# Late glacial to Holocene sortable silt records from the southwestern Labrador Sea #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/26730 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/contributions_by_author/hoffmann2019/hoffmann2019-d18o.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Data_Type: Paleoceanography # # Dataset_DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: physical properties, oxygen isotopes, geochemistry #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2019-05-07 #--------------------------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2019-05-07 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Late glacial to Holocene sortable silt records from the southwestern Labrador Sea #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Hoffmann, S.S.; Dalsing, R.E.; Murphy, S.C. #--------------------------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Site metadata: KN158-4-27 (49.244 N, -48.9877 W, -1846 m, core length: 2.13); KN158-4-28 (49.2433 N, -48.9872 W, -1828 m, core length: 0.36); V23-18 (49 N, -45.017 W, -1593 m, core length: 4.05) # Provided Keywords: sediment grain size, sediment geochemistry #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Hoffmann, S.S., Dalsing, R.E., and Murphy, S.C. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2019 # Published_Title: Sortable silt records of intermediate-depth circulation and sedimentation in the Southwest Labrador Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum # Journal_Name: Quaternary Science Reviews # Volume: 206 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 99-110 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.12.028 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The Labrador Sea is a vital region for the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), where overflow waters from the Nordic Seas mix with locally produced Labrador Sea Water, before exiting to the interior of the Atlantic Ocean. The dynamical sedimentary proxy of mean sortable silt size (SS) can give information on past changes in deep water circulation speed and the strength of AMOC. We have produced (SS) records from two core sites at depths between 1500 and 2000 m on the continental slope east of Newfoundland, to reconstruct changes in intermediate depth water circulation speed, including Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water and Labrador Sea Water over the past 22,000 years. Increases in (SS) appear to coincide with much of the deglaciation as well as the mid-late Holocene. End-member modeling suggests that ice-rafted debris (IRD) is an important factor in interpreting (SS) during the deglaciation. We find that a robust increase in (SS) is likely unrelated to IRD during the past 5 ka, and probably reflects increased flow at intermediate depths due to local production of LSW strengthening as Nordic Seas overflows weakened at this depth. Our results highlight both the complications of producing (SS) records in IRD-rich, slope environments and the promise that this proxy nevertheless has for reconstructing dynamical changes in deep ocean currents. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: University of North Carolina Wilmington # Grant: Charles Cahill Award, Center for Marine Science Pilot Project Grant, Center for Marine Science Graduate Student Award, CSURF Undergraduate Research Award #--------------------------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: V23-18, KN158-4-27 and 28 # Location: North Atlantic Ocean # Country: # Northernmost_Latitude: 49.244 # Southernmost_Latitude: 49 # Easternmost_Longitude: -45.017 # Westernmost_Longitude: -48.9877 # Elevation: #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: V23-18+KN158-4-27/28 d18O Hoffmann2019 # First_Year: 21342 # Last_Year: 2750 # Time_Unit: cal yr BP # Core_Length: # Notes: KN158-4-27GGC ISGN: DSR0002YY; KN158-4-28GGC ISGN: DSR0002YZ; V23-18PC ISGN: DSR000W72 #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # # Labcode sample identification used by 14C laboratory # core Core # depth Depth top of sample interval (cm) # species Foraminifera species dated # 14C_age conventional radiocarbon age, years before 1950AD # 14C_age_error radiocarbon age, standard error # calib_age Calibrated age # calib_age_error Calibrated age 1-sigma error # # Labcode core depth species 14C_age 14C_age_error calib_age calib_age_error # OS-124804 KN158-4-28 _MCX 0.5 N. pachyderma sin. 1.21 0.02 0.745 0.066 # OS-139277 KN158-4-28 _MCX 10 N. pachyderma sin. 4.53 0.02 4.747 0.0855 # OS-124802 KN158-4-28 _MCX 36 N. pachyderma sin. 9 0.03 9.655 0.1265 # OS-123661 KN158-4-27_GGC 30 N. pachyderma sin. 9.08 0.025 9.793 0.121 # OS-123662 KN158-4-27_GGC 40 N. pachyderma sin. 9.38 0.03 10.21 0.0675 # OS-123663 KN158-4-27_GGC 80 N. pachyderma sin. 10.85 0.03 12.383 0.191 # OS-139281 KN158-4-27_GGC 120 N. pachyderma sin. 13.7 0.04 15.989 0.182 # OS-125625 KN158-4-27_GGC 190 N. pachyderma sin. 16.5 0.045 19.432 0.171 # OS-125390 V23-18 0 N. pachyderma sin. 4.3 0.025 4.428 0.0855 # OS-139282 V23-18 8 N. pachyderma sin. 6.55 0.02 7.072 0.0825 # OS-139283 V23-18 20 N. pachyderma sin. 10.2 0.03 11.192 0.076 # OS-139284 V23-18 32 N. pachyderma sin. 12.75 0.035 14.32 0.264 # OS-125391 V23-18 40 N. pachyderma sin. 12.9 0.05 14.72 0.369 # OS-139285 V23-18 64 N. pachyderma sin. 15.4 0.05 18.222 0.184 # OS-125392 V23-18 100 N. pachyderma sin. 18.05 0.065 21.342 0.271 # #--------------------------------------- # Variables # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) ## core sample identification,sediment,,dimensionless,,paleoceanography,,,C, ## depth depth,sediment,,centimeter,,paleoceanography,,,N, ## age age,sediment,,calendar kiloyear before present,,paleoceanography,,,N, ## d18O_Npachy-s delta 18O,Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral,,per mil,,paleoceanography,,,N, #------------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: -999 core depth age d18O_Npachy-s KN158-4-27GGC 0 -999 2.68 KN158-4-27GGC 0 -999 2.54 KN158-4-27GGC 1 -999 2.75 KN158-4-27GGC 6 -999 2.55 KN158-4-27GGC 6 -999 2.46 KN158-4-27GGC 10 -999 3.07 KN158-4-27GGC 10 -999 2.52 KN158-4-27GGC 15 -999 2.23 KN158-4-27GGC 15 -999 2.47 KN158-4-27GGC 20 -999 2.68 KN158-4-27GGC 20 -999 2.69 KN158-4-27GGC 25 -999 2.41 KN158-4-27GGC 25 -999 2.50 KN158-4-27GGC 30 9.79 2.60 KN158-4-27GGC 30 9.79 2.57 KN158-4-27GGC 30 9.79 2.93 KN158-4-27GGC 30 9.79 2.75 KN158-4-27GGC 35 10.00 2.66 KN158-4-27GGC 35 10.00 2.64 KN158-4-27GGC 40 10.21 3.18 KN158-4-27GGC 40 10.21 3.63 KN158-4-27GGC 45 10.48 2.56 KN158-4-27GGC 45 10.48 2.93 KN158-4-27GGC 50 10.75 2.50 KN158-4-27GGC 50 10.75 2.34 KN158-4-27GGC 55 11.02 2.26 KN158-4-27GGC 55 11.02 2.56 KN158-4-27GGC 60 11.30 3.10 KN158-4-27GGC 60 11.30 3.33 KN158-4-27GGC 60 11.30 2.63 KN158-4-27GGC 65 11.57 2.56 KN158-4-27GGC 65 11.57 3.20 KN158-4-27GGC 70 11.84 2.68 KN158-4-27GGC 70 11.84 2.70 KN158-4-27GGC 75 12.11 2.50 KN158-4-27GGC 75 12.11 3.29 KN158-4-27GGC 80 12.38 3.53 KN158-4-27GGC 80 12.38 3.69 KN158-4-27GGC 85 12.83 2.95 KN158-4-27GGC 85 12.83 3.05 KN158-4-27GGC 90 13.28 3.13 KN158-4-27GGC 90 13.28 3.73 KN158-4-27GGC 95 13.74 3.47 KN158-4-27GGC 100 14.19 3.97 KN158-4-27GGC 110 15.09 3.47 KN158-4-27GGC 110 15.09 3.74 KN158-4-27GGC 120 15.99 3.38 KN158-4-27GGC 120 15.99 3.53 KN158-4-27GGC 130 16.48 3.38 KN158-4-27GGC 140 16.97 3.28 KN158-4-27GGC 140 16.97 3.39 KN158-4-27GGC 150 17.46 3.40 KN158-4-27GGC 160 17.96 4.35 KN158-4-27GGC 160 17.96 4.71 KN158-4-27GGC 170 18.45 4.38 KN158-4-27GGC 170 18.45 4.44 KN158-4-27GGC 180 18.94 5.16 KN158-4-27GGC 190 19.43 4.70 KN158-4-27GGC 190 19.43 4.35 KN158-4-27GGC 200 19.92 4.38 KN158-4-27GGC 200 19.92 4.44 KN158-4-28MCX 5 2.75 2.41 KN158-4-28MCX 5 2.75 2.53 KN158-4-28MCX 15 5.69 2.32 KN158-4-28MCX 15 5.69 2.54 KN158-4-28MCX 20 6.63 3.30 KN158-4-28MCX 20 6.63 3.15 KN158-4-28MCX 25 7.58 2.51 KN158-4-28MCX 25 7.58 2.49 KN158-4-28MCX 30 8.52 2.93 KN158-4-28MCX 30 8.52 2.97 KN158-4-28MCX 36 9.66 3.62 KN158-4-28MCX 36 9.66 3.63 V23-18 0 4.43 3.28 V23-18 0 4.43 3.47 V23-18 4 5.75 3.57 V23-18 8 7.07 3.48 V23-18 8 7.07 3.37 V23-18 12 8.45 3.78 V23-18 16 9.82 3.51 V23-18 20 11.19 3.29 V23-18 24 12.23 3.97 V23-18 28 13.28 4.13 V23-18 28 13.28 3.31 V23-18 32 14.32 4.05 V23-18 36 14.52 3.79 V23-18 40 14.72 3.85 V23-18 44 15.30 3.94 V23-18 48 15.89 3.77 V23-18 48 15.89 3.31 V23-18 64 18.22 4.59 V23-18 68 18.57 4.84 V23-18 72 18.91 5.26 V23-18 72 18.91 4.75 V23-18 76 19.26 5.32 V23-18 80 19.61 4.46 V23-18 84 19.95 6.06 V23-18 84 19.95 4.76 V23-18 88 20.30 5.62 V23-18 92 20.65 4.16 V23-18 92 20.65 4.06 V23-18 96 20.99 5.54 V23-18 100 21.34 4.97