Indian Ocean Quaternary Circulation Data Set: readme file ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center A- Paleoclimatology ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE CONTRIBUTORS WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! CONTRIBUTORS: Will Howard and Warren Prell, Sea Education Association and Brown University. IGBP PAGES/WDCA Data Contribution Series #: 95-035 NAME OF DATA SET: Indian Ocean Quaternary Circulation Data Set LAST UPDATE: 2/96 (Original Receipt by WDC-A Paleo) GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Southern Indian Ocean PERIOD OF RECORD: 0-500KYrBP LIST OF FILES: Macintosh Excel 3.0 files contained in the Stuffit Archive file HP92_data.sit, comma-delimited ASCII files as follows: HP92_Coreloc.csv: Core locations HP92_Isotopes.csv: Stable isotopic measurements of G. bulloides HP92_Agemodels.csv: Stratigraphic tie points used to develop age models in the paper HP92_MAT_SST.csv: Modern analog SST estimates HP92_Codes.csv: Codes for faunal data (species names) HP92_Faunal_Counts.csv: Planktonic foram counts in %. Total # in count and forams/gm sediment also given DESCRIPTION: Data tables from the original reference, which reconstructs changes in the position of the Subtropical Convergence and the Antarctic Polar Front. Time series analysis of SST records indicate a concentration of variance in the primary orbital frequency bands. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Howard, W. R., and W. L. Prell, 1992, Late Quaternary surface circulation of the Southern Indian Ocean and its relationship to orbital variations, Paleoceanography, 7, 79-118, 1992. SUGGESTED DATA CITATION: Howard, W., 1995, Indian Ocean Quaternary Circulation Data Set. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center-A for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 95-035. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA.