Table 3. Core 1670. Oxygen and carbon isotopic data of mixed planktonic foraminifera, carbonate and organic carbon content in sediments of core. Latitude-39o54.8'N, Longitude- 133o33.0'E. Depth-1105m. Contributor-Gorbarenko S.A. Depth d18O d13C CaCO3 Corg. cm o/oo o/oo % % 0 2.10 0.20 11.57 0.13 5 1.90 0.30 11.66 1.03 10 2.10 0.40 14.49 0.67 15 1.90 0.20 13.58 0.02 20 1.90 0.20 9.74 2.14 25 2.00 0.00 11.49 1.31 30 2.40 0.10 12.82 0.54 35 2.00 0.20 40 1.70 0.50 9.16 2.46 45 1.50 0.50 8.41 1.29 50 1.80 0.20 9.24 1.41 55 2.10 8.41 0.45 60 2.80 0.10 15.66 2.07 65 3.10 -0.10 25.82 0.29 70 2.90 -0.35 20.99 0.41 75 2.00 -0.25 9.16 1.32 80 1.30 -0.25 13.82 0.84 85 0.70 0.10 15.32 0.86 90 1.00 0.00 14.24 0.95 95 0.30 0.00 100 0.30 0.00 15.32 1.13 105 0.30 0.00 110 1.00 0.35 12.66 0.58 115 1.80 0.35 120 1.90 0.35 15.82 0.65 125 1.70 0.30 130 1.70 0.40 12.16 0.96 135 2.30 0.40 140 1.60 2.24 0.98 145 0.30 0.20 150 2.50 3.49 0.08 155 2.50 0.20 160 1.50 0.00 5.08 0.82