Chukchi Sea Holocene Rock Magnetic Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: Chukchi Sea Holocene Rock Magnetic Data LAST UPDATE: 12/2010 (Original receipt by WDC Paleo) CONTRIBUTORS: Brachfeld, S., F. Barletta, G. St-Onge, D. Darby, and J. Ortiz. IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2010-139 WDC PALEO CONTRIBUTION SERIES CITATION: Brachfeld, S., et al. 2010. Chukchi Sea Holocene Rock Magnetic Data. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 2010-139. NOAA/NCDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Brachfeld, S., F. Barletta, G. St-Onge, D. Darby, and J. Ortiz. 2009. Impact of diagenesis on the environmental magnetic record from a Holocene sedimentary sequence from the Chukchi-Alaskan margin, Arctic Ocean. Global and Planetary Change, Vol. 68, pp. 100-114. doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2009.03.023 ABSTRACT: We present a high-resolution Holocene sedimentary record of environmental variability from the eastern Chukchi Sea. An ice-rafted debris bearing silty-clay marks the deglacial to post-glacial Holocene transition at this site and is dated at 9.7 ka. An interval of oscillating magnetic parameters from 9.5 to 8.7 ka coincides with the Holocene Thermal Maximum in the western Arctic, and is manifested at the study area as pulses of fine-grained magnetite input every 180-230 years, possibly from increased river discharge or stronger currents flowing over the core site. The magnetic mineral assemblage is very uniform over the last 8.2 ka and consists of a mixture of magnetite, titanomagnetite, and a magnetic phase that we tentatively identify as the magnetic iron sulfide greigite. The amount of magnetic iron sulfides increases up through the Holocene, a trend that is controlled by the amount of marine organic matter available to fuel bacterial sulfate reduction. The median destructive field of the Natural Remanent Magnetization (MDFNRM) displays centennial to millennial scale cycles with significant variance at periods of 900–1300 and 1700–2700 years, with intervals of high MDFNRM values coinciding with indicators of greater sea ice cover [McKay, J., de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Not, C., Polyak, L., Darby, D., 2008. Holocene fluctuations in Arctic sea-ice cover: Dinocyst-based reconstructions for the eastern Chukchi Sea. Can. J. Earth Sci. 45, 1399–1415]. The MDFNRM is controlled by the variable abundance of iron sulfides formed during early diagenesis. We interpret intervals of high MDFNRM values as times of stronger water column stratification, during which the pyritization process was interrupted by the lack of marine organic matter and lack of reactive iron. Intervals of low MDFNRM values, which coincide with indicators of reduced sea ice cover, are interpreted as times of stronger vertical mixing of the water column, which allows fresh marine organic matter and reactive iron to reach the seafloor, driving the pyritization process to completion. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Barletta, F., G. St-Onge, J.E.T. Channell, A. Rochon, L. Polyak, and D. Darby. 2008. High resolution paleomagnetic secular variation and relative paleointensity records from the western Canadian Arctic: implication for Holocene stratigraphy and geomagnetic field behaviour. Can. J. Earth Sci., Vol. 45, pp. 1265-1281. McKay, J., A. de Vernal, C. Hillaire-Marcel, C. Not, L. Polyak, and D. Darby. 2008. Holocene fluctuations in Arctic sea-ice cover: dinocyst-based reconstructions for the eastern Chukchi Sea. Can. J. Earth Sci., Vol. 45, pp. 1399-1415. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean PERIOD OF RECORD: 9KYrBP - present FUNDING SOURCES: US National Science Foundation grants 0521069, 0612365, and 0619402 to SB, NSF-ARC 0352395 and 0612493 to DD, and NSF-ARC 0520365 and 0612384 to JO. This work also benefited from financial support from NSERC Discovery and Special Research Opportunity (IPY) grants to GSO and from the Polar Climate Stability Network (CFCAS). DESCRIPTION: The dataset consists of rock magnetic parameters, which are sensitive to sea ice cover, paleoproductivity, and post depositional diagenesis along the Chukchi-Alaska margin. Piston Core HLY05-01 JPC5 and its trigger core TC5 were collected from the eastern Chukchi Sea, North of Barrow, Alaska during cruise 05–01 of the USCGC Healy. The parameters include low-field magnetic susceptibility (X-LH), coercivity (Hc), saturation remanence (Mr), saturation magnetization (Ms), saturation remanence normalized by saturation magnetization (Mr/Ms), high-field magnetic susceptibility (Xhf), ferromagnetic susceptibility (Xf), coercivity of remanence (Hcr), coercivity of remanence normalized by coercivity (Hcr/Hc), S-ratio, saturation remanence normalized by low-field susceptibility (Mr/X), median destruction field of the natural remanent magnetization (MDF-NRM), anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM), median destructive field of the anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM-MDF), saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM), and anhysteretic remanent magnetization normalized by saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (ARM/SIRM). The parameters MDF-NRM, ARM, MDF-ARM, and SIRM were measured on U-channel subsamples on 2G-Enterprises Model 760R u-channel magnetometer at the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Low-field mass-normalized magnetic susceptibility (XLF) of dry samples was measured on an AGICO KLY-4 Kappabridge in an applied field of 300 A/m. Ferromagnetic susceptibility (XF) was calculated by subtracting the high-field slope (XHF) of the magnetization (M) vs. applied field (H) curve measured on a vibrating sample magnetometer from XLF. Magnetic hysteresis measurements were made on a Princeton Measurements Corp. micro-Vibrating Sample Magnetometer model 3900-04 at Montclair State University, NJ. Hysteresis loops were measured in a peak field of 1 T and field increments of 5 mT. Raw data were processed by using XHF, calculated from 0.7 to 1 T, to remove the paramagnetic contribution to the induced magnetization, and then normalized by dry mass. The hysteresis parameters saturation magnetization (Ms), saturation remanence (Mr) and coercivity (Hc) were determined from the paramagnetic- corrected data. The coercivity of remanence (Hcr) was determined through the DC-demagnetization of a saturation isothermal remanent magnetization imparted in a 1 T field. The S-ratio was measured by imparting a 1 T isothermal remanent magnetization, followed by the application of a 300 mT backfield, and calculating Mr(300mT)/MR(1T). A combination of 210Pb dating and Accelerator Mass Spectrometer (AMS) radiocarbon dating of calcareous shells was used to construct the depth-age model for TC5 and JPC5. Cores HLY05-01 JPC5 and TC5: 72.694°N, 157.520°W, 415 m water depth. DATA: 1. Radiocarbon dates for HLY05-01 JPC5 Core DepthCm DepthMCD Uncor14Cage 14CageErr. Calib.Age Species Lab# JPC5 37 1.12 1930 45 1477 Thyasira sp. CAMS-128414 JPC5 484 5.59 4465 40 4656 Yolida sp. CAMS-128415 JPC5 589 6.64 4820 70 5091 Thyasira sp. CAMS-128416 JPC5 689 7.64 5220 40 5569 Yolida sp. CAMS-128417 JPC5 800 8.75 5885 40 6303 Portlandia sp. CAMS-128418 JPC5 880 9.55 6395 45 6867 Port. + Thya. CAMS-128419 Core HLY05-01 JPC5 was collected during cruise 05-01 of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy (Healy-Oden Trans-Arctic Expedition "HOTRAX" Leg 1). 2. Brachfeld et al. 2009 HLY0501 Jumbo Piston Core 5JPC rock magnetic data Core HLY05-01 JPC5 was collected during cruise 05-01 of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy (Healy-Oden Trans-Arctic Expedition "HOTRAX" Leg 1). Depth-age model derived from Pb-210 and 6 AMS 14C dates on calcareous shells. Please see HLY05-01_JPC5_Chronology.txt Parameters: Low-field susceptibility in m3/kg, coercivity in mT (Hc), saturation remanence (Mr) in Am2/kg, saturation magnetization (Ms) in Am2/kg, saturation remanence normalized by saturation magnetization (Mr/Ms), high-field magnetic susceptibility in m3/kg (Xhf), ferromagnetic susceptibility (Xferro) in m3/kg, coercivity of remance in mT (Hcr), coercivity of remanence normalized by coercivity, S-ratio, saturation remanence normalized by low-field susceptibility (SIRM/X), median destructive field of the natural remanent magnetization in mT (MDF-NRM), Anhysteretic Remanent Magnetization (ARM) in mT, median destructive field of the ARM (MDF-ARM) in mT, saturation isothermal remanent magnetization in A/m, ARM normalized by SIRM. No u-channel was taken from JPC5 section 1. Therefore, no NRM, ARM, or IRM data exist for this section. Sec. Int. Depth DepthCorr. Age-ka Suscept. Hc Mr Ms Mr/Ms Xhf X_ferro Hcr Hcr/Hc S_ratio SIRM/X MDF-NRM ARM AMDF-ARM IRM ARM/IRM 1 0 0 75 1.35 4.17E-07 19.06 6.57E-03 0.0268 0.2449 9.66E-08 3.21E-07 41.59 2.1821 0.97 15552.65 1 5 5 80 1.38 4.17E-07 19.4 6.77E-03 0.0272 0.2488 9.64E-08 3.21E-07 41.94 2.1619 0.97 15839.38 1 10 10 85 1.41 4.21E-07 19.27 6.63E-03 0.0273 0.2429 9.30E-08 3.28E-07 42.07 2.1832 0.96 15534.39 1 15 15 90 1.44 4.14E-07 19.92 6.54E-03 0.0265 0.2472 9.64E-08 3.17E-07 42.65 2.1411 0.96 15696.08 1 20 20 95 1.48 4.26E-07 19.28 6.96E-03 0.0285 0.244 9.81E-08 3.28E-07 41.95 2.1758 0.97 15905.32 1 25 25 100 1.51 4.11E-07 19.57 6.57E-03 0.0265 0.2478 9.57E-08 3.15E-07 42.32 2.1625 0.97 15779.76 1 30 30 105 1.54 4.05E-07 19.53 6.51E-03 0.0264 0.2464 9.74E-08 3.08E-07 41.73 2.1367 0.97 15776.85 1 35 35 110 1.57 4.19E-07 19.24 6.50E-03 0.0266 0.2448 9.63E-08 3.23E-07 41.92 2.1788 0.97 15079.26 1 40 40 115 1.6 4.19E-07 18.76 6.51E-03 0.0274 0.238 9.29E-08 3.26E-07 41.95 2.2361 0.95 15329.39 1 45 45 120 1.63 4.12E-07 19.11 6.23E-03 0.0259 0.2411 9.16E-08 3.20E-07 41.78 2.1863 0.97 15023.72 1 50 50 125 1.66 4.03E-07 19.34 6.31E-03 0.0258 0.2448 9.39E-08 3.09E-07 41.95 2.1691 0.97 15318.29 1 55 55 130 1.7 4.06E-07 19.06 6.38E-03 0.0262 0.2436 9.24E-08 3.13E-07 41.83 2.1946 0.97 15516.29 1 60 60 135 1.73 4.11E-07 19.15 6.34E-03 0.0267 0.238 9.25E-08 3.19E-07 41.69 2.177 0.97 15015.23 1 65 65 140 1.76 4.07E-07 19.31 5.88E-03 0.0239 0.2455 8.80E-08 3.19E-07 42.18 2.1844 0.96 14294.6 1 70 70 145 1.79 4.11E-07 19.06 6.29E-03 0.0264 0.238 9.42E-08 3.16E-07 41.78 2.192 0.96 15204.13 1 75 75 150 1.82 4.22E-07 18.75 6.46E-03 0.0274 0.2355 9.34E-08 3.28E-07 41.55 2.216 0.98 15049.69 1 80 80 155 1.85 4.08E-07 19.28 6.33E-03 0.026 0.2434 9.54E-08 3.13E-07 41.53 2.154 0.98 15118.62 1 85 85 160 1.88 4.14E-07 19.46 6.50E-03 0.0265 0.2454 9.81E-08 3.16E-07 41.77 2.1465 0.98 15351.17 1 90 90 165 1.92 4.11E-07 19.19 6.41E-03 0.0262 0.2448 9.42E-08 3.17E-07 41.92 2.1845 0.93 15251.85 2 0 95 170 1.95 3.86E-07 19.64 6.48E-03 0.0269 0.241 9.61E-08 2.90E-07 43.82 2.2312 0.97 15782.8 2 5 100 175 1.98 3.95E-07 20.26 6.65E-03 0.0266 0.2499 1.01E-07 2.93E-07 43.83 2.1634 0.98 15627.29 2 10 105 180 2.01 3.91E-07 19.7 6.42E-03 0.026 0.2471 9.91E-08 2.92E-07 43.07 2.1863 0.98 15648.05 2 15 110 185 2.04 3.92E-07 20.34 6.79E-03 0.0272 0.2498 1.01E-07 2.91E-07 43.54 2.1406 0.96 16274.22 39.8 0.12678 38.5 3.2485 0.039027 2 20 115 190 2.07 4.05E-07 20.18 6.71E-03 0.028 0.2399 9.70E-08 3.08E-07 42.35 2.0986 0.98 15679.98 33.7 0.12983 38.4 3.428 0.037873 2 25 120 195 2.1 4.16E-07 19.66 6.76E-03 0.028 0.2414 9.62E-08 3.20E-07 42.68 2.1709 0.97 15021.53 34.1 0.1322 38.3 3.5513 0.037226 2 30 125 200 2.14 4.10E-07 19.48 6.95E-03 0.0285 0.2441 1.01E-07 3.09E-07 43.09 2.212 0.97 15385.5 37.7 0.13028 38.3 3.497 0.037255 2 35 130 205 2.17 3.99E-07 19.66 6.61E-03 0.0269 0.2456 1.02E-07 2.97E-07 42.91 2.1826 0.98 15414.16 39.3 0.1241 38.3 3.2842 0.037787 2 40 135 210 2.2 4.05E-07 19.28 6.52E-03 0.027 0.2418 9.92E-08 3.06E-07 43.69 2.2661 0.98 15035.69 37.6 0.12361 38.2 3.2396 0.038156 2 45 140 215 2.23 4.03E-07 19.6 6.77E-03 0.0278 0.2433 1.02E-07 3.00E-07 42.11 2.1485 0.98 15558.78 38.5 0.12553 38.2 3.2987 0.038054 2 50 145 220 2.26 4.00E-07 19.56 6.53E-03 0.0275 0.2378 1.02E-07 2.98E-07 43.38 2.2178 0.99 15325.78 40.8 0.12302 38.3 3.1891 0.038575 2 55 150 225 2.29 3.99E-07 20.07 6.53E-03 0.0267 0.2448 1.03E-07 2.96E-07 44.72 2.2282 0.95 15519.31 39.2 0.12204 38.1 3.1463 0.038788 2 60 155 230 2.32 3.96E-07 20.19 6.77E-03 0.0259 0.2612 1.01E-07 2.95E-07 43.54 2.1565 0.99 15730.9 33.1 0.12593 37.9 3.3023 0.038134 2 65 160 235 2.36 4.03E-07 19.54 6.65E-03 0.0276 0.2409 1.03E-07 3.00E-07 43.47 2.2247 0.97 15479.02 32.8 0.12831 38.1 3.3562 0.038231 2 70 165 240 2.39 3.99E-07 19.3 6.63E-03 0.0268 0.2477 1.01E-07 2.98E-07 42.09 2.1808 0.99 15462.63 32 0.13058 38.3 3.4518 0.03783 2 75 170 245 2.42 4.04E-07 19.26 6.65E-03 0.0279 0.2385 9.70E-08 3.07E-07 42.95 2.23 0.96 15415.72 31.4 0.13004 38.3 3.4789 0.03738 2 80 175 250 2.45 4.13E-07 18.98 6.82E-03 0.0286 0.2386 1.02E-07 3.11E-07 43.28 2.2803 0.97 15427.77 28.3 0.1288 38.2 3.4459 0.037378 2 85 180 255 2.48 4.04E-07 19.58 6.73E-03 0.0273 0.2462 9.84E-08 3.06E-07 43.53 2.2232 0.96 15553.72 27.6 0.13257 38.4 3.5123 0.037744 2 90 185 260 2.51 4.02E-07 19.77 6.69E-03 0.0262 0.2552 9.84E-08 3.03E-07 43.25 2.1877 0.98 15354.9 28.9 0.1339 38.7 3.5567 0.037647 2 95 190 265 2.54 4.02E-07 19.88 6.59E-03 0.0267 0.2467 9.96E-08 3.02E-07 43.32 2.1791 0.96 15438.8 28.4 0.13053 38.3 3.4584 0.037743 2 100 195 270 2.58 4.01E-07 19.48 6.62E-03 0.027 0.2455 9.83E-08 3.03E-07 43.18 2.2166 0.99 15105.33 29.4 0.13007 38.2 3.4468 0.037736 2 105 200 275 2.61 4.03E-07 19.73 6.44E-03 0.0262 0.2458 9.44E-08 3.08E-07 43.47 2.2032 0.99 15188.87 29.8 0.13036 38.2 3.4542 0.03774 2 110 205 280 2.64 4.00E-07 19.95 5.88E-03 0.0234 0.2509 8.91E-08 3.11E-07 44.51 2.2311 0.99 15461.35 32.9 0.12638 38.5 3.3381 0.03786 2 115 210 285 2.67 4.02E-07 19.83 6.09E-03 0.0255 0.2386 9.12E-08 3.11E-07 42.75 2.1558 0.96 15388.19 29.6 0.12451 38.3 3.3462 0.037209 2 120 215 290 2.7 4.00E-07 19.95 5.92E-03 0.0241 0.2459 8.74E-08 3.12E-07 43.19 2.1649 0.97 15395.46 27.7 0.1247 38.1 3.3734 0.036966 2 125 220 295 2.73 4.03E-07 19.54 6.45E-03 0.026 0.2479 9.35E-08 3.10E-07 42.99 2.2001 0.98 15246.8 26.2 0.12664 38 3.4511 0.036696 2 130 225 300 2.76 4.08E-07 19.79 6.02E-03 0.0244 0.2467 9.05E-08 3.18E-07 43.15 2.1804 0.96 15563.3 24.9 0.12753 38 3.4878 0.036565 2 135 230 305 2.8 4.02E-07 19.32 6.03E-03 0.0253 0.2381 9.48E-08 3.07E-07 43.13 2.2324 0.98 14800.44 27.2 0.12516 38 3.4125 0.036677 2 140 235 310 2.83 4.06E-07 19.15 6.21E-03 0.0253 0.2455 9.37E-08 3.12E-07 44.1 2.3029 0.98 15139.06 28.9 0.12337 38 3.3657 0.036655 2 145 240 315 2.86 4.01E-07 19.87 5.30E-03 0.021 0.252 8.29E-08 3.19E-07 42.95 2.1616 0.97 15357.75 26.2 0.11953 37.9 3.2346 0.036954 3 0 245 320 2.89 4.12E-07 19.35 6.29E-03 0.026 0.2423 9.59E-08 3.16E-07 42.91 2.2176 0.95 15531.21 3 5 250 325 2.92 4.19E-07 19.8 4.68E-03 0.0192 0.2434 6.76E-08 3.52E-07 42.9 2.1667 0.99 15224.15 3 10 255 330 2.95 4.29E-07 19.05 6.80E-03 0.0285 0.2383 9.30E-08 3.36E-07 42.68 2.2404 0.99 15628.49 3 15 260 335 2.98 4.10E-07 19.2 6.17E-03 0.0256 0.2411 9.11E-08 3.19E-07 42.35 2.2057 0.99 15142.43 27.8 0.1344 37.9 3.6291 0.037034 3 20 265 340 3.02 3.97E-07 19.34 6.32E-03 0.0258 0.2453 9.47E-08 3.02E-07 42.01 2.1722 0.98 15261.56 24.6 0.13139 38 3.465 0.037919 3 25 270 345 3.05 4.00E-07 19.59 6.15E-03 0.0247 0.249 9.02E-08 3.10E-07 42.51 2.17 0.96 15020.56 23.9 0.13279 38 3.5306 0.037611 3 30 275 350 3.08 4.04E-07 19.15 6.44E-03 0.0275 0.2345 9.63E-08 3.08E-07 43.12 2.2517 0.99 15128.34 17.9 0.13342 37.3 3.5917 0.037147 3 35 280 355 3.11 4.01E-07 18.83 5.96E-03 0.0255 0.2338 8.94E-08 3.11E-07 42.23 2.2427 0.97 15363.82 18.6 0.13065 37.4 3.4716 0.037634 3 40 285 360 3.14 4.11E-07 19.14 6.65E-03 0.028 0.2374 9.94E-08 3.11E-07 42.32 2.2111 0.97 15022.16 19.2 0.12708 37.9 3.3414 0.038032 3 45 290 365 3.17 4.02E-07 19.55 5.37E-03 0.0226 0.2373 7.67E-08 3.26E-07 43.58 2.2292 0.98 15469.27 18.3 0.128 37.9 3.3969 0.037681 3 50 295 370 3.2 4.07E-07 18.71 5.10E-03 0.0218 0.2342 7.57E-08 3.31E-07 42.06 2.248 0.99 15146.17 18.3 0.13134 37.7 3.5461 0.037038 3 55 300 375 3.24 4.05E-07 19.12 6.54E-03 0.0285 0.2295 9.42E-08 3.10E-07 43.26 2.2626 0.99 15644.35 19.3 0.13281 38 3.6122 0.036767 3 60 305 380 3.27 4.14E-07 18.76 6.69E-03 0.0283 0.2361 9.81E-08 3.16E-07 42.04 2.2409 0.99 14999.45 19.3 0.1341 38.1 3.6775 0.036465 3 65 310 385 3.3 4.14E-07 19.05 6.78E-03 0.0286 0.2371 1.01E-07 3.14E-07 42.18 2.2142 0.98 15198.26 19.4 0.13648 37.9 3.7255 0.036634 3 70 315 390 3.33 4.12E-07 18.56 6.29E-03 0.027 0.2328 9.31E-08 3.18E-07 41.62 2.2425 0.98 14860.13 17.2 0.13435 37.9 3.6814 0.036494 3 75 320 395 3.36 4.08E-07 18.79 6.32E-03 0.0262 0.2407 9.32E-08 3.15E-07 42.14 2.2427 0.98 15141.85 15.7 0.13305 38.3 3.613 0.036825 3 80 325 400 3.39 4.19E-07 18.63 7.00E-03 0.0292 0.2397 9.63E-08 3.23E-07 41.85 2.2464 0.98 15688.76 17.5 0.13528 38.2 3.6848 0.036713 3 85 330 405 3.42 4.03E-07 19.64 6.74E-03 0.0273 0.247 9.44E-08 3.09E-07 42.29 2.1533 0.98 15987.35 22.3 0.13621 38.4 3.6896 0.036917 3 90 335 410 3.46 4.13E-07 18.99 6.59E-03 0.0267 0.2471 9.24E-08 3.21E-07 42.23 2.2238 0.96 15772.09 22.8 0.13574 38.4 3.6742 0.036944 3 95 340 415 3.49 4.08E-07 19.15 6.60E-03 0.0275 0.2405 9.24E-08 3.16E-07 42.53 2.2209 0.99 15334.84 24.2 0.1381 38 3.7981 0.03636 3 100 345 420 3.52 4.12E-07 19.23 6.88E-03 0.0276 0.2496 9.57E-08 3.17E-07 42.46 2.208 0.97 15534.75 27.2 0.13856 37.9 3.8335 0.036145 3 105 350 425 3.55 4.23E-07 18.79 6.73E-03 0.0285 0.2363 9.50E-08 3.28E-07 42.72 2.2735 0.98 15337.82 26.1 0.13716 37.9 3.8555 0.035575 3 110 355 430 3.58 4.04E-07 18.97 6.49E-03 0.0271 0.2391 9.50E-08 3.09E-07 42.43 2.2367 0.95 15600.19 25.2 0.13503 37.9 3.806 0.035478 3 115 360 435 3.61 4.06E-07 19.14 6.49E-03 0.0277 0.2349 8.99E-08 3.16E-07 42.33 2.2116 0.95 15233.22 17.9 0.1375 38.1 3.859 0.035631 3 120 365 440 3.64 4.17E-07 18.89 6.39E-03 0.027 0.2362 9.34E-08 3.24E-07 42.07 2.2271 0.99 14979.87 16.5 0.13742 38.1 3.8947 0.035284 3 125 370 445 3.68 4.16E-07 19.44 6.90E-03 0.0277 0.249 9.79E-08 3.19E-07 42.55 2.1888 0.97 16041.56 18.9 0.13959 38.3 3.9464 0.035371 3 130 375 450 3.71 3.76E-07 19.37 6.19E-03 0.0261 0.2377 9.96E-08 2.76E-07 43.14 2.2272 1 15448.84 23.3 0.13972 38.9 3.7316 0.037442 3 135 380 455 3.74 3.75E-07 19.39 5.90E-03 0.0237 0.2493 9.65E-08 2.78E-07 43.2 2.228 0.93 15590.86 31.1 0.13619 39.5 3.4506 0.039469 3 140 385 460 3.77 3.91E-07 18.98 5.53E-03 0.0246 0.2253 9.04E-08 3.00E-07 43.61 2.2977 0.98 14411.64 32.2 0.13185 39 3.4118 0.038645 3 145 390 465 3.8 3.78E-07 19.33 5.96E-03 0.0251 0.2372 9.65E-08 2.82E-07 42.86 2.2173 1.01 14669.06 30.9 0.12833 38.7 3.3089 0.038783 4 0 395 470 3.83 3.79E-07 19.2 5.72E-03 0.0244 0.2347 9.47E-08 2.84E-07 42.66 2.2219 0.97 14739.33 4 5 400 475 3.86 3.71E-07 19.05 6.00E-03 0.0257 0.2329 9.91E-08 2.72E-07 43.93 2.306 0.99 14791.64 4 10 405 480 3.9 3.60E-07 19.38 5.41E-03 0.0225 0.2401 9.55E-08 2.64E-07 44.33 2.2874 0.97 14480.3 39.5 0.13098 38.6 3.3488 0.039113 4 15 410 485 3.93 3.69E-07 19.18 5.81E-03 0.0246 0.2364 9.87E-08 2.71E-07 42.93 2.2383 1 14316.78 35.5 0.12737 38.4 3.2693 0.038959 4 20 415 490 3.96 3.76E-07 19.17 5.80E-03 0.0245 0.2367 9.74E-08 2.78E-07 43.42 2.265 1 14335.46 35.1 0.1321 38.3 3.3674 0.039229 4 25 420 495 3.99 3.76E-07 18.67 5.45E-03 0.024 0.2267 9.48E-08 2.81E-07 43.48 2.3289 1 14012.96 34.1 0.13443 38.3 3.398 0.039562 4 30 425 500 4.02 3.69E-07 19.73 5.46E-03 0.0235 0.232 9.74E-08 2.72E-07 43.4 2.1997 0.97 14627.27 36.2 0.13338 38.3 3.3538 0.03977 4 35 430 505 4.05 3.65E-07 19.3 5.54E-03 0.0241 0.2297 9.81E-08 2.67E-07 46.51 2.4098 0.94 14693.62 38.9 0.13319 38.4 3.3487 0.039774 4 40 435 510 4.08 3.84E-07 19.16 5.71E-03 0.025 0.228 9.34E-08 2.91E-07 45.5 2.3747 0.99 14078.69 34.7 0.13387 38.8 3.3551 0.0399 4 45 440 515 4.12 3.74E-07 18.48 5.79E-03 0.0255 0.2269 9.99E-08 2.74E-07 43.96 2.3788 0.99 14574.16 32.8 0.13174 38.8 3.3066 0.039842 4 50 445 520 4.15 3.77E-07 18.74 5.68E-03 0.0259 0.219 9.74E-08 2.80E-07 43.16 2.3031 1 14021.22 30.8 0.13147 38.5 3.3295 0.039486 4 55 450 525 4.18 3.81E-07 18.6 5.73E-03 0.0255 0.2247 9.82E-08 2.83E-07 42.84 2.3032 0.99 14072.32 30.2 0.13361 38.5 3.3834 0.03949 4 60 455 530 4.21 3.88E-07 17.79 5.56E-03 0.0265 0.2097 9.37E-08 2.94E-07 42.25 2.3749 0.97 13763.36 34.5 0.13321 38.5 3.4023 0.039153 4 65 460 535 4.24 3.82E-07 18.25 5.86E-03 0.0265 0.2208 1.00E-07 2.82E-07 43.95 4.787 0.99 14271.27 38.3 0.13148 38.3 3.3849 0.038843 4 70 465 540 4.27 3.81E-07 18.6 5.74E-03 0.0249 0.2307 1.02E-07 2.79E-07 42.45 2.2823 0.99 14421.69 36.8 0.13147 38.3 3.3762 0.03894 4 75 470 545 4.3 3.80E-07 18.82 5.91E-03 0.0256 0.2307 9.61E-08 2.84E-07 43.03 2.2864 0.98 14095.42 34.5 0.13324 38.4 3.3983 0.039208 4 80 475 550 4.34 3.79E-07 18.22 5.57E-03 0.0243 0.2291 9.39E-08 2.85E-07 43.38 2.3809 1.01 13666.77 31.5 0.13329 38 3.3694 0.039559 4 85 480 555 4.37 3.73E-07 19.32 5.41E-03 0.0236 0.2292 9.60E-08 2.77E-07 43.26 2.2391 0.99 14211.25 32.2 0.13606 38.4 3.3955 0.040071 4 90 485 560 4.4 3.72E-07 18.86 5.51E-03 0.0226 0.2442 9.73E-08 2.75E-07 42.54 2.2556 0.98 14084.18 32.8 0.13635 38.5 3.3904 0.040216 4 95 490 565 4.43 3.73E-07 18.82 5.55E-03 0.0237 0.234 9.19E-08 2.81E-07 45.65 2.4256 0.98 14247.77 33.3 0.13478 38.4 3.384 0.039829 4 100 495 570 4.46 3.63E-07 19.18 5.16E-03 0.0232 0.2229 8.97E-08 2.74E-07 42.13 2.1966 0.98 14642.42 37 0.13177 38.6 3.2935 0.040009 4 105 500 575 4.49 3.75E-07 18.64 5.40E-03 0.0244 0.2209 9.44E-08 2.80E-07 42.93 2.3031 0.98 14132.89 39.9 0.13077 38.5 3.2588 0.040128 4 110 505 580 4.52 3.74E-07 18.54 5.46E-03 0.0243 0.2252 9.38E-08 2.80E-07 44.86 2.4196 0.97 14119.31 38 0.13277 38 3.3158 0.040042 4 115 510 585 4.56 3.60E-07 18.73 5.32E-03 0.0239 0.2223 9.43E-08 2.65E-07 41.2 2.1997 0.99 14017.57 36.9 0.12983 37.9 3.2047 0.040512 4 120 515 590 4.59 3.73E-07 19.21 5.47E-03 0.0232 0.2352 9.59E-08 2.77E-07 43.82 2.2811 0.98 14028.09 39.5 0.12894 38.1 3.1795 0.040554 4 125 520 595 4.62 3.59E-07 18.97 5.20E-03 0.0231 0.225 9.42E-08 2.65E-07 42.92 2.2625 0.98 14034.16 41.4 0.13007 38 3.2104 0.040515 4 130 525 600 4.65 3.63E-07 18.63 4.86E-03 0.0214 0.2271 8.42E-08 2.79E-07 41.37 2.2206 0.98 13765.54 35 0.13159 38 3.1997 0.041126 4 135 530 605 4.68 3.57E-07 18.91 5.07E-03 0.0217 0.2333 9.39E-08 2.63E-07 44.1 2.3321 0.99 13630.16 25.9 0.13294 37.8 3.2372 0.041066 4 140 535 610 4.71 3.71E-07 19.31 5.51E-03 0.024 0.2296 9.71E-08 2.74E-07 43.14 2.2341 0.99 14150.94 23.7 0.13144 37.6 3.2558 0.040371 4 145 540 615 4.74 3.59E-07 18.97 5.40E-03 0.0232 0.2325 9.61E-08 2.63E-07 42.72 2.252 0.98 14200.54 27.8 0.1282 37.4 3.1627 0.040535 5 0 545 620 4.77 3.64E-07 18.85 4.97E-03 0.0214 0.2324 9.47E-08 2.69E-07 43.33 2.2987 0.98 13927.12 5 5 550 625 4.81 3.58E-07 18.45 5.15E-03 0.0226 0.2282 9.87E-08 2.59E-07 43.13 2.3377 0.95 13425.19 5 10 555 630 4.84 3.68E-07 18.32 5.23E-03 0.0241 0.2172 9.75E-08 2.70E-07 43.03 2.3488 1.01 13372.49 34.4 0.12954 36.3 3.3021 0.03923 5 15 560 635 4.87 3.70E-07 18.16 5.31E-03 0.024 0.2218 9.81E-08 2.72E-07 42.24 2.326 0.99 13730.08 29.2 0.1328 36.5 3.4047 0.039005 5 20 565 640 4.9 3.78E-07 18.53 5.72E-03 0.0244 0.2348 1.03E-07 2.75E-07 42.6 2.299 0.98 14109.6 28.9 0.13239 37.2 3.3496 0.039524 5 25 570 645 4.93 3.83E-07 18.62 5.64E-03 0.0245 0.2303 1.04E-07 2.80E-07 43.22 2.3212 0.92 14029.21 31.6 0.13292 37.4 3.3484 0.039697 5 30 575 650 4.96 3.77E-07 18.95 5.89E-03 0.0249 0.237 1.05E-07 2.72E-07 45.68 2.4106 0.93 14747.04 28 0.13152 37.3 3.3298 0.039498 5 35 580 655 4.99 3.67E-07 18.32 5.46E-03 0.0242 0.2251 9.87E-08 2.69E-07 42.22 2.3046 0.97 13937.16 23 0.13095 36.8 3.3451 0.039147 5 40 585 660 5.03 3.78E-07 18.42 5.23E-03 0.0232 0.2251 9.45E-08 2.83E-07 44.56 2.4191 1.47 13913.04 24.4 0.13342 36.7 3.4213 0.038997 5 45 590 665 5.06 3.66E-07 18.3 5.55E-03 0.024 0.2307 1.03E-07 2.64E-07 42.58 2.3268 1 14145.9 25.9 0.13427 36.6 3.4432 0.038996 5 50 595 670 5.09 3.71E-07 18.11 5.26E-03 0.0247 0.2134 9.93E-08 2.71E-07 42.84 2.3655 0.94 15277.95 25.6 0.13209 36.8 3.3619 0.03929 5 55 600 675 5.12 3.79E-07 18.3 5.02E-03 0.0214 0.2348 8.87E-08 2.90E-07 42.59 2.3273 1.02 13714.42 22.8 0.13444 37.2 3.4463 0.03901 5 60 605 680 5.15 3.79E-07 18.46 5.35E-03 0.0234 0.2286 9.63E-08 2.83E-07 43.65 2.3646 1 13832.57 22.4 0.13254 37.2 3.4206 0.038748 5 65 610 685 5.18 3.78E-07 18.38 5.51E-03 0.0253 0.2174 1.01E-07 2.77E-07 42.18 2.2949 0.97 13902.62 21.3 0.13146 36.8 3.3844 0.038843 5 70 615 690 5.21 3.78E-07 18.02 5.43E-03 0.0251 0.2168 9.74E-08 2.81E-07 42.66 2.3674 0.98 13667.19 19.2 0.12998 36.8 3.3479 0.038824 5 75 620 695 5.25 3.76E-07 18.09 5.55E-03 0.0246 0.226 9.85E-08 2.77E-07 44.17 2.4417 0.94 14342 18.6 0.1311 36.8 3.375 0.038844 5 80 625 700 5.28 3.86E-07 18.19 5.71E-03 0.0259 0.2202 1.01E-07 2.85E-07 43.91 2.414 0.94 14236.66 20.1 0.13396 37.1 3.4309 0.039045 5 85 630 705 5.31 3.79E-07 18.03 5.30E-03 0.024 0.2208 9.70E-08 2.82E-07 43.07 2.3888 0.98 13213.88 25.1 0.13701 36.8 3.5006 0.039139 5 90 635 710 5.34 3.75E-07 18.49 5.50E-03 0.024 0.2287 1.03E-07 2.72E-07 41.45 2.2418 0.96 13870.91 34.1 0.13563 36.9 3.43 0.039542 5 95 640 715 5.37 3.76E-07 18.29 4.85E-03 0.0213 0.2282 8.99E-08 2.86E-07 42.53 2.3253 0.95 14011.9 37.3 0.13545 37 3.475 0.038978 5 100 645 720 5.4 3.84E-07 17.92 5.61E-03 0.0268 0.2096 9.79E-08 2.86E-07 43.09 2.4046 0.99 13861.15 37.5 0.13462 37.1 3.5132 0.038318 5 105 650 725 5.43 3.75E-07 18.35 5.44E-03 0.0243 0.2242 9.92E-08 2.76E-07 43.4 2.3651 0.95 13953.2 31.7 0.13249 37.2 3.4311 0.038614 5 110 655 730 5.47 3.82E-07 18.77 4.22E-03 0.0185 0.2282 7.79E-08 3.04E-07 44.01 2.3447 0.99 13796.29 30.3 0.13202 36.9 3.4024 0.038802 5 115 660 735 5.5 3.70E-07 18.65 5.56E-03 0.0236 0.2362 1.01E-07 2.69E-07 43.98 2.3582 0.96 14392.45 36 0.13306 37 3.3683 0.039504 5 120 665 740 5.53 3.77E-07 18.32 5.30E-03 0.0238 0.2223 9.91E-08 2.78E-07 42.38 2.3133 0.95 14039.35 30.4 0.13091 36.8 3.3109 0.039539 5 125 670 745 5.56 3.70E-07 18.35 4.95E-03 0.022 0.2252 9.11E-08 2.79E-07 42.18 2.2986 0.99 13810.24 30.2 0.12934 36.5 3.2928 0.03928 5 130 675 750 5.59 3.58E-07 19.16 4.80E-03 0.0198 0.2424 8.87E-08 2.70E-07 45.43 2.3711 0.98 13930.16 34.7 0.1281 36.7 3.2378 0.039564 5 135 680 755 5.62 3.66E-07 18.51 5.01E-03 0.0224 0.2243 9.43E-08 2.72E-07 46.33 2.503 0.93 13895.32 34.7 0.12723 36.6 3.2517 0.039127 5 140 685 760 5.65 3.67E-07 17.94 5.30E-03 0.0242 0.2192 9.92E-08 2.68E-07 43.11 2.403 0.98 13934.67 36.7 0.12621 36.2 3.3376 0.037815 5 145 690 765 5.69 3.80E-07 17.59 5.28E-03 0.0248 0.2126 9.72E-08 2.83E-07 42.13 2.3951 1 13154.7 40.7 0.1243 36.1 3.3096 0.037557 6 0 695 770 5.72 3.72E-07 18.13 5.05E-03 0.0227 0.2224 9.43E-08 2.78E-07 42.49 2.3436 0.98 13999.58 6 5 700 775 5.75 3.60E-07 18.48 5.21E-03 0.0232 0.2246 9.99E-08 2.60E-07 43.38 2.3474 0.98 14011.23 6 10 705 780 5.78 3.68E-07 18.5 5.20E-03 0.0222 0.2344 9.67E-08 2.71E-07 42.21 2.2816 0.97 13518.78 46.9 0.1334 37.1 3.4536 0.038626 6 15 710 785 5.81 3.61E-07 18.06 5.10E-03 0.0227 0.2246 1.01E-07 2.60E-07 42.09 2.3306 1.01 13352.79 42.7 0.13059 37.1 3.3902 0.03852 6 20 715 790 5.84 3.68E-07 18.34 5.16E-03 0.023 0.225 1.00E-07 2.68E-07 42 2.2901 0.98 13497.43 42.7 0.12969 37.2 3.3676 0.038511 6 25 720 795 5.87 3.57E-07 18.04 4.70E-03 0.0213 0.2208 9.28E-08 2.64E-07 43.83 2.4296 1 13226.14 40.2 0.12817 37 3.3488 0.038273 6 30 725 800 5.91 3.55E-07 18.48 5.02E-03 0.0223 0.2252 9.69E-08 2.58E-07 43.14 2.3344 0.98 13515.09 37.2 0.1284 36.9 3.3627 0.038184 6 35 730 805 5.94 3.58E-07 18.51 1.28E-05 0.0001 0.22 2.48E-10 3.58E-07 43.13 2.3301 0.96 13752.24 34.4 0.12844 36.9 3.3726 0.038083 6 40 735 810 5.97 3.71E-07 17.91 5.21E-03 0.0248 0.2103 9.83E-08 2.72E-07 41.94 2.3417 0.97 12912.42 26.8 0.12772 36.8 3.4081 0.037475 6 45 740 815 6 3.56E-07 17.93 5.09E-03 0.0232 0.2195 9.85E-08 2.57E-07 42.37 2.3631 0.96 13597.18 24.9 0.1276 36.7 3.4124 0.037393 6 50 745 820 6.03 3.67E-07 18.22 5.20E-03 0.0236 0.2201 9.92E-08 2.68E-07 41.77 2.2925 0.95 7034.46 24.6 0.12921 36.7 3.4137 0.03785 6 55 750 825 6.06 3.54E-07 18.36 4.95E-03 0.0225 0.2196 1.03E-07 2.51E-07 42.03 2.2892 0.96 13401.98 30 0.12858 36.8 3.3619 0.038246 6 60 755 830 6.09 3.53E-07 18.41 5.03E-03 0.0227 0.2221 1.02E-07 2.51E-07 41.9 2.2759 0.96 13495.24 31.9 0.12891 36.8 3.385 0.038083 6 65 760 835 6.13 3.50E-07 18.57 4.82E-03 0.0213 0.2267 9.91E-08 2.51E-07 42.01 2.2623 0.98 13251 31.7 0.12917 36.6 3.3888 0.038117 6 70 765 840 6.16 3.48E-07 18.31 5.13E-03 0.023 0.2226 1.03E-07 2.44E-07 41.62 2.2731 0.99 13778.92 29 0.12873 36.4 3.3905 0.037968 6 75 770 845 6.19 3.62E-07 18.01 5.13E-03 0.0234 0.2188 1.03E-07 2.59E-07 41.73 2.317 0.98 13401.17 29.1 0.12792 36.1 3.427 0.037327 6 80 775 850 6.22 3.61E-07 18.16 5.13E-03 0.0236 0.2174 1.01E-07 2.60E-07 42.93 2.364 1 13375.87 29.2 0.12715 36.2 3.4013 0.037383 6 85 780 855 6.25 3.46E-07 18.15 4.94E-03 0.0224 0.2207 1.01E-07 2.44E-07 42.47 2.3399 0.99 13266.06 26.7 0.12568 36.4 3.3408 0.03762 6 90 785 860 6.28 3.43E-07 18.31 4.89E-03 0.022 0.222 1.02E-07 2.41E-07 42.27 2.3086 0.98 13475.81 28.5 0.12268 36.3 3.2324 0.037953 6 95 790 865 6.31 3.40E-07 18.28 4.74E-03 0.0213 0.2222 1.02E-07 2.38E-07 42.3 2.314 0.98 12990 27.9 0.12161 36 3.2263 0.037693 6 100 795 870 6.35 3.38E-07 18.24 4.67E-03 0.0217 0.2152 1.02E-07 2.36E-07 41.91 2.2977 0.95 13359.49 25.4 0.12207 35.7 3.2276 0.037821 6 105 800 875 6.38 3.39E-07 18 4.66E-03 0.0213 0.2184 1.01E-07 2.38E-07 43.13 2.3961 0.73 17118.31 31.4 0.12044 36.1 3.1872 0.037789 6 110 805 880 6.41 3.39E-07 17.92 4.58E-03 0.0212 0.2154 1.01E-07 2.38E-07 42.91 2.3945 0.91 13728.01 39.7 0.12132 36.1 3.2298 0.037563 6 115 810 885 6.44 3.29E-07 18.31 4.50E-03 0.0202 0.2231 9.96E-08 2.29E-07 42.65 2.3293 0.92 13686.59 43 0.11992 36.3 3.1527 0.038037 6 120 815 890 6.47 3.28E-07 18.45 4.51E-03 0.0206 0.2191 1.01E-07 2.28E-07 42.34 2.2949 0.94 13741.44 39.7 0.11993 36.2 3.1456 0.038126 6 125 820 895 6.5 3.36E-07 18.06 4.30E-03 0.0199 0.2167 9.70E-08 2.39E-07 41.27 2.2852 0.98 12457.37 35.8 0.12047 36.1 3.1377 0.038394 6 130 825 900 6.53 3.27E-07 17.98 4.23E-03 0.0194 0.218 9.74E-08 2.29E-07 42.39 2.3576 0.93 12909.95 36.8 0.12064 36 3.1666 0.038098 6 135 830 905 6.57 3.36E-07 17.8 4.33E-03 0.0205 0.2114 9.57E-08 2.41E-07 40.5 2.2753 1.01 12352.71 39.2 0.12138 36.2 3.2213 0.03768 6 140 835 910 6.6 3.35E-07 17.96 4.57E-03 0.021 0.2182 1.00E-07 2.35E-07 42.2 2.3497 0.94 13394.1 40 0.12179 36.2 3.2302 0.037704 6 145 840 915 6.63 3.27E-07 18.15 4.39E-03 0.02 0.2193 9.91E-08 2.28E-07 41.94 2.3107 0.96 13263.77 37.4 0.11841 36.2 3.1313 0.037815 7 0 845 920 6.66 3.38E-07 17.95 4.52E-03 0.0207 0.2182 9.99E-08 2.38E-07 41.66 2.3209 0.96 13012.9 7 5 850 925 6.69 3.31E-07 18.07 4.25E-03 0.0197 0.2155 9.96E-08 2.31E-07 42.27 2.3392 0.94 12900.27 7 10 855 930 6.72 3.29E-07 17.9 4.45E-03 0.0207 0.2148 1.01E-07 2.28E-07 40.94 2.2872 1 12989.72 42.4 0.11854 35.5 3.1174 0.038025 7 15 860 935 6.75 3.28E-07 17.87 4.13E-03 0.0195 0.2119 9.63E-08 2.32E-07 42.88 2.3996 0.9 12707.14 38.8 0.11514 35.2 3.0535 0.037708 7 20 865 940 6.79 3.25E-07 17.99 4.14E-03 0.019 0.2182 9.66E-08 2.28E-07 42.29 2.3508 0.93 12769.66 33.8 0.11569 35.1 3.0802 0.037559 7 25 870 945 6.82 3.41E-07 17.53 4.28E-03 0.0203 0.2111 9.77E-08 2.43E-07 43.17 2.4626 0.88 12766.39 32.1 0.11492 35.2 3.1098 0.036954 7 30 875 950 6.85 3.33E-07 17.87 4.41E-03 0.0206 0.2136 1.01E-07 2.32E-07 42.49 2.3777 0.91 13289.5 25.7 0.11495 34.9 3.1295 0.036731 7 35 880 955 6.88 3.27E-07 17.91 4.20E-03 0.0196 0.2137 9.91E-08 2.28E-07 42.14 2.3529 0.93 12823.4 21.7 0.11544 34.6 3.1099 0.03712 7 40 885 960 6.91 3.21E-07 17.86 4.25E-03 0.0193 0.2203 9.99E-08 2.21E-07 43.21 2.4194 0.88 13370.16 19.2 0.11595 34.9 3.1096 0.037288 7 45 890 965 6.94 3.31E-07 17.98 4.20E-03 0.0197 0.2136 9.82E-08 2.33E-07 42.42 2.3593 0.92 12783.52 19.1 0.11475 34.9 3.102 0.036992 7 50 895 970 6.97 3.37E-07 17.94 4.44E-03 0.0203 0.2183 9.97E-08 2.37E-07 41.61 2.3194 0.96 12896.4 22.3 0.11502 34.7 3.1531 0.036478 7 55 900 975 7.01 3.15E-07 18.36 4.07E-03 0.0187 0.2182 9.98E-08 2.15E-07 41.86 2.28 0.97 12862.47 25.6 0.11335 34.9 3.0703 0.036918 7 60 905 980 7.04 3.45E-07 16.85 4.26E-03 0.0214 0.199 9.72E-08 2.47E-07 41.35 2.454 0.95 12188.46 21.7 0.10924 34.7 3.0396 0.035939 7 65 910 985 7.07 3.18E-07 18.3 3.91E-03 0.0182 0.2141 9.84E-08 2.19E-07 41.1 2.2459 0.99 12042.38 20.3 0.1085 34.5 2.9853 0.036345 7 70 915 990 7.1 3.21E-07 17.84 4.08E-03 0.0189 0.2167 9.96E-08 2.22E-07 41.67 2.3358 0.95 12435.57 18.1 0.10898 34.3 2.9903 0.036445 7 75 920 995 7.13 3.24E-07 17.9 4.10E-03 0.0192 0.2137 9.99E-08 2.24E-07 41.72 2.3307 0.96 12466.06 18.2 0.10835 34.4 3.0269 0.035796 7 80 925 1000 7.16 3.34E-07 18.11 4.66E-03 0.021 0.2224 1.06E-07 2.28E-07 42.83 2.365 0.94 13643.53 17.2 0.10601 34.4 3.0766 0.034457 7 85 930 1005 7.19 3.25E-07 18.31 4.24E-03 0.0197 0.2153 1.04E-07 2.21E-07 42.91 2.3435 0.94 13150.85 14.5 0.10666 34.4 3.1199 0.034187 7 90 935 1010 7.23 3.36E-07 17.92 4.21E-03 0.0205 0.2051 1.03E-07 2.33E-07 42.54 2.3739 0.96 12415.57 14.5 0.10934 34.4 3.2848 0.033287 7 95 940 1015 7.26 3.28E-07 17.93 4.36E-03 0.0204 0.2142 1.07E-07 2.21E-07 42.08 2.3469 0.96 12877.68 14 0.10888 34.2 3.3445 0.032555 7 100 945 1020 7.29 3.28E-07 17.98 4.08E-03 0.0181 0.2254 9.84E-08 2.29E-07 41.89 2.3298 0.97 12174.91 16.3 0.10799 34.4 3.2019 0.033727 7 105 950 1025 7.32 3.12E-07 18.82 3.91E-03 0.018 0.2177 1.04E-07 2.08E-07 41.85 2.2237 0.98 12481.97 16.7 0.10433 34.4 3.0136 0.03462 7 110 955 1030 7.35 3.11E-07 18.31 3.86E-03 0.0171 0.2253 1.01E-07 2.11E-07 42.04 2.296 0.97 11884.03 19.2 0.10383 34.3 2.968 0.034983 7 115 960 1035 7.38 3.12E-07 18.48 3.81E-03 0.0171 0.2227 1.01E-07 2.12E-07 41.84 2.2641 0.97 11817.37 27.3 0.10552 34.2 2.9375 0.035922 7 120 965 1040 7.41 3.07E-07 18.58 3.77E-03 0.0166 0.2264 1.03E-07 2.04E-07 42.12 2.267 0.97 11869.15 36.2 0.10489 34.4 2.8575 0.036707 7 125 970 1045 7.45 3.17E-07 18.51 3.89E-03 0.0176 0.2202 1.03E-07 2.14E-07 42 2.269 0.97 11964.21 41.2 0.10303 34.4 2.8144 0.036608 7 130 975 1050 7.48 3.06E-07 19.23 3.98E-03 0.0172 0.2317 1.06E-07 2.00E-07 42.8 2.2257 0.96 12589.37 34.7 0.1016 34.1 2.8308 0.035891 7 135 980 1055 7.51 3.11E-07 18.42 3.93E-03 0.0178 0.2212 1.06E-07 2.05E-07 42.41 2.3024 0.97 12470.87 27.4 0.10227 34 2.8999 0.035267 7 140 985 1060 7.54 3.06E-07 18.28 3.78E-03 0.0172 0.2198 1.04E-07 2.02E-07 42.15 2.3058 0.97 11993.93 20.9 0.10272 33.9 2.9282 0.03508 7 145 990 1065 7.57 3.14E-07 18.33 3.83E-03 0.0176 0.2177 1.03E-07 2.11E-07 42.56 2.3219 0.96 11859.39 15.3 0.10055 33.8 2.9347 0.034262 8 0 995 1070 7.6 3.01E-07 18.21 3.65E-03 0.0167 0.2191 1.04E-07 1.97E-07 42.26 2.3207 0.97 11886.4 8 5 1000 1075 7.63 3.05E-07 17.75 3.50E-03 0.0167 0.2097 1.03E-07 2.02E-07 42.06 2.3696 0.95 11749.57 8 10 1005 1080 7.67 2.98E-07 18.12 3.56E-03 0.0159 0.2247 1.07E-07 1.91E-07 42.33 2.3361 0.95 11777.57 32.3 0.099416 33.7 2.815 0.035317 8 15 1010 1085 7.7 3.03E-07 18.67 3.73E-03 0.0164 0.2276 1.06E-07 1.97E-07 42.13 2.2566 0.97 11827.55 34.3 0.09658 33.8 2.7492 0.03513 8 20 1015 1090 7.73 3.02E-07 18.25 3.52E-03 0.0161 0.2192 1.03E-07 1.99E-07 41.82 2.2915 0.96 11272.01 35 0.094712 33.6 2.7577 0.034345 8 25 1020 1095 7.76 2.96E-07 18.22 3.52E-03 0.0165 0.2141 1.10E-07 1.86E-07 41.44 2.2744 0.96 11964.29 30.6 0.09269 33.7 2.7114 0.034185 8 30 1025 1100 7.79 2.98E-07 18.67 3.54E-03 0.0155 0.2276 1.06E-07 1.92E-07 42.72 2.2882 0.95 11545.57 24.2 0.092876 33.7 2.72 0.034146 8 35 1030 1105 7.82 2.89E-07 19.2 3.46E-03 0.0153 0.2259 1.07E-07 1.82E-07 42.7 2.224 0.97 11770.56 22.5 0.092577 33.5 2.7198 0.034038 8 40 1035 1110 7.85 2.94E-07 18.02 3.33E-03 0.0151 0.2205 1.07E-07 1.87E-07 41.49 2.3024 0.97 10987.4 22.7 0.093637 33.6 2.7291 0.034311 8 45 1040 1115 7.89 3.01E-07 18.66 3.71E-03 0.017 0.2183 1.07E-07 1.95E-07 43.29 2.3199 0.97 12133.11 20.3 0.092381 33.5 2.6946 0.034284 8 50 1045 1120 7.92 2.88E-07 18.5 3.42E-03 0.015 0.2276 1.05E-07 1.83E-07 42.75 2.3108 0.96 11514.38 14.9 0.090612 33.5 2.7461 0.032997 8 55 1050 1125 7.95 2.92E-07 19.48 3.43E-03 0.0153 0.2243 1.08E-07 1.84E-07 43.67 2.2418 0.97 11398.81 15.5 0.08922 33.6 2.8009 0.031854 8 60 1055 1130 7.98 2.85E-07 19.62 3.30E-03 0.0139 0.2375 1.11E-07 1.74E-07 44.31 2.2584 0.96 11253.46 14.5 0.084478 33.7 2.5379 0.033287 8 65 1060 1135 8.01 2.82E-07 19.67 3.15E-03 0.014 0.2256 1.03E-07 1.79E-07 44.04 2.2389 0.95 10978.32 18.8 0.082607 33.6 2.7191 0.03038 8 70 1065 1140 8.04 2.78E-07 20.35 3.32E-03 0.0144 0.2308 1.05E-07 1.73E-07 46.27 2.2737 0.96 11912.1 18.3 0.081921 33.6 2.6299 0.03115 8 75 1070 1145 8.07 1.82E-07 17.61 2.72E-03 0.0128 0.2129 1.11E-07 7.06E-08 41.94 2.3816 0.93 14869.4 13.7 0.082557 33.6 2.4476 0.03373 8 80 1075 1150 8.11 2.69E-07 18.33 2.74E-03 0.0135 0.2028 1.07E-07 1.62E-07 43.28 2.3612 0.94 10322.23 13.9 0.077164 33.1 2.3153 0.033328 8 85 1080 1155 8.14 2.52E-07 17.95 2.49E-03 0.0118 0.2105 1.08E-07 1.45E-07 42.29 2.356 0.94 9794.89 17.2 0.073955 33 2.4201 0.030559 8 90 1085 1160 8.17 2.39E-07 19.19 2.32E-03 0.0106 0.218 1.01E-07 1.38E-07 44.54 2.321 0.91 9690.19 18.1 0.070814 33 2.2514 0.031453 8 95 1090 1165 8.2 2.34E-07 18.07 2.12E-03 0.01 0.2126 1.11E-07 1.22E-07 42.15 2.3326 0.95 8870.7 19.2 0.067002 32.5 2.1035 0.031853 8 100 1095 1170 8.23 2.22E-07 17.7 2.00E-03 0.0095 0.2098 1.01E-07 1.21E-07 44.95 2.5395 0.81 9448.15 24.8 0.063866 32.4 1.8838 0.033903 8 105 1100 1175 8.26 2.34E-07 17.75 2.04E-03 0.0097 0.2099 1.08E-07 1.26E-07 45.58 2.5679 0.76 9239.32 29.1 0.065004 32.7 1.7736 0.036651 8 110 1105 1180 8.29 2.16E-07 19.88 2.12E-03 0.0096 0.2198 9.93E-08 1.17E-07 45.71 2.2993 0.91 10042.54 32.8 0.060381 32.6 1.7697 0.034119 8 115 1110 1185 8.33 2.10E-07 18.11 1.92E-03 0.0089 0.217 9.76E-08 1.12E-07 44.43 2.4533 0.93 9006.38 34.8 0.058656 32.6 1.9783 0.02965 8 120 1115 1190 8.36 2.09E-07 19.58 1.92E-03 0.0089 0.2154 9.54E-08 1.13E-07 45.18 2.3075 0.92 9431.32 36.8 0.058978 32.6 1.9212 0.030699 8 125 1120 1195 8.39 2.15E-07 20.02 2.14E-03 0.0093 0.2301 9.89E-08 1.16E-07 47.31 2.3631 0.94 9793.14 38 0.057744 32.3 1.7357 0.033268 8 130 1125 1200 8.42 1.99E-07 17.32 1.48E-03 0.008 0.1851 9.57E-08 1.04E-07 43.74 2.5254 0.8 8017.55 33.5 0.052618 31.6 1.6653 0.031597 8 135 1130 1205 8.45 2.14E-07 22.88 2.45E-03 0.01 0.2456 9.63E-08 1.17E-07 52 2.2727 0.98 10965.99 32.4 0.050454 31.4 1.6732 0.030154 8 140 1135 1210 8.48 2.04E-07 20.12 1.74E-03 0.0079 0.2217 9.99E-08 1.04E-07 46.9 2.331 0.92 8234.91 29.1 0.048014 31.3 1.7788 0.026992 8 145 1140 1215 8.51 1.99E-07 19.16 1.63E-03 0.0079 0.2065 9.68E-08 1.02E-07 47.51 2.4796 0.92 8533.72 30.1 0.046132 31.3 1.9183 0.024048 9 0 1145 1220 8.55 1.94E-07 20.67 1.77E-03 0.0079 0.2242 9.60E-08 9.85E-08 50.55 2.4456 0.88 9030.59 9 5 1150 1225 8.58 1.95E-07 20.97 1.80E-03 0.0077 0.2345 9.94E-08 9.54E-08 50.63 2.4144 0.89 9313.9 9 10 1155 1230 8.61 1.87E-07 19.25 1.49E-03 0.0068 0.2169 9.72E-08 8.95E-08 48.93 2.5418 0.83 8276.81 39.6 0.040302 30.6 1.4696 0.027424 9 15 1160 1235 8.64 1.97E-07 16.63 1.38E-03 0.0067 0.2047 1.04E-07 9.29E-08 45.32 2.7252 0.81 6907.93 39.7 0.038815 30.4 1.5285 0.025394 9 20 1165 1240 8.67 1.95E-07 20.31 1.71E-03 0.0073 0.2334 9.72E-08 9.75E-08 49.5 2.4372 0.94 8458.22 40 0.03721 30.4 1.5666 0.023752 9 25 1170 1245 8.7 3.71E-07 27.31 9.15E-03 0.0228 0.4009 1.01E-07 2.69E-07 43.52 1.5936 0.99 2343.87 38.6 0.037411 31 1.9824 0.018872 9 30 1175 1250 8.73 2.01E-07 23.3 2.03E-03 0.008 0.2528 9.78E-08 1.03E-07 53.26 2.2858 0.85 10482.64 34.5 0.036718 30.7 2.0144 0.018228 9 35 1180 1255 8.77 1.90E-07 19.02 1.63E-03 0.0071 0.2285 9.62E-08 9.41E-08 51.15 2.6893 0.72 9140.51 30.4 0.038627 30.4 2.5331 0.015249 9 40 1185 1260 8.8 1.87E-07 16.88 1.50E-03 0.0068 0.2189 1.01E-07 8.58E-08 48.04 2.846 0.79 7594.26 27.5 0.034156 30 1.6878 0.020237 9 45 1190 1265 8.83 1.88E-07 14.78 1.30E-03 0.0072 0.1799 1.01E-07 8.76E-08 41.14 2.7835 0.87 6784.01 23.3 0.033326 30.4 1.8926 0.017609 9 50 1195 1270 8.86 2.03E-07 22.77 2.22E-03 0.0088 0.2536 9.62E-08 1.07E-07 54.04 2.3733 0.87 11251.5 23.6 0.032213 30.3 1.8034 0.017862 9 55 1200 1275 8.89 2.08E-07 29.74 2.81E-03 0.0092 0.305 9.90E-08 1.09E-07 61.26 2.0599 0.91 13424.29 26.3 0.032082 30.2 2.0013 0.016031 9 60 1205 1280 8.92 2.12E-07 29.81 3.28E-03 0.0102 0.3224 9.94E-08 1.12E-07 57.03 1.9131 1.01 14128.71 29.6 0.033784 30.4 2.6005 0.012991 9 65 1210 1285 8.95 1.91E-07 16.38 1.31E-03 0.007 0.1856 9.54E-08 9.59E-08 47.01 2.87 0.73 7094.81 28.1 0.032502 29.4 2.0453 0.015891 9 70 1215 1290 8.99 2.23E-07 30.72 3.64E-03 0.0115 0.3154 1.01E-07 1.23E-07 60.76 1.9779 0.9 16556.3 28.2 0.033439 29.5 2.3775 0.014065 9 75 1220 1295 9.02 2.08E-07 19.99 2.11E-03 0.0096 0.2194 1.01E-07 1.07E-07 49.92 2.4972 0.92 9653 31.2 0.040097 30.6 4.6001 0.0087165 9 80 1225 1300 9.05 2.07E-07 15.31 1.53E-03 0.0092 0.1658 9.72E-08 1.10E-07 43.87 2.8654 0.81 7695.12 32.1 0.043186 30.6 5.3728 0.0080379 9 85 1230 1305 9.08 2.12E-07 17.57 1.78E-03 0.0101 0.176 9.83E-08 1.14E-07 46.17 2.6278 0.94 8542.19 31.1 0.036708 30.1 3.6768 0.0099837 9 90 1235 1310 9.11 2.16E-07 17.35 2.08E-03 0.0112 0.1856 9.53E-08 1.21E-07 48.57 2.7994 0.91 9452.94 26.1 0.035079 28.7 2.9963 0.011707 9 95 1240 1315 9.14 6.82E-07 27.29 2.36E-02 0.0701 0.3361 9.23E-08 5.90E-07 53.21 1.9498 0.99 33154.87 29.2 0.040758 28.5 4.2665 0.009553 9 100 1245 1320 9.17 2.34E-07 33.58 9.82E-03 0.0281 0.3491 8.95E-08 1.44E-07 58.65 1.7466 0.99 40439.51 27.1 0.044806 27.9 4.5042 0.0099476 9 105 1250 1325 9.21 6.71E-07 5.24 2.87E-03 0.0537 0.0535 8.64E-08 5.85E-07 26.16 4.9924 0.98 4144.07 13.7 0.043981 26.8 3.3606 0.013087 9 110 1255 1330 9.24 2.20E-07 13.16 1.81E-03 0.012 0.1504 9.28E-08 1.27E-07 34.79 2.6436 0.97 7655.9 21.3 0.0381 26.8 2.0811 0.018308 9 115 1260 1335 9.27 2.42E-07 14.99 2.21E-03 0.0145 0.152 8.75E-08 1.55E-07 33.02 2.2028 0.94 9463.28 19.2 0.033877 26.2 1.7957 0.018866 9 120 1265 1340 9.3 2.08E-07 12.96 1.06E-03 0.0086 0.1241 9.86E-08 1.10E-07 35.23 2.7184 0.93 5537.49 9.1 0.030374 26.3 1.4455 0.021013 10 0 1270 1345 9.33 2.03E-07 10.48 1.27E-03 0.0116 0.1099 7.71E-08 1.26E-07 36.16 3.4504 0.8 6275.06 3. Brachfeld et al. 2009 HLY0501 Trigger Core 5 (TC5) rock magnetic data Cores HLY05-01 JPC5 and TC5 were collected during cruise 05-01 of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy (Healy-Oden Trans-Arctic Expedition "HOTRAX" Leg 1). Depth-age model derived from Pb-210 and 6 AMS 14C dates on calcareous shells. Please see HLY05-01_JPC5_Chronology.txt Parameters: Susceptibility in m3/kg, coercivity in mT (Hc), saturation remanence (Mr) in Am2/kg, saturation magnetization (Ms) in Am2/kg, saturation remanence normalized by saturation magnetization (Mr/Ms), high-field magnetic susceptibility in m3/kg (Xhf), ferromagnetic susceptibility (Xferro) in m3/kg, coercivity of remance in mT (Hcr), coercivity of remanence normalized by coercivity, S-ratio Sect. Int. Depth AgeAD AgeBP Suscept. Hc Mr Ms Mr/Ms Xhf Hcr Hcr/Hc S-ratio 0 0 2005 -55 1 1 1 1998.75 -48.75 4.00E-07 19.99 6.49E-03 0.0266 0.2446 9.47E-08 43.9 2.1961 0.95 1 5 5 1973.75 -23.75 3.89E-07 19.91 6.27E-03 0.0252 0.2492 9.32E-08 42.94 2.1567 0.96 1 10 10 1942.5 7.5 4.13E-07 20.03 6.81E-03 0.027 0.2526 1.01E-07 43.06 2.1498 0.97 1 15 15 1911.25 38.75 4.16E-07 19.96 6.95E-03 0.0277 0.2509 9.74E-08 43.73 2.1909 0.94 1 20 20 1880 70 4.16E-07 20.14 6.90E-03 0.0278 0.2485 9.13E-08 43.93 2.1812 0.94 1 25 25 1848.75 101.25 4.10E-07 19.81 6.83E-03 0.0275 0.2489 9.12E-08 43 2.1706 0.98 1 30 30 1817.5 132.5 4.17E-07 20.28 6.94E-03 0.028 0.2478 9.66E-08 43.22 2.1312 0.97 1 35 35 1786.25 163.75 4.13E-07 20.01 6.84E-03 0.0273 0.2502 8.91E-08 43.13 2.1554 0.97 1 40 40 1755 195 4.17E-07 19.95 6.74E-03 0.0274 0.2455 8.96E-08 42.85 2.1479 0.98 1 45 45 1723.75 226.25 4.14E-07 20.13 6.87E-03 0.0273 0.2512 9.39E-08 43.63 2.1674 0.96 1 50 50 1692.5 257.5 4.09E-07 20.2 6.88E-03 0.028 0.2453 9.07E-08 43.05 2.1312 0.97 1 55 55 1661.25 288.75 4.12E-07 19.8 6.93E-03 0.0276 0.2517 9.35E-08 43.99 2.2217 0.97 1 60 60 1630 320 4.08E-07 20.36 6.96E-03 0.0279 0.2493 9.35E-08 43.37 2.1302 0.98 1 65 65 351.25 4.05E-07 20.4 6.65E-03 0.0266 0.2503 9.28E-08 43.97 2.1554 0.94 1 70 70 382.5 4.05E-07 20.69 6.89E-03 0.0272 0.2535 1.01E-07 44.36 2.144 0.94 1 75 75 413.75 3.98E-07 20.59 6.80E-03 0.0268 0.2536 9.54E-08 43.65 2.12 0.97 1 80 80 445 4.02E-07 20.42 6.90E-03 0.0278 0.2479 9.41E-08 43.37 2.1239 0.97 1 85 85 476.25 3.98E-07 20.43 6.70E-03 0.0262 0.2553 9.41E-08 44.09 2.1581 0.94 1 90 90 507.5 4.11E-07 20.01 6.73E-03 0.028 0.24 9.53E-08 44.25 2.2114 0.93 1 95 95 538.75 3.96E-07 20.64 6.66E-03 0.0264 0.2525 9.41E-08 44.4 2.1512 0.93 1 100 100 570 4.07E-07 20.15 6.47E-03 0.0266 0.2432 9.33E-08 43.86 2.1767 0.95 1 105 105 601.25 3.97E-07 20.22 6.52E-03 0.0263 0.2478 9.41E-08 43.44 2.1484 0.96 1 110 110 632.5 3.91E-07 20.67 6.51E-03 0.0254 0.2562 9.14E-08 43.87 2.1224 0.96 1 125 125 726.25 3.98E-07 20.52 6.48E-03 0.0259 0.2501 9.55E-08 44.23 2.1555 0.95 1 130 130 757.5 3.90E-07 20.64 6.45E-03 0.0251 0.2566 9.03E-08 44.26 2.1444 0.95 1 135 135 788.75 3.92E-07 20.49 6.46E-03 0.0259 0.2494 9.21E-08 43.94 2.1445 0.96 1 140 140 820 4.03E-07 20.39 6.66E-03 0.0267 0.2499 9.50E-08 43.38 2.1275 0.98 2 1 147 863.75 4.05E-07 20.39 6.57E-03 0.0261 0.2516 9.13E-08 43.2 2.1187 0.99 2 5 151 888.75 3.94E-07 20.63 6.87E-03 0.0268 0.2558 9.46E-08 45.32 2.1968 0.92 2 10 156 920 3.90E-07 20.16 6.27E-03 0.0254 0.2466 8.96E-08 42.94 2.13 0.99 2 15 161 951.25 3.88E-07 20.59 6.41E-03 0.0255 0.2514 9.32E-08 44.55 2.1637 0.93 2 20 166 982.5 3.95E-07 20.22 6.58E-03 0.0259 0.254 9.39E-08 43.24 2.1385 0.99 2 25 171 1013.75 3.93E-07 20.45 6.38E-03 0.0256 0.2495 9.12E-08 43.64 2.134 0.98 2 30 176 1045 3.94E-07 21.06 6.50E-03 0.0257 0.2533 9.44E-08 44.41 2.1087 0.96 2 35 181 1076.25 3.94E-07 20.39 6.52E-03 0.0267 0.2442 9.33E-08 43.28 2.1226 0.98 2 40 186 1107.5 3.97E-07 20.76 6.77E-03 0.0266 0.2548 9.57E-08 44.34 2.1358 0.97 2 45 191 1138.75 3.92E-07 21.03 6.27E-03 0.0245 0.2563 8.97E-08 44.8 2.1303 0.95 2 50 196 1170 3.86E-07 20.89 6.27E-03 0.0247 0.2541 9.57E-08 43.69 2.0914 1 2 55 201 1201.25 3.94E-07 20.47 6.35E-03 0.0252 0.2523 9.32E-08 43.95 2.147 0.97 2 60 206 1232.5 3.78E-07 20.49 6.31E-03 0.0248 0.2546 9.63E-08 44.28 2.1611 0.95 2 65 211 1263.75 3.82E-07 20.6 6.15E-03 0.0244 0.2525 8.97E-08 43.85 2.1286 0.98 2 70 216 1295 3.86E-07 20.59 6.10E-03 0.0242 0.2517 8.95E-08 44.5 2.1612 0.94 2 75 221 1326.25 3.87E-07 20.28 6.31E-03 0.0256 0.2465 9.40E-08 44.14 2.1765 0.95 2 80 226 1357.5 3.91E-07 19.99 6.34E-03 0.0258 0.2458 9.32E-08 44.74 2.2381 0.92 2 85 231 1388.75 3.89E-07 20.44 6.76E-03 0.0265 0.2555 9.43E-08 44.04 2.1546 0.95 2 90 236 1420 3.84E-07 20.06 6.13E-03 0.0246 0.2492 9.20E-08 43.58 2.1725 0.96 2 95 241 1451.25 3.89E-07 20.06 6.51E-03 0.0262 0.2489 9.30E-08 44.06 2.1964 0.94 2 100 246 1482.5 3.90E-07 20.42 6.23E-03 0.0251 0.248 9.21E-08 43.89 2.1494 0.96