# Northwest Iceland Holocene Biomarker Data and Climate Reconstructions #---------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #---------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/20023 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-ocean-20023.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Paleoceanography # # Dataset_DOI: 10.25921/j54w-bz79 # # Science_Keywords: Air Temperature Reconstruction, Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction #-------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/contributions_by_author/moossen2015/moossen2015mat-noaa.txt # Data_Download_Description: NOAA Template File; Temperature Reconstruction (CBT/MBT') # #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2016-04-15 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2024-06-06 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Northwest Iceland Holocene Biomarker Data and Climate Reconstructions #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Moossen, H.(https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4768-2603); Bendle, J.A.(https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6826-8658); Seki, O.; Quillmann, U.; Kawamura, K.(https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1163-700X) #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Northwest Iceland Holocene sea surface temperature and mean air temperature reconstructed using soil-pH, ACL25-35 variability, and the hydrogen isotopic composition of the C29 n-alkane from sediment core MD99-2266, Isafjardardjup Fjord, Denmark Strait. Provided keywords: ACL25-35, soil-pH, C29-dD, Iceland, Holocene. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Heiko Moossen, James Bendle, Osamu Seki, Ursula Quillmann, Kimitaka Kawamura # Journal_Name: Quaternary Science Reviews # Published_Title: North Atlantic Holocene climate evolution recorded by high-resolution terrestrial and marine biomarker records # Published_Date_or_Year: 2015 # Volume: 129 # Pages: 111-127 # Issue: # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.10.013 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Holocene climatic change is driven by a plethora of forcing mechanisms acting on different time scales, including: insolation, internal ocean (e.g. Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation; AMOC) and atmospheric (e.g. North Atlantic Oscillation; NAO) variability. However, it is unclear how these driving mechanisms interact with each other. Here we present five, biomarker based, paleoclimate records (air-, sea surface temperature and precipitation), from a fjordic sediment core, revealing North Atlantic terrestrial and marine climate in unprecedented detail. The Early Holocene (10.7-7.8 kyrs BP) is characterised by relatively high air temperatures while SSTs are dampened by melt water events, and relatively low precipitation. The Middle Holocene (7.8-3.2 kyrs BP) is characterised by peak SSTs, declining air temperatures and high precipitation. A pronounced marine thermal maximum occurs between ~7-5.5 kyrs BP, 3000 years after the terrestrial thermal maximum, driven by melt water cessation and an accelerating AMOC. The neoglacial cooling, between 5.8 and 3.2 kyrs BP leads into the late Holocene. We demonstrate that an observed modern link between Icelandic precipitation variability during different NAO phases, may have existed from ~7.5 kyrs BP. A simultaneous decoupling of both air, and sea surface temperature records from declining insolation at ~3.2 kyrs BP may indicate a threshold, after which internal feedback mechanisms, namely the NAO evolved to be the primary drivers of Icelandic climate on centennial time-scales. #-------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Scottish Alliance for GeoSciences (SAGES) # Grant: #-------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: MD99-2266 # Location: North Atlantic Ocean # Northernmost_Latitude: 66.228 # Southernmost_Latitude: 66.228 # Easternmost_Longitude: -23.265 # Westernmost_Longitude: -23.265 # Elevation_m: -106 #-------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Moossen2015MAT # First_Year: 10744 # Last_Year: 310 # Time_Unit: cal yr BP # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: reconstruction # Notes: #-------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: Radiocarbon # Chronology_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/templates/noaa-wds-paleo-14c-terms.csv # Chronology_Download_Description: Radiocarbon terms and definitions. # Chronology_Notes: Radiocarbon dates published in Quillmann et al. 2010 (https://doi.org/10.1002/jqs.1395) # Rejection_Rationale: Three dates near the core top are older than the underlying ages, suggesting disturbance of the core top. The date at 1784–1785 cm was older than the dates in the underlying sediments and therefore was omitted. The date at 3761–3763 cm was older than the dates in the underlying sediments and rejected because Quinqueloculina seminulum, a benthic foraminifer used to obtain this data point, has been shown in Hudson Bay and Greenland to give ages that are too old # Reservoir_Method: # Calibration_Method: CALIB Radiocarbon Calibration online program, version 5.0.2 # Age_Model_Method: calculated assuming linear sedimentation rates between each 14C-AMS date and between the youngest 14C-AMS date and the core top. # Missing_Values: NaN # Chronology_Table: # lab_code depth_end_cm depth_start_cm age_14C_BP1950 age_14C_1s_yr delta_R_yr delta_R_err_yr age_calib_neg2s_BP1950 age_calib_pos2s_BP1950 age_calib_BP1950 calib_curve date_type material_dated date_used # AA35804 0 3 780 40 0 50 290 508 399 Marine04 14C AMS Unidentified bivalve no # AA67746 9.5 10.5 822 67 0 50 666 909 788 Marine04 14C AMS Macoma calcarea no # CURL8022 22 23 830 15 0 50 330 534 432 Marine04 14C AMS Unidentified bivalve fragment no # AA67747 24 25 746 61 0 50 251 514 382 Marine04 14C AMS Thyasira flexuosa yes # AA58537 34 36 809 30 0 50 309 522 416 Marine04 14C AMS Thyasira flexuosa yes # AA53619 72 74 1151 53 0 50 565 873 719 Marine04 14C AMS Nuculana pernula yes # CURL7633 112 114 1450 15 0 50 897 1133 1015 Marine04 14C AMS Yolida sp. yes # AA58536 139 141 1640 33 0 50 1055 1302 1178 Marine04 14C AMS Dentalium sp. yes # AA53620 162 164 1800 45 0 50 1231 1508 1370 Marine04 14C AMS Nuculana pernula yes # AA58538 194 196 2126 34 0 50 1552 1858 1705 Marine04 14C AMS Thyasira sp. yes # AA50033 258.5 259.5 2503 36 0 50 2001 2312 2156 Marine04 14C AMS Astarte sp. yes # AA58972 371 373 3424 35 0 50 3136 3443 3290 Marine04 14C AMS Thyasira sp. yes # AA50035 1062 1064 6098 50 0 50 6359 6700 6530 Marine04 14C AMS Nuculana buccata yes # CURL5736 1266 1268 6570 45 0 50 6921 7243 7082 Marine04 14C AMS Nuculana buccata yes # CURL7613 1398 1399 6790 20 0 50 7209 7419 7314 Marine04 14C AMS Unidentified bivalve fragment yes # CURL7903 1736 1737 7640 30 0 50 7961 8241 8101 Marine04 14C AMS Nuculana sp. yes # CURL7756 1784 1785 7780 25 0 50 8134 8370 8252 Marine04 14C AMS Unidentified bivalve fragment no # NSRL13920 1789 1790 7755 20 0 50 8096 8353 8224 Marine04 14C AMS Unidentified bivalve fragment yes # AA50035 1867 1869 7826 49 0 50 8144 8425 8284 Marine04 14C AMS Nuculana pernula yes # CURL7903 2237 2238 8285 15 0 50 8646 8986 8816 Marine04 14C AMS Gastropod yes # AA35174 2761 2763 8840 65 0 50 9314 9714 9514 Marine04 14C AMS Dentalium sp. yes # AA50036 3128 3130 9320 190 0 50 9585 10548 10066 Marine04 14C AMS Nuculana pernula yes # NA 3591 3591 NA NA NA NA 10060 10300 10180 None Tephra Saksunarvatn tephra yes # AA50037 3761 3763 9800 70 0 50 10509 11024 10766 Marine04 14C AMS Quinqueloculina seminulum no # AA35255 3794 3796 9804 70 0 50 10513 11027 10770 Marine04 14C AMS Unidentified bivalve yes #-------------------- # Variables # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Data variables follow that are preceded by '##' in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-var components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## age_calBP age,,,calendar year before present,,climate reconstructions;paleoceanography,,,N, ## temp-ann surface air temperature,glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether index,,degree Celsius,,climate reconstructions;paleoceanography,,,N,CBT/MBT' values were converted to SSTs using the calibration equation published by Peterse et al. (2012) #-------------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: age_calBP temp-ann 310 10.0219 321 10.7318 331 11.4423 341 11.8609 350 11.928 360 11.0381 369 12.1334 379 10.0639 388 11.2553 398 10.2849 408 9.9538 417 9.3336 443 9.5183 467 8.6221 491 8.9308 515 9.3197 539 7.2235 563 8.9197 587 8.7125 611 8.5831 635 7.6474 659 8.7077 683 8.0427 707 9.0666 731 8.498 752 8.7206 775 8.2846 797 9.4653 819 8.2596 841 9.9074 864 10.3807 886 9.8207 930 9.4118 952 9.9853 975 10.1901 997 10.0837 1015 9.5877 1029 9.2039 1044 9.9725 1059 9.5953 1074 9.5106 1089 10.9835 1105 9.584 1120 8.8676 1135 9.3623 1150 10.7392 1165 9.8479 1182 10.5858 1208 10.5992 1233 11.2829 1258 10.7198 1283 9.4754 1307 8.6864 1332 9.3156 1413 10.0874 1465 9.7617 1516 9.4306 1542 9.8296 1568 9.1421 1594 9.7626 1619 8.9631 1645 9.5892 1671 8.3885 1697 8.4542 1722 8.303 1746 8.7957 1771 8.8276 1821 8.5322 1846 9.156 1871 9.4503 1946 9.0227 1970 8.417 1995 10.2655 2020 8.3505 2045 7.933 2070 8.1126 2095 8.8551 2120 9.0862 2145 9.3902 2168 9.0903 2212 9.8201 2263 9.6068 2313 9.4238 2363 9.6014 2413 8.9193 2463 9.0764 2513 10.8259 2563 8.4511 2614 9.0713 2664 10.3733 2714 10.0549 2764 11.0681 2814 9.1432 2864 10.2279 2915 9.7119 2965 8.1125 3015 8.8497 3065 9.0349 3165 9.1632 3215 9.1472 3266 9.5831 3301 9.206 3330 9.3621 3364 9.019 3398 9.0288 3432 9.5707 3467 10.1111 3501 8.7694 3535 8.2014 3569 9.7757 3603 10.3145 3638 9.6303 3683 9.9115 3717 10.3551 3751 10.3353 3785 10.2774 3820 10.2951 3854 9.8009 3922 11.0572 3956 10.2639 3991 9.6758 4025 10.6314 4059 9.8496 4093 10.2939 4128 10.7379 4162 10.4212 4196 10.3216 4264 10.2251 4299 10.0207 4333 11.2395 4367 11.4091 4401 11.6775 4436 10.2096 4470 11.0602 4504 11.421 4538 10.6991 4572 10.23 4607 10.4099 4641 11.7043 4675 10.9726 4744 10.1648 4816 10.7606 4980 11.3892 5062 10.744 5144 12.0601 5226 13.2 5309 12.6654 5391 13.1419 5473 12.5656 5555 12.4604 5719 11.6935 5801 13.0587 5883 12.7844 5965 12.5099 6047 12.0916 6129 13.8911 6211 12.7351 6293 12.9986 6375 12.8957 6457 12.809 6555 12.5835 6605 10.8984 6655 12.1254 6705 11.8753 6806 13.1001 6856 12.2226 6906 12.0874 6956 11.7356 7056 12.3794 7107 11.8225 7158 12.3492 7208 12.4597 7299 12.2679 7320 13.1509 7336 13.9019 7382 13.2977 7397 13.4607 7412 13.142 7427 13.6099 7442 12.9422 7473 13.0326 7503 12.3256 7548 13.0663 7563 13.674 7578 12.777 7594 11.7113 7609 11.6544 7654 12.032 7669 12.1192 7684 12.265 7700 11.4886 7715 12.8531 7745 12.055 7760 13.3352 7790 13.844 7805 14.2898 7821 12.0279 7836 13.9515 7851 13.917 7866 13.4526 7881 12.3782 7896 12.9526 7911 13.1734 7927 13.3988 7942 12.4304 7957 13.3146 7972 13.1003 7987 13.107 8002 11.4441 8017 13.51 8032 12.7713 8048 11.5401 8063 12.5472 8078 12.1787 8093 9.6606 8108 13.0178 8123 11.9368 8138 12.7215 8153 13.3008 8168 13.6971 8213 12.3276 8232 13.3363 8248 13.9909 8263 14.565 8278 14.253 8295 13.9644 8310 13.5504 8325 14.2054 8340 13.0911 8355 13.8541 8370 12.9616 8386 14.1909 8401 13.0896 8416 14.7356 8431 14.6373 8446 14.4242 8461 14.8666 8476 14.1668 8491 13.2563 8506 13.426 8522 15.7957 8537 14.6735 8552 14.5445 8568 13.59 8583 15.462 8598 15.2891 8614 14.3118 8629 15.9189 8644 15.3477 8659 14.5783 8674 13.8296 8689 14.2641 8704 15.0465 8719 15.0944 8734 14.962 8749 15.3631 8765 13.7189 8780 14.3589 8795 15.4419 8810 16.341 8842 15.43 8893 15.6454 8943 14.8221 8994 15.3028 9045 15.3069 9095 16.576 9146 16.3215 9196 16.3486 9247 15.1359 9297 13.6954 9348 13.3372 9399 13.8175 9449 14.2698 9508 11.5688 9550 14.3043 9600 15.0398 9653 14.4526 9702 14.8601 9748 16.6213 9797 16.1288 9847 16.2596 9897 15.0962 9947 15.1183 9996 14.4937 10046 16.329 10093 14.5143 10143 15.6962 10182 14.2989 10253 14.7523 10302 14.9695 10351 14.2002 10400 15.0881 10449 15.136 10498 15.2501 10548 14.0779 10597 14.018 10646 13.6617 10695 13.4005 10744 13.9423