Data set name V1-80-G22 Latitude 38o 23.24' Longitude -123o 45.89' Bathymetry 1508 m Contributor Gardner, J.V. Funding source US Geological Survey References Gardner, J.V., Dean, W.E., and Dartnell, P., 1997, Biogenic sedimentation beneath the California Current system for the past 30 kyr and its paleoceanographic significance. Paleoceanography, in press. Variable names: depth depth in core (cm) age corrected radiocarbon age CaCO3 calcium carbonate (%) Corg organic carbon (%) sed rate linear sedimentation rate (cm kyr-1) Data precision: CaCO3 0.1% Corg 0.2% Data format tab delimited ASCII Contact: James V. Gardner, US Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, phone 415-354-3087, fax 415-354-3191, email