# Rwenzori Mountains Cosmogenic Nuclide Beryllium-10 Data of Glacial Features over the Past 30 ka #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. # If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with '#' followed by a space # Data lines have no '#' # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/37178 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-other-37178.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Other Collections # # Dataset_DOI: 10.25921/5d2y-n304 # # Science_Keywords: Glaciers and Ice Sheets Reconstruction, Last Glacial Maximum, Tropics #--------------------------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/contributions_by_author/kelly2019/kelly2019-nyamugasani_10-be.txt # Data_Download_Description: NOAA Template File; 10-Be Data # #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2022-12-30 #--------------------------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2023-03-10 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Rwenzori Mountains Cosmogenic Nuclide Beryllium-10 Data of Glacial Features over the Past 30 ka #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Kelly, Meredith (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8163-3907); Jackson, Margaret (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7613-752X) #--------------------------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Metadata for 115 samples for surface exposure dating using the cosmogenic nuclide berylllium-10 (10Be) of glacial features in the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda. The samples were collected from 2009-2019. #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Jackson MS, Kelly MA, Russell JM, Doughty AM, Howley JA, Chipman JW, Cavagnaro D, Nakileza B, Zimmerman SH # Published_Date_or_Year: 2019-12-11 # Published_Title: High-latitude warming initiated the onset of the last deglaciation in the tropics # Journal_Name: Science Advances # Volume: 5 # Edition: # Issue: 12 # Pages: eaaw2610 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaw2610 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations are thought to have synchronized global temperatures during Pleistocene glacial–interglacial cycles, yet their impact relative to changes in high-latitude insolation and ice-sheet extent remains poorly constrained. Here, we use tropical glacial fluctuations to assess the timing of low-latitude temperature changes relative to global climate forcings. We report 10Be ages of moraines in tropical East Africa and South America and show that glaciers reached their maxima at ~29 to 20 ka, during the global Last Glacial Maximum. Tropical glacial recession was underway by 20 ka, before the rapid CO2 rise at ~18.2 ka. This “early” tropical warming was influenced by rising high-latitude insolation and coincident ice-sheet recession in both polar regions, which lowered the meridional thermal gradient and reduced tropical heat export to the high latitudes. #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Jackson MS, Kelly MA, Russell JM, Doughty AM, Howley JA, Chipman JW, Cavagnaro DA, Baber MB, Zimmerman SRH, Nakileza B # Published_Date_or_Year: 2020-09-01 # Published_Title: Glacial fluctuations in tropical Africa during the last glacial termination and implications for tropical climate following the Last Glacial Maximum # Journal_Name: Quaternary Science Reviews # Volume: 243 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # Report_Number: 106455 # DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106455 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The tropics are a dynamic component of the global climate system and exert a profound influence on modern climate variability. Yet the role of the tropics in past climate changes, for example during the last glacial termination, is uncertain. This uncertainty is due in part to the relative paucity of terrestrial temperature records from the tropics, which hinders efforts to understand the mechanisms that influenced deglacial warming and abrupt climate events. Tropical glaciers are sensitive to changes in climate, and mapping and dating past tropical glacial fluctuations provides a valuable record of terrestrial climate changes in the low latitudes.We report a chronology of past glacial extents in the Rwenzori Mountains of Uganda (0.3°N, 29.9°E) based on 51 beryllium-10 (10Be) surface-exposure ages from three separate glacial catchments. Results indicate that Rwenzori glaciers retreated considerably during Heinrich Stadial 1. The rate of net glacial recession slowed between ~15 and 11 ka, although glaciers continued to retreat during this period. Rwenzori glaciers then retreated more rapidly during the early Holocene. The Rwenzori glacial chronology is broadly similar to glacial chronologies reconstructed elsewhere in East Africa and in tropical South America. We suggest that this similarity may reflect coherent, tropics-wide temperature fluctuations during the last deglaciation. The Rwenzori glacial chronology provides crucial information on the global footprint of deglacial warming and abrupt climate events and, thus, the potential mechanisms that influenced tropical climate during the last glacial termination. #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Vickers AC, Shakun JD, Goehring BM, Gorin A, Kelly MA, Jackson MS, Doughty AD, Russell JM # Published_Date_or_Year: 2021-02-01 # Published_Title: Similar Holocene glaciation histories in tropical South America and Africa # Journal_Name: Geology # Volume: 49 # Edition: # Issue: 2 # Pages: 140-144 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1130/G48059.1 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Tropical glaciers have retreated alongside warming temperatures over the past century, yet the way in which these trends fit into a long-term geological context is largely unclear. Here, we present reconstructions of Holocene glacier extents relative to today from the Quelccaya ice cap (Peru) and the Rwenzori Mountains (Uganda) based on measurements of in situ 14C and 10Be from recently exposed bedrock. Ice-extent histories are similar at both sites and suggest that ice was generally smaller than today during the first half of the Holocene and larger than today for most, if not all, of the past several millennia. The similar glaciation history in South America and Africa suggests that large-scale warming followed by cooling of the tropics during the late Holocene primarily drove ice extent, rather than regional changes in precipitation. Our results also imply that recent tropical ice retreat is anomalous in a multimillennial context. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Science Foundation # Grant: EAR-1222705, GSS-1558358, EAR-1702293 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Comer Family Foundation # Grant: CP103, CCF1 #--------------------------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Nyamugasani Valley, Rwenzori Mountains # Location: Uganda # Northernmost_Latitude: 0.32793 # Southernmost_Latitude: 0.27685 # Easternmost_Longitude: 29.89685 # Westernmost_Longitude: 29.89385 # Elevation_m: #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Nyamugasani_10-Be # First_Year: # Last_Year: # Time_Unit: # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: # Notes: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # # Sample_ID Sample_type Associated_landform Publication Latitude(DD) Longitude(DD) Elev(m) Thickness(cm) Density(g/cm3) Shielding 10-Be(atoms/g) 10-Be_error(atoms/g) Year Cathode_ID Quartz(g) Carrier_wt(mg) Carrier_conc(ppm) Sample(10-Be/9-Be) Sample_error(10-Be/9-Be) Process Blank Blank(10-Be/9-Be) Blank_error(10-Be/9-Be) # RZ-15-05 Perched boulder Katunda, downvalley of Nyamugasani 2 moraine Jackson et al. (2020) 0.27685 29.89385 3814 6.1 2.65 0.976 330743 6290 2015 BE39120 4.083 0.165 1.335 9.17E-14 1.74E-15 BE39123 1.13E-15 2.18E-16 # RZ-15-06 Perched boulder Katunda, downvalley of Nyamugasani 2 moraine Jackson et al. (2020) 0.27712 29.89385 3817 2.7 2.65 0.976 332348 5478 2015 BE39121 4.103 0.1628 1.335 9.39E-14 1.55E-15 BE39123 1.13E-15 2.18E-16 # LA-2 Moraine Boulder Nyamugasani 2 moraine Jackson et al. (2020) 0.29487 29.89638 3871 4.0 2.65 0.979 284240 5432 2009 BE30979 6.5752 0.1989 1.03 1.37E-13 2.61E-15 BE30980 3.60E-16 1.09E-16 # LA-1 Moraine Boulder Nyamugasani 2 moraine Jackson et al. (2020) 0.29488 29.89633 3870 1.0 2.65 0.976 319386 6943 2009 BE33734 6.0074 0.1623 1.318 1.34E-13 2.92E-15 BE33740 2.87E-16 1.11E-16 # LA-1x Moraine Boulder Nyamugasani 2 moraine Jackson et al. (2020) 0.29488 29.89633 3870 1.0 2.65 0.976 307543 9353 2009 BE41126 8.113 0.1615 1.341 1.72E-13 5.24E-15 BE41134 8.48E-16 2.32E-16 # LA-3 Moraine Boulder Nyamugasani 2 moraine Jackson et al. (2020) 0.29490 29.89642 3872 1.0 2.65 0.979 314748 5995 2009 BE33735 6.0693 0.1554 1.318 1.40E-13 2.66E-15 BE33740 2.87E-16 1.11E-16 # LA-5 Moraine Boulder Nyamugasani 2 moraine Jackson et al. (2020) 0.29502 29.89685 3968 1.4 2.65 0.978 309215 5862 2009 BE33736 6.0111 0.1617 1.318 1.31E-13 2.47E-15 BE33740 2.87E-16 1.11E-16 # LA-5x Moraine Boulder Nyamugasani 2 moraine Jackson et al. (2020) 0.29502 29.89685 3968 1.4 2.65 0.978 304863 5013 2009 BE41127 8.2705 0.1644 1.341 1.71E-13 2.81E-15 BE41134 8.48E-16 2.32E-16 # RZ-19-100 Moraine boulder Nyamugasani 2 moraine Unpublished 0.2949 29.8966 3939 1.3 2.65 0.978 280804 5195 2019 BE47211 6.0194 0.1975 0.959 1.34E-13 2.47E-15 BE47216 8.19E-16 1.83E-16 # RZ-19-101 Moraine boulder Nyamugasani 2 moraine Unpublished 0.2949 29.8966 3934 2.7 2.65 0.978 280276 5179 2019 BE47212 6.0083 0.1965 0.959 1.34E-13 2.47E-15 BE47216 8.19E-16 1.83E-16 # RZ-19-102 Moraine boulder Nyamugasani 2 moraine Unpublished 0.2949 29.8967 3927 3.6 2.65 0.977 280412 4803 2019 BE47213 6.0557 0.1971 0.959 1.34E-13 2.30E-15 BE47216 8.19E-16 1.83E-16 # RZ-19-103 Moraine boulder Nyamugasani 2 moraine Unpublished 0.2949 29.8965 3926 2.9 2.65 0.981 280161 5180 2019 BE47214 6.0046 0.1966 0.959 1.34E-13 2.47E-15 BE47216 8.19E-16 1.83E-16 # RZ-19-104 Moraine boulder Nyamugasani 2 moraine Unpublished 0.2949 29.8964 3930 3.0 2.65 0.981 273276 5050 2019 BE47215 6.0095 0.1971 0.959 1.30E-13 2.40E-15 BE47216 8.19E-16 1.83E-16 # RZ-12-33 Moraine Boulder Nyamugasani 1 moraine Jackson et al. (2020) 0.30186 29.89462 3980 0.5 2.65 0.987 309180 5833 2012 BE34160 6.1051 0.1634 1.319 1.31E-13 2.47E-15 BE34168 4.07E-16 1.44E-16 # RZ-12-34 Moraine Boulder Nyamugasani 1 moraine Jackson et al. (2020) 0.30180 29.89468 3974 1.0 2.65 0.987 303278 5699 2012 BE34161 6.0271 0.1625 1.319 1.28E-13 2.40E-15 BE34168 4.07E-16 1.44E-16 # RZ-12-36 Moraine Boulder Nyamugasani 1 moraine Jackson et al. (2020) 0.30214 29.89513 3981 1.2 2.65 0.993 302551 5696 2012 BE34162 6.005 0.16270 1.319 1.27E-13 2.39E-15 BE34168 4.07E-16 1.44E-16 # RZ-12-37 Moraine Boulder Nyamugasani 1 moraine Jackson et al. (2020) 0.30222 29.89515 3980 1.5 2.65 0.993 298533 6206 2012 BE34163 6.0069 0.1624 1.319 1.25E-13 2.60E-15 BE34168 4.07E-16 1.44E-16 # RZ-19-105 Moraine boulder Nyamugasani 1 moraine Unpublished 0.3023 29.8941 3919 1.3 2.65 0.977 284724 5277 2019 BE46989 6.028 0.1978 0.959 1.35E-13 2.51E-15 BE46993 6.44E-16 1.56E-16 # RZ-19-106 Moraine boulder Nyamugasani 1 moraine Unpublished 0.3022 29.8941 3937 1.5 2.65 0.979 274233 5242 2019 BE46990 6.0034 0.1973 0.959 1.30E-13 2.49E-15 BE46993 6.44E-16 1.56E-16 # RZ-19-107 Moraine boulder Nyamugasani 1 moraine Unpublished 0.3022 29.8941 3937 1.4 2.65 0.979 278176 6027 2019 BE46991 6.0076 0.1978 0.959 1.32E-13 2.86E-15 BE46993 6.44E-16 1.56E-16 # RZ-19-108 Moraine boulder Nyamugasani 1 moraine Unpublished 0.3018 29.8949 3975 2.2 2.65 0.985 277863 4718 2019 BE46992 6.0079 0.197 0.959 1.32E-13 2.25E-15 BE46993 6.44E-16 1.56E-16 # RZ-12-38 Moraine Boulder Nyamugasani 0 moraine Jackson et al. (2020) 0.30624 29.89303 4007 3.5 2.65 0.971 304302 5715 2012 BE34164 6.0051 0.1631 1.319 1.27E-13 2.39E-15 BE34168 4.07E-16 1.44E-16 # RZ-12-39 Moraine Boulder Nyamugasani 0 moraine Jackson et al. (2020) 0.30551 29.89288 4001 0.8 2.65 0.984 297747 5617 2012 BE34165 6.0051 0.1633 1.319 1.24E-13 2.34E-15 BE34168 4.07E-16 1.44E-16 # RZ-12-41 Moraine Boulder Nyamugasani 0 moraine Jackson et al. (2020) 0.30515 29.89296 4001 1.1 2.65 0.983 299071 5636 2012 BE34166 6.1877 0.1633 1.319 1.29E-13 2.42E-15 BE34168 4.07E-16 1.44E-16 # RZ-12-44 Moraine Boulder Nyamugasani 0 moraine Jackson et al. (2020) 0.30509 29.89175 4013 2.0 2.65 0.966 290391 7296 2012 BE34167 6.0497 0.1631 1.319 1.22E-13 3.07E-15 BE34168 4.07E-16 1.44E-16 # RZ-12-42 Moraine boulder Nyamugasani 0 moraine Unpublished 0.3051 29.8926 4006 0.9 2.65 0.982 277847 5128 2019 BE47210 6.0949 0.196 0.959 1.35E-13 2.49E-15 BE47216 8.19E-16 1.83E-16 # RZ-12-40 Moraine boulder Nyamugasani 0 moraine Unpublished 0.3054 29.8929 3988 0.9 2.65 0.982 277320 5140 2019 BE46987 6.0931 0.1986 0.959 1.33E-13 2.46E-15 BE46993 6.44E-16 1.56E-16 # RZ-12-43 Moraine boulder Nyamugasani 0 moraine Unpublished 0.3053 29.8924 4005 1.1 2.65 0.974 279805 5185 2019 BE46988 6.1246 0.1981 0.959 1.35E-13 2.50E-15 BE46993 6.44E-16 1.56E-16 # KOP-1 Perched boulder Upvalley of Nyamugasani 0 moraine Jackson et al. (2020) 0.31085 29.89162 4033 1.3 2.65 0.992 287151 7422 2009 BE30978 6.5625 0.1961 1.03 1.40E-13 3.61E-15 BE30980 3.60E-16 1.09E-16 # KOP-2 Perched boulder Upvalley of Nyamugasani 0 moraine Jackson et al. (2020) 0.31108 29.89142 4032 2.0 2.65 0.963 311917 7619 2009 BE33737 6.018 0.1619 1.318 1.32E-13 3.22E-15 BE33740 2.87E-16 1.11E-16 # KOP-4A Perched boulder Upvalley of Nyamugasani 0 moraine Jackson et al. (2020) 0.31070 29.89180 4030 1.8 2.65 0.963 320163 8864 2009 BE33738 6.034 0.1614 1.318 1.36E-13 3.76E-15 BE33740 2.87E-16 1.11E-16 # KOP-5 Perched boulder Upvalley of Nyamugasani 0 moraine Jackson et al. (2020) 0.30958 29.89270 4022 3.0 2.65 0.963 217380 5345 2009 BE33739 6.0837 0.1616 1.318 9.29E-14 2.28E-15 BE33740 2.87E-16 1.11E-16 # RZ-15-12 Perched boulder Upvalley of Nyamugasani 0 moraine Jackson et al. (2020) 0.31107 29.89111 4025 2.1 2.65 0.97 293156 5592 2015 BE39122 4.004 0.1637 1.335 8.04E-14 1.53E-15 BE39123 1.13E-15 2.18E-16 # RZ-15-10 Perched boulder Upvalley of Nyamugasani 0 moraine Unpublished 0.32265 29.89128 4397 4.0 2.65 0.976 377849 3561 2015 BE39810 100.9451 0.0907 1.338 4.70E-12 4.43E-14 BE39812 3.81E-15 6.16E-16 # RZ-15-11 Perched boulder Upvalley of Nyamugasani 0 moraine Unpublished 0.32263 29.89132 4400 2.0 2.65 0.976 360114 2499 2015 BE39811 102.028 0.091 1.338 4.52E-12 3.13E-14 BE39812 3.81E-15 6.16E-16 # RZ-15-09 Perched boulder Upvalley of Nyamugasani 0 moraine Unpublished 0.32385 29.89034 4431 3.0 2.65 0.983 350726 3793 2015 BE39809 100.5729 0.0916 1.338 4.31E-12 4.66E-14 BE39812 3.81E-15 6.16E-16 # RZ-15-07 Perched boulder Upvalley of Nyamugasani 0 moraine Unpublished 0.32589 29.88928 4488 1.9 2.65 0.989 151256 1502 2015 BE39808 101.2921 0.0881 1.338 1.95E-12 1.93E-14 BE39812 3.81E-15 6.16E-16 # RZ-15-08 Perched boulder Upvalley of Nyamugasani 0 moraine Unpublished 0.32601 29.88953 4498 2.0 2.65 0.99 219198 4136 2015 BE40319 12.014 0.1650 1.340 1.78E-13 3.36E-15 BE40308 7.22E-16 1.41E-16 # RZ-15-01 Bedrock Mt. Weismann, covered by ice in 1973 Vickers et al. (2021) 0.32793 29.88877 4509 1.9 2.65 0.969 165700 1800 2015 BE39531 100.5702 0.961 1.337 1.94E-12 2.10E-14 BE39531 7.00E-15 5.80E-16 # RZ-15-02 Bedrock Mt. Weismann, covered by ice in 1973 Vickers et al. (2021) 0.32786 29.88887 4526 1.4 2.65 0.97 168900 1800 2015 BE39532 100.7899 0.967 1.337 1.97E-12 2.20E-14 BE39532 7.00E-15 5.80E-16 # RZ-15-03 Bedrock Mt. Weismann, covered by ice in 1973 Vickers et al. (2021) 0.32781 29.88871 4536 2.8 2.65 0.97 188900 1700 2015 BE39533 101.3296 0.93 1.337 2.30E-12 2.00E-14 BE39533 7.00E-15 5.80E-16 # # Cronus Earth Formatted # Sample_ID Latitude(DD) Longitude(DD) Elev(m) Pressure Thickness(cm) Density(g/cm3) Shielding Erosion_Rate(cm/yr) Year Process_Blank(Cathode_ID) Nuclide Mineral 10-Be_Conc 10-Be_Uncert(atoms/g) Standard(atoms/g) # RZ-15-05 0.27685 29.89385 3814 std 6.1 2.65 0.976 0 2015; RZ-15-05 Be-10 Quartz 330743 6290 07KNSTD; # RZ-15-06 0.27712 29.89385 3817 std 2.7 2.65 0.976 0 2015; RZ-15-06 Be-10 Quartz 332348 5478 07KNSTD; # LA-2 0.29487 29.89638 3871 std 4.0 2.65 0.979 0 2009; LA-2 Be-10 Quartz 284240 5432 07KNSTD; # LA-1 0.29488 29.89633 3870 std 1.0 2.65 0.976 0 2009; LA-1 Be-10 Quartz 319386 6943 07KNSTD; # LA-1x 0.29488 29.89633 3870 std 1.0 2.65 0.976 0 2009; LA-1x Be-10 Quartz 307543 9353 07KNSTD; # LA-3 0.29490 29.89642 3872 std 1.0 2.65 0.979 0 2009; LA-3 Be-10 Quartz 314748 5995 07KNSTD; # LA-5 0.29502 29.89685 3968 std 1.4 2.65 0.978 0 2009; LA-5 Be-10 Quartz 309215 5862 07KNSTD; # LA-5x 0.29502 29.89685 3968 std 1.4 2.65 0.978 0 2009; LA-5x Be-10 Quartz 304863 5013 07KNSTD; # RZ-19-100 0.2949 29.8966 3939 std 1.3 2.65 0.978 0 2019; RZ-19-100 Be-10 Quartz 280804 5195 07KNSTD; # RZ-19-101 0.2949 29.8966 3934 std 2.7 2.65 0.978 0 2019; RZ-19-101 Be-10 Quartz 280276 5179 07KNSTD; # RZ-19-102 0.2949 29.8967 3927 std 3.6 2.65 0.977 0 2019; RZ-19-102 Be-10 Quartz 280412 4803 07KNSTD; # RZ-19-103 0.2949 29.8965 3926 std 2.9 2.65 0.981 0 2019; RZ-19-103 Be-10 Quartz 280161 5180 07KNSTD; # RZ-19-104 0.2949 29.8964 3930 std 3.0 2.65 0.981 0 2019; RZ-19-104 Be-10 Quartz 273276 5050 07KNSTD; # RZ-12-33 0.30186 29.89462 3980 std 0.5 2.65 0.987 0 2012; RZ-12-33 Be-10 Quartz 309180 5833 07KNSTD; # RZ-12-34 0.30180 29.89468 3974 std 1.0 2.65 0.987 0 2012; RZ-12-34 Be-10 Quartz 303278 5699 07KNSTD; # RZ-12-36 0.30214 29.89513 3981 std 1.2 2.65 0.993 0 2012; RZ-12-36 Be-10 Quartz 302551 5696 07KNSTD; # RZ-12-37 0.30222 29.89515 3980 std 1.5 2.65 0.993 0 2012; RZ-12-37 Be-10 Quartz 298533 6206 07KNSTD; # RZ-19-105 0.3023 29.8941 3919 std 1.3 2.65 0.977 0 2019; RZ-19-105 Be-10 Quartz 284724 5277 07KNSTD; # RZ-19-106 0.3022 29.8941 3937 std 1.5 2.65 0.979 0 2019; RZ-19-106 Be-10 Quartz 274233 5242 07KNSTD; # RZ-19-107 0.3022 29.8941 3937 std 1.4 2.65 0.979 0 2019; RZ-19-107 Be-10 Quartz 278176 6027 07KNSTD; # RZ-19-108 0.3018 29.8949 3975 std 2.2 2.65 0.985 0 2019; RZ-19-108 Be-10 Quartz 277863 4718 07KNSTD; # RZ-12-38 0.30624 29.89303 4007 std 3.5 2.65 0.971 0 2012; RZ-12-38 Be-10 Quartz 304302 5715 07KNSTD; # RZ-12-39 0.30551 29.89288 4001 std 0.8 2.65 0.984 0 2012; RZ-12-39 Be-10 Quartz 297747 5617 07KNSTD; # RZ-12-41 0.30515 29.89296 4001 std 1.1 2.65 0.983 0 2012; RZ-12-41 Be-10 Quartz 299071 5636 07KNSTD; # RZ-12-44 0.30509 29.89175 4013 std 2.0 2.65 0.966 0 2012; RZ-12-44 Be-10 Quartz 290391 7296 07KNSTD; # RZ-12-42 0.3051 29.8926 4006 std 0.9 2.65 0.982 0 2012; RZ-12-42 Be-10 Quartz 277847 5128 07KNSTD; # RZ-12-40 0.3054 29.8929 3988 std 0.9 2.65 0.982 0 2012; RZ-12-40 Be-10 Quartz 277320 5140 07KNSTD; # RZ-12-43 0.3053 29.8924 4005 std 1.1 2.65 0.974 0 2012; RZ-12-43 Be-10 Quartz 279805 5185 07KNSTD; # KOP-1 0.31085 29.89162 4033 std 1.3 2.65 0.992 0 2009; KOP-1 Be-10 Quartz 287151 7422 07KNSTD; # KOP-2 0.31108 29.89142 4032 std 2.0 2.65 0.963 0 2009; KOP-2 Be-10 Quartz 311917 7619 07KNSTD; # KOP-4A 0.31070 29.89180 4030 std 1.8 2.65 0.963 0 2009; KOP-4A Be-10 Quartz 320163 8864 07KNSTD; # KOP-5 0.30958 29.89270 4022 std 3.0 2.65 0.963 0 2009; KOP-5 Be-10 Quartz 217380 5345 07KNSTD; # RZ-15-12 0.31107 29.89111 4025 std 2.1 2.65 0.97 0 2015; RZ-15-12 Be-10 Quartz 293156 5592 07KNSTD; # RZ-15-10 0.32265 29.89128 4397 std 4.0 2.65 0.976 0 2015; RZ-15-10 Be-10 Quartz 377849 3561 07KNSTD; # RZ-15-11 0.32263 29.89132 4400 std 2.0 2.65 0.976 0 2015; RZ-15-11 Be-10 Quartz 360114 2499 07KNSTD; # RZ-15-09 0.32385 29.89034 4431 std 3.0 2.65 0.983 0 2015; RZ-15-09 Be-10 Quartz 350726 3793 07KNSTD; # RZ-15-07 0.32589 29.88928 4488 std 1.9 2.65 0.989 0 2015; RZ-15-07 Be-10 Quartz 151256 1502 07KNSTD; # RZ-15-08 0.32601 29.88953 4498 std 2.0 2.65 0.99 0 2015; RZ-15-08 Be-10 Quartz 219198 4136 07KNSTD; # RZ-15-01 0.32793 29.88877 4509 std 1.9 2.65 0.969 0 2015; RZ-15-01 Be-10 Quartz 165700 1800 07KNSTD; # RZ-15-02 0.32786 29.88887 4526 std 1.4 2.65 0.97 0 2015; RZ-15-02 Be-10 Quartz 168900 1800 07KNSTD; # RZ-15-03 0.32781 29.88871 4536 std 2.8 2.65 0.97 0 2015; RZ-15-03 Be-10 Quartz 188900 1700 07KNSTD; # #--------------------------------------- # Variables # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-var components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # #------------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: