# United States Mid-Atlantic Coast Quaternary Mollusk Amino Acid Racemization Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/34132 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/aar/wehmiller2021/wehmiller2021summary.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Original_Source_URL: # Description: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Data Type: Other Collections # # Dataset DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2021-09-14 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2021-09-14 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: United States Mid-Atlantic Coast Quaternary Mollusk Amino Acid Racemization Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Wehmiller, J.F.; Brothers, L.L.; Ramsey, K.W.; Foster, D.S.; Mattheus, C.R.; Hein, C.J.; Shawler, J.L. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Extent of Racemization (D/L) data for mollusks from Pleistocene and Holocene subsurface samples from Quaternary strata on the US Mid-Atlantic inner continental shelf and the coastal plain of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. # # Samples prepared at the University of Delaware, Newark DE, lab PI J. F. Wehmiller # Reverse phase (RP) analyses conducted at Northern Arizona University (NAU), # D. S. Kaufman, lab PI. Results prior to 2014 by gas chromatography (GC) or ion-exchange (IE) # at University of Delaware. # Majority of sample collection and preparation 2014-2019. # Pretreatment: Fragments cut from shell valves; surface cleaning # with dental tools; dilute HCl and distilled water wash; air dry # AA fraction="amino fraction" - total hydrolyzate data reported unless noted as FAA (free amino acids) # Hydrolysis procedure: 6N HCl 22 hours 105 deg C (unless noted as 6 hour hydrolysis: rplc 6) # Bleach: No # Instrumental programming: GC temperature program; RPLC buffer gradient # Blank corrections: no # Response factors: no # Data screening: none; all data reported; some results excluded from site mean value calculations, as noted # # Map # Site number in original publication # DGSID Delaware Geological Survey site identification number # Site name Informal site name # AARDB ID University of Delaware Amino acid database site indentification number # Lat Latitude # Lon Longitude # Surface Elev., m Surface elevation of collection site # Type of Collection Core, excavation, outcrop, or surface collection # Analytical methods Gas chromatography (GC), Ion-exchange (IE), or Reverse-phase (RP) # 14C Number of 14C analyses from this site # Astarte Number of shells of this genus analyzed at this site # Mercenaria Number of shells of this genus analyzed at this site # Mulinia Number of shells of this genus analyzed at this site # Spisula Number of shells of this genus analyzed at this site # Rangia Number of shells of this genus analyzed at this site # Other Number of shells of this genus analyzed at this site # # UAL Northern Arizona University lab identifier # Subsample ID Analysis number assigned by the analyzing lab (=UAL # in many cases) # Ratio type D/L value calculated from either peak areas or peak heights # Quantitative amino acid abundances (by RP analysis) reported as picomoles/mg # # Summary is reprinted from the online version of Table 5 of the original publication # # A/I D-alloisoleucine/L-isoleucine # Ala D/L Alanine D/L value # Asx D/L Aspartic acid D/L value # Glx D/L Glutamic acid D/L value # Leu D/L Leucine D/L value # Phe D/L Phenylalanine D/L value # Val D/L Valine D/L value # L-Ser/L-Asp The relative abundance of L-serine to L aspartic - used as a measure of shell alteration or contamination # #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: John F. Wehmiller, Laura L. Brothers, Kelvin W. Ramsey, David S. Foster, C.R. Mattheus, Christopher J. Hein, Justin L. Shawler # Published_Date_or_Year: 2021-10-01 # Published_Title: Molluscan aminostratigraphy of the US Mid-Atlantic Quaternary coastal system: Implications for onshore-offshore correlation, paleochannel and barrier island evolution, and local late Quaternary sea-level history # Journal_Name: Quaternary Geochronology # Volume: 66 # Edition: 101177 # Issue: # Pages: # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1016/j.quageo.2021.101177 # Online_Resource: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101421000285 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The Quaternary record of the US Mid-Atlantic coastal system includes onshore emergent late Pleistocene shoreline deposits, offshore inner shelf and barrier island units, and paleovalleys formed during multiple glacial stage sea-level lowstands. The geochronology of this coastal system is based on uranium series, radiocarbon, amino acid racemization (AAR), and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) methods. We report over 600 mollusk AAR results from 93 sites between northeastern North Carolina and the central New Jersey shelf, representing samples from both onshore cores or outcrops, sub-barrier and offshore cores, and transported shells from barrier island beaches. AAR age estimates are constrained by paired 14C analyses on specific shells and associated U-series coral ages from onshore sites. AAR data from offshore cores are interpreted in the context of detailed seismic stratigraphy. The distribution of Pleistocene-age shells on the island beaches is linked to the distribution of inner shelf or sub-barrier source units. Age mixing over a range of time-scales (~1 ka to ~100 ka) is identified by AAR results from onshore, beach, and shelf collections, often contributing insights into the processes forming individual barrier islands. The regional aminostratigraphic framework identifies a widespread late Pleistocene (Marine Isotope Stage 5) aminozone, with isolated records of middle and early Pleistocene deposition. AAR results provide age estimates for the timing of formation of the three major paleochannels that underlie the Delmarva Peninsula: Persimmon Point paleochannel >=800 ka; Exmore paleochannel ~400-500 ka (MIS 12); and Eastville paleochannel > 125 ka (MIS 6). The results demonstrate the value of synthesizing abundant AAR chronologic data across various coastal environments, integrating multiple distinct geologic studies. The ages and elevations of the Quaternary units are important for current hypotheses about relative sea-level history and crustal dynamics in the region, which was likely influenced by the Laurentide ice sheet, the margin just ~400 km to the north. #------------------ # Publication # Authors: J.F. Wehmiller, E.R. Thieler, D. Miller, V. Pellerito, V. Bakeman Keeney, S.R. Riggs, S. Culver, D. Mallinson, K.M. Farrell, L.L. York, J. Pierson, P.R. Parham # Published_Date_or_Year: 2010-08-01 # Published_Title: Aminostratigraphy of surface and subsurface Quaternary sediments, North Carolina coastal plain, USA # Journal_Name: Quaternary Geochronology # Volume: 5 # Edition: # Issue: 4 # Pages: # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1016/j.quageo.2009.10.005 # Online_Resource: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101409001484 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The Quaternary stratigraphy and geochronology of the Albemarle Embayment of the North Carolina (NC) Coastal Plain is examined using amino acid racemization (AAR) in marine mollusks, in combination with geophysical, lithologic, and biostratigraphic analysis of 28 rotasonic cores drilled between 2002 and 2006. The Albemarle Embayment is bounded by structural highs to the north and south, and Quaternary strata thin westward toward the Suffolk paleoshoreline, frequently referred to as the Suffolk Scarp. The Quaternary section is up to ~90 m thick, consists of a variety of estuarine, shelf, back-barrier, and lagoonal deposits, and has been influenced by multiple sea-level cycles. The temporal resolution of the amino acid racemization method is tested statistically and with the stratigraphic control provided by this geologic framework, and it is then applied to the correlation and age estimation of subsurface units throughout the region. Over 500 specimens (primarily Mercenaria and Mulinia) from the subsurface section have been analyzed using either gas chromatographic (GC) or reverse-phase liquid chromatographic (RPLC) techniques. The subsurface stratigraphic data are compared with AAR results from numerous natural or excavated exposures from the surrounding region, as well as results from NC beach collections, to develop a comprehensive aminostratigraphic database for the entire Quaternary record within the NC coastal system. Age mixing, recognized in the beach collections, is also seen in subsurface sections, usually where major seismic reflections or core lithology indicate the presence of stratigraphic discontinuities. Kinetic models for racemization are tested within the regional stratigraphic framework, using either radiocarbon or U-series calibrations or comparison with regional biostratigraphy. Three major Pleistocene aminozones [AZ2, AZ3, and AZ4] are found throughout the region, all being found in superposition in several cores. Each can be subdivided, yielding a total of at least eight stratigraphically and statistically distinct aminozones. Kinetic modeling, supplemented with local calibration, indicates that these aminozones represent depositional events ranging from ~80 ka to nearly 2 Ma. Three prominent seismic reflections are interpreted to represent the base of the early, middle, and late Pleistocene, respectively, roughly 2 Ma, 800 ka, and 130 ka. The large number of samples and the available stratigraphic control provide new insights into the capabilities and limitations of aminostratigraphic methods in assessing relative and numerical ages of Atlantic Coastal Plain Quaternary deposits. #------------------ # Publication # Authors: Laura L. Brothers, David S. Foster, Elizabeth A. Pendleton, Wayne E. Baldwin # Published_Date_or_Year: 2020-10-01 # Published_Title: Seismic stratigraphic framework of the continental shelf offshore Delmarva, U.S.A.: Implications for Mid-Atlantic Bight Evolution since the Pliocene # Journal_Name: Marine Geology # Volume: 428 # Edition: 106287 # Issue: # Pages: # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2020.106287 # Online_Resource: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0025322720301754 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Understanding how past coastal systems have evolved is critical to predicting future coastal change. Using over 12,000 trackline kilometers of recently collected, co-located multi-channel boomer, sparker and chirp seismic reflection profile data integrated with previously collected borehole and vibracore data, we define the upper (< 115 m below mean lower low water) seismic stratigraphic framework offshore of the Delmarva Peninsula, USA. Twelve seismic units and 11 regionally extensive unconformities (U1-U11) were mapped over 5900 km2 of North America's Mid-Atlantic continental shelf. We interpret U3, U7, U9, U11 as transgressive ravinement surfaces, while U1,2,4,5,6,8,10 are subaerial unconformities illustrating distinct periods of lower sea-level. Based on areal distribution, stratigraphic relationships and dating results (Carbon 14 and amino acid racemization estimates) from earlier vibracore and borehole studies, we interpret the infilled channels as late Neogene and Quaternary courses of the Susquehanna, Potomac, Rappahannock, York, James rivers and tributaries, and a broad flood plain. These findings indicate that the region's geologic framework is more complex than previously thought and that Pleistocene paleochannels are abundant in the Mid-Atlantic. This study synthesizes and correlates the findings of other Atlantic Margin studies and establishes a large-scale Quaternary framework that enables more detailed stratigraphic analysis in the future. Such work has implications for inner continental shelf systems tract evolution, the relationship between antecedent geology and modern coastal systems, assessments of eustacy, glacial isostatic adjustment, and other processes and forcings that play a role in passive margin evolution. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) # Grant: #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: United States Mid-Atlantic Coast # Location: North America>United States Of America # Country: United States Of America # Northernmost_Latitude: 40 # Southernmost_Latitude: 35 # Easternmost_Longitude: -73 # Westernmost_Longitude: -77 # Elevation: #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Wehmiller2021AAR # Earliest_Year: 2000000 # Most_Recent_Year: 0 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length: # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: one per line, shortname-tab-variable components (what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type,detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data, free text) # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # Table 5 from Wehmiller et al., 2021 (original publication) M1, Mu1, S1 etc refer to aminozones; age estimates in column N Holocene fill and shallow shelf deposits; mix of Holocene and late Pleistocene shells Site # (map in original publication) DGSID Site name AARDB ID Type of Collection 14C, ka* Astarte** Mercenaria Mulinia Spisula Rangia** Offshore seismic unit Onshore lithostratigraphic unit Stratigraphic age; comments 17 Pj45-01 DGS92-02 05119 Offshore core 0.72 Mu1 S1 Shoal? Hol 24 Qk53-03 Qk53-03 05183 Offshore core 1.88 Mu1 Shoal? Hol 80 Zz82-59 USGS-1423 05225 Offshore core 3.9 to 6.3 A1 M1 S1 Shoal Hol 16 Oj53-02 DGS07-17 05268 Offshore core 4.2 M1 Shoal? Hol 42 Ye51-a Wallops 6/1994 06203 Beach M1 Beach Hol 46 Zz82-dw Metompkin 2 5/2011 06234 Beach M1 Beach Hol 67 Zz82-87 VA-BOEM-2017-09 06276 Offshore core 0.74 S1 Shoal? Hol 60 Zz82-r North Parramore 4/1991 06196 Beach >44 M1 S2 Beach Hol and Late P mixed 59 Zz82-dz Cedar Island Oyster: 10/2006 06227 Beach M1 S1 S2 Beach Hol and Late P mixed 57 Zz82-dy Cedar Island shell 1: 10/2006 06228 Beach M1 M2 Beach Hol and Late P mixed 50 Zz82-dx Metompkin 1 5/2011 06233 Beach M1 M2 Beach Hol and Late P mixed 71 Zz82-i Wreck Island 5/2015 06236 Beach multiple M1 S2 Beach Hol and Late P mixed 74 Zz82-v Smith Island 5/2016 06251 Beach multiple M1 S2 Beach Hol and Late P mixed 86 Zz82-63 VA-BOEM-2015-01 06258 Offshore core 1.76; 31.4 Mu2 S1 Shoal? Hol and Late P mixed 61 Zz82-s North Parramore 11/1993 06202a Beach M1 M2 Beach Hol and Late P mixed 62 Zz82-dr North Parramore 11/1993 06202c Beach M1 M2 S1 S2 Beach Hol and Late P mixed MIS 2 incision; Cape Charles paleovalley; offshore unconformity 10 Late Pleistocene shelf, sub-barrier, paleovalley fill, and onshore units 21 Qj 31-20 BEB-17 05309 Inland core Mu2 Sinepuxent Late P 12 na Worton Pt 05009 Inland core ~ M2 Paleochannel fill Late P 19 Qj22-06 Qj22-06 05018 Inland core Mu2+ Sinepuxent Late P 23 Qj42-07 KAM-MB-80-8 05020 Inland core [Mu2+] Sinepuxent Late P 30 Uk33-01 MGS-16-1002 05056 Offshore core 51.6 A2 S2 Q2 Late P 34 Uk53-01 MGS-18-1142 05060 Offshore core 37.4 M3 (r) S1 S2 Q2 Late P 36 Vk21-01 MGS-20-1430 05065 Offshore core 48.5 A2 Mu2- S2 Q2 Late P 37 Wj32-01 MGS-27-1520 05075 Offshore core A2 Mu2 S2 Q2 Late P 8 Zz63-555 Edgewood Arsenal #81 05095 Excavation/ Exposure ~ M2 Paleochannel fill Late P 11 na Carroll Island 05096 Inland core ~ M2 Paleochannel fill Late P 25 Rl25-01 DGS92-16 05130 Offshore core 46.3 to >49.9 A2 M2 (M3) Mu2 S2 probable Q2 Late P 9 Zz63-ai Edgewood APG pit 05140 Excavation/ Exposure ~ M2 Paleochannel fill Late P 1 na New Jersey shelf Core 12 05166 Offshore core S2 MIS 3 or 5: Uptegrove et al. 2012 Late P 2 na NewJersey shelf Core 17a/R2 05168 Offshore core S2 MIS 3 or 5: Uptegrove et al. 2012 Late P 3 na NewJersey shelf Core 13 05169 Offshore core S2 MIS 3 or 5: Uptegrove et al. 2012 Late P 4 na New Jersey shelf Core 18 05170 Offshore core S2 MIS 3 or 5: Uptegrove et al. 2012 Late P 22 Qj32-10 Bethany #3 05296 Inland core [Mu2] Sinepuxent Late P 35 Vi14-01 Vi14-01 05393 Offshore core Mu2 probable Q2 Late P 68 Zz82-35 F-30 06010 Inland core M2 Nassawadox Late P 70 Zz82-36 Ch13 (Mixon Ch-13) 06011 Inland core M2 Mu2+ Nassawadox Late P 63 Zz82-34 SN (Mixon J-24) 06012 Inland core M2 Nassawadox Late P 65 Zz82-33 BN 06013 Inland core*** {Mu2] Wachapreague Late P 72 Zz82-37 CC (Mixon T-15) 06014 Inland core M2 Nassawadox Late P 73 Zz82-38 EC-1 (Mixon EC-1) 06015 Inland core M2 Nassawadox Late P 83 Zz82-l Gomez Pit 06058 Excavation/ Exposure [Mu2+] S2 Sedgefield Late P 7 na AMCOR 6020 06080 Offshore core A2 NJ shelf Late P 75 Zz82-60 Kiptopeake 06204 Inland core*** M2 Mu2 S2 Nassawadox Late P 45 Zh31-01 VA-BOEM-2015-08 06254 Offshore core A2 [Mu2?] S2 Q2 likely only 1 Mul Late P 47 Zz82-68 VA-BOEM-2016-11 06262 Offshore core A2 M2 Mu2+ Q2 base or older; mixing Late P 48 Zz82-69 VA-BOEM-2016-02 06263 Offshore core 46.6 M2 M3(?) Mu2+ Q2 base or older; mixing Late P 52 Zz82-71 VA-BOEM-2016-04 06265 Offshore core A2 M2 S2 Qbd or Qpp; mixing/lag deposit Late P 43 Yh54-01 VA-BOEM-2017-03 06270 Offshore core [Mu2+] S2 Q2 likely Late P 79 Zz82-83 VA-BOEM-2017-05 06272 Offshore core 6.65 M1 Mu2 Holocene over Q2 Late P; altered Q2 samples? 78 Zz82-84 VA-BOEM-2017-06 06273 Offshore core Mu2 Qmn Qcch Late P; lag deposit in Holocene? 76 Zz82-85 VA-BOEM-2017-07 06274 Offshore core M1 Mu2 S2 Q2 definite Late P 77 Zz82-86 VA-BOEM-2017-08 06275 Offshore core [Mu2+] S2 Q2 likely Late P 49 Zz92-92 VA-BOEM-2017-14 06281 Offshore core M2 M3? Mu2 Q2 with reworked sample (Qpp lower in core) Late P 58 Zz82-94 VA-BOEM-2017-16 06283 Offshore core M2 Mu2- Q2 unlikely at the depth of Mul data; Mixing? Late P 64 Zz82-100 PARGO4 06285 Barrier island core 29; >42 Mu2 Wachapreague Late P 29 Ui31-01 ASSGO2 06286 Barrier island core Mu2 Sinepuxent Late P 51 Zz82-102 CEDGO1 06287 Barrier island core Mu2 Wachapreague Late P 55 Zz82-103 CEDVO3 06288 Barrier island core Mu2- Wachapreague Late P 56 Zz82-104 CEDGO4 06289 Barrier island core Mu2 Wachapreague Late P 88 na CS80 07118 Inland core >39.7 M2 Mu2 S2 Sedgefield? Late P 91 na MLD-05 07572 Inland core Mu2 Sedgefield? Late P 81 Zz82-g Gomez Pit 06076a Excavation/ Exposure MIS 5 U-Th M2 S2 Sedgefield Late P 28 Uj35-03 MD-BOEM-15-03A 05380 Offshore core 44.8 A2 M1 M2 M3 Q2? mixing Late P? mixing Sections with Late Pleistocene over older Pleistocene units: Maryland and New Jersey shelves; superposed sections in VA and NC; and Eastville Paleochannel fill 33 Uj42-01 MGS-18-1230 05062 Offshore core M1 Mu2 Mu2.5 S2? Q1; Q2 Late and late middle P 32 Uj45-01 MGS-18-1248 05063 Offshore core Mu2 Mu3 S2 Q1 (?); Q2 Late and late middle P; Q1 uncertain because of limited seismic control 5 na 313 site 27 05291 Offshore core M4+ S2 NJ shelf Late over early P 6 na 313 site 29 05292 Offshore core >52 ka A2 M4+ S2 NJ shelf Late over early P 85 Zz82-ap PR#1 06192 Excavation/ Exposure M2 M3 S2 Pungo Ridge Late and middle P mixed 84 Zz82-m Gomez Sept 95 MS#2 06212 Excavation/ Exposure M2 M3 S2 Sedgefield Late and middle P 89 na Stetson Pit core 1 07077 Inland core*** Mu2 Mu3 Mu4 multiple Late to Early P 90 na Stetson Pit core 2 07127 Inland core*** Mu2 Mu3 Mu4 multiple Late to Early P 87 na East Lake Pit 07556 Excavation/ Exposure MIS 5 U-Th Mu2 Mu4 multiple Late and Early P 69 Zz82-21 Eyreville cores C & D 06261 Inland core Eastville Paleochannel fill Mu2+; Mu2.5 Nassawadox/ Stumptown Late middle & late P 94 na Cheriton East 06310 Inland core Eastville Paleochannel fill Mu2; Mu2.5 Nassawadox/ Stumptown Late middle & late P Incision of Eastville paleovalley (~MIS 6) and creation of offshore unconformity 8 Middle to Early Pleistocene paleovalley fill and onshore units 27 Zz63-ag Poplar Creek Bluff 05001 Excavation/ Exposure ~ M2 Paleochannel fill Middle P 26 Zz63-548 DCMD Taylors Island 05007 Inland core ~ M3 Paleochannel fill Middle P 10 Zz63-550 Edgewood-OE-3 05145 Inland core ~ M3 Paleochannel fill Middle P 15 Oj31-14 Silver Lake SB1 05212 Inland core Mu3 Omar Middle P 13 Oj11-05 REB-1 05227 Inland core Mu3 Omar Middle P 14 Oi25-39 REB-6 05228 Inland core Mu3 Omar Middle P 51 Zz82-f RRB 06018 Excavation/ Exposure ~ M3 Shirley Middle P 82 Zz82-g Gomez Pit 06076b Excavation/ Exposure M3 Sedgefield Middle P 66 Zz82-111 Exmore core 05081 Inland core Mu3 Exmore paleochannel fill Middle P Incision of Exmore paleovalley (~MIS 6) and creation of offshore unconformity 6 53 Zz82-e Norris Bridge 06000 Excavation/ Exposure M3/M4 Shirley Early/middle P 40 Xd43-01 Ts Corner 06002 Inland core M3/M4 Accomack Mbr, Omar Early/middle P 44 Zb24-01 Parksley 06008 Inland core M3/M4 Accomack Mbr, Omar Early/middle P 39 Xd45-01 MF 06004 Inland core M4 Accomack Mbr, Omar Early P 38 Xe31-01 CW-4 06009 Inland core M4 Accomack Mbr, Omar Early P 93 na MLD-01 07534 Inland core Mu4 Early P 92 na MLD-06 07707 Inland core Mu4 Early P Incision of Persimmon Point paleovalley and creation of offshore unconformity 4 41 Xe43-01 CWW - Chincoteague Water Well 06007 Inland core M4+ Yorktown Neogene