# North Icelandic Shelf Arctica islandica Shell Measurement 1350 Year Record #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: http://www.hurricane.ncdc.noaa.gov/pls/paleox/f?p=519:1:::::P1_STUDY_ID: # # Original_Source_URL: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/contributions_by_author/butler2013 # # Archive: Paleoceanography # #-------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2013-06-25 #-------------------------------- # Title: North Icelandic Shelf Arctica islandica Shell Measurement 1350 Year Record #-------------------------------- # Investigators: Butler, P.G.; Wanamaker, A.D.; Scourse, J.D.; Richardson, C.A.; Reynolds, D.J. #-------------------- # Description and Notes: # (a) Raw measurements of increment widths from shells of the bivalve Arctica islandica; (b)absolute dates of birth and death derived by crossdating; (c)chronologies derived from a mean value function of the detrended increment widths, and supplementary data associated with the chronologies and presented in the paper. # Keyword: Sclerochronology #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Butler, P.G., A.D. Wanamaker Jr., J.D. Scourse, C.A. Richardson and D.J. Reynolds # Journal_Name: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology # Published_Title: Variability of marine climate on the North Icelandic Shelf in a 1357-year proxy archive based on growth increments in the bivalve Arctica islandica # Published_Date_or_Year: 2013 # Volume: 373 # Pages: 141-151 # DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2012.01.016 # Abstract: A multicentennial and absolutely-dated shell-based chronology for the marine environment of the North Icelandic Shelf has been constructed using annual growth increments in the shell of the long-lived bivalve clam Arctica islandica. The region from which the shells were collected is close to the North Atlantic Polar Front and is highly sensitive to the varying influences of Atlantic and Arctic water masses. A strong common environmental signal is apparent in the increment widths, and although the correlations between the growth increment indices and regional sea surface temperatures are significant at the 95% confidence level, they are low (r~0.2), indicating that a more complex combination of environmental forcings is driving growth. Remarkable longevities of individual animals are apparent in the increment-width series used in the chronology, with several animals having lifetimes in excess of 300 years and one, at 507 years, being the longest-lived non-colonial animal so far reported whose age at death can be accurately determined. The sample depth is at least three shells after AD 1175, and the time series has been extended back to AD 649 with a sample depth of one or two by the addition of two further series, thus providing a 1357-year archive of dated shell material. The statistical and spectral characteristics of the chronology are investigated by using two different methods of removing the age-related trend in shell growth. Comparison with other proxy archives from the same region reveals several similarities in variability on multidecadal timescales, particularly during the period surrounding the transition from the Medieval Climate Anomaly to the Little Ice Age. #-------------------------------- # Funding_Agency: # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #-------------------------------- # Site Information: # Site_Name: Grimsey # Location: North Atlantic Ocean # Northernmost_Latitude: 66.5265 # Southernmost_Latitude: 66.5265 # Easternmost_Longitude: -18.19567 # Westernmost_Longitude: -18.19567 # Elevation: 81-83 m #-------------------------------- # Data Collection # Collection_Name: NIS RCS-M statistics Butler13 # Oldest_Year: 1200 # Most_Recent_Year: 1975 # Time_Unit: AD # Core_Length: # Notes: Statistics on RCS-M (Shell margin) chronology. Data from figure 3g in paper. #-------------------------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow (have no #) # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) ## age_AD age,,,AD,,,,,N ## corrs Correlations,,,count,,,used in Rbar calculation,,N ## Rbar mean of all correlations between pairs of increment-width series,Arctica islandica,,unitless,,,,,N ## Rbar-sdev stamdard deviation of Rbar,Arctica islandica,,unitless,,,,,N ## Rbar_err mean of all correlations between pairs of increment-width series,Arctica islandica,standard error,,unitless,,,,,N ## eps expressed population signal,Arctica islandica,,unitless,,,,,N ## cores time series,Arctica islandica,,count,,,used in EPS calculation,,N # Data: # statistics for RCS-shell margin. age_AD corrs Rbar Rbar-sdev Rbar_err eps cores 1200 3 0.1856 0.4945 0.2855 0.4842 4.12 1225 6 0.5469 0.1897 0.0774 0.8496 4.68 1250 6 0.6762 0.1474 0.0602 0.9072 4.68 1275 10 0.4438 0.3544 0.1121 0.8133 5.46 1300 10 0.834 0.0659 0.0208 0.9677 5.96 1325 15 0.8485 0.052 0.0134 0.9716 6.1 1350 15 0.809 0.0651 0.0168 0.9655 6.6 1375 10 0.6933 0.1181 0.0373 0.9388 6.78 1400 6 0.8375 0.0392 0.016 0.9693 6.12 1425 6 0.6611 0.1063 0.0434 0.9093 5.14 1450 6 0.4248 0.131 0.0535 0.7734 4.62 1475 6 0.3692 0.2311 0.0943 0.7391 4.84 1500 6 0.7678 0.0745 0.0304 0.9531 6.14 1525 21 0.7927 0.0607 0.0132 0.9646 7.12 1550 15 0.8303 0.0533 0.0138 0.9708 6.8 1575 10 0.8555 0.0253 0.008 0.9726 6 1600 10 0.8137 0.0461 0.0146 0.9578 5.2 1625 10 0.7415 0.0784 0.0248 0.9389 5.36 1650 10 0.7485 0.0425 0.0134 0.9458 5.86 1675 15 0.8298 0.0351 0.0091 0.9669 6 1700 10 0.8449 0.0429 0.0136 0.9715 6.26 1725 10 0.7419 0.0676 0.0214 0.9474 6.26 1750 15 0.5776 0.1994 0.0515 0.8966 6.34 1775 6 0.5643 0.2647 0.108 0.8938 6.5 1800 6 0.7606 0.137 0.0559 0.9463 5.54 1825 6 0.631 0.2719 0.111 0.8822 4.38 1850 6 0.7635 0.1068 0.0436 0.9281 4 1875 6 0.6529 0.2121 0.0866 0.8827 4 1900 3 0.8038 0.0403 0.0232 0.9381 3.7 1925 3 0.6651 0.0806 0.0465 0.8641 3.2 1950 3 0.6681 0.0311 0.018 0.8579 3 1975 3 0.7513 0.074 0.0427 0.9006 3