Pliocene Oxygen Isotope Record, DSDP 607 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE CONTRIBUTORS WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: Pliocene Oxygen Isotope Record, DSDP 607 LAST UPDATE: 2/2007 (Original Receipt by WDCA Paleo) CONTRIBUTOR: Mudelsee, M. IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2007-022 SUGGESTED DATA CITATION: Mudelsee and Raymo, 2007, Pliocene Oxygen Isotope Record, DSDP 607 IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series #2007-022. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE(S) (OXYGEN ISOTOPE DATA): Raymo, M. E., W. F. Ruddiman, J. Backman, B. M. Clement, and D. G. Martinson (1989), Late Pliocene variation in northern hemisphere ice sheets and North Atlantic deep water circulation, Paleoceanography, 4, 413-446. Raymo, M. E. (1992), Global climate change: A three million year perspective, in Start of a Glacial, edited by G. J. Kukla and E. Went, pp. 207-223, Springer, Berlin. Lisiecki, L. E., and M. E. Raymo (2005), A Plio-Pleistocene stack of 57 globally distributed benthic ?18O records, Paleoceanography, 20, PA1003, doi:10.1029/2004PA001071. ORIGINAL REFERENCE (TIMESCALE): Mudelsee, M., and M.E. Raymo, 2005. Slow dynamics of the Northern Hemisphere Glaciation. Paleoceanography 20, 4, PA4022 (doi: 10.1029/2005PA001153). GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Atlantic Ocean PERIOD OF RECORD: 2 Myr to 4 Myr before the present DESCRIPTION: Oxygen isotope record, adjusted to seawater d18O level. See ORIGINAL REFERENCE(S) (OXYGEN ISOTOPE DATA) and Mudelsee, M., and M.E. Raymo, 2005. Slow dynamics of the Northern Hemisphere Glaciation. Paleoceanography 20, 4, PA4022 (doi: 10.1029/2005PA001153). CORE NAME: DSDP 607 LOCATION LATITUDE: 41 deg 00' N LOCATION LONGITUDE: 32 deg 58' W WATER DEPTH: 3427 m FORAMINIFERA: Cibicidoides spp. HABITAT: benthic ADJUSTMENT: original d18O + 0.64 per mil NUMBER OF DATA POINTS: 489 ABSTRACT: Unraveling the dynamics of the Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (NHG) in the Pliocene is a key step toward a quantitative theory of the climate transition from a greenhouse to an icehouse world. Extracting the ice-volume signal from marine oxygen isotope (d18O) records corrupted with 'temperature noise' can be accomplished using statistical time series analysis. We use 45 d18O records from benthic and planktonic foraminifera and globally distributed sites to reconstruct the dynamics of NHG initiation. We compare d18O amplitudes with those of temperature proxy records and estimate a global ice-volume related increase of 0.4 per mil, equivalent to an overall sea-level lowering of 43 meters. We find the NHG started significantly earlier than previously assumed, as early as 3.6 Myr, and ended at 2.4 Myr. This long-term increase points to slow, tectonic forcing such as closing of ocean gateways or mountain building, as the root cause of the NHG. (Mudelsee, M., and M.E. Raymo, 2005. Paleoceanography 20, 4, PA4022 (doi: 10.1029/2005PA001153).) FUNDING SOURCE: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Bonn, Germany (MU 1595/2). CONTACT: Dr. Manfred Mudelsee Climate Risk Analysis Wasserweg 2 06114 Halle (S) Germany Telephone: +49 (0)345 5323860 Email: URL: DATA: Core Depth Age d18O (m) (kyr) (per mil) 84.345 1998.70 3.3 84.625 2004.70 3.38 84.925 2011.10 3.45 85.095 2014.80 3.59 85.225 2017.60 3.73 85.395 2021.20 3.79 85.565 2024.80 3.79 85.695 2027.60 3.65 85.845 2030.80 3.58 86.065 2035.50 3.57 86.165 2037.70 3.55 86.445 2043.60 3.72 86.595 2046.90 4.23 86.745 2050.10 4.05 86.895 2053.30 4.24 87.065 2056.90 4.18 87.195 2059.70 4.06 87.345 2062.90 4.03 87.565 2067.60 3.77 87.625 2068.90 3.77 87.815 2072.90 3.67 87.925 2075.30 3.5 88.095 2078.90 3.69 88.265 2082.60 3.61 88.395 2085.40 3.71 88.565 2089.00 3.49 88.695 2091.80 3.33 88.885 2095.80 3.37 89.065 2099.70 3.46 89.145 2101.40 3.37 89.315 2105.56 3.89 89.445 2108.74 3.74 89.745 2116.08 3.29 89.895 2119.75 3.16 90.045 2123.42 3.35 90.195 2127.09 3.54 90.565 2136.14 4.18 90.625 2137.61 4.36 90.925 2144.94 4.13 91.225 2152.28 3.86 91.395 2156.44 3.84 91.565 2160.60 3.54 91.695 2163.78 3.59 91.805 2166.47 3.43 91.945 2169.90 3.39 92.105 2173.81 3.59 92.245 2177.24 3.59 92.405 2181.15 3.62 92.545 2184.57 3.75 92.705 2188.49 3.72 92.845 2191.91 3.38 92.955 2194.60 3.61 93.105 2198.27 3.55 93.325 2203.66 3.54 93.405 2205.61 3.43 93.575 2209.77 3.39 93.705 2212.95 3.52 94.005 2220.29 3.18 94.305 2227.63 3.61 94.455 2231.30 4.12 94.605 2234.97 3.7 94.825 2240.35 3.72 94.905 2242.31 3.56 95.075 2246.47 3.31 95.205 2249.65 3.25 95.655 2260.65 3.15 95.805 2264.32 3.21 95.955 2267.99 3.58 96.105 2271.66 3.56 96.325 2277.04 3.99 96.425 2279.49 3.89 96.575 2283.16 3.86 97.005 2293.68 3.39 97.155 2297.35 3.31 97.305 2301.02 3.24 97.455 2304.69 3.4 97.605 2308.36 3.51 97.825 2313.74 3.64 97.905 2315.70 3.64 98.205 2323.03 3.77 98.355 2326.70 3.46 98.655 2334.04 3.53 98.955 2341.38 3.32 99.325 2350.43 3.14 99.405 2352.39 3.43 99.575 2356.55 3.5 99.705 2359.73 3.74 99.855 2363.40 3.82 100.000 2366.95 3.8 100.310 2374.53 3.71 100.460 2378.20 3.52 100.600 2381.62 3.22 100.820 2387.00 3.27 100.910 2389.21 3.43 101.080 2393.37 3.37 101.200 2396.30 3.41 101.360 2400.21 3.65 101.660 2407.55 3.77 102.390 2422.04 3.55 102.400 2422.23 3.69 102.480 2423.76 3.28 102.700 2427.96 3.35 102.780 2429.49 3.34 102.930 2432.36 3.4 103.080 2435.23 3.22 103.230 2438.09 3.38 103.350 2440.39 3.53 103.500 2443.25 3.75 103.720 2447.46 4.19 103.800 2448.99 4.38 103.970 2452.24 4.16 104.100 2454.43 4.2 104.400 2459.21 3.93 104.550 2461.60 3.74 104.850 2466.38 3.71 105.220 2472.27 3.26 105.300 2473.55 3.23 105.750 2480.72 3.48 105.900 2483.11 3.99 106.040 2485.34 4.13 106.200 2487.89 4.15 106.500 2494.02 4.03 106.720 2498.82 3.71 106.800 2500.56 3.71 107.070 2506.45 3.45 107.250 2510.38 3.28 107.400 2513.65 3.91 107.700 2520.20 4.42 107.850 2523.47 4.31 107.980 2526.41 4.3 108.220 2532.03 4.08 108.290 2533.68 4.16 108.470 2537.90 3.79 108.580 2540.47 3.56 108.750 2544.46 3.35 109.200 2555.01 3.38 109.720 2567.20 3.51 109.800 2569.08 3.61 109.970 2573.06 3.37 110.090 2575.88 3.28 110.250 2579.63 3.35 110.550 2586.66 3.23 110.700 2590.18 3.33 110.850 2593.70 3.31 111.000 2597.21 3.59 111.220 2602.37 3.61 111.300 2604.25 4.02 111.470 2608.27 3.8 111.600 2611.71 3.77 111.750 2615.69 3.72 111.900 2619.66 3.65 112.050 2623.64 3.41 112.260 2629.20 3.26 112.400 2632.92 3.05 112.560 2637.16 3.34 112.700 2640.87 3.38 112.860 2645.11 3.65 113.000 2648.82 3.76 113.160 2652.90 3.96 113.460 2659.61 3.47 113.600 2662.74 3.36 113.750 2666.09 3.12 114.180 2675.72 3.13 114.330 2679.07 3.37 114.640 2686.01 3.75 114.790 2689.36 3.96 115.090 2696.07 3.43 115.310 2701.00 3.62 115.550 2706.37 3.56 115.690 2709.50 3.95 115.840 2712.85 3.97 116.130 2719.61 4.1 116.440 2727.95 4.13 116.590 2731.98 3.46 116.890 2740.05 3.42 117.060 2744.62 3.39 117.180 2747.85 3.27 117.330 2751.89 3.23 117.460 2755.38 3.25 117.780 2763.99 3.16 117.940 2768.29 3.32 118.090 2772.33 4 118.370 2779.86 3.33 118.550 2784.70 3.21 118.690 2788.46 3.05 118.840 2792.04 3.33 119.140 2799.04 3.41 119.290 2802.55 3.59 119.430 2805.82 3.71 119.580 2809.32 3.76 119.800 2814.46 3.58 119.880 2816.33 3.61 120.060 2820.53 3.41 120.180 2823.34 3.3 120.490 2830.58 3.12 120.640 2834.08 3.12 121.070 2844.13 3.43 121.310 2849.73 3.53 121.380 2851.37 3.17 121.560 2855.57 3.32 121.680 2858.37 3.05 121.830 2861.88 3.18 121.980 2865.38 3.07 122.140 2869.12 3.38 122.430 2875.89 3.25 122.480 2877.06 3.23 123.090 2891.31 2.97 123.200 2893.88 3.18 123.350 2897.38 2.81 123.570 2902.52 3.01 123.650 2904.39 3.11 123.820 2908.36 3.14 123.950 2911.40 3.38 124.250 2918.41 3.35 124.400 2921.91 3.4 124.550 2925.41 2.83 124.700 2928.92 3.53 125.070 2937.56 2.99 125.130 2938.96 3.03 125.320 2943.40 2.85 125.450 2946.44 2.8 125.600 2949.94 2.81 125.750 2953.44 2.85 125.900 2956.95 3 126.050 2960.45 2.93 126.200 2963.96 3.03 126.330 2966.99 3.32 126.570 2972.60 3.39 126.650 2974.55 3.31 126.820 2979.23 3.26 126.950 2982.81 3.24 127.100 2986.94 3.06 127.250 2991.07 2.98 127.400 2995.20 3.24 127.570 2999.89 3.17 127.700 3003.47 3.22 127.850 3007.60 3.08 128.070 3013.66 3.25 128.150 3015.86 3.23 128.320 3020.54 3.39 128.430 3023.57 3.24 128.600 3028.25 3.3 128.750 3032.38 3.19 128.900 3036.51 2.85 129.050 3040.64 3.08 129.200 3044.77 2.98 129.350 3048.91 3.42 129.570 3054.96 3.22 129.650 3057.17 3.23 129.820 3061.85 2.9 129.950 3065.43 3.09 130.100 3069.56 2.7 130.230 3073.14 2.64 130.400 3077.82 2.97 130.700 3086.08 3 130.830 3089.66 2.83 131.150 3098.47 2.99 131.430 3106.19 3.01 131.620 3111.42 2.95 131.750 3115.00 3.07 131.920 3119.68 2.87 132.070 3123.81 3.02 132.200 3127.39 3.07 132.800 3143.91 2.97 132.950 3148.04 3.14 133.100 3152.17 2.83 133.320 3158.23 2.71 133.570 3165.12 2.77 133.700 3168.70 2.82 133.850 3172.83 2.85 134.150 3181.09 2.89 134.300 3185.22 2.88 134.450 3189.35 2.93 134.600 3193.48 3.07 134.820 3199.54 2.66 134.880 3201.19 2.69 135.070 3206.43 2.77 135.180 3209.45 2.62 135.350 3214.14 2.75 135.480 3217.72 2.57 135.650 3222.40 2.67 135.800 3226.53 2.71 136.100 3234.79 2.88 136.320 3240.85 2.66 136.430 3243.88 2.83 136.570 3247.73 2.71 136.700 3251.31 2.75 136.850 3255.44 2.72 137.000 3259.58 2.87 137.300 3267.84 2.74 137.820 3282.16 2.86 137.900 3284.36 2.72 138.070 3289.04 2.74 138.200 3292.62 3.11 138.350 3296.75 3.16 138.520 3301.43 3.54 138.650 3305.01 3.41 138.800 3309.14 3.77 138.950 3313.16 3.41 139.320 3319.10 3.39 139.400 3320.39 3.55 139.570 3323.11 3.06 139.850 3327.61 2.88 139.990 3329.86 3.19 140.150 3332.43 2.92 140.300 3334.83 3.15 140.450 3337.24 3.1 140.600 3339.65 3.3 140.820 3343.18 3.26 140.900 3344.47 3.2 141.070 3347.20 3.26 141.200 3351.20 3.28 141.350 3357.20 3.3 141.500 3363.20 3.28 141.650 3369.20 3.3 141.800 3375.20 3.13 141.950 3381.20 3.04 142.100 3387.20 3.13 142.110 3387.60 3.52 142.260 3393.60 3.44 142.410 3399.17 3.31 142.560 3404.71 3.11 142.710 3410.25 3.25 142.860 3415.79 3.11 143.010 3421.33 3.17 143.160 3426.87 3.2 143.300 3432.05 3.44 143.520 3441.20 3.28 143.600 3444.75 3.07 143.770 3452.28 3 143.900 3458.04 2.89 144.050 3464.69 3.21 144.200 3471.34 3.08 144.350 3477.98 2.93 144.500 3484.63 3.12 144.650 3491.28 3.18 145.020 3507.67 2.76 145.100 3511.22 2.88 145.270 3518.75 2.94 145.400 3524.51 2.89 145.550 3531.16 2.98 145.700 3537.81 3.08 145.850 3544.45 3.24 146.000 3549.89 3.22 146.150 3553.95 3.08 146.300 3558.01 3.07 146.520 3563.97 3.05 146.620 3566.67 3.01 146.770 3570.73 3.17 146.920 3574.79 3.14 147.050 3578.31 3.1 147.200 3582.37 3.05 147.350 3586.43 3.08 147.500 3590.49 3.12 147.520 3591.03 3.05 147.650 3594.55 3.16 147.800 3598.61 2.98 147.820 3599.15 2.92 147.950 3602.67 2.97 148.100 3606.73 3.09 148.130 3607.54 3 148.250 3610.79 3.06 148.400 3614.84 3.19 148.550 3618.90 3.19 148.700 3622.96 3.42 148.720 3623.50 3.41 148.850 3627.02 3.51 149.000 3631.12 3.41 149.020 3631.67 3.49 149.150 3635.30 3.38 149.300 3639.49 3.28 149.320 3640.05 3.34 149.450 3643.67 3.19 149.600 3647.86 3.08 149.640 3648.98 3.17 149.750 3652.05 2.9 149.900 3656.23 3 150.050 3660.42 3.11 150.200 3664.60 3.58 150.230 3665.44 3.24 150.350 3668.79 3.26 150.500 3672.98 3.45 150.530 3673.81 3.47 150.650 3677.16 3.49 150.800 3679.88 3.54 150.830 3680.35 3.5 150.950 3682.23 3.43 151.100 3684.57 3.33 151.140 3685.20 3.36 151.250 3686.92 3.21 151.400 3689.27 3 151.430 3689.74 3.05 151.550 3691.61 3 151.680 3693.65 2.98 151.700 3693.96 2.95 151.850 3696.31 2.86 152.000 3698.66 3.13 152.030 3699.13 3.02 152.150 3701.00 2.93 152.280 3703.04 3.04 152.300 3703.35 3.08 152.600 3708.05 2.98 152.640 3708.67 3.04 152.760 3710.55 3 152.900 3712.74 3.15 152.930 3713.21 3.07 153.050 3715.09 3.03 153.200 3717.44 3.37 153.230 3717.90 3.33 153.350 3719.57 3.37 153.480 3721.04 3.19 153.500 3721.27 3.22 153.650 3722.97 2.97 155.000 3738.28 3.12 155.300 3741.69 2.98 155.600 3745.09 3.07 155.900 3748.49 3.01 156.200 3751.90 3.13 156.500 3755.30 3.3 156.800 3758.95 3.32 157.100 3762.86 3.14 157.400 3766.77 3.02 157.700 3770.68 2.94 158.000 3774.59 3.18 158.300 3778.49 3.07 158.600 3782.40 3.04 158.900 3786.31 3.12 159.180 3789.96 3.25 159.640 3799.70 3.11 159.760 3802.45 3.03 159.920 3806.12 3.03 160.070 3809.56 2.94 160.200 3812.53 2.94 160.340 3815.74 2.99 160.490 3819.18 3.05 160.640 3822.61 3.1 160.750 3825.13 3.08 160.940 3829.48 2.83 161.140 3834.07 2.91 161.260 3836.81 2.9 161.420 3840.48 3.4 161.570 3843.87 3.37 161.720 3847.14 3.18 161.870 3850.41 2.99 161.970 3852.59 2.92 162.140 3856.29 2.8 162.270 3859.12 2.96 162.440 3862.83 2.96 162.550 3865.22 3.19 162.640 3867.18 3.15 162.760 3869.80 3.14 162.920 3873.28 2.92 163.070 3876.55 3.17 163.230 3880.04 3.22 163.360 3883.01 3.39 163.450 3885.27 3.36 163.640 3890.05 3.03 163.770 3893.32 3.05 163.940 3897.59 3.02 164.050 3900.36 2.78 164.160 3903.13 2.96 164.250 3905.39 2.98 164.380 3908.66 3.04 164.640 3915.20 2.9 164.720 3917.21 3.08 164.850 3920.48 3.08 165.020 3924.75 3.2 165.150 3928.02 3.15 165.280 3931.29 3 165.450 3935.57 2.9 165.560 3938.34 2.84 165.660 3940.85 2.95 165.750 3943.11 3.07 165.880 3946.38 3.11 166.140 3952.92 2.79 166.230 3955.19 2.87 166.350 3958.20 2.93 166.520 3962.48 3.08 166.650 3965.75 3.06 166.780 3969.02 3.03 166.950 3973.29 3.13 167.160 3978.57 3.18 167.250 3980.84 3.17 167.380 3984.11 3.25 167.640 3990.65 2.96 167.730 3992.91 2.98 167.850 3995.93 3.09 167.960 3998.69 3.11 169.840 4045.98 3.35