Global Energy Balances Data Set: Readme file ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center A- Paleoclimatology ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCES WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: Global Energy Balances Data Set LAST UPDATE: 1/93 (Original Receipt by WDCA Paleo) CONTRIBUTOR: Joel Gunn IGBP PAGES/WDCA Data Contribution Series #: 93-006 SUGGESTED DATA CITATION: Gunn, J., 1993, Global Energy Balances Data Set.IGBP PAGES/World Data Center-A for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 93-006. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Gunn, J., 1991, Influences of Various Forcing Variables on Global Energy Balance During the Period of Intensive Instrumental Observation (1958-1987) and Their Implications for Paleoclimate. CLIMATIC CHANGE, Dec 1991. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Global PERIOD OF RECORD: 1958-1987 LIST OF FILES: globedat.txt, globedat.wk1, readme. DESCRIPTION: Data used in the original reference: GLS100 Global Surface to 100 mb deviations in degrees C., year of four seasons from Dec to Nov. SHS100 Southern Hemisphere Surface to 100 mb deviations in degrees C. NHS100 Northern Hemisphere Surface to 100 mb deviations in degrees C. Above Data provided courtesy of J. K. Angell, see: Angell, J., (1988) Variations and Trends in Tropospheric and Stratospheric Global Temperatures, 1958-87. J. OF CLIMATE 1(12):1296-1313. Solar International Sunspot Count, annual average, SOLAR INDICES BULLETIN, NOAA/NGDC. ApTr Maona Loa Apparent Transmission Data, CAC Aug91, Dutton et al. J. OF ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY 1985 3:53-68. WSOI Winter Average SOI (Dec, Jan, Feb), CLIMATE DIAGNOSTICS BULLETIN, till 1986, Mar86 issue Table 3A rest from issues. Dec is assigned to Jan/Feb of the following year. See /GND DATACALENDAR. CO2 Trend and Residual, Keeling 1978 and NOAA, Gunn 1991. EVENTS See Gunn 1991 CLIMATIC CHANGE (Table I) for definitions. For evaluation of Solar, etc. effects on gloal average temperatures, see Gunn 1991 CLIMATIC CHANGE.