# Eastern Equatorial Pacific Stable Isotope and Alkenone Data and SST Reconstruction over the last 25Kyr #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Online_Resource: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/19684 # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/paleocean/by_contributor/bova2015/bova2015-cdh26-iso.txt # # Archive: Paleoceanography # # Parameter_Keywords: age control, oxygen isotopes, carbon isotopes, biomarkers #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2016-01-20 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Eastern Equatorial Pacific Stable Isotope and Alkenone Data and SST Reconstruction over the last 25Kyr #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Bova, Samantha C.; Herbert, Timothy D.; Rosenthal, Yair; Kalansky, Julie; Altabet, Mark A.; Chazen, Caitlin; Mojarro, Angel; Zech, Jana #--------------------------------------- # Description and Notes # Description: Measurement errors- Uk'37: 0.05, C37 Alkenone abundance: 0.1. # Provided Keywords: Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Samantha C. Bova, Timothy Herbert, Yair Rosenthal, Julie Kalansky, Mark Altabet, Caitlin Chazen, Angel Mojarro, Jana Zech # Published_Date_or_Year: 2015 # Published_Title: Links between eastern equatorial Pacific stratification and atmospheric CO2 rise during the last deglaciation # Journal_Name: Paleoceanography # Volume: 30 # Edition: # Issue: 11 # Pages: 1407-1424 # Report Number: # DOI: 10.1002/2015PA002816 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: It is difficult to untangle the mixed influences of high- and low-latitude climate forcing in the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP). Here we test the hypothesis that the Southern Ocean drove change in the EEP via subsurface intermediate waters during the last deglaciation. We use the d18O signature of benthic foraminifera to reconstruct water density changes during the last 25?kyr at three intermediate water depths (370?m, 600?m, and 1000?m) in the EEP. Carbonate d18O records a combined signature of temperature and salinity and is therefore more closely related to density than temperature or salinity alone. We find that benthic foraminiferal d18O values decreased first in the subsurface, simultaneously with rising temperatures over Antarctica, and propagated up to the surface within ~3?kyr. The early subsurface response initiated a rapid decrease in density stratification over the upper water column as indicated by reduced d18O gradients between surface and intermediate depths. Stratification of the upper water column remained low through the termination, with stratification minima reached during Heinrich Stadial 1 and the Younger Dryas (YD), synchronous with the two-part deglacial rise in atmospheric CO2. Centennial-scale shifts toward heavier d18O signatures at 370 and 600?m during the YD indicate short-lived shifts in the Subantarctic Mode Water/Antarctic Intermediate Water boundary to shallower intermediate depths. We suggest that decreased density gradients during the deglaciation accelerated vertical mixing across the EEP, and potentially the entire South Pacific subtropical gyre, which enhanced CO2 delivery from depth to the surface ocean and atmosphere. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: OCE 1003387 #--------------------------------------- # Site Information # Site_Name: KNR195-5 CDH26 # Location: Eastern Equatorial Pacific # Country: # Northernmost_Latitude: -3.986 # Southernmost_Latitude: -3.986 # Easternmost_Longitude: -81.308667 # Westernmost_Longitude: -81.308667 # Elevation: -1023 #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: KNR195-5 CDH26 Isotopes Bova15 # First_Year: 25831 # Last_Year: 1366 # Time_Unit: cal yr BP # Core_Length: # Notes: Spliced together with CDH 23 in the paper. #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # KNR195-5 CDH26 # Labcode # depth_top # depth_bottom # mat.dated # 14C.raw # 14C.raw_err # datemeth # reservoir # calib.14C # calib_method # rejected # notes # # Labcode depth_top depth_bottom mat.dated 14C.raw 14C.raw_err datemeth reservoir calib.14C calib_method rejected notes # OS-84131 95.5 96.5 N. dutertrei 3970 30 14C AMS 500 3803 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-84109 171 172 N. dutertrei 5980 35 14C AMS 500 6309 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-84125 203 204 N. dutertrei 6320 35 14C AMS 500 6683 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-84164 235 236 N. dutertrei 7070 35 14C AMS 500 7506 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-84113 267 268 N. dutertrei 7440 35 14C AMS 500 7822 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-84111 324.5 325.5 N. dutertrei 8550 40 14C AMS 500 9022 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-84110 420.5 421.5 N. dutertrei 9460 40 14C AMS 500 10197 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-84159 477.5 478.5 N. dutertrei 10150 55 14C AMS 500 11142 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-84112 573.5 574.5 N. dutertrei 10750 45 14C AMS 500 12078 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-84161 662.5 663.5 N. dutertrei 11650 45 14C AMS 500 13040 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-84160 784 785 N. dutertrei 12350 50 14C AMS 500 13734 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-84165 848 849 N. dutertrei 12750 50 14C AMS 500 14103 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-84156 939 940 N. dutertrei 13100 60 14C AMS 500 14734 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-101831 971 972 N. dutertrei 13050 55 14C AMS 500 14665 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-84128 1156 1157 N. dutertrei 13900 60 14C AMS 500 15658 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-101830 1299 1300 N. dutertrei 14750 65 14C AMS 500 16803 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-84132 1400 1401 N. dutertrei 15150 65 14C AMS 500 17503 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-101835 1496 1497 N. dutertrei 15550 75 14C AMS 500 18295 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-84117 1619 1620 N. dutertrei 16250 65 14C AMS 500 18970 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-84114 1740.5 1741.5 N. dutertrei 17050 70 14C AMS 500 19718 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-84118 1894.5 1895.5 N. dutertrei 17700 70 14C AMS 500 20417 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-84158 2047.5 2048.5 N. dutertrei 18850 110 14C AMS 500 21998 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-84119 2168.5 2169.5 N. dutertrei 20200 85 14C AMS 500 23600 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-84129 2264.5 2265.5 N. dutertrei 19700 85 14C AMS 500 22857 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-84163 2385.5 2386.5 N. dutertrei 20900 80 14C AMS 500 24350 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-101832 2417.5 2418.5 N. dutertrei 21500 150 14C AMS 500 25192 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # OS-84126 2538.5 2539.5 N. dutertrei 21900 95 14C AMS 500 25760 Fairbanks 0107 no NaN # #--------------------------------------- # Variables # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) ## depth_cm Depth,,,centimeters,,,,,N ## age_calyrBP Age,,,calendar years before 1950AD,,,,,N ## d13Cu.pereg delta 13C,Uvigerina peregrina,,per mil VPDB,,Paleoceanography,,analytical technique: isotope ratio mass spectrometer,N ## d18Ou.pereg delta 18O,Uvigerina peregrina,,per mil VPDB,,Paleoceanography,,analytical technique: isotope ratio mass spectrometer,N #------------------------ # Data # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Value: depth_cm age_calyrBP d13Cu.pereg d18Ou.pereg 32.00 1923.89 -0.29 2.96 64.00 2975.83 -0.39 3.06 96.00 3948.00 -0.29 2.95 128.00 4845.73 -0.52 2.89 171.50 5955.86 -0.37 2.88 203.50 6697.81 -0.41 2.91 235.50 7381.60 -0.49 2.92 267.50 8011.61 -0.57 2.99 325.00 9021.64 -0.57 3.10 357.00 9522.72 -0.38 3.21 389.00 9984.77 -0.63 3.12 410.00 10268.44 -0.79 3.27 421.00 10411.23 -0.60 3.13 478.00 11092.68 -0.64 3.29 510.00 11436.60 -0.61 3.36 542.00 11756.24 -0.78 3.14 574.00 12054.18 -0.77 3.40 631.00 12538.61 -0.63 3.58 663.00 12788.46 -0.86 3.71 695.00 13024.96 -0.99 3.70 727.00 13249.98 -1.07 3.76 784.50 13630.79 -1.04 3.78 816.50 13832.35 -1.10 3.77 848.50 14028.25 -1.35 3.82 880.50 14219.70 -0.82 3.81 959.50 14680.22 -0.77 3.83 971.50 14749.30 -0.80 3.81 1003.50 14933.14 -0.86 3.88 1035.50 15116.97 -0.88 3.94 1092.50 15446.26 -0.87 3.94 1124.50 15633.05 -0.66 3.99 1156.50 15821.75 -0.92 4.05 1188.50 16012.66 -1.26 4.13 1247.50 16371.26 -0.89 4.19 1263.50 16470.09 -1.24 4.19 1295.50 16669.86 -1.46 4.25 1343.50 16974.88 -0.96 4.38 1400.50 17345.35 -0.89 4.34 1432.50 17557.12 -0.97 4.40 1464.50 17771.47 -1.43 4.43 1496.50 17988.24 -1.21 4.50 1555.50 18393.65 -1.47 4.45 1587.50 18616.28 -1.29 4.51 1619.50 18840.57 -1.46 4.50 1651.50 19066.29 -0.98 4.40 1709.00 19474.77 -1.13 4.46 1741.00 19703.32 -1.17 4.48 1773.00 19932.50 -0.89 4.51 1805.00 20162.13 -1.61 4.56 1863.00 20578.95 -0.97 4.39 1895.00 20809.06 -1.08 4.56 1927.00 21039.17 -0.90 4.56 1959.00 21269.25 -1.03 4.42 2016.00 21679.10 -0.96 4.44 2048.00 21909.35 -0.71 4.44 2080.00 22139.93 -1.21 4.44 2120.00 22428.96 -0.45 4.40 2169.00 22785.10 -0.98 4.50 2201.00 23019.58 -0.51 4.36 2233.00 23256.16 -0.63 4.36 2265.00 23495.43 -0.70 4.42 2322.00 23930.55 -0.75 4.32 2354.00 24181.29 -0.75 4.31 2386.00 24437.89 -0.69 4.40 2418.00 24701.41 -0.67 4.34 2475.00 25191.82 -0.89 4.38 2507.00 25481.32 -0.59 4.49 2539.00 25782.93 -0.61 4.42