West European Shelf 2000 Year BWT-SST Reconstructions ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Please cite original reference when using these data, plus the data file URL and date accessed. NAME OF DATA SET: West European Shelf 2000 Year BWT-SST Reconstructions LAST UPDATE: 4/2012 (Original receipt by WDC Paleo) CONTRIBUTORS: Eiríksson, J., H.B. Bartels-Jónsdóttir, A.G. Cage, E.R. Gudmundsdóttir, D. Klitgaard-Kristensen, F. Marret, T. Rodrigues, F. Abrantes, W.E.N. Austin, H. Jiang, K.-L. Knudsen, and H.-P. Sejrup. IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2012-044 WDC PALEO CONTRIBUTION SERIES CITATION: Eiríksson, J., et al. 2012. West European Shelf 2000 Year BWT-SST Reconstructions. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 2012-044. NOAA/NCDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Eiríksson, J., H.B. Bartels-Jónsdóttir, A.G. Cage, E.R. Gudmundsdóttir, D. Klitgaard-Kristensen, F. Marret, T. Rodrigues, F. Abrantes, W.E.N. Austin, H. Jiang, K.-L. Knudsen, and H.-P. Sejrup. 2006. Variability of the North Atlantic Current during the last 2000 years based on shelf bottom water and sea surface temperatures along an open ocean/ shallow marine transect in western Europe. The Holocene November 2006 16: 1017-1029, doi:10.1177/0959683606hl991rp ABSTRACT: Marine localities on the west European shelf have been studied to reconstruct the nearshore palaeoceanography of the last two millennia. The sites form a transect from the Iberian margin northeastward via Scotland to western Norway and Iceland. Proxies used for palaeoclimatic reconstructions include stable isotopes, benthic and planktonic foraminfera, diatoms, dinoflagellates, as well as geochemical and sedimentological parameters. Major changes as well as long-term trends in oceanographic conditions are observed in the records, including a general cooling trend through much of the last millennium. There is a clear linkage between the atmospheric processes and the oceanic circulation, and the ocean temperature variability in the records can be correlated with the so-called 'Mediaeval Warm Period' and 'Little Ice Age'. These oscillations are, however, by no means unique within the last two millennia. As an example, sea surface temperatures to the north of Iceland and on the Iberian margin were higher in the Roman Warm Period than at any time during the 'Mediaeval Warm Period'. However, the palaeoceanographic record generally supports a distinct cooling at the transition between the 'Mediaeval Warm Period' and the 'Little Ice Age'. While a number of records indicate a warming of coastal and shelf waters during the last 200 years, the twentieth century does not appear to be unusual when the proxy records spanning the last two millennia are examined. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Abrantes, F., S. Lebreiro, T.Rodrigues, I. Gil, H. Bartels-Jonsdottir, P. Oliveira, C. Kissel, and J.O. Grimalt. 2005. Shallow-marine sediment cores record climate variability and earthquake activity off Lisbon (Portugal) for the last 2,000 years. Quaternary Science Reviews 24, 2477-2494. Lebreiro, S.M., G. Frances, F.F.G. Abrantes, P. Diz, H.B. Bartels-Jonsdottir, Z. Stroynowski, I.M. Gil, L.D. Pena, T. Rodrigues, P.D. Jones, M.A. Nombela, I. Alejo, K.R. Briffa, I. Harris, and J.O. Grimalt. Climate change and coastal hydrographic response along the Atlantic Iberian margin (Tagus Prodelta and Muros Ria) during the last two millennia. The Holocene 16, 1003-1015. Bartels-Jonsdottir, H.B., K.L. Knudsen, F. Abrantes, S. Lebreiro, and J. Eiriksson. 2006. Climate variability during the last 2000 years in the Tagus Prodelta, western Iberian Margin: benthic foraminiferal and stable isotopes. Marine Micropalaeontology 59, 83-103. Cage, A.G. 2005. The modern and late Holocene marine environments of Loch Sunart, NW Scotland. Ph.D. Thesis, University of St Andrews, 399 pp. Cage, A.G., J. Heinemeier, and W.E.N. Austin. 2006. Marine radiocarbon reservoir ages in Scottish coastal and fjordic waters. Radiocarbon 48, 31-43. Gillibrand, P.A., W.R. Turrell, and A.J. Elliott. 2002. Deep-water renewal in the upper basin of Loch Sunart, a Scottish fjord. Journal of Physical Oceanography 25, 1488-503. Klitgaard-Kristensen, D., H.P. Sejrup, and H. Haflidason. 2001. The last 18 kyr fluctuations in Norwegian Sea surface conditions and implications for the magnitude of climatic change: evidence from the North Sea. Paleoceanography 16, 455-467. Klitgaard-Kristensen, D., H.P. Sejrup, H. Haflidason, I.M. Berstad, and G. Mikalsen. 2004. Eight-hundred-year temperature variability from the Norwegian continental margin and the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation. Paleoceanography 19, PA2007, 10.1029/2003PA000960 Berstad, I.M., H.P. Sejrup, D. Klitgaard-Kristensen, and H. Haflidason. 2003. Variability in temperature and geometry of the Norwegian Current over the past 600 yr; stable isotope and grain size evidence from the Norwegian margin. Journal of Quaternary Science 18, 591-602. Jiang, H., J. Eiriksson, M. Schulz, K.L. Knudsen, and M.-S. Seidenkrantz. 2005. Evidence for solar forcing of sea- surface temperature on the North Icelandic Shelf during the late Holocene. Geology 33, 73-76. Eiriksson, J., G. Larsen, K.L. Knudsen, J. Heinemeier, and L.A. Simonarson. 2004. Marine reservoir age variability and water mass distribution in the Iceland Sea. Quaternary Science Reviews 23, 2247-68 Knudsen, K.L., J. Eiriksson, E. Jansen, E., H. Jiang, F. Rytter, and R.E. Gudmundsdottir. 2004. Palaeoceanographic changes off North Iceland through the last 1200 years: foraminifera, stable isotopes, diatoms and ice rafted debris. Quaternary Science Reviews 23, 2231-46 Eiriksson, J., K.L. Knudsen, G. Larsen, J. Olsen, J. Heinemeier, H.B. Bartels-Jonsdóttir, H. Jiang, L. Ran, and L.A. Simonarson. 2011. Coupling of palaeoceanographic shifts and changes in marine reservoir ages off North Iceland through the last millennium. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Volume 302, Issues 1-2, 1 March 2011, Pages 95-108 doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2010.06.002 GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Northeast Atlantic, European margin PERIOD OF RECORD: 2500 YrsBP - present FUNDING SOURCES: European Union 5th framework project HOLSMEER (Contract No. EVK2-CT-2000-00060), Icelandic Research Council, Danish Natural Science Research Council. DATA FILE URLS: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/contributions_by_author/eiriksson2006/eiriksson2006.txt ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/contributions_by_author/eiriksson2006/eiriksson2006.xls DESCRIPTION: Multi-proxy sediment data and water temperature reconstructions for the past 2000 years from a transect of marine sediment cores along the western European Margin. Proxy data include stable isotopes, benthic and planktonic foraminfera, diatoms, dinoflagellates, and geochemical and sedimentological parameters. Iberian Margin Cores PO287-26-1B box core: 38°33.49'N, 9°21.84'W, water depth 96 m PO287-26-3G gravity core: 38°33.49'N, 9°21.84'W, water depth 96 m D13902 piston core: 38°33.24'N, 9°20.13'W, water depth 90 m Scotish Sea Loch Core Loch Sunart core GC023: 56°40.324'N, 5°50.328'W Norwegian Margin Cores Box core HM115-16TBC: 60°51.991'N, 03°43.955'E, water depth 338 m Gravity core HM115-16GC: 60°52N, 03°44'E, water depth 345 m North Iceland shelf core MD99-2275 piston core: 66°33.10'N, 17°41.98'W, water depth 410 m DATA: 1. Eiriksson et al 2006 Iberian Margin Alkenone based SST CORE LOCATIONS: PO287-26-1B box core water depth 96 m 38 deg 33.49min N 9 deg 21.84 min W PO287-26-3G gravity core water depth 96 m 38 deg 33.49 min N 9 deg 21.84 min W D13902 piston core water depth 90 m 38 deg 33.24 min N 9 deg 20.13 min W ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Abrantes et al. 2005 Lebreiro et al. 2006 Bartels-Jonsdottir et al. 2006 NOTES ON AGE MODEL: The chronology for the composite sequence is based on calibrated radiocarbon dates and using data from the age model presented by Abrantes et al. (2005), modified by Bartels-Jonsdottir et al. (2006). AgeCalYr SST deg C -51 14.76 -48 17.18 -44 14.06 -41 13.93 -38 14.67 -34 15.45 -31 16.82 -27 16.03 -24 16.46 -21 15.76 -17 15.34 -14 15.54 -11 15.6 -7 16.2 -4 15.15 0 15.81 3 14.41 6 14.64 10 15.11 13 14.61 16 15.33 20 15.55 23 16.27 27 15.44 30 15.69 33 15.24 37 16.88 40 15.95 43 15.76 47 15.63 50 16.34 56 15.04 62 15.38 68 15.61 74 15.63 79 15.3 85 15.21 91 15.26 97 15.07 103 15.15 109 15.94 115 15.14 121 14.92 127 15.13 133 15.13 139 15.37 145 15.38 150 15.36 162 15.34 168 16.07 174 15.7 180 15.6 186 15.8 192 15.5 198 15.5 204 15.54 210 15.37 215 15.62 221 15.47 227 15.78 239 15.53 245 15.51 255 15.51 270 15.95 285 15.09 299 15.42 314 15.49 329 15.78 343 15.46 358 15.54 373 15.6 387 15.53 402 15.56 417 15.05 431 15.35 446 15.8 461 15.93 476 15.94 520 16.74 534 16.5 549 16.35 564 15.78 593 16.62 608 16.74 622 17.31 637 16.8 676 16.98 687 16.84 698 17.08 753 16.9 838 16.6 889 17.5 914 16.7 948 17.3 983 17.2 1040 17.7 1075 17.5 1133 17.7 1167 17.4 1372 17.7 1473 17.5 1559 17.2 1699 17.1 1840 17.6 1990 17.7 2061 17.8 2. Eiriksson et al 2006 Iberian Margin delta 18 O G. bulloides (planktonic foraminifera) CORE LOCATIONS: PO287-26-1B box core water depth 96 m 38 deg 33.49min N 9 deg 21.84 min W PO287-26-3G gravity core water depth 96 m 38 deg 33.49 min N 9 deg 21.84 min W D13902 piston core water depth 90 m 38 deg 33.24 min N 9 deg 20.13 min W ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Abrantes et al. 2005 Lebreiro et al. 2006 Bartels-Jonsdottir et al. 2006 NOTES ON AGE MODEL: The chronology for the composite sequence is based on calibrated radiocarbon dates and using data from the age model presented by Abrantes et al. (2005), modified by Bartels-Jonsdottir et al. (2006). AgeCalYr d18O G. bulloides, o/oo -51 -0.01 -48 -0.20 -45 -0.27 -42 -0.27 -38 -0.10 -35 -0.01 -32 0.03 -29 -0.04 -26 -0.08 -23 -0.07 -19 -0.05 -16 0.02 -13 0.08 -10 0.12 -7 0.19 -4 0.16 0 0.27 3 0.21 6 0.14 9 0.03 12 -0.06 15 -0.05 18 -0.02 22 0.07 25 0.00 28 0.01 31 -0.03 34 0.15 37 0.12 41 0.12 44 0.03 47 0.03 50 0.03 53 0.10 56 0.14 59 0.15 62 0.05 65 0.12 68 0.15 71 0.30 74 0.24 77 0.25 79 0.16 82 0.11 85 0.12 88 0.09 91 0.14 94 0.12 97 0.25 100 0.27 103 0.32 106 0.33 109 0.31 112 0.30 115 0.26 118 0.24 121 0.22 124 0.23 127 0.27 130 0.26 133 0.21 136 0.26 139 0.18 142 0.20 145 0.12 147 0.28 150 0.32 153 0.28 156 0.21 159 0.13 162 0.11 165 0.07 168 0.10 171 0.12 174 0.10 177 0.08 180 0.12 183 0.17 186 0.15 189 0.13 192 -0.01 195 0.05 198 0.11 201 0.30 204 0.21 207 0.13 210 0.07 213 0.14 215 0.28 218 0.34 221 0.43 224 0.41 227 0.43 230 0.38 236 0.39 239 0.35 242 0.36 245 0.32 248 0.39 255 0.43 263 0.40 270 0.33 277 0.28 285 0.26 292 0.25 299 0.24 307 0.29 314 0.28 329 0.22 336 0.14 343 0.12 351 0.24 358 0.32 365 0.30 373 0.27 380 0.27 387 0.34 395 0.26 402 0.22 409 0.24 417 0.21 424 0.28 431 0.19 439 0.23 446 0.17 454 0.14 461 0.18 468 0.21 476 0.31 483 0.34 490 0.28 498 0.15 505 0.11 512 0.12 520 0.16 527 0.05 534 0.03 542 -0.02 549 0.09 556 -0.12 564 -0.13 578 -0.12 586 0.06 593 0.12 600 0.06 608 -0.05 615 -0.02 622 -0.10 630 0.06 637 0.14 644 0.35 652 0.36 659 0.22 665 0.13 670 0.05 676 0.13 681 0.12 687 0.14 692 0.08 698 0.04 702 0.06 710 0.19 719 0.14 727 0.32 736 0.28 744 0.31 753 0.23 761 0.24 770 0.24 778 0.23 787 0.17 795 0.24 804 0.10 812 0.16 821 0.12 829 0.21 838 0.06 846 0.02 855 -0.06 863 0.10 872 0.14 880 0.17 889 0.07 897 0.14 906 0.04 914 0.07 923 0.00 931 0.20 940 0.30 948 0.26 960 0.17 971 0.09 983 0.15 994 0.18 1006 0.16 1017 0.14 1029 0.24 1040 0.20 1052 0.14 1063 0.03 1075 0.08 1086 0.17 1098 0.12 1110 0.15 1121 0.04 1133 0.05 1144 -0.12 1156 -0.09 1167 -0.08 1179 0.03 1190 0.08 1202 0.09 1213 -0.02 1225 0.10 1236 0.08 1317 0.21 1326 0.25 1335 0.27 1344 0.24 1354 0.05 1363 0.05 1372 0.03 1381 0.17 1390 0.12 1400 0.27 1409 0.03 1418 0.10 1427 -0.07 1436 0.09 1446 0.08 1455 0.17 1464 0.15 1473 0.23 1482 0.08 1491 0.18 1501 0.11 1510 0.31 1519 0.26 1529 0.22 1539 0.15 1549 0.11 1559 0.05 1569 0.08 1579 0.11 1589 0.30 1599 0.26 1609 0.35 1619 0.33 1629 0.45 1639 0.45 1649 0.48 1659 0.36 1669 0.31 1679 0.18 1689 0.33 1699 0.23 1709 0.41 1719 0.28 1729 0.40 1739 0.30 1749 0.33 1760 0.24 1770 0.23 1780 0.17 1790 0.15 1800 -0.02 1810 -0.08 1820 -0.06 1830 0.10 1840 0.20 1850 0.20 1860 0.23 1870 0.21 1880 0.21 1890 0.10 1900 0.17 1910 0.25 1920 0.29 1930 0.29 1940 0.11 1950 0.17 1960 0.13 1970 0.31 1980 0.22 1990 0.34 2000 0.07 2009 0.09 2018 -0.16 2026 -0.01 2035 0.05 2044 0.17 2053 0.19 2061 0.15 2070 0.19 2079 0.19 2088 0.17 2096 0.08 2105 0.08 3. Eiriksson et al 2006 Iberian Margin delta 18 OUvigerina sp. 221 (benthic foraminifera) CORE LOCATIONS: PO287-26-1B box core water depth 96 m 38 deg 33.49min N 9 deg 21.84 min W PO287-26-3G gravity core water depth 96 m 38 deg 33.49 min N 9 deg 21.84 min W D13902 piston core water depth 90 m 38 deg 33.24 min N 9 deg 20.13 min W ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Abrantes et al. 2005 Lebreiro et al. 2006 Bartels-Jonsdottir et al. 2006 NOTES ON AGE MODEL: The chronology for the composite sequence is based on calibrated radiocarbon dates and using data from the age model presented by Abrantes et al. (2005), modified by Bartels-Jonsdottir et al. (2006). AgeCalYr d18O Uvigerina sp. 221, o/oo -51 1.28 -48 1.30 -42 1.35 -38 1.40 -32 1.30 -29 1.21 -26 1.21 -16 1.26 -7 1.35 6 1.38 12 1.32 18 1.32 22 1.35 34 1.34 41 1.27 44 1.27 47 1.31 56 1.38 65 1.37 71 1.40 77 1.35 79 1.31 82 1.26 85 1.26 91 1.25 97 1.34 100 1.39 103 1.46 106 1.45 109 1.45 112 1.46 115 1.47 118 1.43 121 1.40 124 1.40 127 1.37 130 1.30 136 1.26 139 1.35 142 1.42 145 1.41 147 1.42 150 1.39 153 1.44 156 1.44 159 1.48 162 1.51 165 1.51 168 1.51 171 1.50 174 1.47 177 1.50 180 1.50 183 1.51 189 1.47 192 1.43 195 1.44 198 1.47 201 1.51 204 1.49 207 1.52 210 1.50 213 1.51 215 1.50 218 1.56 221 1.60 224 1.62 227 1.61 230 1.64 233 1.63 236 1.66 239 1.64 245 1.66 248 1.54 255 1.54 263 1.52 270 1.61 277 1.62 285 1.60 292 1.57 299 1.56 307 1.59 314 1.65 321 1.64 329 1.63 336 1.58 351 1.54 358 1.51 365 1.52 373 1.57 380 1.55 387 1.60 395 1.59 409 1.65 424 1.61 431 1.62 439 1.60 446 1.61 454 1.57 461 1.57 468 1.48 476 1.51 483 1.53 490 1.62 498 1.57 505 1.57 512 1.55 520 1.57 527 1.56 534 1.57 542 1.61 549 1.61 556 1.59 564 1.59 571 1.59 578 1.59 586 1.60 593 1.62 600 1.65 608 1.65 615 1.64 622 1.63 630 1.61 637 1.63 644 1.60 652 1.54 659 1.52 665 1.50 670 1.49 676 1.42 681 1.47 687 1.47 692 1.50 698 1.47 702 1.49 710 1.47 719 1.47 727 1.55 736 1.57 744 1.52 753 1.43 761 1.42 770 1.51 778 1.63 787 1.66 795 1.63 804 1.51 812 1.50 821 1.46 829 1.47 838 1.44 846 1.51 855 1.50 863 1.53 872 1.47 880 1.50 889 1.46 897 1.53 906 1.49 914 1.62 923 1.55 931 1.65 940 1.65 948 1.71 960 1.62 971 1.54 983 1.49 994 1.57 1006 1.49 1017 1.50 1029 1.53 1040 1.58 1052 1.57 1063 1.48 1075 1.47 1086 1.44 1098 1.40 1110 1.52 1121 1.53 1133 1.55 1144 1.46 1156 1.47 1167 1.46 1179 1.54 1190 1.52 1202 1.49 1213 1.36 1225 1.38 1236 1.46 1317 1.43 1326 1.56 1335 1.47 1344 1.54 1354 1.42 1363 1.45 1372 1.40 1381 1.47 1390 1.47 1400 1.48 1409 1.40 1418 1.39 1427 1.38 1436 1.38 1446 1.37 1455 1.40 1464 1.39 1473 1.40 1491 1.41 1501 1.39 1510 1.36 1529 1.40 1539 1.43 1549 1.46 1559 1.42 1569 1.43 1579 1.38 1589 1.40 1599 1.43 1609 1.56 1619 1.55 1629 1.56 1639 1.50 1649 1.54 1659 1.54 1669 1.60 1679 1.58 1689 1.56 1709 1.54 1719 1.53 1729 1.58 1739 1.62 1749 1.69 1760 1.62 1770 1.55 1780 1.50 1790 1.50 1800 1.48 1810 1.47 1820 1.47 1830 1.54 1840 1.55 1850 1.61 1860 1.56 1870 1.55 1880 1.58 1890 1.57 1900 1.56 1910 1.58 1920 1.57 1930 1.60 1940 1.51 1950 1.60 1960 1.56 1970 1.57 1980 1.52 1990 1.62 2000 1.61 2009 1.62 2018 1.53 2026 1.57 2035 1.55 2044 1.61 2053 1.59 2061 1.61 2070 1.56 2079 1.59 2088 1.48 2096 1.44 2105 1.42 4. Eiriksson et al. 2006 Loch Sunart delta 18 O Cibicides lobatulus (benthic foraminifera) CORE LOCATION: GC023, 56 deg 40.324 min N, 5 deg 50.328 min W ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Cage 2005 Cage et al. 2006 Gillibrand et al. 2002. NOTES ON AGE MODEL: The age model for the core is based on radiocarbon dating of marine bivalved molluscs (eg, Cage, 2005), but the record post AD 1100 is either missing or disturbed by coring processes. delta 18 O Cibicides lobatulus (benthic foraminifera), 3 point running mean AgeCalYr d18O, o/oo 3point running mean 859.86 0.97 869.64 1.03 879.30 0.98 888.84 0.92 898.25 0.92 907.55 0.94 916.73 0.95 925.79 0.96 934.73 0.97 943.56 0.94 952.28 0.91 960.88 0.87 969.37 0.96 977.76 0.92 986.03 0.94 994.19 0.84 1002.25 0.87 1010.20 0.95 1018.04 0.98 1025.78 1.01 1033.42 0.96 1040.96 0.99 1048.39 0.97 1055.73 0.87 1062.97 0.82 1070.11 0.82 1077.15 0.86 1084.10 0.85 1090.96 0.84 1097.72 0.92 1104.39 0.94 1110.97 0.93 1117.45 0.87 1123.86 0.89 1130.17 0.87 1136.39 0.82 1142.54 0.81 1148.59 0.86 1154.57 0.87 1160.46 0.83 1166.27 0.79 1172.00 0.77 1183.23 0.75 1188.73 0.77 1194.15 0.84 1199.50 0.91 1204.77 0.93 1209.98 0.89 1215.11 0.92 1220.17 0.83 1225.16 0.93 1230.09 0.92 1234.95 0.93 1239.74 0.81 1244.47 0.80 1249.13 0.88 1253.74 0.88 1258.28 0.83 1262.76 0.79 1267.18 0.84 1271.55 0.88 1275.85 0.87 1280.11 0.79 1284.30 0.72 1288.45 0.79 1292.54 0.94 1296.58 0.97 1300.57 0.96 1304.51 0.86 1308.40 0.89 1312.25 0.85 1316.05 0.88 1319.80 0.88 1323.52 0.90 1327.19 0.87 1330.81 0.86 1334.40 0.88 1337.95 0.92 1341.46 0.91 1344.93 0.91 1348.37 0.88 1351.77 0.90 1355.14 0.92 1358.47 0.98 1361.78 1.00 1365.05 0.96 1368.30 0.94 1371.51 0.96 1374.70 0.93 1377.86 0.93 1381.00 0.93 1384.12 0.96 1387.21 0.87 1390.28 0.74 1393.32 0.72 1396.35 0.77 1399.36 0.82 1402.36 0.89 1405.33 0.95 1408.30 0.91 1411.24 0.81 1414.18 0.87 1417.10 0.90 1420.02 0.93 1422.92 0.76 1425.81 0.75 1428.70 0.81 1431.58 0.86 1434.46 0.92 1437.33 0.85 1440.20 0.82 1443.06 0.75 1445.93 0.75 1448.79 0.84 1451.66 0.87 1454.53 0.94 1460.28 0.88 1463.16 0.90 1466.05 0.90 1468.95 0.85 1471.86 0.84 1474.77 0.83 1477.70 0.82 1480.64 0.85 1483.60 0.84 1486.56 0.88 1489.55 0.82 1492.55 0.76 1495.57 0.73 1498.61 0.78 1501.66 0.80 1504.74 0.86 1507.84 0.87 1510.97 0.95 1514.11 0.97 1517.29 0.93 1523.72 0.91 1526.97 0.84 1530.26 0.85 1533.58 0.84 1536.93 0.89 1540.31 0.89 1543.73 0.84 1547.18 0.79 1550.67 0.81 1554.19 0.83 1557.76 0.83 1561.36 0.81 1565.01 0.81 1572.43 0.81 1576.20 0.84 1580.02 0.84 1583.89 0.83 1587.80 0.80 1591.76 0.84 1595.77 0.89 1599.84 0.95 1603.95 0.88 1608.12 0.84 1612.34 0.81 1616.61 0.79 1620.95 0.77 1625.33 0.80 1629.78 0.89 1634.29 0.89 1638.86 0.88 1643.49 0.87 1648.18 0.93 1652.94 0.94 1657.76 0.88 1662.64 0.86 1667.60 0.83 1672.62 0.91 1677.71 0.88 1682.88 0.86 1688.11 0.79 1693.42 0.80 1698.80 0.80 1704.25 0.84 1709.78 0.80 1715.39 0.80 1721.08 0.75 1726.84 0.73 1732.69 0.77 1738.61 0.79 1744.62 0.86 1750.72 0.88 1756.90 0.83 1763.16 0.88 1769.51 0.87 1775.95 0.90 1782.48 0.80 1789.09 0.77 1795.80 0.85 1802.60 0.91 1809.50 0.91 1816.49 0.88 1823.57 0.88 1830.76 0.85 1838.04 0.80 1845.42 0.81 1852.89 0.87 1860.47 0.89 1868.16 0.87 1875.94 0.83 1883.83 0.87 1891.83 0.85 1899.93 0.85 1908.14 0.82 1916.46 0.89 1924.89 0.97 1933.43 0.89 1942.08 0.83 1950.85 0.84 1959.72 0.87 1968.72 0.92 1977.83 0.95 1987.06 1.01 1996.41 0.98 2005.88 0.90 2015.46 0.86 2025.17 0.82 2035.01 0.81 2044.97 0.83 2055.05 0.84 2065.26 0.84 2075.60 0.82 2086.06 0.81 2096.66 0.75 5. Eiriksson et al 2006 Norwegian Margin delta 18O Uvigerina mediterranea (benthic foraminifera) CORE LOCATION: box core HM115-16TBC 60 deg 51.991 min N, 03 deg 43.955 min E, water depth 338 m gravity core HM115-16GC 60 deg 52 min N, 03 deg 44 min E, water depth 345 m ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Klitgaard-Kristensen et al. 2001 Klitgaard-Kristensen et al. 2004 Berstad et al. 2003 NOTES ON AGE MODEL: The two cores have been combined into one record by using dating (AMS 14C and 210Pb) and foraminiferal fauna. AgeCalYr d18O, o/oo -47.00 2.89 -41.18 1.98 -35.36 2.24 -29.54 2.70 -23.72 1.85 -17.90 2.33 -13.24 2.60 -9.75 2.56 -6.26 2.32 -2.77 2.52 0.72 2.55 4.22 2.69 7.71 2.62 11.20 2.66 14.69 2.66 18.18 2.85 21.68 2.69 25.17 2.79 28.66 2.41 32.15 2.58 35.64 2.69 39.14 2.57 42.63 2.79 46.10 2.71 57.01 2.62 67.93 2.50 78.84 2.44 89.76 2.51 100.67 3.01 111.58 2.76 122.50 2.83 133.41 3.08 144.33 2.80 155.24 2.32 166.15 2.77 177.07 2.67 187.98 2.84 198.90 2.45 209.81 2.68 220.72 2.61 231.64 2.70 242.55 2.67 253.47 2.62 264.38 2.87 275.29 2.87 286.21 2.47 297.12 2.55 308.04 2.82 318.95 2.46 329.86 2.75 340.78 2.96 351.69 2.79 362.61 2.70 373.52 2.70 384.43 3.00 391.71 2.96 406.26 2.56 417.18 2.87 428.09 2.64 439.00 2.67 449.92 3.05 460.83 2.64 471.75 2.84 482.66 2.72 493.57 2.24 504.49 2.68 510.00 2.42 521.98 2.72 533.95 2.74 545.93 2.52 557.90 2.50 569.88 2.79 581.86 2.44 593.83 2.72 605.81 2.68 617.78 2.60 629.76 2.80 641.74 2.72 653.71 2.74 665.69 2.63 677.66 2.55 689.64 2.03 701.62 2.60 713.59 2.46 725.57 2.73 737.54 2.43 749.52 2.66 761.50 2.60 773.47 2.83 785.45 2.44 797.42 2.95 809.40 2.68 821.38 2.66 833.35 2.47 845.33 2.36 857.30 2.54 869.28 2.71 881.26 2.73 893.23 2.59 905.21 2.69 917.18 2.47 929.16 2.60 941.14 2.60 953.11 2.45 965.09 2.46 977.06 2.57 989.00 2.74 1001.02 2.72 1012.99 2.70 1024.97 2.71 1036.94 2.65 1048.92 2.76 1060.90 2.57 1072.87 2.61 1084.85 3.03 1096.82 2.90 1108.80 2.58 1120.78 3.00 1132.75 2.44 1145.64 3.03 1158.27 2.76 1170.91 2.87 1183.54 2.88 1196.18 2.77 1208.81 2.60 1221.45 2.84 1234.08 2.82 1246.72 2.93 1259.35 2.73 1271.99 2.85 1284.62 2.87 1297.26 2.89 1309.89 2.86 1322.53 2.73 1335.16 2.60 1347.80 2.90 1360.43 2.78 1373.07 2.84 1385.70 2.48 1398.34 2.71 1410.97 2.55 1423.61 2.69 1436.24 2.72 1448.88 2.61 1461.51 2.62 1474.15 2.74 1486.78 2.65 1499.42 2.71 1512.05 3.00 1524.69 2.73 1537.32 2.58 1550.00 2.84 1562.59 2.85 1575.23 2.82 1587.86 2.81 1600.50 2.68 1613.13 2.92 1625.77 2.78 1638.40 2.71 1651.04 2.76 1663.67 2.86 1676.31 2.83 1688.94 2.66 1701.58 2.83 1714.21 2.77 1726.85 3.04 1739.48 2.90 1752.12 2.80 1764.75 2.82 1777.39 2.75 1790.02 2.74 1802.66 2.65 1815.29 2.67 1827.93 2.76 1840.56 2.59 1853.20 2.81 1865.83 2.89 1878.47 3.15 1891.10 2.70 1903.74 2.60 1916.37 2.70 1929.01 2.66 1941.64 2.76 6. Eiriksson et al 2006 North Iceland shelf Diatom SST CORE LOCATION: MD99-2275 piston core 66 deg 33.10 min N, 17 deg 41.98 min W, water depth 410 m ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Jiang et al. 2005 Eiriksson et al. 2004 Knudsen et al. 2004 Eiriksson et al. 2011 NOTES ON AGE MODEL(S): The age model is based on tephrochronology. Since the 2006 publication additional coring at the site and identification of additional tephra markers have led to a revision of the age model (cf. Eiriksson et al. 2011) Original age model (2006) Revised age model (2012) AgeCalYr SST deg C AgeCalYr SST deg C 1 4.46 55.000 4.456 6 4.60 58.266 4.601 13 4.92 63.166 4.924 17 4.88 66.433 4.876 24 4.40 71.333 4.396 35 4.15 79.500 4.152 47 4.42 87.666 4.415 58 5.26 95.833 5.259 69 4.79 104.000 4.786 81 4.82 112.166 4.815 92 3.92 120.333 3.922 104 4.18 128.500 4.183 115 4.60 136.666 4.603 126 4.90 144.833 4.897 138 4.56 153.000 4.559 149 4.34 162.756 4.344 161 4.36 172.512 4.360 172 4.74 182.268 4.738 183 5.10 192.024 5.096 195 4.76 201.780 4.762 206 4.66 211.536 4.660 217 5.39 221.292 5.386 229 4.61 231.048 4.608 244 4.29 245.307 4.289 259 4.87 260.692 4.868 275 4.53 276.076 4.530 290 4.37 291.461 4.372 305 4.37 306.846 4.373 321 4.46 322.230 4.462 336 4.54 337.615 4.543 352 4.94 353.000 4.938 367 5.34 368.384 5.337 382 4.85 383.769 4.849 398 4.86 399.153 4.858 413 4.78 414.538 4.777 428 4.84 429.923 4.843 444 4.86 445.307 4.855 459 4.45 460.692 4.451 474 5.04 475.233 5.038 485 4.26 486.400 4.257 497 5.19 497.566 5.192 508 4.92 508.733 4.923 520 4.83 519.900 4.827 532 4.62 531.066 4.621 546 4.74 543.666 4.742 564 4.91 562.000 4.914 582 4.46 580.333 4.459 600 4.65 598.666 4.650 619 4.65 617.000 4.654 637 4.79 635.333 4.790 658 5.09 655.444 5.087 686 5.08 682.666 5.083 714 5.28 709.888 5.275 742 5.01 737.111 5.009 769 5.49 764.333 5.494 797 5.31 791.555 5.307 825 5.15 818.777 5.147 852 4.77 846.000 4.774 878 5.43 871.326 5.426 902 4.71 896.652 4.714 928 5.08 921.978 5.076 952 5.40 947.304 5.402 978 5.64 972.630 5.636 1002 5.31 997.956 5.308 1028 5.45 1023.282 5.449 1052 5.22 1048.608 5.215 1072 4.29 1068.869 4.285 1088 5.07 1084.043 5.069 1115 5.71 1109.258 5.712 1141 4.79 1134.474 4.791 1168 4.75 1159.690 4.752 1194 5.20 1184.906 5.201 1221 5.31 1210.122 5.313 1247 5.30 1235.338 5.304 1274 5.15 1260.553 5.150 1300 4.84 1285.769 4.839 1327 5.62 1310.985 5.621 1353 5.52 1336.201 5.516 1380 5.50 1361.417 5.504 1407 5.32 1386.633 5.323 1433 5.12 1411.848 5.124 1460 5.20 1437.064 5.203 1486 5.53 1462.280 5.532 1513 5.59 1487.496 5.585 1539 4.99 1512.712 4.986 1566 5.45 1537.928 5.451 1592 5.69 1563.143 5.689 1619 5.78 1588.359 5.784 1645 5.04 1613.575 5.039 1672 4.92 1638.791 4.921 1699 5.13 1664.007 5.132 1725 5.43 1689.223 5.433 1752 5.17 1714.438 5.167 1778 5.78 1739.654 5.782 1805 5.59 1764.870 5.592 1831 5.13 1790.572 5.131 1856 5.08 1817.004 5.079 1882 5.27 1843.436 5.269 1908 5.58 1869.867 5.579 1933 5.25 1896.299 5.254 1959 5.25 1922.731 5.245 1984 5.23 1949.162 5.230 7. Eiriksson et al 2006 North Iceland shelf delta 18O Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral (Planktonic foraminifera) CORE LOCATION: MD99-2275 piston core 66 deg 33.10 min N, 17 deg 41.98 min W, water depth 410 m ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Jiang et al. 2005 Eiriksson et al. 2004 Knudsen et al. 2004 Eiriksson et al. 2011 NOTES ON AGE MODEL(S): The age model is based on tephrochronology. Since the 2006 publication additional coring at the site and identification of additional tephra markers have led to a revision of the age model (cf. Eiriksson et al. 2011) Original age model (2006) Revised age model (2012) AgeCalYr d18O NPS AgeCalYr d18O NPS 1.14 2.11 55.000 2.110 5.69 2.44 58.266 2.443 12.52 2.64 63.166 2.640 17.08 2.54 66.433 2.540 23.91 2.63 71.333 2.630 28.47 2.60 74.600 2.600 35.30 2.50 79.500 2.503 39.85 2.46 82.766 2.463 46.68 2.44 87.666 2.436 51.24 2.42 90.933 2.420 58.07 2.47 95.833 2.470 62.62 2.52 99.100 2.523 69.46 2.60 104.000 2.600 74.01 2.51 107.266 2.510 80.84 2.42 112.166 2.423 85.40 2.49 115.433 2.493 92.23 2.55 120.333 2.553 96.78 2.59 123.600 2.590 99.06 2.56 125.233 2.560 101.34 2.59 126.866 2.590 103.61 2.54 128.500 2.540 108.17 2.51 131.766 2.506 110.45 2.44 133.400 2.436 112.72 2.52 135.033 2.516 115.00 2.57 136.666 2.566 121.83 2.60 141.566 2.596 124.11 2.52 143.200 2.520 126.39 2.47 144.833 2.473 130.94 2.35 148.100 2.346 133.22 2.29 149.733 2.290 135.50 2.32 151.366 2.316 137.77 2.43 153.000 2.426 144.60 2.51 158.853 2.506 146.88 2.41 160.804 2.406 149.16 2.48 162.756 2.483 171.93 2.47 182.268 2.466 176.49 2.51 186.170 2.513 178.76 2.47 188.121 2.470 183.32 2.51 192.024 2.510 190.15 2.51 197.878 2.510 192.43 2.53 199.829 2.530 194.70 2.57 201.780 2.573 199.26 2.60 205.682 2.603 201.53 2.59 207.634 2.586 203.81 2.60 209.585 2.600 206.09 2.63 211.536 2.630 210.64 2.61 215.439 2.606 212.92 2.50 217.390 2.500 217.48 2.50 221.292 2.496 224.31 2.47 227.146 2.466 226.58 2.49 229.097 2.493 228.86 2.46 231.048 2.463 237.69 2.47 239.153 2.473 240.77 2.44 242.230 2.443 243.85 2.47 245.307 2.466 250.00 2.47 251.461 2.466 253.08 2.41 254.538 2.406 256.15 2.27 257.615 2.273 259.23 2.25 260.692 2.253 265.38 2.23 266.846 2.226 268.46 2.26 269.923 2.263 271.54 2.22 273.000 2.223 274.62 2.31 276.076 2.306 280.77 2.39 282.230 2.390 283.85 2.36 285.307 2.363 286.92 2.40 288.384 2.400 290.00 2.33 291.461 2.333 299.23 2.36 300.692 2.363 302.31 2.43 303.769 2.433 305.38 2.50 306.846 2.503 311.54 2.60 313.000 2.596 314.62 2.61 316.076 2.606 317.69 2.59 319.153 2.593 320.77 2.63 322.230 2.633 336.15 2.56 337.615 2.563 351.54 2.67 353.000 2.670 366.92 2.66 368.384 2.660 379.23 2.68 380.692 2.676 382.31 2.51 383.769 2.506 391.54 2.40 393.000 2.396 394.62 2.32 396.076 2.320 397.69 2.34 399.153 2.336 413.08 2.30 414.538 2.300 422.31 2.22 423.769 2.220 425.38 2.23 426.846 2.233 428.46 2.23 429.923 2.233 443.85 2.31 445.307 2.313 459.23 2.42 460.692 2.416 473.50 2.46 475.233 2.456 485.17 2.49 486.400 2.490 496.83 2.39 497.566 2.386 508.50 2.34 508.733 2.343 520.17 2.32 519.900 2.320 531.83 2.32 531.066 2.316 545.50 2.43 543.666 2.430 563.83 2.50 562.000 2.500 582.17 2.44 580.333 2.440 600.50 2.44 598.666 2.436 618.83 2.44 617.000 2.436 637.17 2.47 635.333 2.466 648.17 2.46 646.333 2.460 658.33 2.40 655.444 2.403 686.11 2.39 682.666 2.393 713.89 2.32 709.888 2.316 741.67 2.35 737.111 2.350 769.44 2.27 764.333 2.266 797.22 2.23 791.555 2.233 825.00 2.13 818.777 2.126 852.50 2.21 846.000 2.210 867.50 2.25 861.195 2.253 877.50 2.26 871.326 2.263 902.50 2.33 896.652 2.326 927.50 2.32 921.978 2.320 952.50 2.25 947.304 2.246 1002.50 2.14 997.956 2.136 1027.50 2.26 1023.282 2.260 1052.50 2.37 1048.608 2.373 1067.50 2.41 1063.804 2.410 1072.50 2.31 1068.869 2.306 1077.50 2.39 1073.934 2.393 1093.27 2.53 1089.086 2.526 1098.58 2.54 1094.129 2.540 1114.51 2.47 1109.258 2.470 1141.06 2.33 1134.474 2.333 1167.60 2.21 1159.690 2.206 1194.15 2.24 1184.906 2.240 1220.70 2.27 1210.122 2.270 1273.79 2.44 1260.553 2.440 1300.34 2.40 1285.769 2.400 1326.88 2.45 1310.985 2.450 1353.43 2.33 1336.201 2.330 1379.98 2.24 1361.417 2.243 1406.53 2.22 1386.633 2.216 1433.07 2.22 1411.848 2.216 1459.62 2.32 1437.064 2.316 1486.17 2.30 1462.280 2.300 1512.71 2.37 1487.496 2.366 1539.26 2.25 1512.712 2.250 1565.81 2.23 1537.928 2.226 1592.35 2.30 1563.143 2.300 1618.90 2.40 1588.359 2.403 1671.99 2.48 1638.791 2.480 1698.54 2.35 1664.007 2.346 1725.09 2.32 1689.223 2.323 1751.63 2.12 1714.438 2.120 1778.18 2.10 1739.654 2.096 1804.73 2.12 1764.870 2.120 1881.99 2.15 1843.436 2.153 1933.18 2.21 1896.299 2.210 1958.77 2.19 1922.731 2.186 1984.37 2.19 1949.162 2.193 2009.96 2.12 1975.594 2.123 2137.93 2.04 2107.753 2.036 2189.12 2.15 2160.616 2.153 8. Eiriksson et al 2006 North Iceland shelf Total carbonate content CORE LOCATION: MD99-2275 piston core 66 deg 33.10 min N, 17 deg 41.98 min W, water depth 410 m ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Jiang et al. 2005 Eiriksson et al. 2004 Knudsen et al. 2004 Eiriksson et al. 2011 NOTES ON AGE MODEL(S): The age model is based on tephrochronology. Since the 2006 publication additional coring at the site and identification of additional tephra markers have led to a revision of the age model (cf. Eiriksson et al. 2011) Total carbonate content, weight percent, in core MD992275 (3 pt. running mean) Original age model (2006) Revised age model (2012) AgeCalYr Carbonate AgeCalYr Carbonate 3.415 2.900 56.633 2.900 14.801 2.715 64.800 2.715 26.188 2.410 72.966 2.410 37.574 2.010 81.133 2.010 48.960 1.930 89.300 1.930 60.346 1.980 97.466 1.980 71.732 2.206 105.633 2.206 83.118 2.214 113.800 2.214 94.504 2.105 121.966 2.105 105.891 1.975 130.133 1.975 117.277 1.808 138.300 1.808 128.663 1.704 146.466 1.704 140.049 1.587 154.951 1.587 151.435 1.548 164.707 1.548 162.821 1.564 174.463 1.564 174.207 1.874 184.219 1.874 185.594 1.961 193.975 1.961 196.980 2.002 203.731 2.002 208.366 2.137 213.487 2.137 219.752 2.461 223.243 2.461 231.538 2.788 233.000 2.788 246.923 2.770 248.384 2.770 262.307 2.868 263.769 2.868 277.692 2.989 279.153 2.989 293.076 2.923 294.538 2.923 308.461 2.567 309.923 2.567 339.230 2.141 340.692 2.141 354.615 1.970 356.076 1.970 370.000 2.200 371.461 2.200 385.384 2.419 386.846 2.419 400.769 2.598 402.230 2.598 416.153 2.643 417.615 2.643 431.538 2.915 433.000 2.915 446.923 2.766 448.384 2.766 462.307 2.640 463.769 2.640 475.833 2.687 477.466 2.687 487.500 2.946 488.633 2.946 499.166 3.225 499.800 3.225 510.833 2.907 510.966 2.907 522.500 2.464 522.133 2.464 534.166 2.055 533.300 2.055 549.166 1.956 547.333 1.956 567.500 2.511 565.666 2.511 585.833 2.578 584.000 2.578 604.166 2.968 602.333 2.968 622.500 2.786 620.666 2.786 640.833 3.070 639.000 3.070 663.888 2.701 660.888 2.701 691.666 2.952 688.111 2.952 719.444 3.125 715.333 3.125 747.222 3.597 742.555 3.597 775.000 3.687 769.777 3.687 802.777 3.792 797.000 3.792 830.555 4.069 824.222 4.069 857.500 4.363 851.065 4.363 882.500 4.211 876.391 4.211 907.500 4.101 901.717 4.101 932.500 4.053 927.043 4.053 957.500 4.405 952.369 4.405 982.500 4.448 977.695 4.448 1007.500 4.345 1003.021 4.345 1032.500 4.135 1028.347 4.135 1057.500 3.961 1053.673 3.961 1082.654 4.015 1079.000 4.015 1109.201 4.091 1104.215 4.091 1135.748 4.094 1129.431 4.094 1162.294 3.829 1154.647 3.829 1188.841 3.747 1179.863 3.747 1215.388 3.867 1205.079 3.867 1241.935 3.891 1230.294 3.891 1268.482 4.019 1255.510 4.019 1295.028 3.813 1280.726 3.813 1316.266 3.755 1300.899 3.755 1348.122 3.527 1331.158 3.527 1374.669 3.894 1356.374 3.894 1401.215 4.173 1381.589 4.173 1427.762 4.107 1406.805 4.107 1454.309 3.820 1432.021 3.820 1480.856 3.633 1457.237 3.633 1507.402 3.788 1482.453 3.788 1533.949 4.103 1507.669 4.103 1560.496 4.398 1532.884 4.398 1587.043 4.722 1558.100 4.722 1613.589 4.457 1583.316 4.457 1640.136 4.118 1608.532 4.118 1666.683 3.694 1633.748 3.694 1693.230 3.779 1658.964 3.779 1719.776 4.205 1684.179 4.205 1746.323 4.616 1709.395 4.616 1772.870 4.526 1734.611 4.526 1799.417 4.091 1759.827 4.091 1825.678 3.762 1785.286 3.762 1856.392 3.800 1817.004 3.800 1876.867 3.942 1838.149 3.942 1902.462 4.067 1864.581 4.067 1928.057 4.474 1891.013 4.474 1953.651 4.486 1917.444 4.486 1979.246 5.743 1943.876 5.743 2004.841 5.044 1970.308 5.044 2030.436 5.055 1996.740 5.055 2056.030 3.557 2023.171 3.557 2107.220 3.853 2076.035 3.853 2132.814 3.686 2102.466 3.686 2158.409 3.879 2128.898 3.879 2184.004 3.973 2155.330 3.973