# Brazil Margin LGM-Holocene Benthic Stable Isotope Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), # and date accessed when using these downloaded data. If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/13498 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-ocean-13498.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Paleoceanography # # Dataset_DOI: 10.25921/5w16-jb49 # # Science_Keywords: Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) #-------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/contributions_by_author/hoffman2012/hoffman2012ggc125-noaa.txt # Data_Download_Description: NOAA Template File; Benthic Isotope Data # # Original_Source_URL: # Original_Source_Description: # #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2012-11-06 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2022-09-27 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Brazil Margin LGM-Holocene Benthic Stable Isotope Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Hoffman, J.L.; Lund, D.C.(https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4847-2889) #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: The files include age model and stable isotopic data for KNR159-5-42JPC, 125GGC, 22GGC, and 54GGC. Only stable isotopic data are available for 120GGC. # # All calendar ages are based on the MARINE09 calibration curve assuming a deltaR of 0±200 years (1sigma). For details see Hoffman and Lund (2012). # # In the stable isotopic data benthic d13C and benthic d18O are reported per mil VPDB. Isotopic measurements were based on individual tests of Cibicidoides spp. Bioturbated samples are noted where appropriate. Note that the isotopic data for KNR159-5-42JPC were initially published by Curry and Oppo (2005). #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Hoffman, J.L. and D.C. Lund # Journal_Name: Paleoceanography # Published_Title: Refining the stable isotope budget for Antarctic Bottom Water: New foraminiferal data from the abyssal southwest Atlantic # Published_Date_or_Year: 2012 # Volume: 27 # Pages: # Issue: # Report_Number: PA1213 # DOI: 10.1029/2011PA002216 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Stable isotope tracer budget results suggest the transport to vertical diffusivity ratio for Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) in the Atlantic was higher at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Reduced mixing across the upper boundary of AABW is consistent with movement of this surface away from the seafloor and may be a factor in sequestering CO2 in the abyssal Atlantic. Two key unknowns in the budget are the isotopic composition of AABW and the spatial representativeness of isolated vertical profiles of d18O and d13C. Due to a lack of core material below 3 km water depth, Lund et al. (2011) based their Holocene budget on water column data and their LGM budget on extrapolation of isotopic trends from shallower cores. Here we determine d18O and d13C for AABW using new isotopic records from 3 to 4 km water depth at the Brazil Margin. The core top data yield tracer budget parameters consistent with water column data in the broader Southwest Atlantic. At the LGM, benthic d18O reaches 4.9‰ at 4 km water depth, the highest LGM d18O value in the published literature. The corresponding d13C of -0.2‰ is less depleted than expected and >0.5‰ greater than d13C in the Southeast Atlantic. Our Peclet number estimates suggest d13C acted conservatively during both the Holocene and LGM. Both d18O and d13C imply the transport to vertical diffusivity ratio for AABW was an order of magnitude larger during the LGM, due to enhanced AABW transport or reduced mixing across its upper boundary. #-------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant_Number: #-------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: KNR159-5-125GGC # Location: South Atlantic Ocean # Northernmost_Latitude: -29.5333 # Southernmost_Latitude: -29.5333 # Easternmost_Longitude: -45.0833 # Westernmost_Longitude: -45.0833 # Elevation: -3589 #-------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: 125GGC2012 # First_Year: 22079 # Last_Year: 5061 # Time_Unit: cal yr BP # Core_Length: 1.035 # Parameter_Keywords: oxygen isotopes # Notes: #-------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # # All calendar ages are based on the MARINE09 calibration curve assuming a DeltaR of 0±200 (1 sigma) # # depth (cm) 14C age (yrs) 1 sigma error (yrs) calendar age (yr BP) 1 sigma error (yrs) notes # 11.5 4785 30 5061 250 # 15.5 7445 35 7906 205 # 19.5 8115 35 8639 249 # 23.5 10945 50 12371 265 # 47.5 14395 50 17046 201 # 49.5 14565 40 17252 255 # 53.5 14795 45 17476 285 # 67.5 16180 60 19000 268 # 77.5 16720 70 19432 171 # 81.5 16780 220 19596 333 # 87.5 17560 80 20326 236 # 99.5 15055 50 17790 265 reversal # 103.5 18940 70 22079 290 # # #------------------ # Variables # # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # variables format: shortname what,material,error,units,seasonality,data_type,detail,method, C(har) or N(umeric) data,additional information # ## depth_cm depth,,,centimeter,,paleoceanography,,,N, ## age_calBP age,,,calendar year before present,,paleoceanography,,,N, ## d13Ccibid delta 13C,Cibicidoides sp.,,per mil PDB,,paleoceanography,,,N, ## d18Ocibid delta 18O,Cibicidoides sp.,,per mil PDB,,paleoceanography,,,N, #-------------------- # Data: # Missing_Values:-999 depth_cm age_calBP d13Ccibid d18Ocibid 11.5 5061 0.74 3.16 11.5 5061 0.59 3.35 11.5 5061 0.73 2.99 11.5 5061 0.67 3.13 15.5 7906 0.69 3.19 15.5 7906 0.71 2.92 15.5 7906 0.63 3.28 19.5 8639 0.48 4.23 19.5 8639 0.57 3.99 19.5 8639 0.58 4.03 23.5 12371 -0.11 3.9 23.5 12371 0.36 4.24 23.5 12371 0.39 4.32 23.5 12371 -0.05 4.36 25.5 12760 -0.17 4.23 25.5 12760 0.41 4.04 44.5 16462 0.07 4.59 47.5 17046 -0.48 4.87 49.5 17252 -0.02 4.98 49.5 17252 -0.25 4.52 53.5 17476 -0.07 4.62 53.5 17476 -0.15 4.63 54.5 17584 0.08 4.78 56.5 17802 -0.36 4.72 57.7 17933 -0.09 4.84 65.5 18782 0.09 4.67 67.5 19000 -0.15 4.57 67.5 19000 -0.02 4.77 67.5 19000 0.03 4.88 73 19238 -0.12 4.68 77.5 19432 0.12 4.83 81.5 19596 0.28 4.69 86 20144 -0.3 4.69 87.5 20326 0.21 4.78 99.5 21640 0.05 4.84 103.5 22079 0.12 4.59