# Northern North Atlantic Holocene Summer Sea-Surface Temperatures Reconstruction #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Online_Resource: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/17635 # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/contributions_by_author/jiang2015/jiang2015-md99-2275.txt # # Archive: Paleoceanography #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2014-12-29 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Northern North Atlantic Holocene Summer Sea-Surface Temperatures Reconstruction #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Jiang, H.; Muscheler, R.; Björck, S.; Seidenkrantz, M.-S.; Olsen, J.; Sha, L.; Sjolte, J.; Eiríksson, J.; Ran, L.; Knudsen, K.-L.; Knudsen, M.F. #--------------------------------------- # Description and Notes # Description: A subdecadal (youngest part of record) to multi-decadal (oldest part of record) resolution time series of sea surface temperature (SST) spanning the last 9300 years is reconstructed by using diatom-based transfer function on data from core MD99-2275, north of Iceland. # Provided Keywords: Diatom tranfer function - based SST for last 9300 years, shifts between cold and waer SST strongly correlated to solar forcing during last 4000 years, North Atlantic, North Iceland shelf, Irminger Current, age model based on 15 independantly-dated tephra horizons #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Jiang, H., Muscheler, R., Björck, S., Seidenkrantz, M.-S., Olsen, J., Sha, L., Sjolte, J., Eiríksson, J., Ran, L., Knudsen, K.L., and Knudsen, M.F. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2015 # Published_Title: Solar forcing of Holocene summer sea-surface temperatures in the northern North Atlantic # Journal_Name: Geology # Volume: in press # Issue: # Pages: # Report Number: # DOI: 10.1130/G36377.1 # Abstract: Mounting evidence from proxy records suggests that variations in solar activity have played a significant role in triggering past climate changes. However, the mechanisms for Sun-climate linkages remain a topic of debate. Here we present a high-resolution summer sea-surface temperature (SST) record covering the last 9300 yr from a site located at the present-day boundary between Polar and Atlantic surface-water masses. The record is age-constrained via the identification of 15 independently-dated tephra markers from terrestrial archives, circumventing marine reservoir age variability problems. Our results indicate a close link between solar activity and SSTs in the northern North Atlantic during the past 4000 years. They suggest that the climate system in this area is more susceptible to the influence of solar variations during cool periods with less vigorous ocean circulation. Furthermore, the high-resolution SST record indicates that climate in the North Atlantic regions follows solar activity variations on multi-decadal to centennial time scales. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Science Foundation of China # Grant: 41176048, 41406209 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: State Oceanic Administration # Grant: CHINARE2015-03-02 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Danish Council for Independent Research - Natural Sciences # Grant: 09-072321, 12-126709 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences # Grant: #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Swedish Research Council # Grant: 2013-8421 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: European Union’s Seventh Framework programme # Grant: 243908 #--------------------------------------- # Site Information # Site_Name: MD99-2275 # Location: North Iceland shelf, North Atlantic / Nordic Seas # Country: Iceland # Northernmost_Latitude: 66.55 # Southernmost_Latitude: 66.55 # Easternmost_Longitude: -17.42 # Westernmost_Longitude: -17.42 # Elevation: -470 #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: MD99-2275 DiatomSST Jiang15 # First_Year: 9271 # Last_Year: 75 # Time_Unit: cal yr BP # Core_Length: 2062.5 # Notes: Record length given, not total core length. SST reference period: 1981-1986 A.D. #--------------------------------------- # Chronology: # Age model is based on tephrachronology. Many 14C dates also exist (see below), but are no longer used in the age models from this site. # Two tables are given: 1) only tephra ages; 2) all dates including both tephra ages and 14C dates. # Lab ID sample identification used by 14C laboratory (POZ: Poznan Radiocarbon Laboratory, Poznan, Poland; CAMS Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Livermore, USA) # Dated material dated material # Tephra age (bp) age of tephra layer, years before 1950AD # calibrated age (bp) corresponding calibated age, years before 1950AD # depth (mm) Depth at the middle of the sample (mm) # notes notes # # Tephra ages NaN # Lab ID Dated material depth_bot (mm) depth_top (mm) Tephra age /ears BP) calibrated age (cal BP) depth (mm) # NA Tephra V 1797 NA NA 153 153 600 # NA Tephra V 1717 NA NA 233 233 1010 # NA Tephra V 1477 NA NA 473 473 1790 # NA Tephra V 1410 NA NA 540 540 2090 # NA Tephra Hekla 1300 NA NA 650 650 2390 # NA Tephra Hekla 1104 NA NA 846 846 2760 # NA Tephra Settlement layer NA NA 1079 1079 3210 # NA Tephra: Snæfellsjökull-1 NA NA 1818 1818 4600 # NA Tephra Hekla 3 NA NA 2980 2980 6870 # NA Tephra Hekla 5 NA NA 7125 7125 15520 # NA Saksunarvatn ash NA NA 10300 10300 25600 # NA Vedde Ash NA NA 12000 12000 34070 # # Full list of chronological data based on the C-14 dates and tephras. NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN # Lab ID Dated material Tephra age /ears BP) age14C (bp) age_error (years) calibrated age (cal BP) cal_age_range_old (bp) cal_age_range_young (bp) depth (mm) # # AAR-8418 Thyasira equalis NA 745 60 380 450 310 25 # AAR-9808 Bathyarca glacialis NA 491 34 75 150 0 75 # AAR-9809 Thyasira equalis NA 666 41 317 370 265 225 # AAR-7702 Siphodentalium lobatum NA 475 36 62 125 0 345 # # AAR-7116 Thyasira equalis NA 695 45 345 400 290 635 # AAR-7117 Thyasira cf. equalis NA 785 40 435 485 385 1005 # # AAR-6089 Siphonodentalium lobatum NA 895 45 505 540 470 1225 # AAR-7118 Thyasira cf. equalis NA 815 45 457 500 415 1330 # AAR-7119 Nuculana sp. NA 945 35 547 595 500 1625 # #--------------------------------------- # Variables # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) ## depth_cm Depth,,,cm,,,,,N ## age_calyrBP age,,,calendar years before 1950,,,,,N ## SST-DTF sea-surface temperature,diatoms,,degrees C,,Paleoceanography,,analytical technique: tranfer function (WAPLS) using diatom assemblages,N # Data # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Value: NA depth_cm age_calyrBP SST-DTF 0.5 75 6.5 2.5 77 6.7 5.5 81 7.1 7.5 84 7.4 10.5 88 6.3 12.5 90 6.7 15.5 94 6.3 17.5 97 7.4 20.5 101 6.4 22.5 103 6.7 25.5 107 7.1 27.5 110 6.9 30.5 114 7.2 32.5 117 7.1 35.5 120 7.1 37.5 123 6.8 40.5 127 5.8 42.5 130 6.7 45.5 133 6.5 47.5 136 7.1 50.5 140 6.5 52.5 143 7 55.5 147 7 57.5 149 7.3 60.5 153 6.8 62.5 157 7 65.5 163 6.8 67.5 167 7.2 70.5 173 6.3 72.5 177 6.9 75.5 183 7.3 77.5 187 6.8 80.5 193 7.2 82.5 196 7.1 85.5 202 7.2 87.5 206 7.1 90.5 212 6.9 92.5 216 7.2 95.5 222 8 97.5 226 7.2 100.5 232 7.3 102.5 238 7.2 105.5 247 6.6 107.5 253 7.3 110.5 262 7.3 112.5 268 7 115.5 277 7.1 117.5 283 6.5 120.5 292 6.9 122.5 298 6.8 125.5 307 6.6 127.5 314 6.9 130.5 323 6.6 132.5 329 6.8 135.5 338 6.9 137.5 344 7.1 140.5 353 7 142.5 359 7.4 145.5 368 7.2 147.5 374 7.3 150.5 383 6.9 152.5 389 6.5 155.5 399 6.9 157.5 405 7.5 160.5 414 7.1 162.5 420 6.7 165.5 429 6.6 167.5 435 6.8 170.5 444 6.8 172.5 450 6.8 175.5 459 6.2 177.5 465 7.3 180.5 474 7 182.5 478 6.9 185.5 486 6.4 187.5 490 6.7 190.5 498 7.3 192.5 502 7.5 195.5 510 7 197.5 515 6.6 200.5 522 7 202.5 527 6.8 205.5 534 6.6 207.5 539 6.7 210.5 548 6.9 212.5 555 6.7 215.5 566 7 217.5 573 7.5 220.5 584 6.1 222.5 591 7.3 225.5 601 6.8 227.5 609 7.2 230.5 620 6.3 232.5 627 7 235.5 637 7.1 237.5 645 8 240.5 658 7.3 242.5 669 7.3 245.5 685 7.2 247.5 696 7.3 250.5 712 7.7 252.5 722 7.6 255.5 739 7.7 257.5 749 7.8 260.5 765 7.6 262.5 776 8.2 265.5 792 7.4 267.5 803 7.5 270.5 819 7.2 272.5 830 8 275.5 846 6.9 277.5 853 7.6 280.5 863 7.7 282.5 870 7.5 285.5 881 6.9 287.5 888 7.8 290.5 898 7.3 292.5 905 8 295.5 916 7.6 297.5 923 8.1 300.5 935 7.6 302.5 949 7.2 305.5 970 7.3 307.5 985 7.2 310.5 1006 8.1 315.5 1041 7.4 319.5 1069 6.7 322.5 1088 7.6 327.5 1113 8.1 332.5 1139 7.2 337.5 1164 7.2 342.5 1190 7.6 347.5 1215 7.7 352.5 1241 7.4 357.5 1266 7.3 362.5 1292 7.3 367.5 1318 7.8 372.5 1343 8.2 377.5 1369 7.7 382.5 1394 7.9 387.5 1420 7.6 392.5 1446 7.9 397.5 1471 8.3 402.5 1497 7.9 407.5 1522 7.3 412.5 1548 8 417.5 1573 8.2 422.5 1599 8 427.5 1624 8 432.5 1650 7.4 437.5 1676 7.2 442.5 1701 7.5 447.5 1727 7.9 452.5 1752 8.1 457.5 1778 8 462.5 1804 7.6 467.5 1830 7.6 472.5 1856 7.5 477.5 1883 8.4 482.5 1909 8 487.5 1935 7.7 492.5 1961 7.6 497.5 1988 7.3 502.5 2014 7.7 512.5 2066 7.8 522.5 2118 8.2 532.5 2171 8.7 542.5 2223 9.3 552.5 2276 7.6 562.5 2328 8.2 572.5 2380 7.6 582.5 2433 8 592.5 2486 7.6 602.5 2538 8.5 612.5 2590 8.2 622.5 2643 7.4 632.5 2695 7.3 642.5 2748 7.6 652.5 2800 7.8 662.5 2852 8.5 672.5 2905 7.9 682.5 2958 7.9 692.5 3008 8.8 702.5 3056 8.3 712.5 3103 8.3 722.5 3152 8.7 732.5 3200 7.6 742.5 3248 8.1 752.5 3296 7.7 762.5 3344 7.9 772.5 3392 7.6 782.5 3440 8.5 792.5 3488 8.3 802.5 3536 8.4 812.5 3584 8 822.5 3632 8.5 832.5 3680 7.6 842.5 3729 8.2 852.5 3776 7.9 862.5 3825 8.7 872.5 3873 8.1 882.5 3921 7.8 892.5 3969 7.9 903.5 4022 7.8 912.5 4065 8.3 923.5 4118 7.6 932.5 4161 7.9 943.5 4214 8.4 952.5 4260 7.6 962.5 4312 8.8 972.5 4363 8.3 982.5 4414 8.3 992.5 4465 7.8 1002.5 4516 8.8 1012.5 4567 8.4 1022.5 4618 8.2 1032.5 4670 8.3 1042.5 4721 8.8 1052.5 4772 8 1062.5 4823 8.1 1072.5 4874 7.7 1082.5 4925 8.5 1092.5 4977 7.5 1102.5 5028 7.7 1112.5 5079 8.2 1122.5 5130 7.4 1132.5 5181 8.1 1142.5 5233 8.8 1152.5 5284 8.5 1162.5 5335 7.7 1172.5 5386 8.5 1182.5 5437 8.1 1192.5 5485 8.1 1202.5 5528 8.7 1212.5 5572 8.1 1222.5 5616 8.5 1232.5 5660 7.9 1242.5 5703 8.2 1252.5 5747 8.2 1262.5 5791 8.9 1272.5 5835 8.9 1282.5 5878 9.1 1292.5 5922 9 1302.5 5966 8.8 1312.5 6010 8.1 1322.5 6053 8.4 1332.5 6094 8.1 1342.5 6134 8.3 1352.5 6175 8.1 1362.5 6215 8.5 1372.5 6256 8.5 1382.5 6296 8.7 1392.5 6336 8.7 1402.5 6377 8.4 1412.5 6417 8.8 1422.5 6457 8.8 1432.5 6498 8.4 1442.5 6538 8.5 1452.5 6579 8.2 1462.5 6619 8.6 1472.5 6662 9 1482.5 6705 8.7 1492.5 6748 9.5 1502.5 6791 8.6 1512.5 6834 8.8 1522.5 6877 8.7 1532.5 6920 8.2 1542.5 6964 9.1 1552.5 7008 8.9 1562.5 7050 9.2 1572.5 7094 8.9 1582.5 7138 9.4 1592.5 7181 8.9 1602.5 7225 8.5 1612.5 7269 9.2 1622.5 7312 9.9 1632.5 7356 9.3 1642.5 7400 9 1652.5 7443 9.5 1662.5 7487 9.7 1672.5 7530 9.9 1682.5 7574 9.9 1692.5 7618 9.4 1702.5 7662 9.1 1712.5 7705 9.5 1722.5 7749 9.8 1732.5 7792 9.5 1742.5 7836 9.7 1752.5 7880 9 1762.5 7923 9.6 1772.5 7967 9.2 1782.5 8011 9.1 1792.5 8054 9.2 1802.5 8098 9.8 1812.5 8143 8.2 1822.5 8188 8 1832.5 8233 8.3 1842.5 8278 8.8 1852.5 8324 8.6 1862.5 8369 8.2 1872.5 8414 8.6 1882.5 8459 9.6 1892.5 8504 8.2 1902.5 8549 8.6 1912.5 8594 8.7 1922.5 8639 8.1 1932.5 8685 8.9 1942.5 8730 8.6 1952.5 8775 8.7 1962.5 8820 8.3 1972.5 8865 8.4 1982.5 8910 8.5 1992.5 8956 9 2002.5 9001 8.6 2012.5 9046 7.9 2022.5 9091 8.7 2032.5 9136 9.2 2042.5 9181 8.6 2052.5 9226 8.3 2062.5 9271 8.9