#Readme Neukom et al. 2014 NCC additional datasets #Figure 2: SH_Fig2_Ens-means_30a-loess_wrt1000-2000.txt: 30yr filtered reconstruction and model ensemble medians for for NH and SH with respect to AD 1000-2000 (dark lines in Figure 2) Figure 3: Extreme_fractions_Fig3.txt: Data used to plot figures 3a-c (unit: fraction of ensemble members) #Figure 4: NH-SH_median_Fig4_recons.txt: Reconstruction ensemble median NH-SH (black line in Fig 4a) NH-SH_percentiles_Fig4_recons.txt: Reconstruction NH-SH ensemble percentiles (gray shading in Fig 4a) NH-SH_Fig4_model_perc10_90.txt: Model NH-SH 10th and 90th percentiles (red lines in Fig 4a) NH-SH_Fig4_models.txt: Individual models NH-SH #Additiotnal data: SH_Fig2_recons_Ens-means_wrt1000-2000.txt: Unfiltered reconstruction ensemble medians for NH and SH with respect to AD 1000-2000 SH_models_raw.txt: Raw model data SH NH_models_raw.txt: Raw model data NH