DSDP367.metadata.txt Data set name: DSDP367 Latitude: 12° 29' N Longitude:20° 03' W Water depth: 4748 m Contributor: Walter E. Dean Funding sources: U.S. Geological Survey and NSF References: Dean, W. E., and Gardner, J. V., 1982, Origin and geochemistry of redox cycles of Jurassic to Eocene age, Cape Verde Basin (DSDP Site 367), continental margin of North-west Africa, in Schlanger, S. O., and Cita, M. B. (eds), Nature and Origin of Cretaceouus Carbonate-rich Facies: Academic Press, New York, p. 55-78. Dean, W. E., and Arthur, M. A., 1987, Inorganic and organic geochemistry of Eocene to Cretaceous strata recovered from the lower continental rise, North American Basin, Site 603, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 93, in van Hinte, J. E., Wise, S. W, Jr., and others, 1987, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project: U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, v. 93, Pt. 2, p. 1093-1137. Dean, W. E. and Arthur, M. A., 1999, Sensitivity of the North Atlantic Basin to cyclic climatic forcing during the Early Cretaceous: Journal of Foraminiferal Research, in press. Frank, T. D., Arthur, M. A., and Dean, W. E., 1999, Diagenesis of Lower Cretaceous pelagic carbonates, North Atlantic: Paleoceanographiuc signals obscured: Journal of Foraminiferal Research, in press. Abbreviations: DSDP, Deep Sea Drilling Project; mbsf, meters below sea floor; Hole, hole number drilled at the DSDP site of the same number (multiple holes at a single site are given letter designations; e.g. Holes 603, 603A, and 603B were drilled at DSDP Site 603); Core, number of 9.5-m-long core drilled in that hole; Sect., number of 1.5-m-long (150 cm) section cut from each core, Section 1 being the top of the core; Int., interval, in centimeters, within each section, 0 cm being the top of the section, 150 cm being the bottom of a complete section; TOC, total organic carbon; R-E, Rock-Eval pyrolysis; HC, hydrocarbons; ICP, inductively coupled, argon plasma emission spectrometry; XRF, X-ray fluorescence Variable Names (DSDP367 geochem file): Sample ID sample identification no. Depth (mbsf) depth in core in meters below sea floor Hole DSDP Hole (in this case Hole 367) Core core no. within hole 367 Sect. section no. within that core Int (cm) interval (in cm) within that section % SiO2-x percent silicon oxide by XRF % Al2O3-x percent aluminum oxide by XRF % Fe2O3-x percent iron oxide by XRF % MgO-x percent magnesium oxide by XRF % CaO-x percent calcium oxide by XRF % Na2O-x percent sodium oxide by XRF % K2O-x percent potassium oxide by XRF % TiO2-x percent titanium oxide by XRF % P2O5-x percent phosphorus oxide by XRF % MnO-x percent manganese oxide by XRF % Al2O3-s percent aluminum oxide by ICP % CaO-s percent calcium oxide by ICP % Fe2O3-s percent iron oxide by ICP % K2O-s percent potassium oxide by ICP % MgO-s percent magnesium oxide by ICP % Na2O-s percent sodium oxide by ICP % P2O5-s percent phosphorus oxide by ICP % TiO2-s percent titanium oxide by ICP % MnO-s percent manganese oxide by ICP % CaCO3 percent calcium carbonate % TOC percent total organic carbon ppm Ba parts per million barium by ICP ppm Ce parts per million cerium by ICP ppm Co parts per million cobalt by ICP ppm Cr parts per million cromium by ICP ppm Cu parts per million copper by ICP ppm La parts per million lanthanum by ICP ppm Li parts per million lithium by ICP ppm Mo parts per million manganese by ICP ppm Nb parts per million niobium by ICP ppm Ni parts per million nickel by ICP ppm Pb parts per million lead by ICP ppm Sc parts per million scandium by ICP ppm Sr parts per million strontium by ICP ppm V parts per million vanadium by ICP ppm Y parts per million yttrium by ICP ppm Zn parts per million zinc by ICP Variable Names (DSDP367 del13C file): Sample ID sample identification no. Hole DSDP Hole (in this case Hole 367) Core core no. within hole 367 Sect. section no. within that core Int (cm) interval (in cm) within that section Depth (mbsf) depth in core in meters below sea floor del 13Corg values of delta 13C or organic carbon in parts per mil S2 R-E S2 peak in mg HC/g rock H-index hydrogen index in mg HC.g TOC (R-E S2 normalized to TOC) O-index oxygen index in mg HC.g CO2 (R-E S3 peak normalized to TOC) % CaCO3 percent calcium carbonate % TOC percent total organic carbon % T-S percent total sulfur color color of rock; white is white bioturbated limestone, black is black marlstone or limestone Variable Names (DSDP367 isotopes file): Site/Hole DSDP Site and Hole (in this case Site and Hole 367) Core-Sect-Int (cm) core no. within that DSDP Hole, section no. within that core, and interval (in cm) within that section Depth (m) depth in core in meters below sea floor % CaCO3 percent calcium carbonate d 13C (VPDB) delta 13C in parts per mil relative to the Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite marine carbonate standard d 18O (VPDB) delta 18O in parts per mil relative to the Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite marine carbonate standard Sr/Ca x1000 the ratio of percent strontium to percent calcium times 1000