Santa Barbara Basin Alkenones ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOAA Paleoclimatology Program and World Data Center for Paleoclimatology ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! CONTRIBUTOR: Julie A. Kennedy, Stanford University IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 96-015 NAME OF DATA SET: Santa Barbara basin alkenones LAST UPDATE: 7/96 (Original receipt date by NOAA/ WDC-A Paleo) GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Santa Barbara basin, coastal California, 34 14'N, 120 01'W PERIOD OF RECORD: 1915-1988 A.D. DESCRIPTION: Annual variations in alkenone unsaturation in laminated sediments in the Santa Barbara basin reveal increases in water temperature which can be linked directly to the observed sequence of El Nino events in the twentieth century. Water temperatures calculated from Uk37 values correspond broadly to 20m water temperature data of the calCOFI program for 1953-1984. Full details of sampling and methodology are in the file methods.txt. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Kennedy, J.A. and S.C. Brassell, 1992. Molecular records of twentieth-century El Nino events in laminated sediments from the Santa Barbara basin, Nature, v357, 7May 1992, pp62-64. SUGGESTED DATA CITATION: Kennedy, J., 1996, Alkenone Unsaturation Data, Santa Barbara Basin. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center-A for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 96-015. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. Appendix A.3 Correlation of all Santa Barbara Basin cores based on the accumulated wet mass overlying a given layer at a given depth. Equivalent sample number from the various cores are shown. The estimated weight of core-top sediment not recovered for cores 10a and 10b is 45g. core9 samp. # Cumm. wt. of sed. aver. cumm. wt. aver. - 45g equiv. 10a samp.# 10b samp.# 10b samp. wt. 10b-samp. bag wt. 10b cumm. wts. 9-samp. bag wt. 9 cumm. wts. 9 aver. cumm. wt. aver. -45g 9 samp. # equiv. 10b samp.# 24 500.3 1 22.1 18.7 18.7 38.3 38.3 1 25 525.4 512.8 467.8 25 2 19.2 15.8 34.4 29.5 67.8 53.1 8.1 2 1 26 552.9 539.2 494.2 27 3 19.8 16.4 50.8 15.8 83.6 75.7 30.7 3 2 27 576.6 564.8 519.8 28 4 25.3 21.9 72.6 9.5 93.1 88.4 43.4 4 3 28 601 588.8 543.8 29 5 25 21.6 94.2 20.4 113.6 103.3 58.3 5 4 29 614.6 607.8 562.8 30 6 32.2 28.8 123 25.9 139.4 126.5 81.5 6 5 30 632.1 623.4 578.4 31 7 32.4 29 151.9 21.2 160.6 150 105 7 6 31 645.4 638.7 593.7 32 8 9.4 6 157.9 12.7 173.3 166.9 121.9 8 6 32 666.5 655.9 610.9 33 9 21 17.6 175.4 11.3 184.6 178.9 133.9 9 7 33 685.7 676.1 631.1 34 10 31.8 28.4 203.8 8.7 193.3 188.9 143.9 10 7 34 703.3 694.5 649.5 35 11 27.5 24.1 227.9 9 202.3 197.8 152.8 11 8 35 732.4 717.9 672.9 36 12 22.9 19.5 247.3 19.8 222.1 212.2 167.2 12 9 36 753.9 743.2 698.2 38 13 24.1 20.7 268 33 255.1 238.6 193.6 13 10 37 768.8 761.4 716.4 39 14 23 19.6 287.5 29.1 284.2 269.7 224.7 14 11 38 780.8 774.8 729.8 41 15 16.9 13.5 301 35.7 319.9 302.1 257.1 15 13 39 793.8 787.3 742.3 42 16 27.2 23.8 324.8 14.6 334.6 327.2 282.2 16 14 40 820 806.9 761.9 43 17 26.2 22.8 347.5 20.2 354.7 344.6 299.6 17 15 41 848.5 834.2 789.2 43 18 18.7 15.3 362.8 11.2 365.9 360.3 315.3 18 16 42 865.4 857 812 44 19 16.8 13.4 376.1 15.9 381.8 373.8 328.8 19 17 43 879.7 872.6 827.6 45 20 29.4 26 402.1 39.7 421.4 401.6 356.6 20 18 44 903.1 891.4 846.4 46 21 11.8 8.4 410.5 19.2 440.6 431 386 21 20 45 929.6 916.4 871.4 48 22 20.7 17.3 427.7 15 455.6 448.1 403.1 22 21 46 962.5 946.1 901.1 50 23 19.3 15.9 443.6 24.5 480.2 467.9 422.9 23 22 47 981.7 972.1 927.1 52 24 24 20.6 464.1 20.1 500.3 490.2 445.2 24 24 48 997 989.4 944.4 53 25 20.6 17.2 481.3 25.2 525.4 512.8 467.8 25 25 49 1022.2 1009.6 964.6 54 26 24.3 20.9 502.2 27.5 552.9 539.2 494.2 26 26 50 1036.4 1029.3 984.3 55 27 26.2 22.8 524.9 23.7 576.6 564.8 519.8 27 27 51 1061.7 1049 1004 56 28 27.3 23.9 548.8 24.4 601 588.8 543.8 28 28 52 1089.6 1075.6 1030.6 57 29 21.3 17.9 566.6 13.6 614.6 607.8 562.8 29 29 53 1110 1099.8 1054.8 58 30 12.2 8.8 575.4 17.5 632.1 623.4 578.4 30 31 54 1143.7 1126.8 1081.8 59 31 14.3 10.9 586.3 13.3 645.4 638.7 593.7 31 32 55 1166.3 1155 1110 61 56 1183.1 1174.7 1129.7 62 57 1196.3 1189.7 1144.7 62a 58 1230.8 1213.6 1168.6 63 59 1249.7 1240.3 1195.3 65 60 1262.7 1256.2 1211.2 66 61 1277 1269.9 1224.9 67 62 1288 1282.5 1237.5 68 63 1317 1302.5 1257.5 69 64 1332 1324.5 1279.5 70 65 1351 1341.5 1296.5 71 66 1369 1360 1315 72 67 1397 1383 1338 73 68 1405 1401 1356 74 69 1426 1415.5 1370.5 75 70 1446 1436 1391 76 71 1472 1459 1414 77 72 1489 1480.5 1435.5 78 73 1507 1498 1453 79 74 1529 1518 1473 81 75 1560 1544.5 1499.5 83 76 1587 1573.5 1528.5 85 77 1605 1596 1551 87 78 1620 1612.5 1567.5 87a 79 1645 1632.5 1587.5 88 80 1677 1661 1616 90 81 1695 1686 1641 93 82 1719 1707 1662 94 83 1737 1728 1683 96 84 1748 1742.5 1697.5 97 85 1757 1752.5 1707.5 98 86 1781 1769 1724 99 87 1800 1790.5 1745.5 88 1827 1813.5 1768.5 89 1848 1837.5 1792.5 90 1860 1854 1809 91 1869 1864.5 1819.5 92 1891 1880 1835 93 1927 1909 1864 94 1948 1937.5 1892.5 95 1976 1962 1917 96 1995 1985.5 1940.5 97 2010 2002.5 1957.5 98 2034 2022 1977 99 2049 2041.5 1996.5 100 2084 2066.5 2021.5