Santa Barbara Basin Alkenones ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOAA Paleoclimatology Program and World Data Center for Paleoclimatology ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! CONTRIBUTOR: Julie A. Kennedy, Stanford University IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 96-015 NAME OF DATA SET: Santa Barbara basin alkenones LAST UPDATE: 7/96 (Original receipt date by NOAA/ WDC-A Paleo) GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Santa Barbara basin, coastal California, 34 14'N, 120 01'W PERIOD OF RECORD: 1915-1988 A.D. DESCRIPTION: Annual variations in alkenone unsaturation in laminated sediments in the Santa Barbara basin reveal increases in water temperature which can be linked directly to the observed sequence of El Nino events in the twentieth century. Water temperatures calculated from Uk37 values correspond broadly to 20m water temperature data of the calCOFI program for 1953-1984. Full details of sampling and methodology are in the file methods.txt. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Kennedy, J.A. and S.C. Brassell, 1992. Molecular records of twentieth-century El Nino events in laminated sediments from the Santa Barbara basin, Nature, v357, 7May 1992, pp62-64. SUGGESTED DATA CITATION: Kennedy, J., 1996, Alkenone Unsaturation Data, Santa Barbara Basin. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center-A for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 96-015. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. Appendix A.9: Santa Barbara Basin representative data for cores 10a and 10b with unsaturation index values (UK37 ) and calculated temperatures. Values reported are averaged from multiple analyses using gas chromatography. An overlap of cores 10a and 10b was used to construct a continuous temperature profile. Unsaturation index (UK37 ) = {(C37:2 )/(C37:2) +(C37:3)}. Temperatures calculated using the revised equation of Prahl et al. (1988), UK37 = 0.039 + 0.034T. Cores were collected in February, 1988 during SIO cruise SABA 88-1 aboard the RV Sproul. Water depth = 590m, location 34¡14'N, 120¡01'W. Core Sample Subsurface Depth (mm) ENSO (strength) Combined Cores - Temp. 10b Samp # UK37 Temp. 10a Samp. # 10a UK37 10a Temp. 10b-1 -9.6 13.09 1 0.484 13.09 25 0.508 13.79 2 -12.79 13.25 2 0.489 13.25 26 0.524 14.26 3 -15.98 13.24 3 0.489 13.24 27 0.509 13.83 4 -19.17 13.86 4 0.51 13.86 28 0.5 13.56 5 -22.36 13.63 5 0.503 13.63 29 0.497 13.46 6 -26.34 1983 (VS) 14.65 6 0.537 14.65 30 0.496 13.45 7 -31.13 13.93 7 0.513 13.93 31 0.477 12.88 8 -34.32 13.72 8 0.506 13.72 32 0.482 13.02 9 -36.71 1982 (VS) 14.62 9 0.536 14.62 34 0.504 13.69 10 -39.9 14.39 10 0.528 14.39 35 0.52 14.14 11 -43.89 13.91 11 0.512 13.91 36 0.493 13.35 12 -47.88 14.02 12 0.516 14.02 37 0.498 13.5 13 -51.07 14.53 13 0.533 14.53 38 0.523 14.24 14 -54.26 14.25 14 0.523 14.25 39 0.504 13.66 15 -57.45 13.99 15 0.515 13.99 40 0.515 14 16 -61.43 13.74 16 0.506 13.74 41 0.507 13.76 17 -65.82 13.61 17 0.502 13.61 42 0.51 13.84 18 -67.81 13.72 18 0.505 13.72 43 0.515 14.01 19 -69.4 13.79 19 0.508 13.79 44 0.524 14.25 20 -72.6 14.08 20 0.518 14.08 45 0.529 14.41 21 -75.79 13.96 21 0.514 13.96 46 0.518 14.09 22 -79.75 1972 (S) 14.38 22 0.528 14.38 48 0.519 14.13 23 -82.94 13.43 23 0.496 13.43 49 0.503 13.64 24 -86.13 13.58 24 0.501 13.58 50 0.523 14.24 25 -88.5 13.34 25 0.492 13.34 51 0.531 14.48 26 -90.92 13.17 26 0.487 13.17 52 0.545 14.89 27 -96.5 13.43 27 0.496 13.43 53 0.523 14.23 28 -100.5 12.99 28 0.481 12.99 54 0.505 13.71 29 -104 12.91 29 0.478 12.91 55 0.514 13.96 30 -107 12.97 30 0.48 12.97 56 0.515 13.99 10b 31 -112 12.83 31 0.475 12.83 57 0.522 14.22 10a 34 -115 13.69 32 0.504 13.69 58 0.512 13.91 35 -119 14.14 33 0.521 14.17 59 0.516 14.02 36 -123 13.35 34 0.492 13.31 60 0.505 13.71 37 -124.5 13.5 35 0.521 14.17 61 0.51 13.85 38 -126 14.24 62 0.514 13.98 39 -129 13.66 63 0.526 14.32 40 -130.5 14 64 0.536 14.61 41 -132 13.76 65 0.547 14.93 42 -134 13.84 66 0.553 15.11 43 -137 14.01 67 0.543 14.83 44 -145 14.25 68 0.52 14.14 45 -148 1957/58 (S) 14.41 69 0.521 14.19 46 -152 14.09 70 0.523 14.23 48 -153.5 14.13 71 0.527 14.34 49 -155 13.64 72 0.514 13.97 50 -157.5 14.24 73 0.518 14.1 51 -160 14.48 74 0.503 13.64 52 -162 14.89 75 0.517 14.07 53 -164 14.23 76 0.523 14.22 54 -167 13.71 77 0.52 14.14 55 -171 13.96 78 0.515 14 56 -173 13.99 79 0.511 13.88 57 -176 14.22 80 0.498 13.49 58 -181 13.91 81 0.522 14.19 59 -185 14.02 82 0.544 14.84 60 -189 13.71 83 0.521 14.18 61 -191.5 13.85 84 0.517 14.06 62 -194 13.98 85 0.522 14.21 63 -197 14.32 86 0.521 14.17 64 -203 14.61 87 0.516 14.03 65 -205 14.93 88 0.513 13.95 66 -207 1941/42 15.11 89 0.516 14.03 67 -209 1940/41 (S) 14.83 90 0.512 13.91 68 -212 14.14 91 0.531 14.46 69 -215 14.19 92 0.529 14.42 70 -218 14.23 93 0.541 14.76 71 -221 14.34 94 0.537 14.64 72 -223 13.97 95 0.532 14.49 73 -226 14.1 96 0.513 13.95 74 -230 13.64 97 0.508 13.8 75 -232 14.07 98 0.512 13.93 76 -234 1932 (S) 14.22 99 0.505 13.71 77 -238 14.14 100 0.51 13.86 78 -242 14 79 -246 13.88 80 -249 13.49 81 -250.5 14.19 82 -252 1925/26 (VS) 14.84 83 -253.5 14.18 84 -255 14.06 85 -257 14.21 86 -259 14.17 87 -261 14.03 88 -263 13.95 89 -270 14.03 90 -272 13.91 91 -274 14.46 92 -273.5 14.42 93 -275.5 1918/19 14.76 94 -277.5 14.64 95 -281 1917 (S) 14.49 96 -282.5 13.95 97 -284 13.8 98 -287 13.93 99 -289.5 13.71 100 -292 13.86