Peru Margin ODP1228D Holocene Organic Geochemical Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: Peru Margin ODP1228D Holocene Organic Geochemical Data LAST UPDATE: 2/2011 (Original receipt by WDC Paleo) CONTRIBUTORS: Makou, M.C., T.I. Eglinton, D.W. Oppo, and K.A. Hughen IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2011-020 WDC PALEO CONTRIBUTION SERIES CITATION: Makou, M.C., et al. 2011. Peru Margin ODP1228D Holocene Organic Geochemical Data. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 2011-020. NOAA/NCDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Makou, M.C., T.I. Eglinton, D.W. Oppo, and K.A. Hughen. 2010. Postglacial changes in El Niño and La Niña behavior. Geology, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 43-46, January 2010. doi: 10.1130/G30366.1 ABSTRACT: Paleoclimate reconstructions suggest distinctive changes in the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the dominant mode of tropical climate variability, over the last glacial cycle and throughout the Holocene. However, to the best of our knowledge, no studies provide parallel reconstructions of warm (El Niño) and cold (La Niña) phase variability, thus precluding distinction between variations in ENSO activity and the mean state of the tropical Pacific. Here we provide the first such records, generated using molecular organic geochemical proxies in a sediment core from the Peru margin region. The opposing influences of El Niño and La Niña on coastal upwelling and phytoplankton community structure produce distinct sedimentary sterol records describing the evolution of each ENSO phase. We document changes in surface ocean productivity on the Peru margin over the past 16 ka that indicate enhanced La Niña–like conditions alone during deglaciation, but concomitant increases in both El Niño and La Niña activity during the past 2 ka. We propose that the preponderance of La Niña–like conditions prior to 11.5 ka reflects the influence of waning glacial boundary conditions. By contrast, warm and cold phase covariability during the late Holocene suggests centennial-scale changes in ENSO activity, rather than the Pacific mean state, driven by tropical insolation. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Eastern Pacific PERIOD OF RECORD: 16KYrBP - present DESCRIPTION: Stratigraphic records of cholesterol and dinosterol abundance for ODP 1228D. All results are normalized to organic carbon (OC) abundance and are reported as micrograms/gram OC. A full description of analytical methods and age scale development is presented in Makou et al. 2010. Radiocarbon dates are provided for both bulk OC and compound- specific (alkenone) measurements, both of which include a constant 700 yr reservoir age correction. Bulk OC dates were used to construct the published age scale. For the readers convenience, dates from this core by Higginson and Altabet (2004) are also included and are denoted in the cited publication. ODP1228D: 11°4'S, 78°5'W, 252 m depth DATA: 1. Age data for ODP1228D 1a. Bulk Organic Carbon Dates Depth (cm) 14CAge AgeErr Calendar Age (yr BP) 32 1180 40 510 56 1230 35 550 79 2030 35 1280 122 2240 30 1490 165 2660 40 1990 194 4200 45 3870 206 8040 40 8220 229 9790 70 10350 254 10750 65 11530 260 11550 60 12850 1b. Alkenone Dates Depth (cm) 14CAge AgeErr Calendar Age (yr BP) 2 1990 140 1230 32 1190 95 510 58 1710 40 950 80 2320 190 1590 122 3890 250 3500 165 2910 110 2290 194 4220 130 3910 206 8110 210 8260 254 10500 160 11170 2. Organic geochemistry Depth Age(ka) Cholesterol Dinosterol 20 0.494 245.2 272.9 23 0.499 207.2 233.5 25 0.501 211.5 230.2 27 0.504 399.3 449.7 29 0.507 179.1 204.7 32 0.512 392 445.4 34 0.514 393.1 485.8 36 0.517 351 439 38 0.52 382.2 423.1 42 0.526 247.8 247.3 44 0.529 386.1 448.2 46 0.532 397.8 507.6 50 0.537 379.6 453.3 52 0.54 318.2 387.4 54 0.543 374.3 466.4 58 0.61 452.8 650.8 60 0.673 381.5 525.8 62 0.737 368.3 449.7 65 0.832 412.8 408.9 67 0.896 373 370.6 69 0.96 295.5 236.9 71 1.023 339 314.2 74 1.119 322.1 348.8 76 1.183 289.5 359.3 78 1.246 332.9 371 80 1.283 308.2 326 84 1.302 286.1 310.4 86 1.312 334.8 406.1 89 1.327 319.9 342.6 91 1.336 324.1 334.2 93 1.346 363.5 369.6 97 1.365 348.9 316.8 99 1.375 311.1 314.3 101 1.385 287.7 270.1 105 1.404 323 313.8 107 1.414 306 251.7 109 1.424 272.6 265.1 113 1.443 220.1 176.8 115 1.453 279.9 208.5 117 1.463 286 191.5 125 1.522 241.3 196.3 127 1.545 292 261.6 131 1.592 333.9 336.6 133 1.616 348.3 323.3 137 1.662 298.4 252.6 139 1.686 288.1 254.4 141 1.709 283.8 284.3 145 1.756 302.3 284.8 147 1.779 336.8 519.4 149 1.803 307.8 247.6 153 1.849 286.8 328.3 155 1.873 338.2 336.2 158 1.908 298.5 403.4 160 1.931 292.3 424.7 162 1.954 292 567.4 165 1.99 341.6 500.1 167 2.119 196.1 210.7 169 2.249 231 231.4 172 2.443 180.8 138.6 176 2.702 210.1 168.2 181 3.026 310.7 251 183 3.155 167.4 131.7 188 3.479 201.7 119.8 192 3.738 203.9 123.7 194 3.868 228.8 139.1 209 8.494 201.1 127.9 211 8.681 254.8 113.6 215 9.051 231.5 117.1 217 9.236 234.8 126.5 221 9.608 260.1 116.8 223 9.793 261.8 137.5 225 9.979 225.8 100 229 10.35 218.3 111.4 231 10.444 241.2 142.7 233 10.538 270.4 172.5 236 10.68 197.9 102.7 238 10.774 241.5 179 240 10.868 225.9 177.2 243 11.009 181.6 117.4 245 11.104 228.2 148.1 247 11.198 213.3 124.5 249 11.292 150 71.1 252 11.433 154.7 81.3 254 11.528 234.2 136.4 257 12.188 406.6 186.2 259 12.628 401.6 188.1 263 13.508 346.1 127.9 265 13.948 297.7 107.6 267 14.388 362.3 134.4 270 15.048 290.4 115.8 272 15.488 269.4 110.9 274 15.928 241.3 102