND 5.85 0.234 0.57 5.75 4.80 0.73 0.029 1.04 58R 7 35 824.15 862.49 35.86 ND 25.9 ND 5.16 0.199 0.49 5.92 4.94 1.19 0.046 1.62 59R 1 30 824.80 863.14 35.88 ND 12.1 ND 7.73 0.642 1.56 2.78 2.32 BDL BDL BDL 59R 1 110 825.60 863.94 35.91 ND 22.9 ND 4.91 0.215 0.52 6.84 5.97 1.09 0.048 1.68 59R 2 45 826.45 864.79 35.94 ND 16.3 ND 6.34 0.389 0.95 3.71 3.09 BDL BDL BDL 59R 2 135 827.35 865.69 35.98 ND 26.1 ND 5.45 0.209 0.51 6.54 5.55 1.01 0.039 1.37 59R 3 65 828.15 866.49 36.01 ND 22.5 ND 5.77 0.256 0.62 5.27 4.41 1.35 0.060 2.11 59R 4 145 830.45 868.79 36.10 ND 23.8 ND 6.29 0.265 0.65 5.27 4.36 0.43 0.018 0.63 59R 5 80 831.30 869.64 36.13 ND 22.2 ND 6.54 0.294 0.72 5.29 4.44 0.41 0.018 0.64 59R 6 50 832.50 870.84 36.17 ND 19.9 ND 6.24 0.313 0.76 4.84 4.08 1.08 0.054 1.91 59R 6 110 833.10 871.44 36.20 ND 16.0 ND 7.85 0.490 1.20 4.47 3.86 0.51 0.032 1.12 59R 7 60 834.10 872.44 36.23 ND 41.9 ND 3.48 0.083 0.20 6.72 5.13 1.57 0.038 1.32 60R 1 60 834.80 873.14 36.26 ND 12.9 ND 7.03 0.543 1.32 3.66 3.17 BDL BDL BDL 60R 1 100 835.20 873.54 36.27 ND 20.4 ND 5.83 0.285 0.70 6.65 5.87 1.09 0.053 1.88 60R 2 40 836.10 874.44 36.31 ND 15.4 ND 7.59 0.492 1.20 3.59 3.01 BDL BDL BDL 60R 2 120 836.90 875.24 36.34 ND 22.9 ND 6.77 0.296 0.72 5.06 4.19 0.42 0.019 0.65 60R 3 130 838.50 876.84 36.40 ND 27.5 ND 6.17 0.224 0.55 5.03 3.98 0.69 0.025 0.88 60R 4 70 839.40 877.74 36.43 ND 32.2 ND 3.78 0.118 0.29 6.16 4.93 0.60 0.019 0.66 60R 4 148 840.18 878.52 36.46 ND 22.4 ND 6.32 0.282 0.69 5.18 4.33 0.50 0.022 0.79 61R 1 50 844.30 882.64 36.62 ND 29.4 ND 3.77 0.128 0.31 6.87 5.75 3.12 0.106 3.74 61R 1 130 845.10 883.44 36.65 ND 21.2 ND 4.13 0.195 0.48 5.67 4.86 2.25 0.106 3.74 61R 2 80 846.10 884.44 36.69 ND 22.2 ND 4.65 0.209 0.51 7.01 6.16 3.61 0.162 5.72 61R 3 20 847.00 885.34 36.72 ND 10.9 ND 6.07 0.556 1.36 3.89 3.47 2.01 0.184 6.47 61R 3 85 847.65 885.99 36.75 ND 23.9 ND 4.28 0.179 0.44 6.41 5.50 2.92 0.122 4.30 61R 3 120 848.00 886.34 36.76 ND 14.9 ND 6.01 0.403 0.98 4.88 4.31 2.07 0.139 4.88 61R 4 30 848.60 886.94 36.78 ND 26.3 ND 5.78 0.220 0.54 7.57 6.57 2.50 0.095 3.35 61R 4 120 849.50 887.84 36.82 ND 19.6 ND 6.70 0.341 0.83 4.49 3.75 2.17 0.110 3.88 61R 5 25 850.05 888.39 36.84 ND 23.3 ND 5.10 0.219 0.54 5.96 5.08 3.49 0.150 5.28 61R 5 90 850.70 889.04 36.86 ND 26.0 ND 9.45 0.364 0.89 4.43 3.44 3.18 0.122 4.30 †Relative standard error = 1.6% ‡Manganese enrichment factor (MnEF) = (Mn/Ti)this study/(Mn/Ti)crustal); Uranium enrichment factor (UEF) = (U/Ti)this study/(U/Ti)crustal) ND = Not determined BDL = Below detection limit