Baja California 38KYr Radiocarbon Activity Reconstruction ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: Baja California 38KYr Radiocarbon Activity Reconstruction LAST UPDATE: 11/2009 (Original receipt by WDC Paleo) CONTRIBUTOR: Thomas M. Marchitto, University of Colorado IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2009-139 WDC PALEO CONTRIBUTION SERIES CITATION: Marchitto, T.M., et al. 2009. Baja California 38KYr Radiocarbon Activity Reconstruction. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 2009-139. NOAA/NCDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Marchitto, T.M., S.J. Lehman, J.D. Ortiz, J. Flückiger, and A. van Geen. 2007. Marine Radiocarbon Evidence for the Mechanism of Deglacial Atmospheric CO2 Rise. Science, Vol. 316, pp. 1456-1459, 8 June 2007. DOI: 10.1126/science.1138679 ABSTRACT: We reconstructed the radiocarbon activity of intermediate waters in the eastern North Pacific over the past 38,000 years. Radiocarbon activity paralleled that of the atmosphere, except during deglaciation, when intermediate-water values fell by more than 300 per mil. Such a large decrease requires a deglacial injection of very old waters from a deep-ocean carbon reservoir that was previously well isolated from the atmosphere. The timing of intermediate-water radiocarbon depletion closely matches that of atmospheric carbon dioxide rise and effectively traces the redistribution of carbon from the deep ocean to the atmosphere during deglaciation. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Eastern North Pacific PERIOD OF RECORD: 38 KYrBP - present FUNDING SOURCES: US National Science Foundation (NSF) grants OCE-9809026 and OCE-0214221. DESCRIPTION: Reconstructed radiocarbon activity (D14C) of intermediate waters in the eastern North Pacific over the past 38 KYr. Age model based on R-mode factor analysis of diffuse spectral reflectance (DSR) 1-cm data, correlated to GISP2 ice core d18O record, with age adjustments older than 23.4 kyr BP based on Hulu Cave U-Th dates. The third factor of DSR exhibits the strongest correlation to productivity proxies. Multi-core/gravity-core/pistoncore triplet MV99-MC19/GC31/PC08, off the western coast of southern Baja California: 23.5°N, 111.6°W, water depth of 705 m DATA: 1. Age model tie points Tie points between MC19-GC31-PC08 and the GISP2 d18O record, using either the Grootes and Stuiver (1997) GISP2 age model (column B and green curve in Marchitto et al. Fig. 1B), or the provisionally revised GISP2 age model based on three tie points to Hulu Cave (column C and black curve in Fig 1B). MC19mbsf GISP2agepick(ka) GISP2-Hulu age pick (ka) 0.0015 0 0 2.53 8.2 8.2 3.11 10.3 10.3 3.495 11.61 11.61 3.9 12.85 12.85 4.24 14.01 14.01 4.47 14.63 14.63 5.37 17.8 17.8 6.34 20.9 20.9 7.13 23.41 23.41 8.49 27.84 28.6 8.735 29.03 30 9.26 30.7 31.4 9.65 32.3 32.85 9.915 33.6 34 10.3 35.3 35.45 10.98 38.4 38.2 11.5 40.25 40.7 11.82 41.2 41.9 12.3 42.58 43.75 13.205 45.39 47.6 2. 14C Data Composite depth is relative to the top of MC19, as in (S1). Calendar age errors are based on estimated precision of tie-points and distance of samples from tie-points. d13C data are only reported for NOSAMS measurements; 'nm' indicates not measured. Column labeled 'Son?' indicates whether or not radiocarbon samples were sonicated in methanol prior to graphitization. Table S1. Core MC19/GC31/PC08 radiocarbon data. Sample Taxa Depth 14Cage 14Cage Cal.Age Cal.Age D14C d13C Accession# Son? Reference (Composite,m) (kyrBP) (err) (kyrBP) (err) (permil)(permil) MC19-10 cm mixed benthics 0.1 1.72 0.03 0.32 0.1 -161 -0.61 OS-33198 no 1 MC19-25 cm mixed benthics 0.25 2.05 0.035 0.81 0.2 -146 -0.69 OS-33199 no 1 GC31-3-2 cm mixed benthics 0.27 2.05 0.03 0.87 0.3 -139 -0.86 OS-33201 no 1 MC19-40 cm mixed benthics 0.4 2.32 0.035 1.29 0.4 -124 -0.56 OS-33200 no 1 GC31-3-22.5 cm mixed benthics 0.475 2.23 0.035 1.54 0.4 -88 -0.91 OS-25612 no 1 GC31-3-50.5 cm Bolivina spp. 0.755 3.03 0.04 2.44 0.4 -78nm OS-22946 no 1 GC31-3-70 cm mixed benthics 0.95 3.69 0.045 3.08 0.4 -84 -0.6 OS-33202 no 1 GC31-3-100.5 cm Bolivina spp. 1.255 3.84 0.05 4.07 0.4 14nm OS-22947 no 1 GC31-3-123 cm mixed benthics 1.48 5.13 0.06 4.79 0.4 -57 -0.53 OS-33203 no 1 GC31-2-0.5 cm Bolivina spp. 1.755 5.81 0.04 5.69 0.4 -35nm OS-22948 no 1 GC31-2-50.5 cm Bolivina spp. 2.255 7.19 0.05 7.31 0.3 -11nm OS-22949 no 1 GC31-2-100.5 cm Bolivina spp. 2.755 8.98 0.06 9.01 0.3 -27 -0.9 OS-22955 no 1 GC31-1-8.5 cm Bolivina spp. 3.255 10.05 0.41 10.79 0.2 56 -1.15 OS-23513 no 1 PC08-9-45 cm mixed benthics 3.26 10.46 0.03 10.81 0.2 6 CURL-8750 yes this study PC08-9-60 cm mixed benthics 3.41 10.845 0.03 11.32 0.2 20 CURL-8752 yes this study GC31-1-32.5 cm mixed benthics 3.495 11.6 0.07 11.61 0.1 -39 -1.49 OS-25611 no 1 PC08-9-85 cm mixed benthics 3.66 13.38 0.035 12.12 0.2 -181 CURL-8751 yes this study GC31-1-58.5 cm Bolivina spp. 3.755 13.5 0.07 12.41 0.2 -164 -1.49 OS-22956 no 1 PC08-9-110 cm mixed benthics 3.91 13.53 0.03 12.88 0.1 -118 CURL-8444 no this study PC08-9-130 cm mixed benthics 4.11 13.42 0.025 13.57 0.1 -29 CURL-8445 no this study GC31-1-94.5 cm Bolivina spp. 4.115 13.65 0.15 13.58 0.3 -54 -1.43 OS-22957 no 1 PC08-9-141 cm Uvigerina spp. 4.22 14.285 0.035 13.94 0.1 -88 CURL-8746 yes this study PC08-9-150 cm mixed benthics 4.31 13.37 0.03 14.2 0.2 55 CURL-8446 no this study PC08-8-6.5 cm Uvigerina spp. 4.375 14.485 0.035 14.37 0.2 -62 CURL-8721 yes this study PC08-8-16.5 cm Uvigerina spp. 4.475 15.755 0.04 14.65 0.1 -172 CURL-8726 yes this study PC08-8-25.5 cm Uvigerina spp. 4.565 15.85 0.04 14.96 0.2 -150 CURL-8720 yes this study PC08-8-35 cm mixed benthics 4.66 16.505 0.04 15.3 0.3 -184 CURL-8447 no this study PC08-8-45.5 cm Uvigerina spp. 4.765 16.785 0.045 15.67 0.3 -176 CURL-8724 yes this study PC08-8-55.5 cm Uvigerina spp. 4.865 16.665 0.04 16.02 0.3 -127 CURL-8729 yes this study PC08-8-65.5 cm Uvigerina spp. 4.965 16.425 0.045 16.37 0.3 -62 CURL-8744 yes this study PC08-8-75.5 cm Uvigerina spp. 5.065 16.39 0.04 16.73 0.3 -17 CURL-8742 yes this study PC08-8-85.5 cm Uvigerina spp. 5.165 16.425 0.05 17.08 0.3 22 CURL-8743 yes this study PC08-8-95.5 cm Uvigerina spp. 5.265 16.185 0.045 17.43 0.3 98 CURL-8749 yes this study PC08-8-105.5 cm Uvigerina spp. 5.365 16.235 0.04 17.78 0.3 139 CURL-8748 yes this study PC08-8-116 cm Uvigerina spp. 5.47 16.81 0.04 18.12 0.3 105 CURL-8745 yes this study PC08-8-125 cm mixed benthics 5.56 16.68 0.04 18.41 0.3 162 CURL-8448 no this study PC08-7-60.5 cm Uvigerina spp. 6.415 19.72 0.06 21.14 0.2 108 CURL-8728 yes this study PC08-7-80.5 cm Uvigerina spp. 6.615 19.64 0.06 21.77 0.3 208 CURL-8722 yes this study PC08-7-99.75 cm mixed benthics 6.808 19.65 0.08 22.39 0.3 299 -0.81 OS-33204 no 1 PC08-7-132.5 cm Uvigerina spp. 7.135 21.17 0.07 23.43 0.1 220 CURL-8727 yes this study PC08-6-20.5 cm Uvigerina spp. 7.585 22.26 0.07 25.15 0.3 311 CURL-8725 yes this study PC08-6-118 cm mixed benthics 8.56 25.5 0.17 29 0.2 396 -0.57 OS-33205 no 1 PC08-5-25 cm mixed benthics 9.01 27.2 0.13 30.73 0.2 394 CURL-8449 no this study PC08-5-95 cm mixed benthics 9.71 29.23 0.16 33.11 0.2 443 CURL-8450 no this study PC08-5-130 cm Uvigerina spp. 10.06 30.83 0.17 34.55 0.2 407 CURL-7188 no this study PC08-5-145 cm Uvigerina spp. 10.21 30.46 0.19 35.11 0.2 577 CURL-7189 no this study PC08-5-145 cm Bolivina spp. 10.21 31.37 0.18 35.11 0.2 408 CURL-7192 no this study PC08-4-15 cm mixed benthics 10.41 31.2 0.28 35.89 0.2 582 -0.72 OS-33206 no 1 PC08-4-15 cm Uvigerina spp. 10.41 31.75 0.19 35.89 0.2 477 CURL-7187 no this study PC08-4-65 cm Bolivina spp. 10.91 34.4 0.26 37.92 0.2 356 CURL-7193 no this study Ref. S1: A. van Geen et al., Paleoceanography 18, doi:10.1029/2003PA000911 (2003). 3. D14C error bars (plot as diagonal line segments) Cal.Age Cal.AgeSpan D14C span 0.32 0.22 -174 0.42 -148 0.81 0.61 -170 1.01 -121 0.87 0.57 -173 1.17 -104 1.29 0.89 -169 1.69 -77 1.54 1.14 -135 1.94 -38 2.44 2.04 -126 2.84 -28 3.08 2.68 -132 3.48 -33 4.07 3.67 -40 4.47 71 4.79 4.39 -108 5.19 -3 5.69 5.29 -85 6.09 18 7.31 7.01 -52 7.61 32 9.01 8.71 -69 9.31 17 10.79 10.59 -20 10.99 139 10.81 10.61 -22 11.01 34 11.32 11.12 -8 11.52 49 11.61 11.51 -59 11.71 -19 12.12 11.92 -204 12.32 -158 12.41 12.21 -192 12.61 -137 12.88 12.78 -132 12.98 -104 13.57 13.47 -44 13.67 -14 13.58 13.28 -105 13.88 -1 13.94 13.84 -102 14.04 -72 14.20 14.00 26 14.40 85 14.37 14.17 -89 14.57 -35 14.65 14.55 -186 14.75 -158 14.96 14.76 -175 15.16 -125 15.30 15.00 -217 15.60 -150 15.67 15.37 -210 15.97 -141 16.02 15.72 -163 16.32 -91 16.37 16.07 -100 16.67 -22 16.73 16.43 -57 17.03 25 17.08 16.78 -21 17.38 66 17.43 17.13 53 17.73 145 17.78 17.48 93 18.08 187 18.12 17.82 60 18.42 151 18.41 18.11 115 18.71 211 21.14 20.94 73 21.34 143 21.77 21.47 157 22.07 262 22.39 22.09 241 22.69 361 23.43 23.33 195 23.53 246 25.15 24.85 254 25.45 372 29.00 28.80 335 29.20 461 30.73 30.53 339 30.93 451 33.11 32.91 381 33.31 508 34.55 34.35 345 34.75 472 35.11 34.91 504 35.31 655 35.11 34.91 344 35.31 476 35.89 35.69 491 36.09 678 35.89 35.69 408 36.09 549 37.92 37.72 282 38.12 435 4. Diffuse Spectral Reflectance Data, R-mode Factor 3 GC31mbsf GC31-DSR3 PC08mbsf PC08 DSR Factor3 0.36 1.3067 3.25 1.0913 0.37 0.934 3.26 1.2177 0.38 1.2565 3.27 1.0608 0.39 1.1335 3.28 1.0647 0.4 0.9624 3.29 1.094 0.41 1.1727 3.3 0.9193 0.42 1.3895 3.31 0.7504 0.43 0.9348 3.32 0.6356 0.44 0.9193 3.33 0.7107 0.45 1.0615 3.34 1.04 0.46 0.9454 3.35 1.1698 0.47 1.0684 3.36 0.9908 0.48 1.2718 3.37 1.0442 0.49 1.2165 3.38 0.53 0.5 0.8364 3.39 0.863 0.51 0.9767 3.4 0.6352 0.52 1.24 3.41 0.7239 0.53 1.0773 3.42 0.8221 0.54 1.198 3.43 1.0999 0.55 1.1698 3.44 1.1172 0.56 0.8818 3.45 1.064 0.57 0.8979 3.46 1.1014 0.58 0.9903 3.47 0.8803 0.59 0.8098 3.48 0.739 0.6 1.143 3.49 0.253 0.61 1.0169 3.5 -0.4549 0.62 1.0762 3.51 -1.1712 0.63 1.2461 3.52 -1.2216 0.64 1.1204 3.53 -1.2355 0.65 1.0178 3.54 -1.5806 0.66 0.8234 3.55 -1.5038 0.67 0.8575 3.56 -1.1762 0.68 0.8845 3.57 -1.336 0.69 1.0464 3.58 -1.2288 0.7 0.775 3.59 -1.1194 0.71 1.2957 3.6 -1.3766 0.72 1.1721 3.61 -1.1976 0.73 1.2816 3.62 -1.0311 0.74 1.2764 3.63 -1.3399 0.75 1.4483 3.64 -1.547 0.76 1.24 3.65 -1.5343 0.77 1.1581 3.66 -1.2995 0.78 1.7163 3.67 -1.2471 0.79 1.437 3.68 -1.4159 0.8 1.4105 3.69 -1.38 0.81 0.938 3.7 -0.8217 0.82 1.3544 3.71 -1.2007 0.83 0.8634 3.72 -1.2132 0.84 1.2083 3.73 -1.3162 0.85 1.2752 3.74 -1.1051 0.86 0.8971 3.75 -0.9881 0.87 1.0004 3.76 -1.1638 0.88 1.1831 3.77 -1.2715 0.89 1.3161 3.78 -1.0716 0.9 1.3328 3.79 -1.1583 0.91 0.8434 3.8 -1.1539 0.92 1.4435 3.81 -0.9325 0.93 1.1043 3.82 -0.9594 0.94 1.4677 3.83 -1.1934 0.95 1.0767 3.84 -1.1006 0.96 1.1581 3.85 -1.1248 0.97 1.5451 3.86 -1.2983 0.98 1.5261 3.87 -1.1965 0.99 0.7935 3.88 -1.0114 1 1.2899 3.89 -0.5084 1.01 1.1417 3.9 -0.8283 1.02 1.4006 3.91 -0.0768 1.03 1.2124 3.92 -0.565 1.04 1.6072 3.93 -0.1582 1.05 1.0608 3.94 0.0229 1.06 1.3457 3.95 -0.2824 1.07 0.9848 3.96 -0.0311 1.08 1.3909 3.97 -0.5402 1.09 1.101 3.98 -0.8984 1.1 1.2797 3.99 -0.5306 1.11 1.1223 4 -0.9677 1.12 1.1626 4.01 -0.669 1.13 1.0569 4.02 -0.5559 1.14 1.0975 4.03 -0.4394 1.15 1.4935 4.04 -1.3007 1.16 1.2647 4.05 -0.7441 1.17 1.4386 4.06 -0.6125 1.18 1.3258 4.07 -1.226 1.19 1.0284 4.08 -0.8746 1.2 1.0632 4.09 -0.9212 1.21 1.1058 4.1 -0.588 1.22 1.376 4.11 -0.7646 1.23 1.2753 4.12 -0.6813 1.24 1.1869 4.13 -0.2943 1.25 1.473 4.14 -0.4621 1.26 1.2552 4.15 -0.2532 1.27 1.2121 4.16 -0.2694 1.28 1.0599 4.17 -0.6941 1.29 1.1246 4.18 -0.5444 1.3 1.2652 4.19 -0.4822 1.31 0.8592 4.2 0.2637 1.32 0.8638 4.21 0.0604 1.33 1.1874 4.22 -0.7123 1.34 0.9161 4.23 -0.4884 1.35 1.0588 4.24 -1.019 1.36 0.9855 4.25 -0.8557 1.37 1.1459 4.26 -0.0746 1.38 1.1231 4.27 0.3437 1.39 0.8616 4.28 0.5789 1.4 0.984 4.29 -4.79E-03 1.41 1.0966 4.3 0.437 1.42 1.1468 4.32 0.5004 1.43 1.0197 4.33 1.1497 1.44 0.9406 4.34 0.8822 1.45 0.8464 4.35 1.0962 1.46 0.9213 4.36 -0.7404 1.47 1.0372 4.37 0.4634 1.48 1.123 4.38 1.2366 1.49 1.0827 4.39 0.6604 1.5 1.4146 4.4 0.5851 1.51 1.086 4.41 0.1445 1.52 1.1011 4.42 0.5654 1.53 0.9919 4.43 0.8276 1.54 1.5012 4.44 -0.42 1.55 1.2429 4.45 -0.0456 1.56 1.0042 4.46 -0.7652 1.57 1.1544 4.47 -0.4712 1.58 0.8203 4.48 -1.3108 1.59 1.0617 4.49 -1.1956 1.6 1.3717 4.5 -1.781 1.61 1.3114 4.51 -1.8612 1.62 1.1113 4.52 -2.2788 1.63 1.2251 4.53 -1.7099 1.64 1.1437 4.54 -2.0862 1.65 1.2052 4.55 -1.9668 1.66 1.3965 4.56 -2.1844 1.67 1.3569 4.57 -2.2009 1.68 1.0843 4.58 -1.9013 1.69 1.4993 4.59 -2.079 1.7 1.266 4.6 -1.855 1.71 1.4024 4.61 -2.3418 1.72 1.0963 4.62 -2.0055 1.73 1.205 4.63 -2.0871 1.74 0.8793 4.64 -1.9725 1.76 1.4543 4.65 -2.0532 1.77 1.8062 4.66 -1.7086 1.78 1.4973 4.67 -2.0681 1.79 1.2774 4.68 -1.7027 1.8 1.5467 4.69 -1.8047 1.81 1.3803 4.7 -1.6359 1.82 1.591 4.71 -2.0175 1.83 1.2824 4.72 -1.3958 1.84 1.6013 4.73 -1.6078 1.85 1.5067 4.74 -1.8531 1.86 1.2716 4.75 -2.071 1.87 1.1528 4.76 -1.8853 1.88 1.414 4.77 -1.5261 1.89 1.4701 4.78 -1.5047 1.9 1.4847 4.79 -2.3784 1.91 1.6675 4.8 -1.704 1.92 1.3373 4.81 -1.9788 1.93 1.4869 4.82 -1.6422 1.94 1.3885 4.83 -1.9999 1.95 1.5248 4.84 -1.9971 1.96 1.7166 4.85 -1.8482 1.97 1.4405 4.86 -1.7526 1.98 1.4062 4.87 -1.7217 1.99 1.3136 4.88 -1.9146 2 1.255 4.89 -2.0121 2.01 1.2101 4.9 -2.0745 2.02 1.4413 4.91 -1.8807 2.03 1.4365 4.92 -1.9189 2.04 1.6191 4.93 -1.4705 2.05 1.4852 4.94 -1.7179 2.06 1.6206 4.95 -1.7096 2.07 1.7872 4.96 -1.982 2.08 1.5196 4.97 -2.2152 2.09 1.4873 4.98 -1.7661 2.1 1.2706 4.99 -1.9437 2.11 1.6046 5 -1.8128 2.12 2.033 5.01 -1.8436 2.13 1.7839 5.02 -1.1022 2.14 1.7174 5.03 -1.7895 2.15 1.5024 5.04 -1.3914 2.16 1.7558 5.05 -1.8529 2.17 1.4651 5.06 -2.3846 2.18 1.5406 5.07 -2.0206 2.19 1.4649 5.08 -1.8649 2.2 1.725 5.09 -1.6442 2.21 1.6767 5.1 -1.5354 2.22 1.6778 5.11 -1.9458 2.23 1.6196 5.12 -1.887 2.24 1.5577 5.13 -2.0785 2.25 1.3745 5.14 -2.0085 2.26 1.4772 5.15 -1.3304 2.27 1.3543 5.16 -1.2321 2.28 1.4672 5.17 -1.715 2.29 0.9289 5.18 -1.6081 2.3 1.6044 5.19 -1.5918 2.31 1.2921 5.2 -1.4302 2.32 1.134 5.21 -1.5514 2.33 1.3905 5.22 -1.492 2.34 1.0927 5.23 -0.8413 2.35 1.2738 5.24 -1.7627 2.36 1.5097 5.25 -1.6815 2.37 1.394 5.26 -1.5489 2.38 1.0918 5.27 -1.6224 2.39 1.2299 5.28 -1.3944 2.4 1.2258 5.29 -1.6428 2.41 1.4239 5.3 -1.5921 2.42 1.4369 5.31 -1.6415 2.43 1.287 5.32 -1.2928 2.44 1.0558 5.33 -1.4566 2.45 1.3207 5.34 -1.8123 2.46 1.1756 5.35 -1.1068 2.47 1.0897 5.36 -1.7712 2.48 1.255 5.37 -1.4308 2.49 1.0578 5.38 -1.6368 2.51 1.3946 5.39 -1.2968 2.52 1.4115 5.4 -0.9471 2.53 0.8698 5.41 -1.0799 2.54 1.0316 5.42 -0.9166 2.55 1.0711 5.43 -1.1808 2.56 1.1944 5.44 -1.1308 2.57 1.4325 5.45 -0.7264 2.58 1.5207 5.46 -0.6856 2.59 1.6339 5.47 -0.4602 2.6 1.6948 5.48 -0.6928 2.61 1.7949 5.49 -0.7383 2.62 1.6727 5.5 0.2854 2.63 1.8138 5.51 -1.1732 2.64 1.5864 5.52 -1.0278 2.65 1.5732 5.53 -0.7526 2.66 1.5198 5.54 -0.804 2.67 1.827 5.55 -1.3231 2.68 1.4492 5.56 -1.0861 2.69 1.8631 5.57 -0.9505 2.7 1.7267 5.58 -0.9105 2.71 1.6202 5.59 -1.0519 2.72 1.7145 5.6 -0.7546 2.73 1.8078 5.61 -1.111 2.74 1.5501 5.62 -0.9014 2.75 1.5794 5.63 -0.556 2.76 1.8295 5.64 -0.7922 2.77 2.3206 5.65 -0.3189 2.78 1.6856 5.66 -0.529 2.79 1.5846 5.67 -0.2444 2.8 1.5228 5.68 -0.3129 2.81 1.5766 5.69 -0.1227 2.82 1.7306 5.7 -0.1605 2.83 1.6167 5.71 -0.1999 2.84 1.5142 5.72 -0.8143 2.85 1.3645 5.73 -0.1342 2.86 1.4175 5.74 -0.2941 2.87 1.5343 5.75 0.0365 2.88 1.8406 5.76 -0.0131 2.89 1.76 5.77 -0.2494 2.9 1.55 5.78 -0.098 2.91 1.5524 5.79 -0.973 2.92 1.5283 5.8 -1.2656 2.93 1.5259 5.83 -0.095 2.94 1.4013 5.84 -0.6374 2.95 1.5072 5.85 -0.0383 2.96 1.5216 5.86 -0.091 2.97 1.1691 5.87 -0.0933 2.98 1.1427 5.88 0.5147 2.99 1.6429 5.89 -8.20E-03 3 1.7251 5.9 -0.3146 3.01 1.3231 5.91 0.0379 3.02 1.7291 5.92 0.5676 3.03 1.3995 5.93 0.1641 3.04 1.4643 5.94 -0.1756 3.05 1.2872 5.95 -0.8425 3.06 1.624 5.96 -0.1265 3.07 1.6418 5.97 -0.4391 3.08 1.2446 5.98 -0.8171 3.09 1.637 5.99 -0.5083 3.1 1.281 6 -0.8574 3.11 1.5361 6.01 -0.4801 3.12 1.132 6.02 -0.3769 3.13 0.8636 6.03 -0.3906 3.14 1.1526 6.04 -0.1904 3.15 1.3235 6.05 -0.0873 3.16 1.0823 6.06 -0.0835 3.17 1.3957 6.07 -0.1955 3.18 0.893 6.08 -0.3579 3.19 1.0974 6.09 -0.9057 3.2 1.3307 6.1 0.0798 3.21 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