# Eastern Tropical Indian Ocean 45,000 Year d18O and SST Reconstructions #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/19139 # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/contributions_by_author/mohtadi2014/mohtadi2014-39kl.txt # # Original_Source_URL: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Paleoceanography # # Parameter_Keywords: oxygen isotopes, sea surface temperature #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2015-08-24 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Eastern Tropical Indian Ocean 45,000 Year d18O and SST Reconstructionsta #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Mohtadi, M.; Prange, M.; Oppo, D.W.; De Pol-Holz, R.; Merkel, U.; Zhang, X.; Steinke, S.; Lückge, A. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: High-resolution (~30-80 years) foraminiferal oxygen isotope (d18O) data for the past 45,000 years, # plus reconstructed sea-surface temperature and seawater d18O, from 3 eastern tropical Indian Ocean sediment cores. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Mahyar Mohtadi, Matthias Prange, Delia W. Oppo, Ricardo De Pol-Holz, Ute Merkel, Xiao Zhang, Stephan Steinke, Andreas Lückge # Published_Date_or_Year: 2014-05-01 # Published_Title: North Atlantic forcing of tropical Indian Ocean climate # Journal_Name: Nature # Volume: 509 # Edition: # Issue: 7498 # Pages: 76-80 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1038/nature13196 # Online_Resource: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v509/n7498/full/nature13196.html # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The response of the tropical climate in the Indian Ocean realm to abrupt climate change events in the North Atlantic Ocean is contentious. Repositioning of the intertropical convergence zone is thought to have been responsible for changes in tropical hydroclimate during North Atlantic cold spells, but the dearth of high-resolution records outside the monsoon realm in the Indian Ocean precludes a full understanding of this remote relationship and its underlying mechanisms. Here we show that slowdowns of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during Heinrich stadials and the Younger Dryas stadial affected the tropical Indian Ocean hydroclimate through changes to the Hadley circulation including a southward shift in the rising branch (the intertropical convergence zone) and an overall weakening over the southern Indian Ocean. Our results are based on new, high-resolution sea surface temperature and seawater oxygen isotope records of well-dated sedimentary archives from the tropical eastern Indian Ocean for the past 45,000 years, combined with climate model simulations of Atlantic circulation slowdown under Marine Isotope Stages 2 and 3 boundary conditions. Similar conditions in the east and west of the basin rule out a zonal dipole structure as the dominant forcing of the tropical Indian Ocean hydroclimate of millennial-scale events. Results from our simulations and proxy data suggest dry conditions in the northern Indian Ocean realm and wet and warm conditions in the southern realm during North Atlantic cold spells. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Bundesministerium fur Bildung und Forschung # Grant: 03G0189A #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft # Grant: HE3412/15-1, STE1044/4-1 #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: SO189-39KL # Location: Ocean>Indian Ocean # Country: # Northernmost_Latitude: -0.7833 # Southernmost_Latitude: -0.7833 # Easternmost_Longitude: 99.9 # Westernmost_Longitude: 99.9 # Elevation: -517 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Mohtadi2014-39KL # Earliest_Year: 45330 # Most_Recent_Year: 410 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length: 13.5 m # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## age_calkaBP age, , , thousands of calandar years before present, , , , ,N ## d18Og.rub-w-ss250-355 delta 18O, Globigerinoides ruber white sensu stricto 250-355um, , per mil PDB, , paleoceanography, , ,N ## sst-mg/ca-rub.ss Sea surface temperature, , , degrees C, , paleoceanography, from Mg/Ca Globigerinoides ruber white sensu stricto, calculated after Anand et al. (2003),N ## d18Osw-sl-g.rubw delta 18O, seawater, , per mil SMOW, , paleoceanography, sea-level corrected after Waelbroeck et al. (2002), HL equation of Bemis et al. (1998),N # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: NAN # Columns 2, 3, and 4 refer to panels (a), (b), and (c) in Fig. 1, respectively. # age_calkaBP d18Og.rub-w-ss250-355 sst-mg/ca-rub.ss d18Osw-sl-g.rubw 0.41 -2.99 29.91 0.41 0.44 -2.85 28.74 0.31 0.46 -2.98 28.61 0.14 0.49 -3.07 29.51 0.24 0.51 -3.10 28.92 0.09 0.54 -3.19 28.46 -0.09 0.58 -3.03 29.41 0.27 0.63 -3.12 29.73 0.24 0.68 -3.21 29.09 0.01 0.72 -3.10 29.20 0.15 0.77 -3.22 30.85 0.37 0.81 -3.10 30.03 0.32 0.87 -3.29 29.59 0.05 0.92 -3.18 29.52 0.13 0.97 -3.24 29.25 0.02 1.02 -3.30 30.12 0.14 1.08 -3.23 29.63 0.11 1.13 -3.13 29.72 0.23 1.18 -3.37 29.27 -0.11 1.24 -3.14 29.50 0.17 1.29 -3.09 29.24 0.17 1.34 -3.27 29.59 0.06 1.39 -2.95 29.35 0.33 1.45 -3.08 29.15 0.16 1.50 -3.16 29.70 0.19 1.56 -3.16 29.04 0.05 1.61 -3.14 29.26 0.12 1.66 -3.13 29.07 0.09 1.72 -3.06 29.44 0.24 1.77 -3.23 29.31 0.04 1.83 -3.08 29.07 0.14 1.88 -3.25 29.11 -0.02 1.94 -3.21 29.48 0.09 1.97 -2.92 29.31 0.36 2.01 -3.23 29.64 0.11 2.04 -3.25 29.57 0.08 2.07 -3.10 30.15 0.34 2.11 -3.11 29.43 0.19 2.14 -3.26 29.35 0.02 2.18 -3.17 29.58 0.16 2.21 -3.16 29.08 0.06 2.25 -3.23 30.06 0.20 2.28 -3.41 29.50 -0.10 2.34 -3.18 29.62 0.15 2.39 -3.10 28.98 0.10 2.45 -3.08 29.44 0.22 2.50 -3.05 29.84 0.33 2.56 NAN 30.44 NAN 2.62 -3.14 30.24 0.32 2.68 -3.10 28.82 0.06 2.73 -3.25 29.15 -0.02 2.79 -3.11 28.80 0.05 2.85 -3.11 29.45 0.18 2.90 -2.96 29.92 0.44 2.95 -3.00 28.92 0.18 3.01 -3.14 29.50 0.17 3.06 -3.03 29.28 0.23 3.12 -3.13 29.22 0.11 3.17 -3.14 28.79 0.01 3.22 -3.30 28.81 -0.14 3.28 -3.01 29.07 0.20 3.34 -3.10 29.44 0.19 3.40 -3.19 29.15 0.04 3.46 -3.27 28.85 -0.10 3.52 -3.37 28.82 -0.21 3.59 -2.97 29.10 0.25 3.65 -3.31 29.11 -0.09 3.71 -3.18 29.23 0.07 3.77 -3.06 28.95 0.12 3.83 -3.24 29.14 -0.01 3.90 -2.96 28.79 0.19 3.96 -3.15 28.80 0.00 4.02 -3.02 28.97 0.17 4.08 -3.16 29.27 0.09 4.14 -3.23 29.31 0.03 4.20 -3.12 28.92 0.06 4.26 -3.22 29.27 0.03 4.32 -2.97 29.23 0.27 4.38 -3.13 29.19 0.10 4.44 -3.12 29.08 0.09 4.51 -3.28 28.81 -0.13 4.59 -3.19 29.62 0.13 4.68 -3.09 28.74 0.04 4.77 -3.18 28.83 -0.03 4.86 -3.14 28.96 0.04 4.95 -3.17 29.74 0.17 5.00 -3.25 NAN NAN 5.05 -3.18 29.83 0.18 5.10 -3.24 28.81 -0.09 5.15 -3.11 28.77 0.02 5.25 -3.26 28.64 -0.15 5.30 -3.10 29.18 0.12 5.35 -3.19 29.40 0.07 5.40 -3.23 28.80 -0.09 5.45 -3.24 29.17 -0.02 5.50 -3.17 NAN NAN 5.56 -3.42 30.54 0.08 5.61 -3.37 29.45 -0.09 5.67 -3.14 29.07 0.06 5.72 -3.03 29.57 0.27 5.79 -3.11 29.67 0.21 5.85 -3.13 29.55 0.16 5.91 -3.12 30.19 0.30 5.98 -3.09 29.76 0.24 6.04 -3.05 28.73 0.07 6.11 -3.05 29.11 0.14 6.17 -2.94 29.25 0.28 6.23 -3.09 29.24 0.13 6.30 -3.04 28.62 0.05 6.36 -2.98 29.14 0.22 6.42 -2.99 28.96 0.17 6.51 -3.04 28.95 0.12 6.59 -3.24 29.28 -0.01 6.68 -3.08 28.71 0.02 6.76 -3.15 29.24 0.06 6.85 -3.18 28.75 -0.07 6.93 -3.29 29.57 -0.02 7.02 -3.36 28.79 -0.25 7.10 -3.22 29.04 -0.06 7.17 -3.15 29.61 0.12 7.24 -3.13 29.47 0.12 7.30 -2.94 29.16 0.24 7.37 -3.01 29.71 0.28 7.43 -3.17 29.53 0.08 7.50 -3.10 29.71 0.18 7.56 -3.10 28.91 0.02 7.63 -3.06 29.58 0.20 7.70 -3.22 29.00 -0.09 7.76 -3.45 29.50 -0.21 7.83 -3.42 29.25 -0.24 7.89 -3.18 29.04 -0.04 7.98 -3.35 29.18 -0.19 8.06 -3.12 29.75 0.16 8.14 -3.11 29.64 0.14 8.21 -2.85 28.09 0.07 8.29 -2.72 29.25 0.44 8.37 -3.07 29.08 0.04 8.44 -3.11 29.44 0.07 8.49 -2.81 29.74 0.43 8.54 -2.90 29.02 0.19 8.58 -2.60 28.52 0.38 8.63 -3.08 28.63 -0.09 8.68 -2.86 29.10 0.23 8.72 -3.06 28.98 0.00 8.77 -2.67 29.40 0.48 8.82 -3.16 29.52 0.01 8.86 -3.30 29.14 -0.22 8.91 -2.89 29.31 0.22 8.96 -2.77 29.67 0.41 9.01 -2.93 28.95 0.10 9.05 -2.77 28.62 0.19 9.10 -2.96 29.00 0.07 9.15 -2.58 29.07 0.46 9.19 -3.06 28.74 -0.09 9.24 -2.67 29.36 0.42 9.30 -2.93 28.85 0.05 9.37 -2.90 28.49 0.00 9.43 -2.90 28.67 0.03 9.49 -3.27 28.62 -0.35 9.56 -2.86 29.01 0.13 9.62 -2.87 28.96 0.10 9.68 -2.81 28.16 -0.01 9.75 -2.94 29.29 0.09 9.81 -3.12 29.79 0.01 9.87 -2.94 29.15 0.05 9.94 -2.63 29.21 0.36 10.00 -2.93 29.50 0.11 10.06 -2.78 29.04 0.16 10.13 -2.97 28.89 -0.07 10.17 -2.80 29.27 0.18 10.22 -2.85 29.25 0.12 10.27 -3.02 28.69 -0.18 10.31 -2.98 29.03 -0.06 10.36 -2.81 29.39 0.17 10.41 -2.62 29.53 0.38 10.45 -2.96 29.17 -0.03 10.50 -2.83 29.81 0.23 10.54 -2.82 28.93 0.04 10.58 -2.80 29.54 0.18 10.62 -2.67 28.84 0.17 10.66 -2.99 29.22 -0.08 10.70 -2.48 28.86 0.35 10.74 -2.55 29.11 0.33 10.78 -2.72 29.48 0.23 10.82 -2.44 29.50 0.51 10.86 -2.78 28.96 0.05 10.90 -2.72 28.99 0.12 10.94 -2.69 29.29 0.21 10.98 -2.66 28.63 0.10 11.03 -2.90 28.75 -0.13 11.07 -2.67 28.16 -0.02 11.12 -2.72 29.46 0.19 11.16 -2.30 29.00 0.51 11.21 -2.59 28.29 0.06 11.26 -2.57 29.29 0.29 11.30 -2.35 28.69 0.37 11.35 -2.65 28.21 -0.03 11.40 -2.72 27.78 -0.20 11.45 -2.59 28.39 0.05 11.50 -1.94 28.98 0.82 11.55 -2.40 28.45 0.24 11.60 -2.48 28.48 0.16 11.65 -2.75 28.88 -0.03 11.70 -2.29 29.38 0.53 11.75 -2.04 28.33 0.56 11.80 -1.83 28.64 0.82 11.85 -2.16 28.04 0.36 11.90 -2.02 28.39 0.57 11.94 -2.26 28.03 0.25 11.99 -2.13 27.81 0.33 12.05 -1.95 27.92 0.52 12.11 -1.92 27.57 0.47 12.16 -1.62 27.98 0.84 12.22 -1.96 27.23 0.34 12.27 -2.02 27.55 0.35 12.33 -1.70 28.10 0.76 12.39 -1.89 28.07 0.57 12.44 -1.53 28.17 0.94 12.50 -1.80 28.41 0.71 12.55 -1.68 27.72 0.68 12.60 -2.03 27.78 0.34 12.65 -1.87 27.76 0.49 12.71 -1.70 27.20 0.54 12.76 -1.94 27.99 0.46 12.81 -1.62 27.62 0.69 12.86 -1.97 27.61 0.34 12.91 -2.18 27.67 0.14 12.97 -2.30 27.77 0.03 13.02 -2.35 27.72 -0.04 13.07 -2.05 27.67 0.24 13.12 -2.23 27.19 -0.04 13.17 -2.28 27.29 -0.08 13.23 -1.91 26.66 0.15 13.28 -1.95 27.88 0.35 13.34 -2.18 27.86 0.12 13.39 -1.82 27.71 0.44 13.45 -2.36 27.91 -0.06 13.50 -2.10 27.56 0.12 13.56 -2.04 27.77 0.22 13.61 -2.46 27.45 -0.28 13.67 -2.05 27.32 0.10 13.72 -1.89 27.60 0.31 13.78 -1.90 27.76 0.32 13.83 -2.17 27.50 -0.01 13.89 -1.80 28.60 0.59 13.94 -2.18 27.36 -0.06 13.99 -2.22 27.36 -0.10 14.04 -1.98 27.86 0.23 14.09 -1.73 28.24 0.56 14.15 -1.97 27.94 0.25 14.20 -2.05 26.98 -0.03 14.25 -2.12 27.27 -0.05 14.30 -1.70 28.18 0.56 14.35 -1.96 28.50 0.36 14.43 -1.99 27.60 0.13 14.50 -2.01 28.02 0.19 14.57 -2.11 28.08 0.10 14.64 -2.08 27.77 0.06 14.71 -1.85 27.25 0.18 14.78 -1.91 27.94 0.25 14.85 -1.82 27.45 0.24 14.93 -1.64 27.38 0.39 15.00 -1.56 26.99 0.38 15.07 -1.51 27.94 0.63 15.14 -2.01 27.42 0.01 15.21 -1.38 27.42 0.63 15.30 -1.55 27.47 0.46 15.39 -1.26 27.10 0.67 15.48 -1.42 26.61 0.40 15.57 -1.37 26.85 0.50 15.66 -1.37 26.59 0.43 15.75 -1.54 27.41 0.43 15.84 -1.24 26.88 0.61 15.93 -1.32 27.55 0.68 15.99 -1.09 27.51 0.89 16.05 -1.51 27.84 0.53 16.11 -1.12 28.24 1.01 16.17 -1.39 27.60 0.60 16.23 -1.44 27.15 0.46 16.29 -1.46 27.41 0.48 16.36 -1.31 27.28 0.60 16.42 -1.45 27.35 0.47 16.48 -1.12 27.37 0.81 16.54 -1.17 26.83 0.64 16.60 -1.19 26.43 0.53 16.66 -1.37 25.62 0.18 16.74 -1.04 27.11 0.82 16.82 -1.29 27.35 0.61 16.91 -1.11 26.45 0.60 16.99 -1.18 27.01 0.65 17.08 -1.27 27.24 0.60 17.16 -1.31 26.87 0.48 17.24 -1.25 26.89 0.54 17.33 -1.30 26.66 0.44 17.40 -1.31 26.26 0.34 17.46 -1.12 26.64 0.61 17.53 -1.19 26.36 0.48 17.60 -1.14 26.20 0.49 17.67 -1.07 26.69 0.66 17.73 -1.18 26.79 0.57 17.80 -1.05 26.48 0.64 17.87 -1.09 26.20 0.54 17.93 -1.14 25.99 0.44 18.00 -1.22 26.86 0.54 18.07 -1.13 27.09 0.68 18.14 -1.19 26.60 0.51 18.19 -1.16 26.13 0.44 18.24 -1.43 25.97 0.13 18.29 -1.16 25.84 0.38 18.34 -1.19 25.80 0.34 18.39 -1.24 26.28 0.39 18.44 -1.26 25.94 0.29 18.50 -1.31 27.25 0.51 18.55 -1.28 26.51 0.39 18.60 -1.25 27.33 0.59 18.65 -1.41 26.61 0.28 18.70 -1.24 26.59 0.44 18.75 -1.29 26.23 0.32 18.84 -1.31 26.87 0.43 18.92 -1.29 26.90 0.45 19.00 -1.50 26.72 0.20 19.08 -1.24 26.91 0.51 19.16 -1.33 26.97 0.42 19.24 -1.14 25.87 0.39 19.32 -1.35 25.99 0.20 19.40 -1.18 25.93 0.36 19.48 -1.35 26.31 0.26 19.55 -1.20 25.60 0.27 19.63 -1.31 26.10 0.26 19.71 -1.32 25.80 0.19 19.79 -1.28 25.65 0.19 19.87 -1.22 25.80 0.28 19.95 -1.55 26.33 0.07 20.02 -1.45 25.47 -0.02 20.10 -1.27 25.75 0.22 20.18 -1.44 26.09 0.12 20.26 -1.44 25.69 0.05 20.34 -1.38 26.34 0.24 20.42 -1.41 26.01 0.14 20.49 -1.49 25.91 0.04 20.57 -1.26 26.77 0.45 20.65 -1.43 26.27 0.18 20.73 -1.51 26.01 0.04 20.81 -1.45 26.61 0.23 20.88 -1.53 25.61 -0.06 20.95 -1.52 25.88 0.01 21.02 -1.43 26.54 0.24 21.09 -1.49 26.39 0.14 21.16 -1.34 26.06 0.23 21.23 -1.41 27.05 0.37 21.31 -1.32 26.65 0.38 21.38 -1.37 26.62 0.32 21.45 -1.31 26.67 0.39 21.52 -1.51 27.20 0.30 21.57 -1.34 26.11 0.25 21.63 -1.47 26.54 0.20 21.68 -1.47 26.62 0.22 21.73 -1.43 26.00 0.14 21.79 -1.32 25.91 0.23 21.84 -1.25 26.09 0.33 21.89 -1.43 25.70 0.07 21.95 -1.36 26.27 0.26 22.00 -1.55 25.69 -0.04 22.06 -1.22 25.54 0.25 22.16 -1.36 25.47 0.10 22.26 -1.43 25.54 0.05 22.36 -1.37 25.94 0.19 22.46 -1.50 26.04 0.08 22.56 -1.38 26.10 0.22 22.66 -1.29 26.44 0.38 22.77 -1.29 25.43 0.17 22.87 -1.37 26.56 0.33 22.97 -1.44 25.02 -0.06 23.04 -1.44 25.83 0.10 23.11 -1.44 25.78 0.10 23.18 -1.24 26.26 0.41 23.24 -1.41 26.29 0.24 23.31 -1.31 26.18 0.32 23.38 -1.41 26.23 0.23 23.45 -1.26 27.07 0.56 23.52 -1.43 26.26 0.22 23.59 -1.27 25.98 0.32 23.64 -1.53 26.26 0.13 23.70 -1.27 26.78 0.49 23.75 -1.39 26.02 0.22 23.81 -1.25 26.51 0.46 23.86 -1.32 26.64 0.41 23.92 -1.19 26.58 0.54 23.97 -1.00 26.24 0.66 24.02 -1.49 26.47 0.22 24.08 -1.51 26.37 0.18 24.13 -1.22 26.20 0.43 24.19 -1.36 26.78 0.42 24.24 -1.39 26.31 0.29 24.30 -1.37 26.34 0.32 24.35 -1.26 26.84 0.54 24.41 -1.32 26.76 0.46 24.46 -1.31 27.03 0.53 24.51 -1.48 26.05 0.15 24.56 -1.40 27.14 0.46 24.62 -1.26 26.42 0.46 24.68 -1.28 25.89 0.32 24.74 -1.48 26.63 0.28 24.80 -1.37 26.61 0.40 24.86 -1.38 26.30 0.32 24.92 -1.86 27.69 0.13 24.98 -1.48 25.93 0.14 25.03 -1.40 26.38 0.33 25.09 -1.53 26.72 0.27 25.16 -1.52 25.71 0.07 25.23 -1.37 26.28 0.34 25.30 -1.45 26.15 0.24 25.37 -1.24 26.09 0.43 25.43 -1.67 25.83 -0.05 25.50 -1.75 25.85 -0.12 25.57 -1.52 25.98 0.14 25.64 -1.50 25.62 0.09 25.70 -1.50 25.83 0.14 25.77 -1.34 25.52 0.23 25.83 -1.25 25.93 0.41 25.89 -1.47 26.55 0.32 25.94 -1.29 25.62 0.31 26.00 -1.60 25.75 0.03 26.06 -1.28 26.49 0.50 26.12 -1.53 26.46 0.25 26.17 -1.56 26.15 0.16 26.23 -1.43 26.38 0.34 26.29 -1.46 26.31 0.30 26.34 -1.54 25.90 0.14 26.42 -1.53 25.68 0.10 26.50 -1.30 25.61 0.32 26.57 -1.53 26.26 0.22 26.65 -1.41 26.03 0.31 26.73 -1.62 26.83 0.27 26.81 -1.42 26.00 0.30 26.88 -1.47 25.89 0.23 26.96 -1.59 25.66 0.06 26.99 -1.37 26.38 0.43 27.02 -1.65 26.72 0.22 27.05 -1.54 27.15 0.42 27.08 -1.79 26.48 0.04 27.10 -1.80 26.53 0.04 27.13 -1.62 25.94 0.10 27.16 -1.78 25.74 -0.11 27.19 -1.73 25.72 -0.06 27.29 -1.77 26.46 0.06 27.38 -1.57 25.75 0.12 27.47 -1.56 25.68 0.12 27.57 -1.45 27.28 0.56 27.66 -1.80 27.60 0.28 27.75 -1.67 27.10 0.32 27.85 -1.61 27.11 0.38 27.94 -1.60 27.20 0.42 28.03 NAN 26.70 NAN 28.13 -1.80 26.79 0.15 28.22 -1.72 26.54 0.17 28.34 -1.66 26.31 0.20 28.46 -1.40 26.87 0.59 28.58 -1.70 26.86 0.28 28.71 -1.66 26.02 0.15 28.83 -1.53 25.82 0.26 28.95 -1.53 25.98 0.30 29.07 -1.66 26.39 0.25 29.19 -1.61 26.84 0.41 29.31 -1.58 26.38 0.35 29.35 -1.41 28.15 0.88 29.38 -2.30 26.35 -0.38 29.42 -2.04 25.58 -0.28 29.46 -1.73 26.33 0.19 29.50 -1.74 26.38 0.19 29.54 -1.88 26.90 0.17 29.57 -1.75 26.51 0.21 29.61 -1.64 26.11 0.24 29.65 -1.49 26.00 0.36 29.69 -1.34 25.38 0.39 29.73 -1.61 26.23 0.30 29.76 -1.44 25.66 0.35 29.84 -1.43 26.16 0.47 29.93 -1.34 26.44 0.62 30.01 -1.65 27.03 0.44 30.09 -1.51 25.91 0.35 30.17 -1.51 26.67 0.51 30.25 -1.55 28.38 0.82 30.34 -1.68 25.79 0.17 30.42 -1.53 25.84 0.32 30.49 -1.84 26.52 0.16 30.55 NAN 25.85 NAN 30.62 -1.86 26.79 0.20 30.69 -1.72 25.95 0.17 30.76 -1.62 26.40 0.36 30.83 -1.34 26.89 0.74 30.90 -1.70 25.80 0.15 30.97 -1.60 26.83 0.47 31.04 -1.48 25.94 0.41 31.10 -1.19 26.22 0.75 31.17 -1.56 26.18 0.38 31.24 -1.54 26.46 0.46 31.30 -1.41 26.02 0.49 31.36 -1.53 25.92 0.36 31.42 -1.35 25.37 0.42 31.49 -1.79 26.25 0.17 31.55 -1.48 26.07 0.44 31.61 -1.52 26.76 0.55 31.67 -1.75 26.48 0.26 31.74 -1.82 27.67 0.43 31.80 -1.65 26.43 0.35 31.86 -1.78 27.24 0.39 31.92 -1.62 26.06 0.31 32.00 -1.70 25.93 0.20 32.08 -1.80 26.81 0.28 32.16 -1.77 26.36 0.22 32.24 -1.57 26.48 0.45 32.32 -1.62 26.18 0.33 32.39 -1.58 26.05 0.35 32.47 -1.60 26.50 0.41 32.55 -1.76 25.87 0.13 32.63 -1.46 26.51 0.56 32.71 -1.55 25.88 0.34 32.79 -1.85 26.65 0.20 32.87 -1.91 26.68 0.14 32.95 -1.64 25.02 0.07 33.03 -1.85 25.85 0.03 33.11 -1.63 26.72 0.43 33.20 -1.83 26.25 0.13 33.28 -1.96 26.31 0.02 33.36 -2.07 26.38 -0.08 33.45 -2.17 26.43 -0.17 33.53 -1.56 25.56 0.26 33.61 -1.63 26.19 0.32 33.69 -1.62 25.67 0.22 33.73 -1.63 26.51 0.39 33.76 -1.61 26.22 0.35 33.80 NAN 26.02 NAN 33.83 -1.72 25.22 0.03 33.86 -1.44 25.34 0.33 33.90 -1.70 26.18 0.25 33.93 -1.96 25.89 -0.08 33.97 -1.59 25.99 0.31 34.00 NAN 26.10 NAN 34.03 NAN 26.07 NAN 34.07 -1.80 26.01 0.11 34.10 NAN 26.17 NAN 34.14 -1.87 26.84 0.21 34.17 NAN 26.27 NAN 34.20 -1.66 25.84 0.22 34.24 -1.85 26.64 0.19 34.29 -2.03 26.86 0.05 34.34 -1.73 27.45 0.48 34.40 -1.93 26.46 0.07 34.45 -1.82 26.16 0.12 34.50 -1.86 26.80 0.21 34.55 -2.17 26.14 -0.23 34.60 -2.01 27.36 0.18 34.66 -1.62 26.43 0.38 34.71 -1.81 26.16 0.13 34.77 -1.60 25.82 0.27 34.83 -1.65 26.68 0.40 35.04 -1.63 26.14 0.30 35.11 -1.81 25.83 0.06 35.17 -1.61 25.95 0.29 35.24 -1.98 26.12 -0.05 35.31 -1.81 25.82 0.06 35.37 -1.73 27.01 0.39 35.44 NAN 27.24 NAN 35.50 NAN 26.64 NAN 35.57 -1.95 NAN NAN 35.63 -1.88 25.76 -0.02 35.70 -2.05 26.15 -0.10 35.77 -1.89 26.58 0.15 35.83 -1.73 26.80 0.35 35.90 -2.18 25.26 -0.42 35.96 -2.05 26.18 -0.10 36.03 -1.98 26.07 -0.05 36.09 -2.19 26.71 -0.12 36.16 -2.30 26.61 -0.26 36.22 -1.98 26.17 -0.03 36.29 -1.98 26.11 -0.04 36.33 -2.06 26.83 0.04 36.37 -1.73 26.77 0.36 36.41 -2.11 NAN NAN 36.44 -1.81 26.29 0.17 36.48 -2.25 25.92 -0.35 36.52 -1.68 26.23 0.29 36.56 -1.40 25.88 0.50 36.60 -1.75 26.59 0.31 36.64 -1.82 26.22 0.16 36.68 -1.60 25.52 0.23 36.77 -1.71 26.79 0.39 36.86 -1.45 25.99 0.49 36.96 -1.61 26.22 0.39 37.05 -1.49 26.23 0.51 37.15 -1.64 25.88 0.30 37.24 -1.60 26.72 0.52 37.34 -1.53 25.98 0.44 37.43 -1.56 26.70 0.56 37.53 -1.70 26.29 0.35 37.62 -1.63 26.10 0.38 37.72 -1.75 26.69 0.39 37.79 -1.43 26.28 0.63 37.86 -1.51 25.83 0.46 37.93 -1.64 27.31 0.64 38.00 -1.84 25.90 0.16 38.07 -1.69 25.89 0.30 38.14 -1.41 NAN NAN 38.21 -1.71 26.67 0.44 38.27 -1.69 25.66 0.26 38.34 -1.82 25.46 0.09 38.41 -1.51 26.05 0.52 38.55 -1.76 26.76 0.42 38.68 -1.81 25.66 0.15 38.81 -1.88 25.90 0.13 38.95 -1.49 25.37 0.42 39.08 -1.70 26.42 0.43 39.21 -1.85 26.01 0.20 39.35 -1.79 26.53 0.37 39.48 -1.83 25.82 0.19 39.61 -1.96 25.89 0.06 39.66 -2.09 26.87 0.14 39.71 -1.74 26.10 0.33 39.76 -1.98 25.96 0.06 39.81 -1.91 27.38 0.42 39.86 -1.79 25.93 0.24 39.91 -2.03 25.63 -0.06 39.96 -1.96 27.10 0.31 40.01 -1.68 26.55 0.47 40.06 -1.65 27.08 0.61 40.22 -1.74 26.31 0.36 40.39 -1.21 26.58 0.94 40.55 NAN 26.38 NAN 40.71 -1.62 27.49 0.71 40.88 -1.65 25.47 0.26 41.10 -1.74 26.64 0.41 41.33 NAN 26.32 NAN 41.56 NAN 26.26 NAN 41.78 -1.85 26.66 0.27 42.01 NAN 26.61 NAN 42.23 -1.92 26.77 0.20 42.46 -1.66 25.96 0.29 42.57 NAN 26.10 NAN 42.68 -1.98 26.06 -0.01 42.79 NAN 26.63 NAN 42.89 -1.80 27.29 0.42 43.00 NAN 25.82 NAN 43.11 -1.83 25.75 0.07 43.22 -1.84 26.73 0.26 43.33 -1.67 26.00 0.27 43.44 -1.88 25.83 0.03 43.54 -2.03 26.31 -0.02 43.64 -2.04 26.79 0.07 43.75 NAN 26.84 NAN 43.85 -1.94 26.03 0.01 43.95 -1.87 26.10 0.09 44.06 -1.83 26.51 0.22 44.16 NAN 26.54 NAN 44.26 -1.63 25.53 0.22 44.36 -1.81 25.98 0.14 44.47 -1.87 25.66 0.00 44.57 -1.75 25.90 0.18 44.65 NAN 26.50 NAN 44.74 -1.45 26.20 0.55 44.82 -1.61 26.25 0.40 44.91 -1.76 26.07 0.21 44.99 -1.71 26.40 0.33 45.07 -1.69 26.63 0.39 45.16 -1.96 26.39 0.08 45.24 -2.12 27.35 0.12 45.33 -1.87 26.23 0.13