# Sedimentary Geochemical Proxy Data of the Eastern Arabian Sea during the late Pliocene #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. # If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with '#' followed by a space # Data lines have no '#' # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/36573 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-ocean-36573.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Paleoceanography # # Dataset_DOI: 10.25921/5pz3-et80 # # Science_Keywords: #--------------------------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/contributions_by_author/behera2022/behera2022-u1456.txt # Data_Download_Description: NOAA Template File; Sedimentary Geochemical Proxy Data # #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2022-06-15 #--------------------------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2023-03-10 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Sedimentary Geochemical Proxy Data of the Eastern Arabian Sea during the late Pliocene #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Behera, P; Tiwari, M; Kumar, V; Sarathchandraprasad, T; Tripathi, S. #--------------------------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Sedimentary geochemical proxies (d15N,TN,d13C,TOC) from eastern Arabian Sea spanning late Pliocene (3.4 to 2.7 Ma) # # dataID dataset ID NOTE: This field is used to tie the data's metadata to the data. This value will be the column header in the data table # FullDataSetCode A name for the data collection # archiveType archive or data type of the collection # latitude latitude of site in decimal degrees North # longitude longitude of site in decimal degrees East # elevation elevation of site in meters # startYear start year in years CE # endYear end year in years CE # Citation citation text or DOI for original publication source of data # Original_Source_Data_URL Original Source URL or DOI(if available) for the data presented here # variable_used Variable from original source that is being used # date_accessed Date the original source data was acquired # notes Any additional information about the use of the record that is not covered in the fields above # # dataID FullDataSetCode archiveType latitude longitude elevation startYear endYear Citation Original_Source_Data_URL variable_used data_accessed notes # ID1 [ID1]_U1456_d15N Sediment core 16.62 68.84 -3650 3400000 2600000 delta 15N 11/30/2018 # ID2 [ID2]_U1456_TN Sediment core 16.62 68.84 -3650 3400000 2600000 TN 11/30/2018 # ID3 [ID3]_U1456_d13C Sediment core 16.62 68.84 -3650 3400000 2600000 delta 13C 12/13/2018 # ID4 [ID4]_U1456_TOC Sediment core 16.62 68.84 -3650 3400000 2600000 TOC 12/13/2018 # # Provided Keywords: Arctic Sea Ice Extent, IODP, Denitrification, Teleconnection, Monsoon, Pliocene #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Padmasini Behera, Manish Tiwari, Vikash Kumar, T. Sarathchandraprasad, Shubham Tripathi # Published_Date_or_Year: 2022-09-01 # Published_Title: South Asian Monsoon variability and Arctic sea ice extent linkages during the late Pliocene # Journal_Name: Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology # Volume: 37 # Edition: # Issue: 9 # Pages: # Report_Number: e2022PA004436 # DOI: 10.1029/2022PA004436 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The influence of a warming-induced reduction in Arctic sea ice extent (SIE) on the South Asian monsoon (SoAM) is not well understood. The mid-Piacenzian Warm Period (MPWP, 3.264 to 3.025 million years ago, Ma), the most recent warm climate event when the Earth’s CO2 levels were similar to the present, is considered an analog for future global warming. We present a multi-proxy high-resolution record of SoAM variability during the late Pliocene (~3.4 to 2.7 Ma) using denitrification, productivity, weathering, and terrestrial influx proxies from the eastern Arabian Sea (IODP Expedition 355). The proxy-based SoAM reconstruction is independently verified using a hybrid model-proxy dataset (Oscillayers). We identify two distinct intervals of monsoon intensification - during the MPWP and at 2.9 Ma. The SoAM variability appears to result from an interplay between dynamic (Insolation, Arctic SIE variability, and southern tropical Indian Ocean surface temperature variability due to Indonesian Throughflow changes) and thermodynamic effects (global temperature change due to pCO2variability). Using a late Pliocene Arctic spring sea ice concentration reconstruction, we find that lower (higher) Arctic SIE leads to stronger (weaker) late Pliocene SoAM via asymmetric interhemispheric energy export and through modulating jet stream flow and meridional circulation. Our finding of strengthened SoAM during the MPWP corroborates model results and implies that more intense precipitation is expected over South Asia with continued climate warming. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) # Grant: 248793 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Research Council of Norway # Grant: 223259 #--------------------------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: IODP U1456 # Location: Arabian Sea # Northernmost_Latitude: 16.62 # Southernmost_Latitude: 16.62 # Easternmost_Longitude: 68.84 # Westernmost_Longitude: 68.84 # Elevation_m: -3650 #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: U1456_geochem_behera2022 # First_Year: 3400000 # Last_Year: 2700000 # Time_Unit: calendar year before present # Core_Length_m: 365.25 # Parameter_Keywords: geochemistry # Notes: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: #--------------------------------------- # Variables # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-var components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## Year Age ,,,million years ago,,Paleoceanography,,,N, ## d15N delta 15N,,,per mil PDB,,Paleoceanography,,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N, ## TN nitrogen ,,,percent,,Paleoceanography,,Elemental Analysis,N,total nitrogen (TN) ## d13C delta 13C,,,per mil PDB,,Paleoceanography,,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N, ## TOC organic carbon,,,percent,,Paleoceanography,,Elemental Analysis,N,total organic carbon (TOC) #------------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: NaN Year d15N TN d13C TOC 2.6811 7.84 0.087 -20.29 0.502 2.6865 8.88 0.080 -20.63 0.500 2.6922 8.28 0.105 -19.95 0.800 2.6977 7.98 0.117 -20.19 1.072 2.7032 7.90 0.122 -20.32 1.230 2.7087 8.10 0.118 -20.17 1.217 2.7142 8.15 0.108 -20.11 1.071 2.7198 8.07 0.117 -19.97 1.104 2.7265 8.04 0.106 -20.08 1.120 2.7360 6.56 0.123 -20.10 1.627 2.7416 7.83 0.078 NaN NaN 2.7471 7.51 0.082 -20.21 0.641 2.7526 7.48 0.080 -20.17 0.544 2.7578 6.94 0.095 -18.71 1.145 2.7634 7.54 0.096 -18.82 1.159 2.7689 7.10 0.085 -19.06 1.051 2.7770 6.90 0.089 -18.63 1.101 2.7825 7.01 0.088 -18.42 1.068 2.7881 7.36 0.096 -18.68 1.141 2.7939 4.93 0.113 -18.45 1.049 2.7994 6.29 0.073 -19.05 0.965 2.8006 7.79 0.079 -18.88 0.639 2.8061 7.53 0.143 -19.42 1.572 2.8122 7.50 0.087 -20.01 0.494 2.8181 7.91 0.114 -18.26 1.132 2.8237 6.88 0.140 -19.91 1.812 2.8292 6.75 0.099 -19.66 0.552 2.8353 7.50 0.107 -19.16 1.137 2.8663 7.54 0.121 -19.19 1.018 2.8725 8.26 0.101 -17.70 0.978 2.8783 7.65 0.098 -18.27 0.738 2.8840 7.67 0.069 -18.76 0.533 2.8895 7.41 0.096 -18.43 0.701 2.8960 7.92 0.120 -18.63 1.193 2.9003 7.97 0.129 -18.40 1.304 2.9058 5.44 0.113 -18.45 0.913 2.9116 7.71 0.090 -18.37 0.934 2.9168 7.49 0.085 -18.42 1.021 2.9306 4.69 0.040 -21.89 0.323 2.9364 4.98 0.050 -20.91 0.357 2.9419 4.47 0.051 -21.10 0.344 2.9475 4.67 0.044 -21.26 0.371 2.9541 4.73 0.046 -19.33 0.615 2.9589 4.22 0.061 -20.53 0.670 2.9955 5.34 0.056 -20.71 0.411 3.0020 5.27 0.046 -22.17 0.390 3.0072 4.54 0.040 -21.99 0.337 3.0100 5.89 0.066 -21.42 0.436 3.0173 5.06 0.066 -21.22 0.367 3.0228 5.23 0.055 -21.36 0.437 3.0285 5.06 0.059 -21.53 0.414 3.0340 5.27 0.059 -21.39 0.419 3.0402 5.21 0.063 -21.56 0.425 3.0463 5.29 0.060 -21.11 0.404 3.0527 5.26 0.058 -21.58 0.397 3.0585 5.38 0.060 -21.28 0.368 3.0642 8.40 0.096 -20.02 0.747 3.0701 7.95 0.101 -20.87 0.884 3.0744 8.16 0.068 -21.39 0.652 3.0802 7.09 0.073 -20.16 0.623 3.0857 7.67 0.074 -21.36 0.450 3.1099 8.10 0.108 -20.34 0.839 3.1154 8.04 0.114 -19.67 1.149 3.1209 8.26 0.085 -18.12 0.900 3.1264 8.37 0.089 -18.11 0.901 3.1324 7.56 0.083 -20.21 0.584 3.1394 8.46 0.083 -20.82 0.550 3.1449 9.05 0.073 -20.52 0.540 3.1503 8.04 0.073 -20.61 0.542 3.1561 6.89 0.073 -21.33 0.436 3.1616 8.12 0.077 -21.43 0.559 3.1680 7.36 0.071 -20.40 0.509 3.1738 7.34 0.114 -20.01 1.230 3.1804 8.24 0.081 -20.88 0.674 3.1862 8.53 0.080 -20.59 0.554 3.1925 8.37 0.089 -19.32 0.825 3.1985 7.43 0.067 -20.71 0.361 3.2048 7.92 0.069 -20.56 0.438 3.2108 7.79 0.056 -19.50 0.541 3.2170 7.51 0.073 -19.54 0.450 3.2224 4.64 0.064 -21.03 0.386 3.2425 5.29 0.057 -21.39 0.396 3.2482 5.51 0.053 -21.32 0.407 3.2544 4.92 0.067 -21.08 0.400 3.2609 4.95 0.059 -21.45 0.405 3.2662 4.64 0.061 -21.39 0.414 3.2718 4.66 0.055 -21.67 0.405 3.2773 4.97 0.053 -21.61 0.411 3.2839 5.23 0.059 -21.54 0.397 3.2893 4.94 0.060 -21.48 0.412 3.2949 4.80 0.061 -22.59 0.462 3.3013 4.99 0.060 -21.73 0.382 3.3071 5.41 0.062 -22.18 0.432 3.3126 4.94 0.065 -21.43 0.396 3.3183 4.48 0.062 -21.75 0.411 3.3239 4.71 0.069 -21.55 0.403 3.3297 5.39 0.056 -21.80 0.376 3.3362 5.14 0.057 -21.35 0.404 3.3416 5.38 0.056 -21.69 0.401 3.3477 5.70 0.053 -21.56 0.372 3.3535 5.39 0.060 -22.06 0.370 3.3588 5.40 0.059 -22.25 0.402 3.3646 5.61 0.061 -21.90 0.376 3.3706 5.44 0.064 -23.59 0.460 3.3925 5.45 0.068 -21.82 0.348 3.3947 5.96 0.069 -21.52 0.357 3.3974 5.87 0.058 -21.37 0.334 3.3996 6.53 0.057 -21.52 0.358