# Paleo-pCO2 Database ODP999 5 Million Year Boron Isotope and CO2 Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/26091 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/climate_forcing/trace_gases/Paleo-pCO2/boron_isotopes_Seki_2010.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Original_Source_URL: # Description: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Climate Forcing # # Dataset DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: carbon dioxide #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2019-02-09 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2020-02-25 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Paleo-pCO2 Database ODP999 5 Million Year Boron Isotope and CO2 Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Seki, O.; Foster, G.L.; Schmidt, D.N.; Mackensen, A.; Kawamura, K.; Pancost, R.D. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Paleo-CO2 derived from boron isotope measurements on marine sediment core ODP999A for the past 4 million years, contributed to the Paleo-pCO2 Database. # File updated February 2020 - new Paleo-pCO2 Database format #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Osamu Seki, Gavin L. Foster, Daniela N. Schmidt, Andreas Mackensen, Kimitaka Kawamura, Richard D. Pancost # Published_Date_or_Year: 2010-03-15 # Published_Title: Alkenone and boron-based Pliocene pCO2 records # Journal_Name: Earth and Planetary Science Letters # Volume: 292 # Edition: # Issue: 1-2 # Pages: 201-211 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 # Online_Resource: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012821X10000816 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The Pliocene period is the most recent time when the Earth was globally significantly (~3C) warmer than today. However, the existing pCO2 data for the Pliocene are sparse and there is little agreement between the various techniques used to reconstruct palaeo-pCO2. This disagreement, coupled with the general low temporal resolution of the published records, does not allow a robust assessment of the role of declining pCO2 in the intensification of the Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (INHG) and a direct comparison to other proxy records are lacking. For the first time, we use a combination of foraminiferal (d11B) and organic biomarker (alkenone-derived carbon isotopes) proxies to determine the concentration of atmospheric CO2 over the past 5 Ma. Both proxy records show that during the warm Pliocene pCO2 was between 330 and 400 ppm, i.e. similar to today. The decrease to values similar to pre-industrial times (275-285 ppm) occurred between 3.2 Ma and 2.8 Ma - coincident with the INHG and affirming the link between global climate, the cryosphere and pCO2. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: ODP999A # Location: Ocean>Atlantic Ocean>North Atlantic Ocean>Caribbean Sea # Country: # Northernmost_Latitude: 12.74 # Southernmost_Latitude: 12.74 # Easternmost_Longitude: -78.74 # Westernmost_Longitude: -78.74 # Elevation: -2839 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Seki2010ODP999boron # Earliest_Year: 4342000 # Most_Recent_Year: 4000 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length: # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: one per line, shortname-tab-variable components (what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type,detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data, free text) # # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # Basic Info REFERENCE AND CONTACT INFORMATION SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AGE CONSTRAINTS ANALYTICAL SPECIFICATIONS VITAL EFFECT CALCULATED d11Bborate ACCESSORY INPUTS METHOD OF TEMPERATURE DETERMINATION ALTERNATIVE METHOD OF TEMPERATURE RECONSTRUCTION SEAWATER COMPOSITION AQUEOUS BORON ISOTOPE FRACTIONATION PARAMETERIZATION OF CO2 CALCULATION SECOND PARAMETER OF THE CARBONATE SYSTEM CALCULATED PARAMETERS OF THE CARBONATE SYSTEM alternative Age (in case different models are available) d11B (relative to SRM 951) d11Bc/d11Bborate calibration slope d11Bc/d11Bborate calibration intercept pressure (i.e. depth of foraminifer habitat) Temperature Mg/Ca e.g., Alkenone UK'37, TEX 86 Salinity [Ca] of seawater at S=35 [Mg] of seawater at S=35 [SO4] of seawater at S=35 [B]T of seawater at S=35 d11Bsw pKB aB3-B4 if applicable proxy first_author_last_name publication_year doi age_ka Age_uncertainty_pos_ka Age_uncertainty_neg_ka CO2_ppm CO2_uncertainty_pos_ppm CO2_uncertainty_neg_ppm Name of individual entering the data Contact email Reference of the data product DOI link to reference Site (DSDP/ODP/IODP or other site number) Hole Core Section top cm bottom cm core depth below seafloor (meters, specify CSF-A or CSF-B where applicable, original IODP record)a core composite depth below seafloor (meters, CCSF)a reference for composite depth Location (e.g., Atlantic, Carribbean, South China Sea etc.) Modern Latitude (decimal degree, south negative) Modern Longitude (decimal degree, west negative) Paleo Latitude (decimal degree, south negative) Paleo Longitude (decimal degree, west negative) Modern elevation (m), below sea level negative Paleo elevation (m), below sea level negative reference and Method to determine Paleo position notes about any flags in the studied core section Age (ka) type of uncertainty (e.g., set value, normal distribution, +/- range) 2s Age uncertainty pos (ka) 2s Age uncertainty neg (ka) Age Scale (GTS 20XX) age method (nannofossil biostratigraphy, radiolaria, magnetic polarity, radiometric etc.) reference to age model, if different from primary reference of data set Age (ka) type of uncertainty (e.g., set value, normal distribution, +/- range) 2s Age uncertainty pos (ka) 2s Age uncertainty neg (ka) Age Scale (GTS 20XX) age method (nannofossil biostratigraphy, radiolaria, magnetic polarity, radiometric etc.) reference to age model, if different from primary reference of data set foraminifer species analyzed foraminifer size class (µm) number of foraminifera shells per sample total sample weight (mg) Reference for sample cleaning procedure Boron separation method (e.g., column chemistry, microsublimation) analytical Method (e.g., MC-ICP-MS, P-TIMS, N-TIMS etc) d11B of individual replicate measurements of the same solution; separate by commas N number of replicates 2se of replicates d11B (‰, average of replicates) type of uncertainty (e.g., set value, normal distribution, specify whether uncertainty is presented as standard deviation or standard error) 2s uncertainty (report internal or external reproducibility, whichever is larger) slope value type of uncertainty (e.g., set value, normal distribution) 2s uncertainty intercept value type of uncertainty (e.g., set value, normal distribution) 2s uncertainty Reference for calibration slope Notes (e.g., shell size corrected?) d11Bborate (‰) type of uncertainty (e.g., set value, normal distribution) 2s uncertainty notes about uncertainty estimate: e.g., included calibration slope and intercept Error propagation method depth habitat (m) type of uncertainty (e.g., set value, normal distribution, +/- range) 2s uncertainty (if +/- range is used, it should be separated with a comma, e.g. i,ii, for +i, -ii) temperature (°C) type of uncertainty (e.g., set value, normal distribution, +/- range) 2s temperature pos (°C) 2s temperature neg (°C) Mg/Ca of individual replicate measurements; separate replicates by commas Mg/Ca (mmol/mol, average of replicates) type of uncertainty (e.g., set value, normal distribution, +/- range) 2s Mg uncertainty pos (mmol/mol) 2s Mg/Ca uncertainty neg (mmol/mol) temperature calibration equation reference for temperature calibration equation Mg/Casw correction Mg/Casw correction reference salinity correction (list reference if applied) dissolution correction (list reference if applied) pH correction (list reference if applied) proxy value of individual replicate measurements; separate replicates by commas average proxy value (please specify units) type of uncertainty (e.g., set value, normal distribution, +/- range) 2s uncertainty (if +/- range is used, it should be separated with a comma, e.g. i,ii, for +i, -ii) temperature calibration equation reference for temperature calibration equation used same sample material as for d11B analyses? If not, provide details Salinity (unit-less) type of uncertainty (e.g., set value, normal distribution, +/- range) 2s uncertainty method of salinity estimation (list reference if applicable) [Ca] (mmol/kg) type of uncertainty (e.g., set value, normal distribution, +/- range) 2s uncertainty reference for [Ca] of seawater value [Mg] (mmol/kg) type of uncertainty (e.g., set value, normal distribution, +/- range) 2s uncertainty reference for [Mg] of seawater value [SO4] (mmol/kg) type of uncertainty (e.g., set value, normal distribution, +/- range) 2s uncertainty reference for [SO4] of seawater value [B]T (µmol/kg) type of uncertainty (e.g., set value, normal distribution, +/- range) 2s uncertainty reference for [B]T value d11Bsw (‰) type of uncertainty (e.g., set value, normal distribution, +/- range) 2s uncertainty reference for d11Bsw reference for pKB and for correction of major ion composition, if applied reference for pressure effect on pKB value for aB3-B4 type of uncertainty (e.g., set value, normal distribution, +/- range) 2s uncertainty reference for aB3-B4 equation for temperature correction of aB3-B4 (if applied) reference for temperature correction of aB3-B4 (if applied) CO2 calculation program and version, e.g. CO2SYS, seacarb, other (please specify) reference for pK0 and for correction of major ion composition, if applied reference for pK1 and for correction of major ion composition, if applied reference for pK2 and for correction of major ion composition, if applied reference for pKHSO4 reference for pKspcalcite and pKsparagonite and for correction of major ion composition, if applied reference for pressure effect on pKspcalcite and pKsparagonite Parameter used (e.g., alkalinity, DIC, [CO32-] Method for deriving 2nd parameter (e.g., CCD, W, LOSCAR, GENIE, code can be submitted as supplement) Reference for second parameter (if not primary reference of data set) central value (µmol/kg) type of uncertainty (e.g., set value, normal distribution, +/- range) 2s uncertainty pos (µmol/kg) 2s uncertainty neg (µmol/kg) Wcalcite (if used as a constraint) type of uncertainty (e.g., set value, normal distribution, +/- range) 2s uncertainty pos 2s uncertainty neg pH modern reference pH scale (e.g., total scale, seawater scale) 2s uncertainty pos 2s uncertainty neg Aqueous pCO2 (µatm) Air-sea pCO2 disequilibrium (µatm) Notes about air-sea disequilibrium: what is the estimate based on; are there assumptions on seasonality? bAtmospheric pCO2 (i.e. after correction for any modern air-sea disequilibrium, µatm) 2s pCO2 uncertainty pos 2s pCO2 uncertainty neg Error propagation method (code can be provided in supplement) parameters included in the error propagation (e.g., calibration uncertainty, d11Bsw, T, S, second parameter of the carbonate system) cAlkalinity (µmol/kg, if not used as an input parameter) 2s alkalinity uncertainty pos 2s alkalinity uncertainty neg DIC (µmol/kg, if not used as an input parameter 2s DIC uncertainty pos 2s DIC uncertainty neg Wcalcite, if not used as an input parameter 2s uncertainty Wcalcite pos 2s uncertainty Wcalcite neg Waragonite, if not used as an input parameter 2s uncertainty Waragonite pos 2s uncertainty Waragonite neg boron isotopes Seki 2010 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 4 NA NA 274 25 25 Bärbel Hönisch, Elwyn de la Vega hoenisch@ldeo.columbia.edu, elwyn.de-la-vega@soton.ac.uk "Seki, O., Foster, G.L., Schmidt, D.N., Mackensen, A., Kawamura, K. and Pancost, R.D. (2010) Alkenone and boron-based Pliocene pCO2 records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 292, 201-211. " 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 999 A 1 1 4 5 0.05 NA NA Carribbean 12.744 -78.7393 NA NA -2828 NA NA NA 4 NA NA NA NA d18O and biostratigraphy 0 to 465 kyr: Schmidt et al. (2006), 1.7 to 7.5 Ma: Haug and Tiedemann (1998), 0.465 to 1.7 Ma: Chaisson and D'Hondt (2000) and Kameo and Bralower (2000) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Globigerinoides ruber (ss) 300-355 100-120 1-2 Barker et al. (2003) anion exchange chromatography MC-ICP-MS 20.62,20.71 2 0.09 20.67 normal distribution 0.1 NA NA NA 0.8 NA NA Foster (2008) unlike newer d11B-calcite vs. d11B-borate calibrations, this one is based on the d11B vs. pH relationship, corrected for species-specific offsets (here listed under "intercept value"); G. sacculifer offset is corrected for a shell size effect NA NA NA NA NA mixed layer not applied not applied 28.3 NA 1.5 1.5 NA (Uk'37 used ) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA UK'37 not reported NA NA NA Sonzogni et al., 1997 yes 36 none 0 constant modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied 413.7 NA NA Uppström 1974, Deep-Sea Research, 1974, Vol. 21, pp. 161 to 162. 39.5 NA- no uncertainty on modern value applied NA Lemarchand et al 2002 Dickson 1990 None applied, surface pressure 1.0272 none applied none applied Klochko et al. (2006) none applied none applied NA Henry's law, as of Weiss 1974, Zeebe Wolf-Gladrow 2001 Lueker et al. 2000 Lueker et al. 2000 NA NA NA Total Alkalinity constant NA 2330 set value 116.5 116.5 NA NA NA NA 8.17 total scale 0.02 0.02 274 NA NA 274 25 25 NA d11B foram, pH, T, S, alkalinity NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA boron isotopes Seki 2010 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 456 NA NA 290 25 25 Bärbel Hönisch, Elwyn de la Vega hoenisch@ldeo.columbia.edu, elwyn.de-la-vega@soton.ac.uk "Seki, O., Foster, G.L., Schmidt, D.N., Mackensen, A., Kawamura, K. and Pancost, R.D. (2010) Alkenone and boron-based Pliocene pCO2 records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 292, 201-211. " 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 999 A 3 2 33 34.5 18.93 NA NA Carribbean 12.744 -78.7393 NA NA -2828 NA NA NA 456 NA NA NA NA d18O and biostratigraphy 2 to 465 kyr: Schmidt et al. (2006), 1.7 to 7.5 Ma: Haug and Tiedemann (1998), 0.465 to 1.7 Ma: Chaisson and D'Hondt (2000) and Kameo and Bralower (2000) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Globigerinoides ruber (ss) 300-355 100-120 1-2 Barker et al. (2003) anion exchange chromatography MC-ICP-MS 20.28,19.97 2 0.31 20.13 normal distribution 0.12 NA NA NA 0.8 NA NA Foster (2008) unlike newer d11B-calcite vs. d11B-borate calibrations, this one is based on the d11B vs. pH relationship, corrected for species-specific offsets (here listed under "intercept value"); G. sacculifer offset is corrected for a shell size effect NA NA NA NA NA mixed layer not applied not applied 25.9 NA 1.5 1.5 NA (Uk'37 used ) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA UK'37 not reported NA NA NA Sonzogni et al., 1997 yes 36 none 0 constant modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied 413.7 NA NA Uppström 1974, Deep-Sea Research, 1974, Vol. 21, pp. 161 to 162. 39.5 NA- no uncertainty on modern value applied NA Lemarchand et al 2002 Dickson 1990 None applied, surface pressure 1.0272 none applied none applied Klochko et al. (2006) none applied none applied NA Henry's law, as of Weiss 1974, Zeebe Wolf-Gladrow 2001 Lueker et al. 2000 Lueker et al. 2000 NA NA NA Total Alkalinity constant NA 2330 set value 116.5 116.5 NA NA NA NA 8.16 total scale 0.02 0.02 290 NA NA 290 25 25 NA d11B foram, pH, T, S, alkalinity NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA boron isotopes Seki 2010 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 900 NA NA 279 25 25 Bärbel Hönisch, Elwyn de la Vega hoenisch@ldeo.columbia.edu, elwyn.de-la-vega@soton.ac.uk "Seki, O., Foster, G.L., Schmidt, D.N., Mackensen, A., Kawamura, K. and Pancost, R.D. (2010) Alkenone and boron-based Pliocene pCO2 records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 292, 201-211. " 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 999 A 4 4 33 35 31.43 NA NA Carribbean 12.744 -78.7393 NA NA -2828 NA NA NA 900 NA NA NA NA d18O and biostratigraphy 4 to 465 kyr: Schmidt et al. (2006), 1.7 to 7.5 Ma: Haug and Tiedemann (1998), 0.465 to 1.7 Ma: Chaisson and D'Hondt (2000) and Kameo and Bralower (2000) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Globigerinoides ruber (ss) 300-355 100-120 1-2 Barker et al. (2003) anion exchange chromatography MC-ICP-MS 20.31, 20.14 2 0.17 20.23 normal distribution 0.09 NA NA NA 0.8 NA NA Foster (2008) unlike newer d11B-calcite vs. d11B-borate calibrations, this one is based on the d11B vs. pH relationship, corrected for species-specific offsets (here listed under "intercept value"); G. sacculifer offset is corrected for a shell size effect NA NA NA NA NA mixed layer not applied not applied 25.3 NA 1.5 1.5 NA (Uk'37 used ) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA UK'37 not reported NA NA NA Sonzogni et al., 1997 yes 36 none 0 constant modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied 413.7 NA NA Uppström 1974, Deep-Sea Research, 1974, Vol. 21, pp. 161 to 162. 39.5 NA- no uncertainty on modern value applied NA Lemarchand et al 2002 Dickson 1990 None applied, surface pressure 1.0272 none applied none applied Klochko et al. (2006) none applied none applied NA Henry's law, as of Weiss 1974, Zeebe Wolf-Gladrow 2002 Lueker et al. 2000 Lueker et al. 2000 NA NA NA Total Alkalinity constant NA 2330 set value 116.5 116.5 NA NA NA NA 8.17 total scale 0.02 0.02 279 NA NA 279 25 25 NA d11B foram, pH, T, S, alkalinity NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA boron isotopes Seki 2010 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 1500 NA NA 288 25 25 Bärbel Hönisch, Elwyn de la Vega hoenisch@ldeo.columbia.edu, elwyn.de-la-vega@soton.ac.uk "Seki, O., Foster, G.L., Schmidt, D.N., Mackensen, A., Kawamura, K. and Pancost, R.D. (2010) Alkenone and boron-based Pliocene pCO2 records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 292, 201-211. " 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 999 A 6 3 108 110 49.68 NA NA Carribbean 12.744 -78.7393 NA NA -2828 NA NA NA 1500 NA NA NA NA d18O and biostratigraphy 6 to 465 kyr: Schmidt et al. (2006), 1.7 to 7.5 Ma: Haug and Tiedemann (1998), 0.465 to 1.7 Ma: Chaisson and D'Hondt (2000) and Kameo and Bralower (2000) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Globigerinoides ruber (ss) 300-355 100-120 1-2 Barker et al. (2003) anion exchange chromatography MC-ICP-MS 20.42, 20.72 2 0.3 20.57 normal distribution 0.14 NA NA NA 0.8 NA NA Foster (2008) unlike newer d11B-calcite vs. d11B-borate calibrations, this one is based on the d11B vs. pH relationship, corrected for species-specific offsets (here listed under "intercept value"); G. sacculifer offset is corrected for a shell size effect NA NA NA NA NA mixed layer not applied not applied 28 NA 1.5 1.5 NA (Uk'37 used ) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA UK'37 not reported NA NA NA Sonzogni et al., 1997 yes 36 none 0 constant modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied 413.7 NA NA Uppström 1974, Deep-Sea Research, 1974, Vol. 21, pp. 161 to 162. 39.5 NA- no uncertainty on modern value applied NA Lemarchand et al 2002 Dickson 1990 None applied, surface pressure 1.0272 none applied none applied Klochko et al. (2006) none applied none applied NA Henry's law, as of Weiss 1974, Zeebe Wolf-Gladrow 2003 Lueker et al. 2000 Lueker et al. 2000 NA NA NA Total Alkalinity constant NA 2330 set value 116.5 116.5 NA NA NA NA 8.17 total scale 0.02 0.02 288 NA NA 288 25 25 NA d11B foram, pH, T, S, alkalinity NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA boron isotopes Seki 2010 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 2109 NA NA 285 25 25 Bärbel Hönisch, Elwyn de la Vega hoenisch@ldeo.columbia.edu, elwyn.de-la-vega@soton.ac.uk "Seki, O., Foster, G.L., Schmidt, D.N., Mackensen, A., Kawamura, K. and Pancost, R.D. (2010) Alkenone and boron-based Pliocene pCO2 records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 292, 201-211. " 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 999 A 8 4 51 53 69.61 NA NA Carribbean 12.744 -78.7393 NA NA -2828 NA NA NA 2109 NA NA NA NA d18O and biostratigraphy 8 to 465 kyr: Schmidt et al. (2006), 1.7 to 7.5 Ma: Haug and Tiedemann (1998), 0.465 to 1.7 Ma: Chaisson and D'Hondt (2000) and Kameo and Bralower (2000) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Globigerinoides ruber (ss) 300-355 100-120 1-2 Barker et al. (2003) anion exchange chromatography MC-ICP-MS 20.38,20.38 2 0 20.38 normal distribution 0.12 NA NA NA 0.8 NA NA Foster (2008) unlike newer d11B-calcite vs. d11B-borate calibrations, this one is based on the d11B vs. pH relationship, corrected for species-specific offsets (here listed under "intercept value"); G. sacculifer offset is corrected for a shell size effect NA NA NA NA NA mixed layer not applied not applied 27.3 NA 1.5 1.5 NA (Uk'37 used ) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA UK'37 not reported NA NA NA Sonzogni et al., 1997 yes 36 none 0 constant modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied 413.7 NA NA Uppström 1974, Deep-Sea Research, 1974, Vol. 21, pp. 161 to 162. 39.5 NA- no uncertainty on modern value applied NA Lemarchand et al 2002 Dickson 1990 None applied, surface pressure 1.0272 none applied none applied Klochko et al. (2006) none applied none applied NA Henry's law, as of Weiss 1974, Zeebe Wolf-Gladrow 2004 Lueker et al. 2000 Lueker et al. 2000 NA NA NA Total Alkalinity constant NA 2330 set value 116.5 116.5 NA NA NA NA 8.17 total scale 0.02 0.02 285 NA NA 285 25 25 NA d11B foram, pH, T, S, alkalinity NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA boron isotopes Seki 2010 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 2592 NA NA 276 25 25 Bärbel Hönisch, Elwyn de la Vega hoenisch@ldeo.columbia.edu, elwyn.de-la-vega@soton.ac.uk "Seki, O., Foster, G.L., Schmidt, D.N., Mackensen, A., Kawamura, K. and Pancost, R.D. (2010) Alkenone and boron-based Pliocene pCO2 records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 292, 201-211. " 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 999 A 10 1 89 91 84.49 NA NA Carribbean 12.744 -78.7393 NA NA -2828 NA NA NA 2592 NA NA NA NA d18O and biostratigraphy 10 to 465 kyr: Schmidt et al. (2006), 1.7 to 7.5 Ma: Haug and Tiedemann (1998), 0.465 to 1.7 Ma: Chaisson and D'Hondt (2000) and Kameo and Bralower (2000) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Globigerinoides ruber (ss) 300-355 100-120 1-2 Barker et al. (2003) anion exchange chromatography MC-ICP-MS 20.7,20.56 2 0.14 20.63 normal distribution 0.12 NA NA NA 0.8 NA NA Foster (2008) unlike newer d11B-calcite vs. d11B-borate calibrations, this one is based on the d11B vs. pH relationship, corrected for species-specific offsets (here listed under "intercept value"); G. sacculifer offset is corrected for a shell size effect NA NA NA NA NA mixed layer not applied not applied 28.2 NA 1.5 1.5 NA (Uk'37 used ) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA UK'37 not reported NA NA NA Sonzogni et al., 1997 yes 36 none 0 constant modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied 413.7 NA NA Uppström 1974, Deep-Sea Research, 1974, Vol. 21, pp. 161 to 162. 39.5 NA- no uncertainty on modern value applied NA Lemarchand et al 2002 Dickson 1990 None applied, surface pressure 1.0272 none applied none applied Klochko et al. (2006) none applied none applied NA Henry's law, as of Weiss 1974, Zeebe Wolf-Gladrow 2005 Lueker et al. 2000 Lueker et al. 2000 NA NA NA Total Alkalinity constant NA 2330 set value 116.5 116.5 NA NA NA NA 8.18 total scale 0.02 0.02 276 NA NA 276 25 25 NA d11B foram, pH, T, S, alkalinity NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA boron isotopes Seki 2010 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 2785 NA NA 297 25 25 Bärbel Hönisch, Elwyn de la Vega hoenisch@ldeo.columbia.edu, elwyn.de-la-vega@soton.ac.uk "Seki, O., Foster, G.L., Schmidt, D.N., Mackensen, A., Kawamura, K. and Pancost, R.D. (2010) Alkenone and boron-based Pliocene pCO2 records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 292, 201-211. " 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 999 A 10 5 89 91 90.49 NA NA Carribbean 12.744 -78.7393 NA NA -2828 NA NA NA 2785 NA NA NA NA d18O and biostratigraphy 12 to 465 kyr: Schmidt et al. (2006), 1.7 to 7.5 Ma: Haug and Tiedemann (1998), 0.465 to 1.7 Ma: Chaisson and D'Hondt (2000) and Kameo and Bralower (2000) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Globigerinoides ruber (ss) 300-355 100-120 1-2 Barker et al. (2003) anion exchange chromatography MC-ICP-MS 20.35,19.9 2 0.45 20.12 normal distribution 0.14 NA NA NA 0.8 NA NA Foster (2008) unlike newer d11B-calcite vs. d11B-borate calibrations, this one is based on the d11B vs. pH relationship, corrected for species-specific offsets (here listed under "intercept value"); G. sacculifer offset is corrected for a shell size effect NA NA NA NA NA mixed layer not applied not applied 28.4 NA 1.5 1.5 NA (Uk'37 used ) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA UK'37 not reported NA NA NA Sonzogni et al., 1997 yes 36 none 0 constant modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied 413.7 NA NA Uppström 1974, Deep-Sea Research, 1974, Vol. 21, pp. 161 to 162. 39.5 NA- no uncertainty on modern value applied NA Lemarchand et al 2002 Dickson 1990 None applied, surface pressure 1.0272 none applied none applied Klochko et al. (2006) none applied none applied NA Henry's law, as of Weiss 1974, Zeebe Wolf-Gladrow 2006 Lueker et al. 2000 Lueker et al. 2000 NA NA NA Total Alkalinity constant NA 2330 set value 116.5 116.5 NA NA NA NA 8.16 total scale 0.02 0.02 297 NA NA 297 25 25 NA d11B foram, pH, T, S, alkalinity NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA boron isotopes Seki 2010 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 2890 NA NA 386 25 25 Bärbel Hönisch, Elwyn de la Vega hoenisch@ldeo.columbia.edu, elwyn.de-la-vega@soton.ac.uk "Seki, O., Foster, G.L., Schmidt, D.N., Mackensen, A., Kawamura, K. and Pancost, R.D. (2010) Alkenone and boron-based Pliocene pCO2 records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 292, 201-211. " 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 999 A 10 CC 31.5 93.59 NA NA Carribbean 12.744 -78.7393 NA NA -2828 NA NA NA 2890 NA NA NA NA d18O and biostratigraphy 14 to 465 kyr: Schmidt et al. (2006), 1.7 to 7.5 Ma: Haug and Tiedemann (1998), 0.465 to 1.7 Ma: Chaisson and D'Hondt (2000) and Kameo and Bralower (2000) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Globigerinoides ruber (ss) 300-355 100-120 1-2 Barker et al. (2003) anion exchange chromatography MC-ICP-MS 19.27,19.33 2 0.06 19.3 normal distribution 0.1 NA NA NA 0.8 NA NA Foster (2008) unlike newer d11B-calcite vs. d11B-borate calibrations, this one is based on the d11B vs. pH relationship, corrected for species-specific offsets (here listed under "intercept value"); G. sacculifer offset is corrected for a shell size effect NA NA NA NA NA mixed layer not applied not applied 28.7 NA 1.5 1.5 NA (Uk'37 used ) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA UK'37 not reported NA NA NA Sonzogni et al., 1997 yes 36 none 0 constant modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied 413.7 NA NA Uppström 1974, Deep-Sea Research, 1974, Vol. 21, pp. 161 to 162. 39.5 NA- no uncertainty on modern value applied NA Lemarchand et al 2002 Dickson 1990 None applied, surface pressure 1.0272 none applied none applied Klochko et al. (2006) none applied none applied NA Henry's law, as of Weiss 1974, Zeebe Wolf-Gladrow 2007 Lueker et al. 2000 Lueker et al. 2000 NA NA NA Total Alkalinity constant NA 2330 set value 116.5 116.5 NA NA NA NA 8.07 total scale 0.02 0.02 386 NA NA 386 25 25 NA d11B foram, pH, T, S, alkalinity NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA boron isotopes Seki 2010 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 2985 NA NA 390 25 25 Bärbel Hönisch, Elwyn de la Vega hoenisch@ldeo.columbia.edu, elwyn.de-la-vega@soton.ac.uk "Seki, O., Foster, G.L., Schmidt, D.N., Mackensen, A., Kawamura, K. and Pancost, R.D. (2010) Alkenone and boron-based Pliocene pCO2 records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 292, 201-211. " 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 999 A 11 3 13 15 96.23 NA NA Carribbean 12.744 -78.7393 NA NA -2828 NA NA NA 2985 NA NA NA NA d18O and biostratigraphy 16 to 465 kyr: Schmidt et al. (2006), 1.7 to 7.5 Ma: Haug and Tiedemann (1998), 0.465 to 1.7 Ma: Chaisson and D'Hondt (2000) and Kameo and Bralower (2000) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Globigerinoides ruber (ss) 300-355 100-120 1-2 Barker et al. (2003) anion exchange chromatography MC-ICP-MS 19.4,19.17 2 0.23 19.29 normal distribution 0.1 NA NA NA 0.8 NA NA Foster (2008) unlike newer d11B-calcite vs. d11B-borate calibrations, this one is based on the d11B vs. pH relationship, corrected for species-specific offsets (here listed under "intercept value"); G. sacculifer offset is corrected for a shell size effect NA NA NA NA NA mixed layer not applied not applied 28.9 NA 1.5 1.5 NA (Uk'37 used ) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA UK'37 not reported NA NA NA Sonzogni et al., 1997 yes 36 none 0 constant modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied 413.7 NA NA Uppström 1974, Deep-Sea Research, 1974, Vol. 21, pp. 161 to 162. 39.5 NA- no uncertainty on modern value applied NA Lemarchand et al 2002 Dickson 1990 None applied, surface pressure 1.0272 none applied none applied Klochko et al. (2006) none applied none applied NA Henry's law, as of Weiss 1974, Zeebe Wolf-Gladrow 2008 Lueker et al. 2000 Lueker et al. 2000 NA NA NA Total Alkalinity constant NA 2330 set value 116.5 116.5 NA NA NA NA 8.07 total scale 0.02 0.02 390 NA NA 390 25 25 NA d11B foram, pH, T, S, alkalinity NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA boron isotopes Seki 2010 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 3050 NA NA 408 25 25 Bärbel Hönisch, Elwyn de la Vega hoenisch@ldeo.columbia.edu, elwyn.de-la-vega@soton.ac.uk "Seki, O., Foster, G.L., Schmidt, D.N., Mackensen, A., Kawamura, K. and Pancost, R.D. (2010) Alkenone and boron-based Pliocene pCO2 records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 292, 201-211. " 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 999 A 11 4 17 19 97.77 NA NA Carribbean 12.744 -78.7393 NA NA -2828 NA NA NA 3050 NA NA NA NA d18O and biostratigraphy 18 to 465 kyr: Schmidt et al. (2006), 1.7 to 7.5 Ma: Haug and Tiedemann (1998), 0.465 to 1.7 Ma: Chaisson and D'Hondt (2000) and Kameo and Bralower (2000) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Globigerinoides ruber (ss) 300-355 100-120 1-2 Barker et al. (2003) anion exchange chromatography MC-ICP-MS 19.09,19.13 2 0.04 19.11 normal distribution 0.16 NA NA NA 0.8 NA NA Foster (2008) unlike newer d11B-calcite vs. d11B-borate calibrations, this one is based on the d11B vs. pH relationship, corrected for species-specific offsets (here listed under "intercept value"); G. sacculifer offset is corrected for a shell size effect NA NA NA NA NA mixed layer not applied not applied 28.7 NA 1.5 1.5 NA (Uk'37 used ) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA UK'37 not reported NA NA NA Sonzogni et al., 1997 yes 36 none 0 constant modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied 413.7 NA NA Uppström 1974, Deep-Sea Research, 1974, Vol. 21, pp. 161 to 162. 39.5 NA- no uncertainty on modern value applied NA Lemarchand et al 2002 Dickson 1990 None applied, surface pressure 1.0272 none applied none applied Klochko et al. (2006) none applied none applied NA Henry's law, as of Weiss 1974, Zeebe Wolf-Gladrow 2009 Lueker et al. 2000 Lueker et al. 2000 NA NA NA Total Alkalinity constant NA 2330 set value 116.5 116.5 NA NA NA NA 8.05 total scale 0.02 0.02 408 NA NA 408 25 25 NA d11B foram, pH, T, S, alkalinity NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA boron isotopes Seki 2010 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 3172 NA NA 340 25 25 Bärbel Hönisch, Elwyn de la Vega hoenisch@ldeo.columbia.edu, elwyn.de-la-vega@soton.ac.uk "Seki, O., Foster, G.L., Schmidt, D.N., Mackensen, A., Kawamura, K. and Pancost, R.D. (2010) Alkenone and boron-based Pliocene pCO2 records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 292, 201-211. " 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 999 A 11 7 29 31 102.39 NA NA Carribbean 12.744 -78.7393 NA NA -2828 NA NA NA 3172 NA NA NA NA d18O and biostratigraphy 20 to 465 kyr: Schmidt et al. (2006), 1.7 to 7.5 Ma: Haug and Tiedemann (1998), 0.465 to 1.7 Ma: Chaisson and D'Hondt (2000) and Kameo and Bralower (2000) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Globigerinoides ruber (ss) 300-355 100-120 1-2 Barker et al. (2003) anion exchange chromatography MC-ICP-MS 19.9,19.68 2 0.22 19.79 normal distribution 0.09 NA NA NA 0.8 NA NA Foster (2008) unlike newer d11B-calcite vs. d11B-borate calibrations, this one is based on the d11B vs. pH relationship, corrected for species-specific offsets (here listed under "intercept value"); G. sacculifer offset is corrected for a shell size effect NA NA NA NA NA mixed layer not applied not applied 28.5 NA 1.5 1.5 NA (Uk'37 used ) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA UK'37 not reported NA NA NA Sonzogni et al., 1997 yes 36 none 0 constant modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied 413.7 NA NA Uppström 1974, Deep-Sea Research, 1974, Vol. 21, pp. 161 to 162. 39.5 NA- no uncertainty on modern value applied NA Lemarchand et al 2002 Dickson 1990 None applied, surface pressure 1.0272 none applied none applied Klochko et al. (2006) none applied none applied NA Henry's law, as of Weiss 1974, Zeebe Wolf-Gladrow 2010 Lueker et al. 2000 Lueker et al. 2000 NA NA NA Total Alkalinity constant NA 2330 set value 116.5 116.5 NA NA NA NA 8.11 total scale 0.02 0.02 340 NA NA 340 25 25 NA d11B foram, pH, T, S, alkalinity NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA boron isotopes Seki 2010 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 3496 NA NA 365 25 25 Bärbel Hönisch, Elwyn de la Vega hoenisch@ldeo.columbia.edu, elwyn.de-la-vega@soton.ac.uk "Seki, O., Foster, G.L., Schmidt, D.N., Mackensen, A., Kawamura, K. and Pancost, R.D. (2010) Alkenone and boron-based Pliocene pCO2 records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 292, 201-211. " 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 999 A 12 6 78 79 110.88 NA NA Carribbean 12.744 -78.7393 NA NA -2828 NA NA NA 3496 NA NA NA NA d18O and biostratigraphy 22 to 465 kyr: Schmidt et al. (2006), 1.7 to 7.5 Ma: Haug and Tiedemann (1998), 0.465 to 1.7 Ma: Chaisson and D'Hondt (2000) and Kameo and Bralower (2000) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Globigerinoides ruber (ss) 300-355 100-120 1-2 Barker et al. (2003) anion exchange chromatography MC-ICP-MS 19.46,19.6 2 0.14 19.53 normal distribution 0.17 NA NA NA 0.8 NA NA Foster (2008) unlike newer d11B-calcite vs. d11B-borate calibrations, this one is based on the d11B vs. pH relationship, corrected for species-specific offsets (here listed under "intercept value"); G. sacculifer offset is corrected for a shell size effect NA NA NA NA NA mixed layer not applied not applied 28.7 NA 1.5 1.5 NA (Uk'37 used ) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA UK'37 not reported NA NA NA Sonzogni et al., 1997 yes 36 none 0 constant modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied 413.7 NA NA Uppström 1974, Deep-Sea Research, 1974, Vol. 21, pp. 161 to 162. 39.5 NA- no uncertainty on modern value applied NA Lemarchand et al 2002 Dickson 1990 None applied, surface pressure 1.0272 none applied none applied Klochko et al. (2006) none applied none applied NA Henry's law, as of Weiss 1974, Zeebe Wolf-Gladrow 2011 Lueker et al. 2000 Lueker et al. 2000 NA NA NA Total Alkalinity constant NA 2330 set value 116.5 116.5 NA NA NA NA 8.09 total scale 0.02 0.02 365 NA NA 365 25 25 NA d11B foram, pH, T, S, alkalinity NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA boron isotopes Seki 2010 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 4 NA NA 294 25 25 Bärbel Hönisch, Elwyn de la Vega hoenisch@ldeo.columbia.edu, elwyn.de-la-vega@soton.ac.uk "Seki, O., Foster, G.L., Schmidt, D.N., Mackensen, A., Kawamura, K. and Pancost, R.D. (2010) Alkenone and boron-based Pliocene pCO2 records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 292, 201-211. " 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 999 A 1 1 4 5 0.05 NA NA Carribbean 12.744 -78.7393 NA NA -2828 NA NA NA 4 NA NA NA NA d18O and biostratigraphy 25 to 465 kyr: Schmidt et al. (2006), 1.7 to 7.5 Ma: Haug and Tiedemann (1998), 0.465 to 1.7 Ma: Chaisson and D'Hondt (2000) and Kameo and Bralower (2000) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Globigerinoides sacculifer 300-355 100 1-2 Barker et al. (2003) anion exchange chromatography MC-ICP-MS 19.13,19.2 2 0.07 19.17 normal distribution 0.11 NA NA NA -0.4 NA NA Foster (2008) unlike newer d11B-calcite vs. d11B-borate calibrations, this one is based on the d11B vs. pH relationship, corrected for species-specific offsets (here listed under "intercept value"); G. sacculifer offset is corrected for a shell size effect NA NA NA NA NA lower mixed layer not applied not applied 28.3 NA 1.5 1.5 NA (Uk'37 used ) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA UK'37 not reported NA NA NA Sonzogni et al., 1997 yes 36 none 0 constant modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied 413.7 NA NA Uppström 1974, Deep-Sea Research, 1974, Vol. 21, pp. 161 to 162. 39.5 NA- no uncertainty on modern value applied NA Lemarchand et al 2002 Dickson 1990 None applied, surface pressure 1.0272 none applied none applied Klochko et al. (2006) none applied none applied NA Henry's law, as of Weiss 1974, Zeebe Wolf-Gladrow 2012 Lueker et al. 2000 Lueker et al. 2000 NA NA NA Total Alkalinity constant NA 2330 set value 116.5 116.5 NA NA NA NA 8.15 total scale 0.02 0.02 294 NA NA 294 25 25 NA d11B foram, pH, T, S, alkalinity NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA boron isotopes Seki 2010 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 900 NA NA 280 25 25 Bärbel Hönisch, Elwyn de la Vega hoenisch@ldeo.columbia.edu, elwyn.de-la-vega@soton.ac.uk "Seki, O., Foster, G.L., Schmidt, D.N., Mackensen, A., Kawamura, K. and Pancost, R.D. (2010) Alkenone and boron-based Pliocene pCO2 records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 292, 201-211. " 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 999 A 4 4 33 35 31.43 NA NA Carribbean 12.744 -78.7393 NA NA -2828 NA NA NA 900 NA NA NA NA d18O and biostratigraphy 27 to 465 kyr: Schmidt et al. (2006), 1.7 to 7.5 Ma: Haug and Tiedemann (1998), 0.465 to 1.7 Ma: Chaisson and D'Hondt (2000) and Kameo and Bralower (2000) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Globigerinoides sacculifer 300-355 100 1-2 Barker et al. (2003) anion exchange chromatography MC-ICP-MS 19.06,18.93 2 0.13 18.99 normal distribution 0.09 NA NA NA -0.4 NA NA Foster (2008) unlike newer d11B-calcite vs. d11B-borate calibrations, this one is based on the d11B vs. pH relationship, corrected for species-specific offsets (here listed under "intercept value"); G. sacculifer offset is corrected for a shell size effect NA NA NA NA NA lower mixed layer not applied not applied 25.3 NA 1.5 1.5 NA (Uk'37 used ) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA UK'37 not reported NA NA NA Sonzogni et al., 1997 yes 36 none 0 constant modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied 413.7 NA NA Uppström 1974, Deep-Sea Research, 1974, Vol. 21, pp. 161 to 162. 39.5 NA- no uncertainty on modern value applied NA Lemarchand et al 2002 Dickson 1990 None applied, surface pressure 1.0272 none applied none applied Klochko et al. (2006) none applied none applied NA Henry's law, as of Weiss 1974, Zeebe Wolf-Gladrow 2013 Lueker et al. 2000 Lueker et al. 2000 NA NA NA Total Alkalinity constant NA 2330 set value 116.5 116.5 NA NA NA NA 8.17 total scale 0.02 0.02 280 NA NA 280 25 25 NA d11B foram, pH, T, S, alkalinity NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA boron isotopes Seki 2010 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 1500 NA NA 254 25 25 Bärbel Hönisch, Elwyn de la Vega hoenisch@ldeo.columbia.edu, elwyn.de-la-vega@soton.ac.uk "Seki, O., Foster, G.L., Schmidt, D.N., Mackensen, A., Kawamura, K. and Pancost, R.D. (2010) Alkenone and boron-based Pliocene pCO2 records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 292, 201-211. " 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 999 A 6 3 108 110 49.68 NA NA Carribbean 12.744 -78.7393 NA NA -2828 NA NA NA 1500 NA NA NA NA d18O and biostratigraphy 29 to 465 kyr: Schmidt et al. (2006), 1.7 to 7.5 Ma: Haug and Tiedemann (1998), 0.465 to 1.7 Ma: Chaisson and D'Hondt (2000) and Kameo and Bralower (2000) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Globigerinoides sacculifer 300-355 100 1-2 Barker et al. (2003) anion exchange chromatography MC-ICP-MS 19.81,19.73 2 0.08 19.77 normal distribution 0.12 NA NA NA -0.4 NA NA Foster (2008) unlike newer d11B-calcite vs. d11B-borate calibrations, this one is based on the d11B vs. pH relationship, corrected for species-specific offsets (here listed under "intercept value"); G. sacculifer offset is corrected for a shell size effect NA NA NA NA NA lower mixed layer not applied not applied 28 NA 1.5 1.5 NA (Uk'37 used ) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA UK'37 not reported NA NA NA Sonzogni et al., 1997 yes 36 none 0 constant modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied 413.7 NA NA Uppström 1974, Deep-Sea Research, 1974, Vol. 21, pp. 161 to 162. 39.5 NA- no uncertainty on modern value applied NA Lemarchand et al 2002 Dickson 1990 None applied, surface pressure 1.0272 none applied none applied Klochko et al. (2006) none applied none applied NA Henry's law, as of Weiss 1974, Zeebe Wolf-Gladrow 2014 Lueker et al. 2000 Lueker et al. 2000 NA NA NA Total Alkalinity constant NA 2330 set value 116.5 116.5 NA NA NA NA 8.2 total scale 0.02 0.02 254 NA NA 254 25 25 NA d11B foram, pH, T, S, alkalinity NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA boron isotopes Seki 2010 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 2109 NA NA 369 25 25 Bärbel Hönisch, Elwyn de la Vega hoenisch@ldeo.columbia.edu, elwyn.de-la-vega@soton.ac.uk "Seki, O., Foster, G.L., Schmidt, D.N., Mackensen, A., Kawamura, K. and Pancost, R.D. (2010) Alkenone and boron-based Pliocene pCO2 records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 292, 201-211. " 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 999 A 8 4 51 53 69.61 NA NA Carribbean 12.744 -78.7393 NA NA -2828 NA NA NA 2109 NA NA NA NA d18O and biostratigraphy 31 to 465 kyr: Schmidt et al. (2006), 1.7 to 7.5 Ma: Haug and Tiedemann (1998), 0.465 to 1.7 Ma: Chaisson and D'Hondt (2000) and Kameo and Bralower (2000) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Globigerinoides sacculifer 300-355 100 1-2 Barker et al. (2003) anion exchange chromatography MC-ICP-MS 17.79,17.85 2 0.06 17.82 normal distribution 0.16 NA NA NA -0.4 NA NA Foster (2008) unlike newer d11B-calcite vs. d11B-borate calibrations, this one is based on the d11B vs. pH relationship, corrected for species-specific offsets (here listed under "intercept value"); G. sacculifer offset is corrected for a shell size effect NA NA NA NA NA lower mixed layer not applied not applied 27.3 NA 1.5 1.5 NA (Uk'37 used ) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA UK'37 not reported NA NA NA Sonzogni et al., 1997 yes 36 none 0 constant modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied 413.7 NA NA Uppström 1974, Deep-Sea Research, 1974, Vol. 21, pp. 161 to 162. 39.5 NA- no uncertainty on modern value applied NA Lemarchand et al 2002 Dickson 1990 None applied, surface pressure 1.0272 none applied none applied Klochko et al. (2006) none applied none applied NA Henry's law, as of Weiss 1974, Zeebe Wolf-Gladrow 2015 Lueker et al. 2000 Lueker et al. 2000 NA NA NA Total Alkalinity constant NA 2330 set value 116.5 116.5 NA NA NA NA 8.04 total scale 0.02 0.02 369 NA NA 369 25 25 NA d11B foram, pH, T, S, alkalinity NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA boron isotopes Seki 2010 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 2985 NA NA 379 25 25 Bärbel Hönisch, Elwyn de la Vega hoenisch@ldeo.columbia.edu, elwyn.de-la-vega@soton.ac.uk "Seki, O., Foster, G.L., Schmidt, D.N., Mackensen, A., Kawamura, K. and Pancost, R.D. (2010) Alkenone and boron-based Pliocene pCO2 records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 292, 201-211. " 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 999 A 11 3 13 15 96.23 NA NA Carribbean 12.744 -78.7393 NA NA -2828 NA NA NA 2985 NA NA NA NA d18O and biostratigraphy 33 to 465 kyr: Schmidt et al. (2006), 1.7 to 7.5 Ma: Haug and Tiedemann (1998), 0.465 to 1.7 Ma: Chaisson and D'Hondt (2000) and Kameo and Bralower (2000) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Globigerinoides sacculifer 300-355 100 1-2 Barker et al. (2003) anion exchange chromatography MC-ICP-MS 18.09,18.32 2 0.23 18.2 normal distribution 0.17 NA NA NA -0.4 NA NA Foster (2008) unlike newer d11B-calcite vs. d11B-borate calibrations, this one is based on the d11B vs. pH relationship, corrected for species-specific offsets (here listed under "intercept value"); G. sacculifer offset is corrected for a shell size effect NA NA NA NA NA lower mixed layer not applied not applied 28.9 NA 1.5 1.5 NA (Uk'37 used ) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA UK'37 not reported NA NA NA Sonzogni et al., 1997 yes 36 none 0 constant modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied 413.7 NA NA Uppström 1974, Deep-Sea Research, 1974, Vol. 21, pp. 161 to 162. 39.5 NA- no uncertainty on modern value applied NA Lemarchand et al 2002 Dickson 1990 None applied, surface pressure 1.0272 none applied none applied Klochko et al. (2006) none applied none applied NA Henry's law, as of Weiss 1974, Zeebe Wolf-Gladrow 2016 Lueker et al. 2000 Lueker et al. 2000 NA NA NA Total Alkalinity constant NA 2330 set value 116.5 116.5 NA NA NA NA 8.06 total scale 0.02 0.02 379 NA NA 379 25 25 NA d11B foram, pH, T, S, alkalinity NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA boron isotopes Seki 2010 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 3229 NA NA 376 25 25 Bärbel Hönisch, Elwyn de la Vega hoenisch@ldeo.columbia.edu, elwyn.de-la-vega@soton.ac.uk "Seki, O., Foster, G.L., Schmidt, D.N., Mackensen, A., Kawamura, K. and Pancost, R.D. (2010) Alkenone and boron-based Pliocene pCO2 records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 292, 201-211. " 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 999 A 12 1 81 83 103.41 NA NA Carribbean 12.744 -78.7393 NA NA -2828 NA NA NA 3229 NA NA NA NA d18O and biostratigraphy 35 to 465 kyr: Schmidt et al. (2006), 1.7 to 7.5 Ma: Haug and Tiedemann (1998), 0.465 to 1.7 Ma: Chaisson and D'Hondt (2000) and Kameo and Bralower (2000) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Globigerinoides sacculifer 300-355 100 1-2 Barker et al. (2003) anion exchange chromatography MC-ICP-MS 18.14,17.86 2 0.28 18 normal distribution 0.13 NA NA NA -0.4 NA NA Foster (2008) unlike newer d11B-calcite vs. d11B-borate calibrations, this one is based on the d11B vs. pH relationship, corrected for species-specific offsets (here listed under "intercept value"); G. sacculifer offset is corrected for a shell size effect NA NA NA NA NA lower mixed layer not applied not applied 28.4 NA 1.5 1.5 NA (Uk'37 used ) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA UK'37 not reported NA NA NA Sonzogni et al., 1997 yes 36 none 0 constant modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied 413.7 NA NA Uppström 1974, Deep-Sea Research, 1974, Vol. 21, pp. 161 to 162. 39.5 NA- no uncertainty on modern value applied NA Lemarchand et al 2002 Dickson 1990 None applied, surface pressure 1.0272 none applied none applied Klochko et al. (2006) none applied none applied NA Henry's law, as of Weiss 1974, Zeebe Wolf-Gladrow 2017 Lueker et al. 2000 Lueker et al. 2000 NA NA NA Total Alkalinity constant NA 2330 set value 116.5 116.5 NA NA NA NA 8.05 total scale 0.02 0.02 376 NA NA 376 25 25 NA d11B foram, pH, T, S, alkalinity NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA boron isotopes Seki 2010 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 4028 NA NA 427 25 25 Bärbel Hönisch, Elwyn de la Vega hoenisch@ldeo.columbia.edu, elwyn.de-la-vega@soton.ac.uk "Seki, O., Foster, G.L., Schmidt, D.N., Mackensen, A., Kawamura, K. and Pancost, R.D. (2010) Alkenone and boron-based Pliocene pCO2 records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 292, 201-211. " 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 999 A 14 4 52 54 126.62 NA NA Carribbean 12.744 -78.7393 NA NA -2828 NA NA NA 4028 NA NA NA NA d18O and biostratigraphy 37 to 465 kyr: Schmidt et al. (2006), 1.7 to 7.5 Ma: Haug and Tiedemann (1998), 0.465 to 1.7 Ma: Chaisson and D'Hondt (2000) and Kameo and Bralower (2000) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Globigerinoides sacculifer 300-355 100 1-2 Barker et al. (2003) anion exchange chromatography MC-ICP-MS 17.76,17.71 2 0.05 17.74 normal distribution 0.25 NA NA NA -0.4 NA NA Foster (2008) unlike newer d11B-calcite vs. d11B-borate calibrations, this one is based on the d11B vs. pH relationship, corrected for species-specific offsets (here listed under "intercept value"); G. sacculifer offset is corrected for a shell size effect NA NA NA NA NA lower mixed layer not applied not applied 29.8 NA 1.5 1.5 NA (Uk'37 used ) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA UK'37 not reported NA NA NA Sonzogni et al., 1997 yes 36 none 0 constant modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied 413.7 NA NA Uppström 1974, Deep-Sea Research, 1974, Vol. 21, pp. 161 to 162. 39.5 NA- no uncertainty on modern value applied NA Lemarchand et al 2002 Dickson 1990 None applied, surface pressure 1.0272 none applied none applied Klochko et al. (2006) none applied none applied NA Henry's law, as of Weiss 1974, Zeebe Wolf-Gladrow 2018 Lueker et al. 2000 Lueker et al. 2000 NA NA NA Total Alkalinity constant NA 2330 set value 116.5 116.5 NA NA NA NA 8.01 total scale 0.02 0.02 427 NA NA 427 25 25 NA d11B foram, pH, T, S, alkalinity NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA boron isotopes Seki 2010 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 4342 NA NA 422 25 25 Bärbel Hönisch, Elwyn de la Vega hoenisch@ldeo.columbia.edu, elwyn.de-la-vega@soton.ac.uk "Seki, O., Foster, G.L., Schmidt, D.N., Mackensen, A., Kawamura, K. and Pancost, R.D. (2010) Alkenone and boron-based Pliocene pCO2 records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 292, 201-211. " 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.037 999 A 15 3 53 55 134.63 NA NA Carribbean 12.744 -78.7393 NA NA -2828 NA NA NA 4342 NA NA NA NA d18O and biostratigraphy 39 to 465 kyr: Schmidt et al. (2006), 1.7 to 7.5 Ma: Haug and Tiedemann (1998), 0.465 to 1.7 Ma: Chaisson and D'Hondt (2000) and Kameo and Bralower (2000) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Globigerinoides sacculifer 300-355 100 1-2 Barker et al. (2003) anion exchange chromatography MC-ICP-MS 17.99,17.84 2 0.15 17.92 normal distribution 0.16 NA NA NA -0.4 NA NA Foster (2008) unlike newer d11B-calcite vs. d11B-borate calibrations, this one is based on the d11B vs. pH relationship, corrected for species-specific offsets (here listed under "intercept value"); G. sacculifer offset is corrected for a shell size effect NA NA NA NA NA lower mixed layer not applied not applied 30.1 NA 1.5 1.5 NA (Uk'37 used ) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA UK'37 not reported NA NA NA Sonzogni et al., 1997 yes 36 none 0 constant modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied modern none applied none applied none applied 413.7 NA NA Uppström 1974, Deep-Sea Research, 1974, Vol. 21, pp. 161 to 162. 39.5 NA- no uncertainty on modern value applied NA Lemarchand et al 2002 Dickson 1990 None applied, surface pressure 1.0272 none applied none applied Klochko et al. (2006) none applied none applied NA Henry's law, as of Weiss 1974, Zeebe Wolf-Gladrow 2019 Lueker et al. 2000 Lueker et al. 2000 NA NA NA Total Alkalinity constant NA 2330 set value 116.5 116.5 NA NA NA NA 8.02 total scale 0.02 0.02 422 NA NA 422 25 25 NA d11B foram, pH, T, S, alkalinity NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA