Gulf of Mexico Deglacial Stable Isotope Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE CONTRIBUTORS WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: Gulf of Mexico Deglacial Stable Isotope Data LAST UPDATE: 7/2004 (Original receipt by WDC Paleo) CONTRIBUTOR: Paul Aharon, University of Alabama IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2004-042 SUGGESTED DATA CITATION: Aharon, P.. 2004. Gulf of Mexico Deglacial Stable Isotope Data. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 2004-042. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Aharon, P.. 2003. Meltwater flooding events in the Gulf of Mexico revisited: Implications for rapid climate changes during the last deglaciation. Paleoceanography, Vol. 18, No. 4, 1079, doi:10.1029/2002PA000840, 2003. ABSTRACT: North American freshwater runoff records have been used to support the case that climate flickers were caused by shutdowns of the ocean thermohaline circulation (THC) resulting from reversals of meltwater discharges. Inconsistencies in the documentation of these meltwater switches, however, continue to fuel the debate on the cause/s of the oscillatory nature of the deglacial climate. New oxygen and carbon isotope records from the northern Gulf of Mexico depict in exceptional detail the succession of meltwater floods and pauses through the southern routing during the interval 16 to 8.9 ka (14C years BP; ka, kiloannum). The records underscore the bimodal role played by the Gulf of Mexico as a destination of meltwater discharges from the receding Laurentide Ice Sheet. The evidence indicates that the Gulf of Mexico acted as the principal source of superfloods at 13.4, 12.6, and 11.9 ka that reached the North Atlantic and contributed significantly to density stratification, disruption of ocean ventilation, and cold reversals. Gulf of Mexico lapsed into a ‘‘relief valve’’ position in post-Younger Dryas time, when meltwater discharges were rerouted south at 9.9, 9.7, 9.4, and 9.1 ka, thus temporarily interrupting North Atlantic-bound freshwater discharges from Lake Agassiz. The history of meltwater events in the Gulf of Mexico contradicts the model that meltwater flow via the eastern outlets into the North Atlantic disrupted the ocean THC, causing cooling, while diversions to the Gulf of Mexico via the Mississippi River enhanced THC and warming. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Gulf of Mexico PERIOD OF RECORD: 1 to 18 KYrBP DESCRIPTION: Gulf of Mexico Deglacial Stable Isotope Data. The d18O time series of deglaciation in the Gulf of Mexico were acquired from paired G. ruber white and N. dutertrei planktonic foraminifer shells from seven piston cores raised from bathyal depths (401 m to 1112 m) and spaced over a stretch of 315 km on the Louisiana slope (LOUIS). Locations,core length (cm) and water depth(m) of Piston Cores from the Louisiana Slope (LOUIS) on the Gulf of Mexico Continental Margin: Core# Lat.N Lon.W Length Depth 2023 27.76 92.59 377 401 1610 27.23 93.52 410 827 1640 27.56 93.70 448 529 1938 27.68 89.90 457 1112 1924 27.68 90.10 457 1030 1900 28.07 89.99 418 485 1639 27.58 93.70 666 475 DATA: 1. Stacked Isotope Records from 7 LOUIS CORES, G.ruber (white) Column 1: Age Model in Ka Column 2: delta18O of G.ruber (white) Column 3: delta13C of G. ruber (white) Isotope values of individual cores were stacked and smoothed Using a 3-point Gaussian filter Age d18O d13C 0.98 -2.77 0.51 1.16 -2.26 0.52 1.21 -2.38 0.39 1.38 -2.4 0.32 1.51 -2.61 0.51 1.86 -2.33 0.55 1.94 -2.12 0.68 2.08 -2.07 0.73 2.21 -1.93 0.7 2.42 -1.94 0.53 2.56 -1.82 0.66 2.8 -1.92 0.7 2.91 -2.09 0.76 3.01 -2.14 0.7 3.19 -2.16 0.67 3.89 -1.81 0.79 3.94 -1.89 0.79 4.08 -1.78 0.86 4.13 -1.94 0.86 4.38 -1.8 0.91 4.43 -1.93 0.96 4.66 -1.88 1.05 4.98 -2 1.03 5.01 -1.85 1.16 5.16 -2.04 0.92 5.33 -1.87 0.98 5.67 -1.82 0.9 5.92 -1.76 1.03 5.99 -1.88 0.97 6.4 -2 0.75 6.86 -1.83 0.81 6.89 -1.93 0.85 6.96 -1.92 0.87 7.1 -2.1 0.66 7.45 -2.11 0.37 7.8 -2.04 0.48 7.99 -2.03 0.49 8.15 -2 0.88 8.33 -2.18 0.67 8.5 -2.08 0.91 8.58 -2.03 0.72 8.72 -1.9 0.91 8.76 -2 0.79 8.84 -2.04 0.58 8.85 -2.28 0.48 8.94 -2.45 0.29 8.97 -2.67 0.47 9 -2.52 0.43 9.04 -2.87 0.34 9.05 -3.05 0.18 9.1 -3.26 0.43 9.1 -3.34 0.5 9.1 -2.94 0.76 9.1 -2.98 0.56 9.16 -2.46 1.02 9.16 -2.46 1.15 9.17 -2.12 1.33 9.19 -1.93 0.9 9.2 -1.81 0.56 9.22 -2 0.36 9.25 -2.14 0.6 9.28 -2.22 0.85 9.3 -3.27 0.41 9.4 -3.41 0.38 9.4 -4.25 -0.3 9.4 -3.2 0.38 9.4 -3.24 0.24 9.42 -2.86 0.58 9.45 -2.71 0.37 9.47 -2.49 0.22 9.48 -2.19 0.28 9.49 -2.19 0.5 9.5 -2.28 0.7 9.52 -2.07 0.82 9.55 -2.33 0.86 9.6 -2.06 1.13 9.6 -2.09 1.08 9.62 -2.05 0.89 9.65 -2.34 0.32 9.67 -2.44 0.66 9.7 -2.65 0.64 9.7 -2.75 1.03 9.7 -2.69 0.66 9.71 -2.29 0.71 9.81 -1.97 0.78 9.89 -2.22 0.74 9.92 -2.3 0.85 9.92 -2.51 0.53 9.98 -2.15 0.45 9.99 -1.83 0.53 10.14 -1.72 0.49 10.14 -2.08 0.64 10.14 -2.53 0.56 10.14 -2.33 0.76 10.14 -1.93 0.93 10.24 -1.77 0.89 10.28 -1.88 1 10.36 -1.85 0.93 10.4 -1.88 0.47 10.41 -1.95 0.11 10.41 -2.05 0.2 10.51 -2.09 0.52 10.55 -2.13 0.73 10.62 -2.1 0.54 10.65 -1.92 0.58 10.78 -1.88 0.68 10.79 -2.12 0.78 10.83 -2.33 0.77 10.91 -2.28 0.8 10.93 -2.16 0.67 10.94 -2.11 0.28 11.01 -1.98 0.31 11.07 -2.26 0.3 11.07 -2.28 0.46 11.1 -2.36 0.42 11.1 -2 0.27 11.16 -1.93 0.58 11.2 -1.85 0.53 11.21 -1.83 0.74 11.21 -1.86 0.58 11.21 -2.27 0.59 11.32 -2.31 0.56 11.39 -2.59 0.6 11.4 -2.46 0.9 11.54 -2.79 1 11.57 -2.81 1 11.75 -3.24 0.62 11.79 -3.42 0.51 11.79 -3.46 0.71 12 -3.38 0.74 12 -3.55 0.83 12 -3.63 0.7 12 -4.99 -0.24 12 -5.06 -0.48 12 -4.9 -0.57 12.05 -3.06 0.31 12.06 -3.6 0.13 12.06 -3.12 0.06 12.06 -3.43 0.04 12.06 -3.36 -0.2 12.1 -3.43 -0.13 12.14 -3.21 0.06 12.16 -2.49 -0.16 12.18 -3.01 -0.35 12.2 -3.03 -0.52 12.2 -2.71 0.37 12.2 -2.49 0.48 12.22 -3.35 -0.27 12.24 -3.32 -0.54 12.24 -3.02 -0.44 12.27 -2.13 0.48 12.29 -2.37 0.05 12.3 -2.56 0.02 12.32 -2.56 0.08 12.33 -2.21 0.89 12.38 -2.18 0.87 12.38 -2.11 0.31 12.41 -1.89 0.31 12.44 -1.97 0.03 12.44 -2.18 0.35 12.46 -2.45 0.15 12.46 -2.51 0.58 12.49 -2.48 0.55 12.49 -2.63 0.39 12.54 -2.67 0.42 12.56 -2.35 0.21 12.58 -2.42 0.31 12.59 -2.39 0.35 12.6 -2.83 0.28 12.6 -3.01 0.14 12.6 -2.7 -0.25 12.64 -2.3 0.33 12.65 -1.97 0.48 12.67 -2.18 0.85 12.71 -2.53 0.46 12.71 -2.38 0.17 12.73 -2.27 0.12 12.76 -1.97 -0.48 12.78 -2.25 -0.01 12.85 -2.21 -0.14 12.94 -2.28 0.78 12.98 -1.99 0.31 12.99 -2.02 0.44 13.03 -1.91 0.34 13.04 -1.57 0.63 13.05 -1.56 -0.02 13.07 -1.65 0.1 13.09 -1.99 0.14 13.12 -1.82 0.9 13.15 -1.65 0.25 13.15 -1.89 0.24 13.16 -2.95 -0.53 13.18 -3.29 0.07 13.2 -3.17 -0.6 13.21 -2.23 -0.25 13.21 -2.14 -0.34 13.22 -2.29 0.03 13.25 -2.02 0.23 13.27 -2.59 0.08 13.28 -2.49 0.39 13.29 -2.85 0.37 13.31 -2.37 -0.25 13.32 -3.08 -0.62 13.35 -3.17 -0.43 13.4 -3.06 0.17 13.4 -2.54 0.01 13.4 -3.77 -0.73 13.4 -4.21 -0.9 13.4 -4.85 -0.67 13.47 -3.55 0.07 13.5 -3.17 0.2 13.51 -2.55 0.67 13.52 -2.31 0.56 13.57 -2.5 0.64 13.58 -1.96 0.43 13.6 -2.25 -0.12 13.63 -1.86 -0.03 13.72 -1.82 0.32 13.73 -1.44 0.75 13.81 -1.33 1.03 13.81 -1.66 0.02 13.9 -1.69 0.11 13.9 -1.75 -0.19 13.97 -1.64 0.1 13.99 -2.03 0.11 14.07 -2 0.36 14.07 -1.98 0.59 14.07 -2.09 -0.37 14.07 -2.05 -0.44 14.4 -1.99 -0.38 14.53 -1.44 0.63 14.53 -1.44 0.73 14.6 -1.58 0.98 14.8 -2.06 0.31 14.8 -2.38 0.03 15.06 -2.13 0.22 15.07 -1.67 0.97 15.4 -1.22 1.28 15.4 -1.41 1.03 15.4 -1.49 1.11 15.54 -2.15 1.02 15.73 -2.26 0.93 15.73 -2.4 0.79 15.73 -1.73 0.84 16.07 -1.36 1.25 16.78 -1.12 1.25 17.27 -1.22 1.22 17.73 -1.4 1.09 17.88 -1.58 1.25 18.19 -1.47 1.14 18.23 -1.2 1.04 18.66 -1.01 0.88 2. Stacked Oxygen isotope Records from 7 LOUIS CORES, N. dutertrei Column 1: Age (Ka) Column 2: Delta 18O data of N. dutertrei Age d18O 0.74 0.76 1.02 0.76 1.23 0.68 1.63 0.62 2.03 0.52 2.44 0.47 2.84 0.59 3.24 0.34 3.56 -0.18 4.37 -0.19 4.65 0.08 4.94 0.63 5.26 0.3 5.66 -0.04 6.79 -0.33 7.27 -0.41 7.8 -0.36 7.92 -0.33 8.08 -0.26 8.33 -0.04 8.48 -0.51 8.5 -0.03 8.67 -0.15 8.78 -0.48 8.87 -0.55 8.89 -0.61 8.97 -0.32 9 -0.25 9.04 -0.42 9.1 -0.3 9.13 -0.31 9.17 0.08 9.19 -0.38 9.26 -0.77 9.29 -0.49 9.3 0.2 9.39 -1.01 9.48 -1.07 9.54 -0.27 9.55 -0.69 9.67 -0.01 9.68 -0.24 9.69 -0.21 9.7 -0.41 9.77 -0.22 9.82 -0.13 9.83 -0.27 9.88 -0.35 9.96 0.02 9.96 -0.2 10 -0.41 10.06 -0.48 10.09 -0.16 10.1 -0.28 10.14 -0.06 10.24 0 10.31 -0.62 10.4 -0.06 10.5 -0.81 10.5 -0.48 10.51 0.21 10.65 0.17 10.69 -0.77 10.79 0.28 10.8 -0.74 10.86 -0.56 10.87 -0.22 10.93 0.33 10.97 -0.16 11 -0.74 11.07 0.41 11.09 0.04 11.1 -0.29 11.21 0.43 11.25 -0.56 11.35 0.46 11.43 0.2 11.54 0.42 11.71 0.05 11.86 -0.47 11.95 -0.31 12 -0.4 12 -0.04 12 -0.56 12 -0.24 12.05 -0.23 12.06 -0.75 12.09 -0.25 12.11 -0.45 12.16 -0.16 12.18 0.36 12.2 -0.53 12.22 -0.14 12.22 -0.26 12.24 -0.49 12.27 -0.08 12.29 -0.03 12.3 -0.14 12.33 -0.15 12.34 -0.27 12.37 0 12.38 0.04 12.43 0.29 12.43 0 12.44 -0.27 12.47 -0.33 12.49 -0.3 12.5 -0.02 12.5 -0.86 12.56 -0.16 12.57 -0.13 12.58 0.04 12.59 0.24 12.6 -0.03 12.65 0.01 12.71 -0.28 12.73 -0.99 12.74 0.36 12.76 -0.02 12.82 -0.8 12.9 -0.26 12.9 -1.04 12.94 -0.11 12.97 0.16 12.98 0.11 13.02 -0.02 13.03 -0.79 13.04 0.21 13.06 -0.84 13.07 -0.9 13.09 -0.05 13.11 -0.12 13.12 -0.75 13.15 0.07 13.2 0.38 13.2 0 13.2 0.08 13.23 -0.19 13.33 0.28 13.39 0.29 13.4 -0.23 13.5 0.29 13.55 0.07 13.57 0.09 13.71 -0.45 13.73 -0.13 13.81 0.26 13.87 -0.54 13.9 -0.32 14 -0.41 14.07 -0.45 14.08 -0.08 14.11 0.63 14.12 0.51 14.28 0.71 14.4 -0.21 14.42 0.27 14.44 0.22 14.53 -0.07 14.59 -0.06 14.73 -0.15 14.8 -0.21 14.91 -0.24 14.94 -0.07 15.07 -0.31 15.13 0.06 15.23 -0.09 15.38 -0.45 15.4 -0.08 15.73 0.12 16 -0.21 16.78 0.02 17.27 0.21 17.73 -0.06 17.88 0.17 18.19 0.21 18.23 -0.28 18.66 0.56 18.81 0.71 3. Stable isotope data for seven individual LOUIS Cores Core depth (cm) Delta 13C (permil PDB) G. ruber (white) Delta 18O (permil PDB) G. ruber (white) LOUIS Core 1610 depth d13C d18O 4 0.88 -1.79 10 0.6 -3.43 20 0.55 -2.93 40 0.88 -2.24 50 0.32 -2.61 59 0.62 -1.72 70 1.09 -2.21 80 1.05 -2.14 90 1.07 -1.49 100 0.92 -2.58 112 1.01 -2.7 120 1.13 -2.6 130 1.21 -1.7 140 1.06 -2.33 150 0.91 -1.99 190 0.97 -2.08 200 0.69 -1.77 210 1.07 -2.04 220 1.21 -1.4 230 0.92 -2.52 240 1.05 -2.16 250 1.35 -1.47 260 1.21 -1.54 270 1.3 -1.41 285 1.39 -1.02 300 1.33 -1.42 320 1.11 -3 345 1.61 -1.23 380 1.23 -1.77 390 1.35 -1.67 405 0.94 -0.95 410 0.88 -1.09 LOUIS Core 1639 depth d13C d18O 18 -0.14 -3.21 25 0.91 -2.51 30 0.75 -2.6 40 0.53 -2.64 50 0.45 -2.31 60 0.6 -2.15 70 0.4 -2.05 80 0.7 -1.93 88 0.8 -1.93 108 0.6 -1.99 115 0.81 -1.66 122 0.98 -1.99 130 0.96 -2.06 140 0.9 -2.1 168 0.88 -2.22 180 0.9 -1.93 193 0.48 -1.84 196 1.03 -2.21 200 0.53 -1.83 210 0.43 -2.25 220 0.14 -2.24 230 0.46 -2.21 240 0.24 -2.18 250 0.09 -2.13 260 0.27 -1.9 268 0 -2.16 272 0.49 -1.98 334 0.45 -3.53 340 0.7 -4.04 343 0.35 -1.49 350 0 -3.28 364 0.47 -2.19 370 0.38 -2.64 380 0.25 -2.98 389 0.03 -2.74 426 -0.06 -1.77 430 0.55 -0.98 440 0.15 -2.21 450 0.31 -1.48 460 0.38 -1.16 468 0.46 -1.65 473 -0.11 -1.96 LOUIS Core 1640 depth d13C d18O 30 1.31 -2.14 40 0.72 -2.01 50 1.17 -2.67 57 1.33 -2.14 62 0.32 -1.78 70 1.05 -2.02 80 0.9 -2.72 88 0.59 -1.89 110 -0.27 -2.51 116 0.81 -1.93 123 0.17 -2.48 130 0.05 -2.15 140 -0.36 -2.2 148 0.51 -2.19 154 0.72 -1.77 160 0.42 -2.14 170 0.94 -2.1 178 0.58 -3.01 202 0.81 -3.41 210 0.31 -2.92 228 0.38 -2.3 233 -0.08 -2.46 240 0.53 -2.28 250 -0.39 -2.41 258 -0.05 -2.76 263 -0.55 -2.9 268 -0.04 -1.68 310 -0.55 -2.02 320 -1.07 -1.91 330 -0.88 -1.51 337 -1.6 -2.39 342 -0.51 -2.83 350 -1.67 -2.52 360 -1.18 -3.07 398 -1.67 -2.35 405 -0.81 -2.01 411 -2.22 -2.77 418 0.06 -1.77 427 -1.17 -2.55 433 0.46 -2.38 441 0.61 -2.03 445 0.36 -2.35 LOUIS Core 1900 depth d13C d18O 35 -0.11 -1.66 40 0.54 -2.89 56 0.68 -2.05 60 0.91 -2.01 70 0.58 -1.63 81 0.99 -1.77 87 0.6 -2.56 114 0.97 -1.5 118 0.8 -2.17 128 0.95 -1.75 144 1.23 -1.83 149 1.34 -1.63 154 0.51 -2.4 164 1.08 -1.57 171 1.12 -1.49 199 1.05 -1.73 231 0.88 -1.64 248 1.19 -1.91 263 0.93 -2.13 272 1.1 -1.76 278 0.48 -2.33 295 0.47 -2.84 323 0.41 -2.11 333 0.03 -1.79 343 0.64 -1.54 361 -0.12 -2.06 401 -0.49 -2.27 411 -0.07 -1.89 LOUIS Core 1924 depth d13C d18O 32 0.82 -1.77 42 0.82 -2.22 54 0.53 -2.5 61 0.61 -2.79 68 0 -3.76 74 0.19 -4.01 81 0.57 -2.79 111 -0.82 -5.49 118 0.06 -3.41 127 0.6 -2.44 143 0.74 -2.53 149 0.68 -3.14 157 0.29 -2.88 165 0.49 -2.86 181 0.95 -1.87 222 0.69 -2.42 234 0.37 -2.96 244 0.56 -1.85 249 0.48 -1.99 259 0.58 -3.07 266 -2.24 -7.51 274 -0.55 -5.89 280 -1.27 -5.68 290 -1.94 -3.52 298 -1.86 -4.89 304 -1.38 -3.19 314 -0.6 -2 322 0.29 -2.55 332 -0.17 -3.52 340 0.28 -2.52 347 -0.57 -2.07 354 -1.79 -1.85 401 -1.12 -4.59 414 0.2 -3.95 422 -0.68 -4.65 428 -1.16 -6.04 436 -0.48 -4.97 442 0.92 -3.1 449 0.25 -2.95 LOUIS Core 1938 depth d13C d18O 35 0.26 -2.72 45 0.41 -2.05 55 0.13 -3.35 60 1.55 -2.45 70 1.01 -2.3 80 0.98 -4.53 101 0.26 -2.52 116 0.64 -1.89 126 1.33 -2.66 150 0.9 -2.83 160 1.14 -2.17 170 1.14 -2.59 180 1.02 -2.11 200 0.6 -2.3 220 0.8 -2.5 240 0.01 -2.33 248 0.46 -2.18 253 0.75 -2.77 265 0.76 -2.98 275 0.51 -3.66 285 -0.02 -4.26 295 0.39 -1.98 310 0.57 -1.7 320 0.73 -2.55 343 0.45 -2.31 353 -0.34 -1.58 394 0.31 -0.99 404 0.4 -2.76 415 0.43 -2.53 425 -0.37 -3.53 435 0.03 -2.38 445 -0.92 -2.31 453 0.53 -1.8 LOUIS Core 2023 depth d13C d18O 0 1.22 -2.34 10 1.23 -1.89 20 1.43 -1.63 30 1.51 -2.29 40 1.13 -1.86 53 1.38 -1.23 60 1.02 -1.67 72 0.81 -1.58 80 1.08 -1.9 90 0.51 -1.8 100 0.81 -2.08 110 0.9 -1.92 120 1.01 -1.54 130 0.71 -1.55 140 1.65 -2.38 154 1.18 -3.19 170 0.9 -2.2 200 0.85 -2.91 205 0.52 -1.86 210 0.89 -1.95 215 0.42 -2.03 220 0.65 -2.26 225 0.49 -2.07 230 1.05 -2.33 235 0.74 -1.46 240 1.35 -1.35 245 0.65 -1.26 250 0.67 -2.44 260 1.01 -1.43 264 0.83 -1.13 270 0.8 -2.21 280 1.37 -1.47 290 1.09 -1.17 300 0.9 -1.85 310 1.25 -1 346 0.88 -1.12 360 1.16 -1.3 375 0.83 -0.98