#===============================================================# # # ReadMe.txt # # snvec: Pre-computed Precession-Tilt solutions and C code. # # *** snvec comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY *** # *** Use at your own risk. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE *** # # When using snvec, cite as: # # A deep-time dating tool for paleo-applications utilizing obliquity # and precession cycles: The role of dynamical ellipticity and tidal # dissipation, Richard E. Zeebe and Lucas J. Lourens, Paleoceanography # and Paleoclimatology, 2022. # # Richard E. Zeebe # School of Ocean and Earth # Science and Technology # University of Hawaii at Manoa # 1000 Pope Road, MSB 504 # Honolulu, HI 96822, USA # email: zeebe@soest.hawaii.edu # #===============================================================# NOTE: The provided, pre-computed Precession-Tilt (PT) solutions can be used without installing/using the C code package. The code may be used to generate solutions with parameter values not included in the pre-computed PT solutions. (1) FILES/FOLDERS ReadMe.txt This file. snvec-$v.tar.gz snvec C code package. OS/ZB18a Orbital Solution ZB18a (Zeebe and Lourens, Science, 2019) ZB18a/asc Precession-Tilt solutions for ZB18a. ASCII format ZB18a/bin Precession-Tilt solutions for ZB18a. Binary format ZB18a/asc.tar.gz Precession-Tilt solutions for ZB18a. ASCII format (all zipped) ZB18a/bin.tar.gz Precession-Tilt solutions for ZB18a. Binary format (all zipped) ASCII/BIN files. PT.Dex.xxxxTdy.yyyy.ext is the PT solution for ZB18a using dynamical ellipticity Ed = x.xxxx and tidal dissipation Td = y.yyyy. ASCII file content (columns): time [kyr] in the past obliquity [radian] precession [radian] from ECLIPJ2000 climatic precession [] e*sin(\varpi*) where \varpi* is the longitude of perihelion relative to the moving equinox. CAUTION: The output time intervals are not equally spaced. If required for e.g.,spectral analysis, the user needs to interpolate to equally spaced time intervals. BIN file content (blocks): {M,time[days],obliquity,precession,climatic precession} where M = length(time). See below for a MATLAB example to read the binary output. (2) Code: Installation & Run On most linux/unix/mac systems, all that should be required is a C compiler such as gcc (free). Possible free options for Windows users include installing Dev-C++ or making use of projects such as Cygwin or MinGW. On linux/unix/mac: unzip snvec-$v.tar.gz. Do not change the relative location of the fun folder. The program snvec requires the Orbital Solution (OS) OS/ZB18a/ems-plan3.dat. The assumed default location is /dat/PrecTilt/OS/ZB18a/. Either create and save ems-plan3.dat in that folder or change the arguments of the executable (see below). compile (example: gcc): $ gcc -o snvec.x snvec-3.7.5.c -lm run (example): $ ./snvec.x -1.e3 1.0 0.0 /dat/PrecTilt/OS/ZB18a ems-plan3.dat argument list: Defaults [1] tend (kyr, negative) -1.e3 [2] Ed 1.0000 [3] Td 0.0000 [4] dir OrbitSoln /dat/PrecTilt/OS/ZB18a [5] file OrbitSoln ems-plan3.dat running the following command uses the above defaults: $ ./snvec.x For the content of the output files out.dat and out.bin, see ASCII/BIN file content above. NOTE: By default, effects of tidal dissipation on obliquity (secular trend) were not included. However, the C code includes this option, following Quinn et al. (1991). To activate, change the macro UEPSDOT to EPSDOT and recompile. (3) MATLAB example: read bin output ky2d = 365250.; fid = fopen('out.bin','r'); M = fread(fid,1,'int'); t = fread(fid,M,'double')/ky2d; % days => kyr epl = fread(fid,M,'double'); phi = fread(fid,M,'double'); cp = fread(fid,M,'double'); fclose(fid);