# Gulf of Alaska 17,000 Year Isotope Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite original reference when using these data, # plus the data file URL and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: http://www.hurricane.ncdc.noaa.gov/pls/paleox/f?p=519:1:::::P1_STUDY_ID:14113 # # Original_Source_URL: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/contributions_by_author/davies2011/davies2011-nonion.txt # # Archive: Paleoceanography # #-------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2013-03-18 #-------------------------------- # Title: Gulf of Alaska 17,000 Year Isotope Data #-------------------------------- # Investigators: Davies, M.H.; Mix, A.C.; Stoner, J.S. #-------------------- # Description and Notes: # Calibrated foraminiferal radiocarbon dates and stable isotope data from N. pachyderma, G. bulloides, U. peregrina, C. wuellerstorfi, and Nonionella sp. at sub-centennial resolution through the Holocene and most recent glacial termination in the Gulf of Alaska. The depth in core is in cmbsf (equivalent to jumbo core depths + 150 cm). To allow direct comparison to U. peregrina, empirical species corrections of +0.64‰ and +0.1‰ were applied to the δ18O values of C. wuellerstorfi and Nonionella sp., respectively. Similarly, an empirical species correction of −0.2‰ was applied to the δ13C values of C. wuellerstorfi. # #-------------------- # Publication/Citation # Authors: Davies, M.H., A.C. Mix, J.S. Stoner, J.A. Addison, J. Jaeger, B. Finney, and J. Wiest # Journal_Name: Paleoceanography # Published_Title: The deglacial transition on the southeastern Alaska Margin: Meltwater input, sea level rise, marine productivity, and sedimentary anoxia # Published_Date_or_Year: 2011 # Volume: 26 # Report_Number: PA2223 # DOI: 10.1029/2010PA002051 # Abstract: Oxygen isotope data from planktonic and benthic foraminifera, on a high-resolution age model (44 14C dates spanning 17,400 years), document deglacial environmental change on the southeast Alaska margin (59°33.32′N, 144°9.21′W, 682 m water depth). Surface freshening (i.e., δ18O reduction of 0.8‰) began at 16,650 ± 170 cal years B.P. during an interval of ice proximal sedimentation, likely due to freshwater input from melting glaciers. A sharp transition to laminated hemipelagic sediments constrains retreat of regional outlet glaciers onto land circa 14,790 ± 380 cal years B.P. Abrupt warming and/or freshening of the surface ocean (i.e., additional δ18O reduction of 0.9‰) coincides with the Bølling Interstade of northern Europe and Greenland. Cooling and/or higher salinities returned during the Allerød interval, coincident with the Antarctic Cold Reversal, and continue until 11,740 ± 200 cal years B.P., when onset of warming coincides with the end of the Younger Dryas. An abrupt 1‰ reduction in benthic δ18O at 14,250 ± 290 cal years B.P. likely reflects a decrease in bottom water salinity driven by deep mixing of glacial meltwater, a regional megaflood event, or brine formation associated with sea ice. Two laminated opal-rich intervals record discrete episodes of high productivity during the last deglaciation. These events, precisely dated here at 14,790 ± 380 to 12,990 ± 190 cal years B.P. and 11,160 ± 130 to 10,750 ± 220 cal years B.P., likely correlate to similar features observed elsewhere on the margins of the North Pacific and are coeval with episodes of rapid sea level rise. Remobilization of iron from newly inundated continental shelves may have helped to fuel these episodes of elevated primary productivity and sedimentary anoxia. #-------------------------------- # Funding Agency: # Funding_Agency_Name: National Science Foundation Paleoclimate # Grant: ATM-0602395 #-------------------------------- # Funding Agency: # Funding_Agency_Name: National Science Foundation Geophysics # Grant: EAR-0711584 #-------------------------------- # Funding Agency: # Funding_Agency_Name: National Science Foundation Ocean Drilling # Grant: OCE-0242084 and OCE-0351096 #-------------------------------- # Site Information: # Site_Name: EW0408-85JC # Location: Gulf of Alaska # Northernmost_Latitude: 59.555 # Southernmost_Latitude: 59.555 # Easternmost_Longitude: 144.153 # Westernmost_Longitude: 144.153 # Elevation:depth(m): 682 #-------------------------------- # Data Collection # Collection_Name: EW0408-85JC_Nonionella.sp # First_Year: 14200 # Last_Year: 11200 # Time_Unit: cal yr BP # Core_Length: # Notes: #-------------------------------- # Chronology # Radiocarbon Dates From Multi, Trigger, and Jumbo Cores(a) # # #EW0408 Core Core Depth (cm) Depth Below Seafloor (cmbsf) Planktonic 14C Age (years) Planktonic 14C +/-1sigma Error(years) Benthic 14C Age (years) Benthic 14C +/-1sigma Error (years) Calendar Age(b) (years) Calendar +/-1sigma Error (years) # # 84MC2 1 1 n/a 1490 20 220 120 # 84MC2 27 27 n/a 1795 35 510 90 # 84MC2 55 55 n/a 1930 45 610 85 # 85TC 9 22 660 250 1530 45 190 260 # 85TC 111 124 1650 90 2505 50 740 110 # 85TC 209 222 2730 70 3440 60 1870 130 # 85JC 26 176 2340 70 1430 110 # 85JC 104 254 3560 60 2880 115 # 85JC 154 304 4000 80 3420 135 # 85JC 206 356 4330 60 3820 135 # 85JC 254 404 4990 90 4700 150 # 85JC 304 454 5500 70 5380 125 # 85JC 354 504 6410 25 6360 85 # 85JC 405 555 7980 25 7970 95 # 85JC 455 605 8610 80 8650 165 # 85JC 505 655 9020 120 9180 175 # 85JC 555 705 9660 70 9970 160 # 85JC 575 725 9930 30 10,320 95 # 85JC 590 740 10,260 25 10,680 120 # 85JC 604 754 10,410 100 10,880 180 # 85JC 609 759 10,600 35 11,130 90 # 85JC 620 770 10,855 30 11,470 95 # 85JC 630 780 11,065 25 11,850 180 # 85JC 640 790 11,250 25 12,220 155 # 85JC 654 804 12,810 60 13,770 120 # 85JC 660 810 13,080 30 14,040 140 # 85JC 670 820 13,170 60 14,280 255 # 85JC 675 825 13,310 80 14,510 295 # 85JC 680 830 13,430 45 14,710 280 # 85JC 690 840 13,830 35 15,550 255 # 85JC 704 854 14,345 30 16,640 145 # 85JC 726 876 14,645 35 16,890 90 # 85JC 754 904 14,870 50 17,050 130 # 85JC 804 954 14,985 35 17,160 135 # 85JC 854 1004 14,890 60 17,070 140 # 85JC 904 1054 15,040 80 17,240 200 # 85JC 953 1103 14,860 80 17,050 140 # 85JC 1003 1153 15,080 40 17,290 185 # 85JC 1053 1203 15,110 60 17,320 195 # 85JC 1103 1253 15,160 35 17,370 185 # # a)Multi, trigger, and jumbo cores are abbreviated MC, TC, and JC, respectively. # b)Calculated from mean planktonic 14C ages for JC and TC samples and benthic 14C ages for MC samples, using CALIB v.6.0[Stuiver and Reimer, 1993] with the Marine09 calibration curve. For planktonic samples (JC and TC) DeltaR = 470 +/- 80 years, and for benthic samples (MC) DeltaR = 900 +/- 100. #-------------------------------- # Variables # ## depth_cm depth,,,cm,,,,N ## d13Cnonion.sp delta 13C,,,per mil PDB, >150 μm,Nonionella sp.,N ## d18Ononion.sp delta 18O,,,per mil PDB,>150 μm,Nonionella sp.,N #-------------------------------- # Data: # Missing_Values: NA depth_cm d13Cnonion.sp d18Ononion.sp 762.5 -0.81623 3.897 792 -0.99321 3.9992 796.5 -1.0263 3.8111 819.5 -1.3661 3.0422