# Bermuda Rise High Resolution 60-25KYrBP Geochemical Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 2.0 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Online_Resource: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/20248 # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/contributions_by_author/henry2016/henry2016pa-th.txt # # Archive: Paleoceanography # # Parameter_Keywords: geochemistry, radiogenic isotope #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2016-08-16 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Bermuda Rise High Resolution 60-25KYrBP Geochemical Data #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Henry, L.G.; McManus, J.F.; Curry, W.B.; Roberts, N.L.; Piotrowski, A.M.; Keigwin, L.D. #--------------------------------------- # Description and Notes # Description: Pa/Th, carbonate, and stable isotope data collected from bulk sediment in Bermuda Rise sediment core KNR191 CDH19 # covering 60-25 ka. High Resolution uranium series results from the Bermuda Rise in the N. Atlantic provide insight into glacial AMOC. # This file updated 1 December 2016; Age model slightly revised # Provided Keywords: AMOC, NADW, Pa/Th, Heinrich Event, Marine Isotope Stage 3 #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: L.G. Henry, J.F. McManus, W.B. Curry, N.L. Roberts, A.M. Piotrowski, L.D. Keigwin # Published_Date_or_Year: 2016-07-29 # Published_Title: North Atlantic ocean circulation and abrupt climate change during the last glaciation # Journal_Name: Science # Volume: 353 # Edition: # Issue: 6298 # Pages: 470-474 # Report Number: TBD # DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf5529 # Online_Resource: 10.1126/science.aaf5529 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The most recent ice age was characterized by rapid and hemispherically asynchronous climate oscillations, whose origin remains unresolved. Variations in oceanic meridional heat transport may contribute to these repeated climate changes, which were most pronounced during marine isotope stage 3, the glacial interval 25 thousand to 60 thousand years ago. We examined climate and ocean circulation proxies throughout this interval at high resolution in a deep North Atlantic sediment core, combining the kinematic tracer protactinium/thorium (Pa/Th) with the deep water-mass tracer, epibenthic d13C. These indicators suggest reduced Atlantic overturning circulation during every cool northern stadial, with the greatest reductions during episodic Hudson Strait iceberg discharges, while sharp northern warming followed reinvigorated overturning. These results provide direct evidence for the ocean's persistent, central role in abrupt glacial climate change.  #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Science Foundation # Grant: Graduate Research Fellowship, ATM-0936496, ATM-0836472, AGS 1548160 #--------------------------------------- # Site Information # Site_Name: KNR191 CDH19 # Location: Ocean>Atlantic Ocean>North Atlantic Ocean # Country: # Northernmost_Latitude: 33.6907 # Southernmost_Latitude: 33.6907 # Easternmost_Longitude: -57.57598 # Westernmost_Longitude: -57.57598 # Elevation: -4541 m #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Henry2016PaTh # First_Year: 62110 # Last_Year: 24820 # Time_Unit: cal yr BP # Core_Length: 38.81 # Notes: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # Age model was generated by correlating XRF Ca counts in CDH19 to carbonate measurements made in core MD95-2036. #--------------------------------------- # Variables # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## depth_m Depth,,,m,,,,,N ## age_calkaBP Age,,,kyrs,,,,,N ## pa/th232 Pa/Th232 Ratio,Bulk Sediment,,,,,,analytical technique: isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N ## pa/th232.err Pa/Th232 Ratio Error,,2 sigma,,,,,analytical technique: isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N # #------------------------ # Data # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Value: # depth_m age_calkaBP pa/th232 pa/th232.err 10.52 24.82 0.064 0.0014 10.76 25.11 0.066 0.0013 11.00 25.46 0.061 0.0014 11.24 25.79 0.065 0.0016 11.48 26.14 0.068 0.0021 11.72 26.37 0.073 0.0017 11.96 26.72 0.064 0.0013 12.12 26.95 0.064 0.0012 12.20 27.03 0.065 0.0015 12.52 27.36 0.066 0.0015 12.68 27.52 0.065 0.0024 12.84 27.68 0.062 0.0022 13.00 27.95 0.073 0.0015 13.24 28.35 0.077 0.0014 13.40 28.64 0.065 0.0011 13.56 28.95 0.056 0.0020 13.72 29.29 0.075 0.0016 13.80 29.49 0.076 0.0015 13.96 29.82 0.079 0.0021 14.08 30.07 0.077 0.0017 14.16 30.24 0.076 0.0012 14.24 30.41 0.074 0.0013 14.28 30.49 0.071 0.0014 14.44 30.89 0.068 0.0009 14.56 31.23 0.064 0.0000 14.68 31.53 0.069 0.0028 14.84 32.01 0.065 0.0013 14.96 32.34 0.062 0.0008 15.08 32.65 0.062 0.0011 15.16 32.77 0.068 0.0010 15.20 32.85 0.075 0.0014 15.36 33.09 0.080 0.0013 15.40 33.15 0.066 0.0016 15.48 33.69 0.067 0.0011 15.56 33.85 0.071 0.0007 15.76 34.67 0.072 0.0010 15.84 35.08 0.071 0.0007 15.88 35.20 0.063 0.0011 15.92 35.35 0.062 0.0007 15.96 35.52 0.064 0.0011 16.00 35.64 0.066 0.0008 16.04 35.71 0.066 0.0007 16.08 35.79 0.069 0.0006 16.12 36.04 0.076 0.0013 16.16 36.60 0.080 0.0000 16.20 36.90 0.076 0.0017 16.24 36.93 0.075 0.0023 16.28 36.98 0.078 0.0022 16.32 37.04 0.072 0.0015 16.36 37.07 0.071 0.0025 16.40 37.07 0.070 0.0052 16.44 37.08 0.063 0.0055 16.48 37.13 0.062 0.0047 16.52 37.65 0.061 0.0057 16.56 38.24 0.068 0.0040 16.60 38.27 0.059 0.0007 16.64 38.30 0.056 0.0012 16.68 38.35 0.058 0.0014 16.72 38.36 0.061 0.0013 16.76 38.39 0.063 0.0012 16.80 38.41 0.066 0.0018 16.84 38.41 0.068 0.0017 16.88 38.42 0.067 0.0077 16.92 38.42 0.066 0.0025 16.96 38.42 0.082 0.0055 17.00 38.42 0.091 0.0000 17.04 38.43 0.101 0.0075 17.08 38.43 0.084 0.0056 17.12 38.46 0.102 0.0041 17.16 38.57 0.103 0.0069 17.20 38.68 0.092 0.0051 17.24 38.83 0.096 0.0087 17.28 39.08 0.085 0.0055 17.32 39.37 0.085 0.0038 17.36 39.88 0.086 0.0007 17.40 39.98 0.057 0.0010 17.44 40.07 0.060 0.0010 17.48 40.17 0.064 0.0008 17.52 40.26 0.064 0.0007 17.56 40.37 0.061 0.0051 17.60 40.48 0.080 0.0030 17.64 40.58 0.080 0.0081 17.68 40.68 0.071 0.0096 17.72 40.80 0.082 0.0070 17.76 40.91 0.080 0.0042 17.80 41.03 0.066 0.0043 17.84 41.16 0.065 0.0080 17.88 41.30 0.068 0.0050 17.92 41.46 0.062 0.0101 17.96 41.52 0.068 0.0047 18.00 41.60 0.067 0.0045 18.04 41.69 0.065 0.0037 18.08 41.77 0.072 0.0026 18.12 41.85 0.076 0.0033 18.16 41.92 0.074 0.0031 18.20 41.99 0.076 0.0028 18.24 42.07 0.073 0.0022 18.28 42.14 0.069 0.0033 18.32 42.22 0.068 0.0025 18.36 42.30 0.069 0.0034 18.40 42.40 0.065 0.0053 18.44 42.59 0.063 0.0046 18.48 42.78 0.062 0.0038 18.52 43.03 0.061 0.0050 18.56 43.15 0.063 0.0027 18.60 43.27 0.074 0.0090 18.64 43.45 0.062 0.0050 18.68 43.46 0.086 0.0028 18.72 43.47 0.091 0.0039 18.76 43.48 0.089 0.0039 18.80 43.50 0.079 0.0034 18.84 43.62 0.084 0.0029 18.88 43.87 0.076 0.0022 18.92 44.09 0.072 0.0020 18.96 44.62 0.080 0.0036 19.00 44.67 0.082 0.0042 19.04 44.72 0.077 0.0051 19.08 44.86 0.079 0.0066 19.12 45.04 0.072 0.0053 19.16 45.23 0.077 0.0052 19.20 45.96 0.072 0.0028 19.24 46.34 0.073 0.0044 19.28 46.93 0.069 0.0060 19.32 46.93 0.075 0.0049 19.36 46.93 0.074 0.0025 19.40 46.93 0.063 0.0032 19.44 46.94 0.066 0.0044 19.48 46.94 0.067 0.0037 19.52 46.94 0.076 0.0037 19.56 46.95 0.079 0.0038 19.60 46.96 0.074 0.0044 19.64 46.96 0.084 0.0038 19.68 46.96 0.099 0.0038 19.72 47.09 0.081 0.0031 19.76 47.34 0.094 0.0023 19.80 47.51 0.083 0.0026 19.84 47.69 0.080 0.0020 19.88 47.87 0.086 0.0031 19.92 47.92 0.086 0.0032 19.96 48.02 0.088 0.0042 20.00 48.27 0.090 0.0034 20.04 48.49 0.074 0.0039 20.08 48.67 0.081 0.0052 20.12 48.94 0.098 0.0028 20.16 49.11 0.077 0.0021 20.20 49.21 0.062 0.0013 20.24 49.30 0.056 0.0016 20.28 49.39 0.057 0.0013 20.32 49.83 0.048 0.0023 20.36 50.12 0.062 0.0021 20.40 50.29 0.070 0.0024 20.44 50.51 0.083 0.0035 20.48 50.80 0.086 0.0033 20.52 51.06 0.082 0.0021 20.56 51.61 0.059 0.0017 20.64 52.11 0.057 0.0014 20.68 52.63 0.050 0.0022 20.72 53.74 0.053 0.0027 20.76 53.78 0.055 0.0026 20.80 53.87 0.056 0.0022 20.84 53.88 0.057 0.0016 20.88 53.90 0.054 0.0019 20.92 53.97 0.054 0.0026 20.96 54.15 0.056 0.0039 21.00 54.17 0.067 0.0013 21.08 54.18 0.070 0.0042 21.12 54.19 0.076 0.0020 21.20 54.28 0.086 0.0023 21.24 54.36 0.086 0.0018 21.28 54.42 0.073 0.0025 21.32 54.48 0.090 0.0000 21.36 54.71 0.090 0.0000 21.40 54.99 0.097 0.0000 21.48 55.62 0.064 0.0021 21.52 55.69 0.065 0.0017 21.60 55.74 0.090 0.0015 21.64 55.79 0.079 0.0029 21.68 55.87 0.069 0.0026 21.72 55.91 0.074 0.0018 21.76 55.94 0.069 0.0020 21.80 55.95 0.062 0.0030 21.84 55.95 0.063 0.0050 21.92 57.20 0.068 0.0023 21.96 57.41 0.061 0.0028 22.00 57.75 0.056 0.0007 22.08 58.41 0.057 0.0009 22.12 58.57 0.063 0.0008 22.16 58.60 0.067 0.0009 22.20 58.82 0.063 0.0008 22.24 58.99 0.068 0.0015 22.28 59.12 0.065 0.0010 22.32 59.27 0.063 0.0013 22.36 59.48 0.057 0.0007 22.40 59.66 0.059 0.0010 22.44 59.76 0.061 0.0011 22.48 59.88 0.065 0.0015 22.52 59.96 0.069 0.0009 22.56 60.01 0.065 0.0011 22.60 60.13 0.068 0.0016 22.64 60.34 0.075 0.0017 22.68 60.54 0.074 0.0024 22.72 60.67 0.062 0.0010 22.76 60.72 0.076 0.0022 22.80 60.76 0.081 0.0011 22.84 60.85 0.078 0.0016 22.88 61.00 0.080 0.0016 22.92 61.22 0.081 0.0125 22.96 61.74 0.091 0.0014 23.00 61.90 0.073 0.0014 23.04 62.06 0.089 0.0013 23.08 62.11 0.082 0.0016 23.12 62.27 0.090 0.0018