# British Columbia 2,900 Year Bivalve Sclerochronology and Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/33312 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/contributions_by_author/edge2021/tree-nob2021pith.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Original_Source_URL: # Description: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Data Type: Paleoceanography # # Dataset DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: physical properties, reconstruction #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2021-07-19 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2021-07-19 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: British Columbia 2,900 Year Bivalve Sclerochronology and Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Edge, D.C.; Reynolds, D.J.; Wanamaker, A.D.; Griffin, D.; Bureau, D.; Outridge, C.; Stevick, B.C.; Weng, R.; Black, B.A. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Growth increment widths from Pacific geoduck (Panopea generosa) shells collected at Tree Nob, British Columbia, for the past 2,900 years, # plus growth rate master chronology, pith offset, and 1,250 year sea surface temperature reconstruction. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: David C. Edge, David J. Reynolds, Alan D. Wanamaker, Daniel Griffin, Dominique Bureau, Christine Outridge, Bethany C. Stevick, Richard Weng, Bryan A. Black # Published_Date_or_Year: 2021-09-01 # Published_Title: A Multicentennial Proxy Record of Northeast Pacific Sea Surface Temperatures From the Annual Growth Increments of Panopea generosa # Journal_Name: Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology # Volume: 36 # Edition: e2021PA004291 # Issue: 9 # Pages: # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1029/2021PA004291 # Online_Resource: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2021PA004291 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Growth-increment widths of Pacific geoduck (Panopea generosa), a long-lived bivalve, are used to develop the first marine-based, multicentennial, annually resolved, and exactly dated archive of Northeast Pacific sea surface temperatures (SST). The chronology is sampled from the Tree Nob Islands, British Columbia, Canada, continuously covers 1725-2008, and also contains nine older radiocarbon-dated segments, which together span 58% of the last 1,500 years. Age-related growth declines were removed by aligning all increments relative to age of increment formation and fitting with a single detrending curve to preserve low-frequency signals. The geoduck chronology was used to reconstruct local SST variability across the seasonal window of April through November. The chronology at both the concurrent (lag-0) and following (lag+1) year are both highly significant predictors of SST in a stepwise multiple linear regression, explaining 54% of the variance in the period of instrumental overlap (1940-2001), passing strict tests of calibration-verification. Reconstructed SSTs contained significant spectral power at periods from 3 to 64 years, suggesting that 20th century variability in these periodicities is not unusual in the longer-term context. The period of lowest growth coincided with the Dalton minimum, an episode of reduced solar irradiance from 1790-1830, as well as the 1809 Unknown eruption, suggesting that solar and volcanic signals are present in the SST history. The most conspicuous aspect of the reconstruction is the steady and unprecedented warming trend that began in the mid-1800s and continues through present. The post-1976 interval includes the two warmest decades of the reconstruction. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: 1855628 #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Tree Nob # Location: North America>Canada>British Columbia # Country: Canada # Northernmost_Latitude: 54.217369 # Southernmost_Latitude: 54.217369 # Easternmost_Longitude: -130.789331 # Westernmost_Longitude: -130.789331 # Elevation: -10 #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: TreeNob2021pith # Earliest_Year: -864 # Most_Recent_Year: 2008 # Time_Unit: Year CE # Core_Length: # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: Chronology segments after 1724 are absolutely dated, prior to 1725 are radiocarbon dated # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: one per line, shortname-tab-variable components (what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type,detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data, free text) # ## ID sample identification, , , , , paleoceanography, , ,C, Series Identifier for Panopea generosa ## PO pith offset, Panopea generosa, , year, ,paleoceanography,,,N, Ontogenetic years # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: NA # ID PO TD118a 2 TD118b 2 TD067a 5 TD067b 5 TD122a 2 TD122b 2 TD134a 2 TD134b 2 TD135a 1 TD135b 1 TD110a 1 TD110b 1 TD125a 1 TD125b 1 TD161a 3 TD161b 3 TD160a 2 TD160b 2 TD168a 1 TD168b 4 TD100a 2 TD100b 2 TD058a 2 TD058b 2 TD230a 2 TD230b 2 TD092a 3 TD092b 3 TD155a 2 TD155b 2 TD158a 1 TD158b 1 TD109a 6 TD109b 4 TD036a 2 TD036b 2 TD069a 4 TD069b 4 TD237a 3 TD237b 3 TD077a 5 TD077b 5 TD045a 4 TD045b 4 TD057a 3 TD057b 3 TD238a 5 TD238b 5 TD176a 3 TD176b 3 TD172a 3 TD172b 3 TD166a 5 TD166b 5 TD088a 1 TD088b 1 TNR41a 3 TNR41b 3 TNR51a 15 TNR51b 15 TNR37a 2 TNR37b 2 TD035a 8 TD035b 6 TD053a 13 TD053b 13 TD070a 7 TD070b 7 TD81a 3 TD81b 3 TD039a 5 TD039b 5 TD028a 5 TD028b 5 TD048a 5 TD048b 5 TD049a 2 TD049b 2 TD052a 2 TD052b 2 TD054a 3 TD054b 3 TNR33a 14 TNR33b 14 TD012a 2 TD012b 2 TD066a 2 TD066b 2 TD034a 4 TD034b 4 TD056a 8 TD056b 8 TNR21a 4 TNR21b 4 TNR42a 9 TNR42b 9 TNR39a 3 TNR39b 3 TD047a 4 TD047b 4 TD079a 3 TD079b 3 TD144a 3 TD144b 3 TD031a 5 TD031b 5 TNR20a 2 TNR20b 2 TNR45a 3 TNR45b 3 TNR43a 9 TNR43b 9 TNR49a 7 TNR49b 7 TD030a 3 TD030b 3 TD029a 3 TD029b 3 TD023a 10 TD023b 10 TD167a 3 TD167b 3 TN001a 12 TN001b 12 TN002a 21 TN002b 21 TN003a 21 TN003b 19 TN004a 6 TN004b 7 TN005a 15 TN005b 15 TN006a 17 TN006b 15 TN007a 10 TN007b 13 TN008a 14 TN008b 14 TN009a 19 TN009b 15 TN011a 12 TN011b 12 TN012a 10 TN012b 15 TN013a 11 TN013b 11 TN014a 6 TN014b 11 TN015a 13 TN015b 13 TN016a 14 TN016b 11 TN017a 11 TN017b 10 TN018a 10 TN018b 10 TN019a 14 TN019b 12 TN020a 13 TN020b 10 TN021a 17 TN021b 7 TN022a 16 TN022b 16 TN023a 3 TN023b 3 TN024a 8 TN024b 7 TN025a 8 TN025b 7 TN026a 12 TN026b 11 TN027a 9 TN027b 8 TN028a 5 TN028b 5 TN029a 11 TN029b 11 TN030a 11 TN030b 10 TN031a 5 TN031b 6 TN032a 5 TN032b 6 TN033a 9 TN033b 9 TD185a 2 TD185b 2 TD177a 2 TD177b 2 TD179b 18 TD179c 9 TD180a 2 TD180b 2 TD175a 3 TD175b 3 TD064a 2 TD064b 2 TD146a 3 TD146b 1 TD117a 2 TD117b 2 TD150a 4 TD150b 4 TD147a 2 TD147b 2 TD095a 2 TD095b 2 TD090a 2 TD090b 2 TD091a 2 TD091b 2 TD013a 3 TD013b 3 TD037a 5 TD037b 5 TNR05a 4 TNR05b 4 TD061a 3 TD061b 3 TD107a 3 TD107b 3 TD105a 4 TD105b 4 TD131a 2 TD131b 2 TD136a 3 TD136b 3 TD123a 3 TD123b 3 TNR14a 10 TNR14b 10 TD163a 2 TD163b 2 TD075a 2 TD075b 2 TD076a 3 TD076b 3 TD040a 2 TD040b 2 TD063a 2 TD063b 2 TD085a 2 TD085b 2 TD051a 2 TD051b 2 TD078a 3 TD078b 3 TD043a 2 TD043b 2 TD042a 2 TD042b 2 TNR55a 2 TNR55b 2 TD074a 2 TD074b 2 TNR61b 2 TNR61d 2 TD149a 2 TD149b 2 TD165a 3 TD165b 3 TD087a 5 TD087b 5 TD060a 9 TD060b 9 TD062a 2 TD062b 2 TD044a 4 TD044b 4 TD041a 6 TD041b 6 TD082a 11 TD082b 11 TD083a 2 TD083b 2 TD171a 1 TD171b 44 TD169a 2 TD169b 2 TD103a 2 TD103b 2 TD189a 4 TD189b 4 TD201a 3 TD201b 3